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1、山西爱晚中心项目简介山西爱晚中心项目简介SHANXI AIWAN Center Project Brief项目名称世纪爱晚山西置业有限公司“山西爱晚中心”项目建设单位:世纪爱晚山西置业有限公司注册地址:太原市迎泽大街100号能源国际中心2501室法定代表人:郑里志(总经理)公司类型:有限责任公司Project Introduction Project name: AIIWAN Investment Corporation (Shanxi)-Shanxi AIWAN central construction project Construction Unit: AIWAN Investment

2、Corporation (Shanxi) Registered Address: Room 2051, Energy International Center, No.100, Yingze Street, Taiyuan. Legal Representative: Zheng Lizhi(General Manager)Company Type: LLC公司简介世纪爱晚山西置业有限公司成立于2010年9月10日,注册资本5000.00万元。公司主要经营范围:投资管理;酒店管理;建筑工程施工总承包;销售日用品;旅游投资(不含旅游业务);电视节目策划;影视制作培训;房地产开发;销售自行开发的商

3、品房。 公司于2011年3月经国家爱晚授权,成立了“山西爱晚中心”,并在山西境内以实现“老有所养、老有所医、老有所教、老有所学、老有所为、老有所乐”的老年事业为己任,以市场化运营爱晚工程为实施主体,是规模化、集团化、产业化发展山西老年事业最具潜力,全面促进社会化养老服务产业的大型综合性企业。Company introductionAIWAN Investment Corporation (Shanxi) was set up in September 10th, 2010 with a registered capital of 50 million RMB. Its major busine

4、ss scope includes investment management, hotel management, constructional engineering general contract, commodity selling, tourist investment(not contain tourist business), TV program planning, film producing training, real estate development, self-developed commercial residential building selling.

5、Authorized by National AIWAN, the company set up AIWAN Shanxi Center in March, 2011. It takes business for the senior as its responsibility and devotes in Shanxi Province to realize that the senior can be supported, can enjoy medical care, receive teaching, have achievement and share entertainment.

6、By the implementation of the market-oriented AIWAN project, the large-scale comprehensive enterprise, AIWAN is the most promising enterprise to scalize, collectivize and industrialize Shanxi senior career.项目背景 山西爱晚中心项目,将太原西山绿化项目与爱晚工程项目相结合,致力于打造高端服务的爱晚居家养老现代化社区,从而实现高标准的绿化环境。爱晚城郊公园建成后,将为太原市民提供又一个高档次的休

7、憩场所。Project BackgroundThe project of Shanxi AIWAN Center combines the Xishan greening project in Taiyuan with AIWAN project in order to build the AIWAN home-based modern community with high-end service for the senior so that to realize a high standard green environment. The AIWAN Suburb Park under c

8、onstruction will provide a high-grade entertainment place for Taiyuan citizens. 爱晚城郊森林公园项目位于山西省太原市市区西南 20 公里,属晋源区管辖,东邻未来南部新城。所在山脉属于西山龙山山脉。本案位于太原市南部新城中心区西侧,太原市主要风景区及文物分布区域,其南接晋祠,东靠古晋阳城遗址,西为天龙山石窟,北邻蒙山大佛,是三晋文化发源的重要区域,在未来随着南部新城的发展,其作为城郊森林公园的潜力将进一步突显。Project Location AIWAN Suburb Forest Park located in t

9、he southeast of Taiyuan, Shanxi province, 20 miles away from the downtown where is under the administration of Jinyuan District, beside the south new town under construction. It is belonging to the Dragon Mountain of Xishan Mountain. The park will be at the west side of the south new town where is t

10、he major distribution area of scenery and historical relics with Jinci Temple at its south, the Ancient Jinyang relics at its east, the Tianlong Grotto at its west and the giant Buddha in Lemmon Mountain at its north. It is an important originated area for Shanxi culture. With the development of the

