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1、即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子_ _ _ _(托住婴儿的头托住婴儿的头) when you hold it. 答案:答案:Support the babys headThe proposal _ _ _ (得到得到(d do)很多支持很多支持) 答案:答案:obtained much support第1页/共45页第一页,共46页。2meanwhile adv.此时;同时此时;同时 Carls starting college in September.Meanwhile,hes travelling around Europe. 卡尔卡尔9月将开始大学生活。此间他将会环游欧洲月将开始大学生

2、活。此间他将会环游欧洲.剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 Theyll be here soon.Meanwhile well have some coffee. 他们即刻他们即刻(jk)就到,我们现在先喝点咖啡。就到,我们现在先喝点咖啡。 Meanwhile,my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. 与此同时,我的舌头忙于寻找被拔牙齿的伤口。与此同时,我的舌头忙于寻找被拔牙齿的伤口。即学即用即学即用完成完成(wn chng)句子句子Jane was writing a letter and _ _ _ _ _(与此

3、同时帕特在看电视与此同时帕特在看电视) 答案:答案:meanwhile Pat was watching TV第2页/共45页第二页,共46页。3determined adj.下决心的;果断的,决然的,坚定的下决心的;果断的,决然的,坚定的 【用法拓展】【用法拓展】 be determined to do sth.(状态状态)决心做某事决心做某事 determine to do sth.(动作动作)决定做某事决定做某事 determine do sth.使某人决定做某事使某人决定做某事 determine on/upon sth.决定做某事决定做某事 determine

4、ainst sth.使某人决定不做某事使某人决定不做某事 determination n坚定;果断,决断力;决心坚定;果断,决断力;决心 Im determined to get this piece of work finished today. 我决心今天完成这项工作。我决心今天完成这项工作。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 He was determined that his children should go to the best school available. 他决心让他的孩子尽可能上最好的学校。他决心让他的孩子尽可能上最好的学校。 She determined to go that ver

5、y afternoon.她决定就在那天下午走。她决定就在那天下午走。 My moms encouragement determined me to go on with my study. 母亲的鼓励使我决心继续学业母亲的鼓励使我决心继续学业(xuy)。 They have determined where the new school will be built. 他们已确定这所新的学校将建造在什么地方。他们已确定这所新的学校将建造在什么地方。 Demand determines supply. 需求决定供给。需求决定供给。第3页/共45页第三页,共46页。即学即用即学即用He left t

6、he place,_ never to come back. Adetermined Bto determine Cbeing determined Dhaving determined 答案:答案:A 【易混辨析】【易混辨析】 decide/determine/make up ones mind 这三个词都可作这三个词都可作“决心,决定决心,决定(judng)”,但各有差别:,但各有差别:decide侧重于侧重于 “决定决定(judng)”,其含义为,其含义为“不再迟疑不决,不再犹豫动摇不再迟疑不决,不再犹豫动摇”,其决定,其决定(judng) 多是取舍、是非、优劣等问题。多是取舍、是非、优

7、劣等问题。determine着重在着重在“决心决心”, 含义是把一件事确定下来,其确定的是事物的范围、性质、含义是把一件事确定下来,其确定的是事物的范围、性质、 内容等。内容等。be determined to do 表示表示“下定决心,毫不动摇下定决心,毫不动摇”, 语气较强,强调状态。语气较强,强调状态。make up ones mind强调决定强调决定(judng)的动的动 作,其后接不定式或从句。作,其后接不定式或从句。第4页/共45页第四页,共46页。即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子Tom _(决定决定(judng) to give a dinner party and the gu

8、est to be invited. 答案:答案:decided/determinedShe was _(决定决定(judng) to marry nobody but him. 答案:答案:determinedHave you _ _ _ _(决定决定(judng) where you are going for your holiday? 答案:答案:made up your mind第5页/共45页第五页,共46页。4land v赢得;获得;捞得赢得;获得;捞得 【用法拓展】【用法拓展】 land sb.with sth.要某人处理某事或承担重责要某人处理某事或承担重责(zhn z) l