11、 south new town, the potential of this forest park will be more outstanding建设规模 项目合计新建建筑面积约285.65万,项目建成后将达到设计规模为年均进驻户数11920户,进驻人数约36954人。场区总面积为16698亩,其中生态绿化面积约为13863亩,占总面积的83%,建设用地面积约为2835亩,占总面积的17%。符合太原市人民政府办公厅关于加快西山城郊森林公园建设的实施意见(试行)的要求。Construction scaleThe project has a new construction area of 2

12、.8565 million . It will be endowed with a capacity of 11,920 tenants per year, stationed population will about 36,954. The total area will be 16,698 mu including a ecological greening area of 13,863mus (83% of the total area) and a constructive land of 2,835mus (17% of the total area). All of these

13、are in line with the requirement of Suggestions On Accelerating Construction of Xishan Suburb Forest Park by the General Office of the Peoples Government of Taiyuan (Trail Version)区位优势山西爱晚中心太原爱晚城郊森林公园,位于太原西山龙山公园处,项目紧临晋祠名胜景区、古晋阳城遗址、以及水域辽阔的晋阳湖景区,山峦叠嶂、植被茂密、交通便捷、区位优越,未来发展的前景灿烂。运营模式 山西爱晚中心太原西山爱晚城郊森林公园项目,

14、将通过自建、合作、融资建设等运营模式,拟分三期进行山西爱晚中心建设,每个周期为年,以滚动交叉式开发,逐步完善爱晚公园的景观绿化与爱晚养老中心的建设项目。Position AdvantageShanxi AIWAN Center AIWAN suburb Forest Park of Taiyuan is located in Taiyuan Xishan Park, adjacent to Jinci scenic spots, ancient Jinyang sites as well as the vast Jinyang Lake which is surrounded by thick

15、 wood mountain slope. It owns strategic location, convenient traffic and splendid prospects.Operation mode Shanxi AIWAN Center AIWAN suburb Forest Park of Xishan in Taiyuan, the three-round project will be completed through operation mode of self-building, cooperation and financing, each round for t

16、wo or three years. The AIWAN landscape design of the park and homes for the aged will be gradually completed by the means of progressive cross-development.项目总投资“山西爱晚中心”太原西山爱晚城郊森林公园,三期项目建设总投资额约为130亿元人民币。未来盈利情况根据山西爱晚中心太原爱晚城郊森林公园项目特点,拟采取0%以中高档联排公寓与别墅外售;30%作为爱晚养老项目长存服务,预计将在15年左右,除返还所有融资外,未来盈利情况将增超30%。未来

17、盈利情况山西爱晚中心太原爱晚城郊森林公园项目建成后,将极大缓解省城太原养老难的重大难题,取得良好的社会效益。The total investment of the projectShanxi AIWAN Center AIWAN suburb Forest Park of Xishan in Taiyuan, the total investment of the three-round project will reach 13 billion RMB.Future earningsAccording to the Shanxi AIWAN Center AIWAN suburb Fores

18、t Park of Xishan in Taiyuan, it plans to sell 70% high-grade platoon apartments and villa, among which 30% are used for AIWAN service for the aged. In addition to returning all financing, the future earnings are expected to increase by over 30% in the fifteen years or so.Social benefitShanxi AIWAN C

19、enter AIWAN suburb Forest Park of Xishan in Taiyuan, the completion of the project will greatly ease the major problem of endowment difficulty of provincial capital Taiyuan and obtain good social benefits. 自有资金及融资计划目前,山西爱晚中心太原西山爱晚城郊森林公园项目,2012年已自筹投入1.16亿元,今年拟自筹投资3亿元人民币进行绿化;拟自筹2亿元人民币进行项目建设与613亩用地等费用,

20、公园拟计划融资20余亿元人民币进行首期爱晚养老中心的整体建设Own funds and finance plansAt present, Shanxi AIWAN Center AIWAN suburb Forest Park of Xishan in Taiyuan, self-raised fund of 116 million was invested in 2012, and 3oo million RMB will be used for afforestation, 200 million RMB for project construction and will use 613

21、mu lands this year. 2 billion RMB will be used for the overall Shanxi AIWAN central construction project项目现状以及其他政策支持优惠条件 山西爱晚中心太原西山爱晚城郊森林公园的项目建设,太原市政府要求先完成绿化任务,近期将下达建设用地指标,以低于市场价优惠条件供给项目公司土地,极大地支持了爱晚养老事业的发展。目前,本项目已先期完成去年政府下达的绿化任务指标,今年初已在申请下达613亩建设用地指标,以加快推进山西爱晚中心的首期养老项目发展The Current Situation and ot

22、her government policy and relevant privilegeAIWAN Investment Corporation (Shanxi)-Shanxi AIWAN central construction project.The municipal government asked to complete greening first and issued standards construction land. The price of the land of the project is lower than the market price, which gre

23、atly supports the development of AIWAN endowment. At present, Afforestation index that the government issued last year has been completed ahead of time. At the beginning of this year, the application to 613mus of construction land index accelerates the endowment of Shanxi AIWAN central construction

24、project.建设内容(1)绿化景观区 对地块进行分析,分为可建设用地和绿化景观用地。山势较高的部分均做绿化景观区。该区内包括野外露营地、开放式景观水库、传统技艺交流中心、童子寺景区、皇姑洞、石门寺、龙山石窟与昊天观、伴云亭、观景平台、龙山滑雪场。该区以景观绿化为主,间或设置景观建筑。该区用地约13863亩Content of the construction (1)Greening landscape The land can be divided into construction land and greening landscape land. The higher parts ar

25、e used for landscape area, which includes a field camp, reservoir with open landscape, traditional arts exchange center, the Temple scenic spot, Huanggu cave, Shimen temple, Longshan grottoes, the Boundless Heaven, Banyun Pavilion, Sightseeing Stand, Mountain Long ski resort. The area remains predom

26、inantly greening landscape in appearance and set up landscape architecture. The area covers about 13863 mu.(2)A地块 悠闲都市生活区 该地块主要包括健康医疗服务中心、庆典广场、爱晚国际管理与展示中心,彩票娱乐中心、中国青年政治学院社会工作学院分院等。都市休闲区集多类型住区、城市商业区、城市广场和标志性建筑融为一体,是城市生活娱乐的中心。该地块的总用地为113.66万,经济技术指标如下(2)Land Parcel A: District of Leisure Urban Living D

27、istrict The areas include health care service center, celebration square, AIWAN International Management and Exhibition Center, Lottery entertainment center, Branch of China Youth University for Political Science School of social work . Urban leisure zones own residential areas of multiple types, th

28、e city business district, city square and landmark building, which is the center of city life and entertainment. Total land of the areas covers 1136600 square meters, economic and technical index is as follows:B地块 山谷私密别墅区山谷私密别墅区集高端别墅区、山坡公寓区、山野别墅区、俱乐部和社区中心等多种类型建筑为一体。该区域坐落于幽幽山谷之中,在满足现代都市人群亲近自然的同时,提供了高

29、品质的生活环境。该地块的总用地为16.6万平米,经济技术指标如下:(3) Land Parcel B Valley Private Villa District Valley private villa district combines high-end villa districts, hillside apartment districts, mountain villa districts, clubs and community centers together. Located in the secluded valley, this district satisfies urba

30、n citizens commanding for closing to nature. Meanwhile, it also provides high-quality living environment. Its project area amounts to 166,000. The economic technology indicators are as followed(4)C地块山林异域风情小镇 该地块以居住功能为主,配套完善的服务设施,并设置艺术家村和国际老年假日酒店。该区的居住部分充满了异域风情,参考瑞士的小镇模式。该地块的总用地为19.7万,经济技术指标如下:(4) La

31、nd Parcel C Mountains exotic townThe main function of this land is residence, with well-found service facilities, the artist village and the international senior holiday hotel. The living part of the area is full of exotic culture which referred to the mode of Swiss town. The land use of the project