9、and sth.使某人陷入困境使某人陷入困境 land up doing sth.终于勉强做某事终于勉强做某事 Hes just landed a senior editorial job.他刚刚轻而易举地他刚刚轻而易举地 得到了一份高级编辑的工作。得到了一份高级编辑的工作。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 I hope you dont mind me landing you with the children at such short notice. 我希望你不要介意我让你在短期内带孩子的工作。我希望你不要介意我让你在短期内带孩子的工作。 They landed up not only ha

10、ving to apologize but also offering to pay.他们最后不但同意道歉而且还要付款。他们最后不但同意道歉而且还要付款。即学即用即学即用He _ himself in hot water by lying to the tax office about his earnings. Amade Bdevoted Clanded Ddressed 答案答案(d n):C第6页/共45页第六页,共46页。5approach n途径,方法途径,方法 v靠近,接近,动手处理靠近,接近,动手处理(chl) I see its approaching lunchtime,s

11、o lets take a break. 午饭时间快到了,我们休息一下吧。午饭时间快到了,我们休息一下吧。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶 He is systematic in his approach to work. 他工作起来井井有条。他工作起来井井有条。第7页/共45页第七页,共46页。重点重点(zhngdin)短语短语1be suited to 合适,适宜合适,适宜 【用法拓展】【用法拓展】 suit v适合,适当适合,适当(shdng);对;对方便方便 suit oneself 由自己做主;我行我素由自己做主;我行我素 suit 使相配;使适合使相配;使适合 be suited f

12、or sth.有资格做有资格做; 适合做适合做 be suitable for 适合于适合于 It suits me if you come to work at eight oclock. 如果你八点来上班我就满意了。如果你八点来上班我就满意了。 A good teacher suits his lessons to the age of his students. 一位好老师使他的课适宜学生的年龄。一位好老师使他的课适宜学生的年龄。 第8页/共45页第八页,共46页。The car is not suited for a rough road.这汽车不适合在不平的路上行驶。With her

13、 qualifications and experience,she would seem to be ideally suited to/for the job.以她的资历(zl)和经验,她似乎非常适合这份工作。剑桥高阶即学即用即学即用In my opinion,this kind of dress _ professional women like you and me.Dont you think so? Adoesnt fit Bisnt fit for Cdoesnt suit Disnt suited for 答案答案(d n):C第9页/共45页第九页,共46页。2in real

14、ity事实上,实际上,其实事实上,实际上,其实 【用法拓展】【用法拓展】 turn.into reality 把把变为现实变为现实 bring.back to reality 使使面对现实面对现实 make.a reality 实现某事,落实某事实现某事,落实某事 We thought they had come to repair the phone,but in reality they were burglars. 我们认为他们是来修电话的,但事实上,他们是窃贼。我们认为他们是来修电话的,但事实上,他们是窃贼。 We must make the most of our school ti

15、me to turn all our dreams into realities. 我们必须充分利用我们的在校时光使我们的梦想变为现实。我们必须充分利用我们的在校时光使我们的梦想变为现实。 The failures in his career brought him back to reality. 他的事业失败使他面对现实。他的事业失败使他面对现实。 He seemed very young,but he was in reality(in fact)older than all of us. 他看上去很年轻,可实际上他比我们所有人年龄他看上去很年轻,可实际上他比我们所有人年龄(ninlng

16、) 都大。都大。剑桥高阶剑桥高阶第10页/共45页第十页,共46页。注意注意(zh y):“事实上事实上”的其他表达法:的其他表达法:即学即用即学即用I would like a job which pays more,but _ I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment. Ain other words Bon the other hand Cfor one thing Das a matter of fact 答案答案(d n):B第11页/共45页第十一页,共46页。3under pressure被迫,在强制下;在压力下被迫,在强制下;在压力下 【用

17、法拓展】【用法拓展】 under (the) pressure of 在在压力之下压力之下 put pressure on sb.给某人给某人(mu rn)施加压力施加压力 under the name of. 以以名义名义 under discussion 在讨论中在讨论中 under the circumstances在这种情况下在这种情况下 under attack遭受攻击遭受攻击 under construction在建设中在建设中 They are also under huge pressure to appear young and beautiful. 他们也承受着巨大的压力,