32、 is 197,000, the economic and technical indicators are as follows:(5) D地块 文化体验休闲区文化体验休闲区包含传统文化的展示中心,家庭酒店,沿山形蜿蜒的古风街以及一部分住宅区。其中,为缓解与解决省城太原养老难的重大问题,爱晚城郊森林公园拟在该区设置公益性自理型养老住区、公益性半自理型养老住区,及酒店式公寓型养老住区等,以配合全国爱晚连锁互益大格局,实施候鸟式养老,形成全国爱晚养老服务的新型模式。该项目在每个养老主区拟设置1000个床位,三个住区共计设置3000个床位。该地块的总用地为39.03万,经济技术指标如下:(5) L

33、and Parcel D Cultural Experience Recreation Area The cultural experience recreation area covers the traditional exhibition center, family hotel, the antique street winding along the mountain, and part of the residential area. In order to relief and resolve the pension problem of Taiyuan, AIWAN Subur

34、b Forest Park proposes to found public welfare self care old-age pension apartments, public welfare semi-self care old-age pension apartments, serviced old-age pension apartments, etc, which may coordinate with the mutual beneficial pattern of the AIWAN countrywide chain. By the implementation of Mi

35、gratory birds pension plan, the new model of pension service of AIWAN countrywide chain will come into being. It plans to establish 1000 beds in every primary area. The number totals 3000 of the 3 apartments. Its project area amounts to 390,300. The economic technology indicators are as followed:(6)

36、辅助及公用工程 本项目建设的辅助及公用工程主要由公厕、水泵房、配电站、煤气站、换热站、污水处理站、场区道路、蓄水池(地下)、停车场等组成。(7)设备购置 本项目配套购置主要设备15000台(套)。 本项目主要建设内容详见表11。(6) Auxiliaries & Utilities The auxiliaries and utilities of this project are composed of public toilet, pumping station, gas station, heat transfer station, sewage treatment station, pl

37、ant road and reservoir (underground), parking lot, etc.(7) Equipment Purchase The purchase of the main equipment amounts to 15000(set). Check the details of the main construction content in attached table 1-1.资金投入计划资金投入计划本项目建设期为8年。建设总投资约为130亿元人民币,2013年-2014年投入资金约为30亿元,2015年-2016投入资金约为32亿元,2017年-2018

38、年投入资金约为33亿元,2019年-2020投入资金约为35亿元。资金筹措资金筹措建设投资1300038.9928万元,其中工程建设费1088856.00万元,工程建设其他费用71893.1008万元,基本预备费139289.8921万元。山西爱晚中心太原西山爱晚城郊森林公园项目,2012年已自筹投入1.16亿元; 2013年拟投资金3亿元人民币进行绿化,拟自筹资金2亿元人民币进行项目建设与613亩用地等费用,同时公园拟计划融资20余亿元人民币进行首期爱晚养老中心的整体建设。本投资估算中未考虑贷款费用,其利息以贷款实际发生年份计取。Capital investment planThe proj

39、ect construction period lasts 8 years, with a total investment of about 13.0 billion yuan. The investment from 2013 to 2014 is 3 billion yuan,from 2015-2016 is 3.2 billion yuan,from2017 to 2018 is 3.3 billion Yuan, from 2019-2020 is 3.5billion yuan.Fund raisingThe total project investment amounts to

40、 13.000389928 billion yuan, among which the construction fee 10.8885600billion yuan and the construction of other costs 0.718931008 billion yuan and the basic reserve fund 1.392898921 billion yuan.The project of “Shanxi AIWAN center” AIWAN suburb Forest Park of Xishan in Taiyuan had self-invested 0.

41、116billion yuan in 2012, in 2013 plans to invest 300million yuan for greening and self-invested 200million yuan for project construction and 613 mu of land and other expenses, at the same time, the park plans to finance more than 2billion yuan in the overall construction of the first phase of the Aiwan Pension center.Note: The IIDC is not contained in the investment budget and should be charged by actual costs.



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