18、要显得年轻漂亮。他们也承受着巨大的压力,要显得年轻漂亮。 I cant see you this weekIm under pressure to get this report finished.我这星期没法见你我这星期没法见你我必须把这篇报告写完。我必须把这篇报告写完。即学即用即学即用Her health broke down under the _ of work. Aname Bconstruction Cumbrella Dpressure 答案答案(d n):D第12页/共45页第十二页,共46页。4come with 伴随伴随发生发生 【用法拓展】【用法拓展】 come abou

19、t发生发生 come across 偶遇;碰到偶遇;碰到 come along 进展;进步;进行;健康好转;有起色进展;进步;进行;健康好转;有起色 come down传递;传给;减价传递;传给;减价 come in流行;时髦;上市流行;时髦;上市 come by短暂访问;得到短暂访问;得到 come upon偶然遇见;上场;发展;开始偶然遇见;上场;发展;开始 come to苏醒过来;合计,达到苏醒过来;合计,达到 As our country develops,we must also remember the responsibilities that come with wealth

20、and prosperity.随着我随着我 们国家的发展,我们必须记住们国家的发展,我们必须记住(j zh)与财富和繁荣同时而来的责与财富和繁荣同时而来的责任。任。 How did these differences come about? 这些差别是怎样产生的?这些差别是怎样产生的? I dont think TV sets will come down this year,do you? 我看今年电视机的价格不会跌,你看呢?我看今年电视机的价格不会跌,你看呢?第13页/共45页第十三页,共46页。即学即用即学即用Please tell me how the accident _.I am

21、still in the dark. Acame by Bcame upon Ccame to Dcame about 答案:答案:D5in contrast 相比之下相比之下 【用法拓展】【用法拓展】 by contrast with和和成对照成对照(duzho);和;和比起来比起来 gain by contrast对比之下显出优点对比之下显出优点 in contrast with和和形成对比形成对比 in contrast to和和形成对比形成对比 Their economy has expanded enormously,while ours, by/in contrast,has de

22、clined. 他们的经济快速增长,相比之下,我们的经济则滑坡了。他们的经济快速增长,相比之下,我们的经济则滑坡了。 剑桥高阶剑桥高阶第14页/共45页第十四页,共46页。6go about 【用法拓展】【用法拓展】 go about something着手做某事着手做某事 How do you go about repairing this telex machine? 你怎样着手修理你怎样着手修理(xil)这架电传机?这架电传机? Whats the best way of going about this? 这事儿怎么做才最好呢?这事儿怎么做才最好呢?剑桥高阶剑桥高阶即学即用即学即用翻译

23、句子翻译句子我们该怎样我们该怎样(znyng)着手做这件工作?着手做这件工作? _ _ 答案:答案:How can we go about this work?第15页/共45页第十五页,共46页。7follow up 把把贯彻到底;对贯彻到底;对采取进一步行动采取进一步行动 【用法拓展】【用法拓展】 followup名词名词 n. (1)后续行动后续行动 (2)(对病人的对病人的)随访随访 (3)后续报导后续报导 形容词形容词 adj. (1)再度的;增补再度的;增补(zngb)的;后续的的;后续的 (2)(对病人对病人)随访的随访的 He failed to follow up my su

24、ggestion. 他没有照着我的建议做下去。他没有照着我的建议做下去。 The idea sounded interesting and I decided to follow it up. 这个想法听起来很有趣,我决定要作进一步的了解。这个想法听起来很有趣,我决定要作进一步的了解。 剑桥高阶剑桥高阶第16页/共45页第十六页,共46页。重点重点(zhngdin)句子句子1Similarly,many ordinary jobs may look dull,but they are as essential as water to our society.同样地,很多普通的工作同样地,很多普

25、通的工作 可能看起来乏味,但是对我们社会来说却像水一样是不可可能看起来乏味,但是对我们社会来说却像水一样是不可 缺少的。缺少的。 【用法拓展】【用法拓展】 to表示当事人对某事的主观看法表示当事人对某事的主观看法(kn f),多和形容词连用,意思为,多和形容词连用,意思为 “对于对于(某人某人),对,对来说来说”。 A is to B what C is to D. A对对B而言正如而言正如C对对D一样。一样。 He said that money was not important to him. 他说钱对他并不重要。他说钱对他并不重要。 I am to them what the moon

26、 is to stars. 我和他们的关系就如月亮和星星一样。我和他们的关系就如月亮和星星一样。 A net is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter. 渔网和渔民的关系就如猎枪和猎人一样。渔网和渔民的关系就如猎枪和猎人一样。第17页/共45页第十七页,共46页。即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子The PLA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 军民军民(jnmn)鱼水情。鱼水情。 答案:答案:is to the people what fish is to water第18页/共45页第十八页,共46页。2.,and more and more

27、 employers say they prefer to hire graduates who have taken a gap year rather than those who stay in education system and go straight from school to university.而且越来越多的雇而且越来越多的雇 主说,他们更喜欢雇用主说,他们更喜欢雇用( yn)有一年实践经验的毕业生,而不愿雇有一年实践经验的毕业生,而不愿雇用用( yn)中学中学 毕业后待在教育系统内直接上大学的那些毕业生。毕业后待在教育系统内直接上大学的那些毕业生。 【句子分析】【句子

28、分析】 该句是一个由该句是一个由and连接的并列分句,连接的并列分句,and后面的分句是一个主谓宾结后面的分句是一个主谓宾结 构,构,say后面省略了连接词后面省略了连接词that,that从句中含有从句中含有prefer to do.rather than do “更喜欢更喜欢,而不是,而不是” 句型,而句中有两个由句型,而句中有两个由who引引 导的定语从句,分别修饰导的定语从句,分别修饰graduates和和those。 【用法拓展】【用法拓展】 prefer to do.rather than do “更喜欢更喜欢,而不是,而不是” prefer doing/to do sth.宁愿做

29、某事宁愿做某事 prefer do sth.宁愿某人做某事宁愿某人做某事 prefer (doing) (doing) sth.宁愿做宁愿做而不愿做而不愿做 prefer that.更愿意更愿意(后跟虚拟语气后跟虚拟语气)第19页/共45页第十九页,共46页。I prefer to walk to work rather than go on the crowded bus.我宁愿步行上班而不愿挤公交车。我宁愿步行上班而不愿挤公交车。Which do you prefer,rice or bread?米饭和面包你愿意米饭和面包你愿意(yun y)吃什么?吃什么?I w

30、ould prefer rice.我宁愿吃米饭。我宁愿吃米饭。 I prefer him to do it in another way.我希望他用另一种办法去做。我希望他用另一种办法去做。 We prefer that we (should) have the discussion after the lecture.我们宁愿我们宁愿一听完报告就讨论。一听完报告就讨论。即学即用即学即用Rather than _ on a crowded bus,he always prefers _a bicycle. Aride;ride Briding;ride Cride;to ride Dto ri

31、de;riding 答案答案(d n):C 第20页/共45页第二十页,共46页。语法语法(yf)精讲精讲英语中的明喻与暗喻英语中的明喻与暗喻一、明喻一、明喻(simile) 明喻明喻(simile)是比喻是比喻(by)的一种,是对一两种具有共同特性的一种,是对一两种具有共同特性的事的事 物或现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体的相似关系,两者都物或现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体的相似关系,两者都 在对比中出现。常用的比喻在对比中出现。常用的比喻(by)词有:词有:like,not unlike,it was a bit like,as,as if,as though,as it were,as com

32、parable to,may be compared to,similar to,akin to, be analogous to,be something of等。共分三种类型:描写等。共分三种类型:描写 型型(descriptive),说明型,说明型(illustrative)和启发型和启发型(illuminative)。1描写型明喻描写型明喻 I know it helped put me at ease when I felt like the new kid at school at my first economic summit in Ottawa in 1981. 1981年,

33、在渥太华第一次参加经济首脑会谈,当时我觉得年,在渥太华第一次参加经济首脑会谈,当时我觉得 自己好似一个刚上学的学童。我知道这帮我变得从容不迫自己好似一个刚上学的学童。我知道这帮我变得从容不迫.第21页/共45页第二十一页,共46页。 He is something of a political chameleon. 他有点像政治上的变色龙。他有点像政治上的变色龙。 Too many professionally prepared resumes read like a pitch from an oldtime snakeoil pedlar. 雇请职业枪手代写的履历念起来往往都带有老式江湖郎

34、中的推销雇请职业枪手代写的履历念起来往往都带有老式江湖郎中的推销 口吻。口吻。2说明说明(shumng)型明喻型明喻 这一类型的特点是通过具体的形象说明这一类型的特点是通过具体的形象说明(shumng)复杂、抽象的复杂、抽象的概念或过程概念或过程. Carlos Lehder was to cocaine transportation what Henry Ford was to cars.卡洛斯卡洛斯雷德与可卡因贩运的关系,正如同亨利雷德与可卡因贩运的关系,正如同亨利福特与汽福特与汽 车的关系。车的关系。3启发型明喻启发型明喻 其特点是通过暗示性的联想其特点是通过暗示性的联想(suggest

35、ive association)启发人们洞察启发人们洞察 深层的内涵。所设的比喻不一定能够直接理解,必须思索,方能深层的内涵。所设的比喻不一定能够直接理解,必须思索,方能 豁然,有一种言近意远的效果。豁然,有一种言近意远的效果。第22页/共45页第二十二页,共46页。二、暗喻二、暗喻(metaphor) 以此物隐喻彼物,将某一事物以另一个与其相似的事物来表以此物隐喻彼物,将某一事物以另一个与其相似的事物来表 达,是一种含蓄的比喻,暗示有比较,但又不充分说出这种比达,是一种含蓄的比喻,暗示有比较,但又不充分说出这种比 较。如:较。如:the key to the mystery(即解开奥秘的方法

36、就像开门的即解开奥秘的方法就像开门的 钥匙钥匙(yo shi)一样一样);the light of knowledge(知识之光知识之光);to have a stone face(表情呆板表情呆板)等。暗喻不用比喻词,但可以用等。暗喻不用比喻词,但可以用be动词或者只动词或者只 用逗号、破折号将本体和喻体连起来。用逗号、破折号将本体和喻体连起来。 This gives the muscles of your lens and it is a chance to shift position,a sort of “get up and stretch” period.(句中句中“get up

37、and stretch”是暗喻,用人起身伸懒腰比喻肌肉放松,没有用是暗喻,用人起身伸懒腰比喻肌肉放松,没有用 比喻词比喻词) The green plant is a kind of food factory. (把绿色植物说成一种食物工厂把绿色植物说成一种食物工厂) The next day he had a very red face. 第二天他非常尴尬第二天他非常尴尬(脸红暗指不好意思脸红暗指不好意思)。第23页/共45页第二十三页,共46页。语法语法(yf)专练专练Decide which of the following sentences are similes and which

38、 are metaphors.1My love is like a red,red rose._ 答案答案(d n):simile2Its raining cats and dogs._ 答案答案(d n):metaphor3He loved camping,and his job was like a holiday for him._ 答案答案(d n):simile4Here the job is compared to a holiday to express the person really enjoys his work and finds it relaxing._ 答案答案(

39、d n):simile第24页/共45页第二十四页,共46页。5The day we passed together for a while seemed a bright fire on a winters night._ 答案答案(d n):simile6You are like a hurricane:theres calm in your eye,but Im getting blown away._ 答案答案(d n):simile7You are as blind as a bat._ 答案答案(d n):simile8He is as happy as a clerk._ 答案答

40、案(d n):simile9Im not as timid as a rabbit._ 答案答案(d n):simile10As a business person,you cant be a mouse.You have to be a tiger._ 答案答案(d n):metaphor11You cant be a timid person.You should be a brave person._ 答案答案(d n):metaphor第25页/共45页第二十五页,共46页。12For lawyers,a courtroom is a battlefield._ 答案答案(d n):m

41、etaphor13A lawyer is compared to a fighter.He must fight to win cases here._ 答案答案(d n):simile14Going to work every day became a chore for him,and he could hardly wait to find a new and exciting job._ 答案答案(d n):metaphor15Work is compared to a chore.This work is boring and the speaker is tired of it._

42、 答案答案(d n):simile 第26页/共45页第二十六页,共46页。怎样快速捕捉主题句怎样快速捕捉主题句( (四四) )【方法技巧】【方法技巧】主题句位于主题句位于as a resultas a result,thereforetherefore,soso,in conclusionin conclusion,toto sum upsum up等信息词后。你要知道等信息词后。你要知道(zh do)(zh do),这些表示结论性信息,这些表示结论性信息词后,通常就会出现文章的主题句了。词后,通常就会出现文章的主题句了。第27页/共45页第二十七页,共46页。【实例【实例(shl)验证】验

43、证】 The government of India encourages married men and women to be sterilized so they cannot have more children.In China,families can be punished for having more than one child.Both of these countries have very large populations,and if the number of people continues to increase,there will not be enou

44、gh food,houses,or jobs for the people.As a result,India,China,and other populous countries are following a familyplanning policythey want families to limit the number of children they will have.Teachers,doctors and social workers are explaining to the people why they should have fewer children by us

45、ing birth control methods such as contraception(避孕避孕) and sterilization(节育节育)第28页/共45页第二十八页,共46页。Which statement best expresses the main idea of the paragraph?ASome populous countries are following a familyplanning policy.BIndia and China have very large populations.CThe government of India encourag

46、es sterilization.DIn China,families are punished for having more than one child.答案答案(d n):A第29页/共45页第二十九页,共46页。【实践应用【实践应用(yngyng)】 Throughout the history of the arts,the nature of creativity has remained constant to artists.No matter what objects they select,artists are to bring forth new forces and

47、 forms that cause changeto find poetry where no one has ever seen or experienced it before. Landscape(风景风景) is another unchanging element of art.It can be found from ancient times through the 17thcentury Dutch painters to the 19thcentury romanticists and impressionists.In the 1970s Alfred Leslie,one

48、 of the new American realists,continued this practice.Leslie sought out the same place where Thomas Cole,a romanticist,had produced paintings of the same scene a century and a half before.Unlike Cole who insists on a feeling of loneliness and the idea of finding peace in nature,Leslie paints what he

49、 actually sees.In his paintings,there is no particular change in emotion,and he includes ordinary things like the highway in the background.He also takes advantage of the latest developments of color photography to help both the eye and the memory when he improves his painting back in his workroom.第

50、30页/共45页第三十页,共46页。 Besides,all art begs the ageold question: What is real? Each generation of artists has shown their understanding of reality in one form or another.The impressionists saw reality in brief emotional effects,the realists in everyday subjects and in forest scenes,and the CroMagnon cav

51、e people in their naturalistic drawings of the animals in the ancient forests.To sum up,understanding reality is a necessary struggle for artists of all periods. Over thousands of years the function of the arts has remained relatively constant.Past or present,Eastern or Western,the arts are a basic

52、part of our immediate experience.Many and different are the faces of art,and together they express the basic need and hope of human beings.第31页/共45页第三十一页,共46页。What is the authors opinion of artistic reality? AIt will not be found in future works of art.BIt does not have a longlasting standard.CIt is

53、 expressed in a fixed artistic form.DIt is lacking in modern works of art.答案答案(d n):B第32页/共45页第三十二页,共46页。There are plenty of jobs _ in the western part of the country.(2008浙江,浙江,12)Apresent Bavailable Cprecious Dconvenient解析解析(ji x):available意为意为“可得到的,可利用的可得到的,可利用的”。句意为:。句意为:在这个国家的西部地区,有很多工作可找。在这个国家

54、的西部地区,有很多工作可找。答案:答案:B例例1教材原文教材原文(yunwn)对照对照In this article ,I am going go discuss some of the options available to you and whether popular careers (P2)第33页/共45页第三十三页,共46页。I wonder how much you charge for your services.The first two are free _ the third costs $30.(2009安徽,安徽,22)Awhile Buntil Cwhen Dbe

55、fore解析:考查解析:考查(koch)连词的用法。根据句意,这里表示前后连词的用法。根据句意,这里表示前后句之间的对比,所以用句之间的对比,所以用while,表示,表示“而而”。语意是。语意是“前面两项前面两项服务是免费的,而第三项收费服务是免费的,而第三项收费30美元美元”。答案:答案:A例例2教材原文教材原文(yunwn)对照对照Some jobs may seem very dull but are very important to society, while others can (P2)第34页/共45页第三十四页,共46页。You have no idea how she f

56、inished the relay race _ her foot wounded so much.(2008福建,福建,34)Afor Bwhen Cwith Dwhile解析:此处是解析:此处是with复合宾语结构复合宾语结构(jigu)。其余三项为连。其余三项为连词,后接句子,如用它们,词,后接句子,如用它们,wounded前应加前应加was。答案:答案:C例例3教材教材(jioci)原文对照原文对照In reality, these people have to spend long hours travelling, with all their baggage packed in

57、suitcase or trunks,(P2)第35页/共45页第三十五页,共46页。I havent seen Ann for _ long that Ive forgotten what she looks like.(2008四川,四川,1)Asuch Bvery Cso Dtoo解析解析(ji x):由句意:由句意“我那么久没见安了,以致于我已忘了她长得什我那么久没见安了,以致于我已忘了她长得什么样了么样了”及句中引导结果状语从句的连接词,可知用及句中引导结果状语从句的连接词,可知用so.that.结构。结构。答案:答案:C例例4教材教材(jioci)原文对照原文对照Its set u

58、p so that the interviewer can assess the interviewee and (P18)第36页/共45页第三十六页,共46页。As his best friend,I can make accurate guesses about _ he will do or think.(2008上海,上海,34)Awhat Bwhich Cwhom Dthat解析:解析:guess about表示表示“猜测猜测”,其后跟的应该是宾语从句。由于,其后跟的应该是宾语从句。由于do or think为及物动词短语,故空格为及物动词短语,故空格(kn )处既要引导宾语从句,

59、又处既要引导宾语从句,又要在从句中作宾语使用,故可排除要在从句中作宾语使用,故可排除that;由于没有明确的范围,故可;由于没有明确的范围,故可排除排除which;从句意看该处应指物而不指人,故可排除;从句意看该处应指物而不指人,故可排除whom。答案:答案:A例例5教材原文教材原文(yunwn)对照对照Next, think about what they are going to ask you. (P18)第37页/共45页第三十七页,共46页。My brother is really _.He often works in his office far into the night.(

60、2008天津,天津,2)Aopenminded Bhardworking Cselfconfident Dwarmhearted解析:解析:openminded思想开明的,坦率的;思想开明的,坦率的;hardworking勤勤劳的,努力工作劳的,努力工作(gngzu)的;的;selfconfident自信的;自信的;warmhearted热心肠的。句意为:我弟弟真是能干,他经常热心肠的。句意为:我弟弟真是能干,他经常在办公室里工作在办公室里工作(gngzu)到深夜。到深夜。答案:答案:B例例6教材教材(jioci)原文对照原文对照We had some wood, nails, hammers, a few spades and a lot of hardworking people. (P31)第38页/共45页第三十八页,共46页。感谢您的观赏(gunshng)!第45页/共45页第四十五页,共46页。内容(nirng)总结即学即用。多是取舍(qsh)、是非、优劣等问题。以她的资历和经验,她似乎非常适合这份工作。to cars.卡洛斯雷德与可卡因贩运的关系,正如同亨利福特与汽。以此物隐喻彼物,将某一事物以另一个与其相似的事物来表。感谢您的观赏第四十六页,共46页。



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