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1、Chapter 1Introduction: Diversity in the Marketplace2000 Prentice HallKEY TERMSConsumer behaviorConsumer researchDeontologyMarket segmentationMarketing conceptMarketing ethicsOrganizational consumerPersonal consumerSocietal marketing conceptTeleology Utilitarianism 2000 Prentice HallPLAN OF THE BOOKT

2、he book is divided into four parts.Part I gives an Introduction to the Study of Consumer Behavior.Part II discusses the Consumer as an Individual.Part III examines Consumers in their Social and Cultural Settings.Part IV synthesizes all of the variables discussed earlier into the Consumer Decision-Ma

3、king Process.2000 Prentice HallLEARNING OBJECTIVESDefine Consumer Behavior.Explain why we study Consumer Behavior.Identify the two major approaches to the study of Consumer Behavior.Describe the importance of the development of Consumer Behavior.Understand the development of the marketing concept.Di

4、scuss the role of Ethics in marketing.Describe the two major groups of ethical theories. Identify the three major influences on the development of business ethics.Understand the relationship of ethics and social responsibility.2000 Prentice HallConsumer ResearchMethodology used to study consumer beh

5、avior.2000 Prentice HallMarket SegmentationThe process of dividing a potential market into distinct subsets of consumers and selecting one or more segments as a target market to be reached with a distinct marketing mix.市场细分2000 Prentice HallPersonal ConsumerThe individual who buys goods and services

6、 for his or her own use, for household use, for the use of a family member, or for a friend. (Also referred to as the Ultimate Consumer or End User.)2000 Prentice HallOrganizational ConsumerA business, government agency, or other institution (profit or nonprofit) that buys the goods, services, and/o

7、r equipment necessary for the organization to function.2000 Prentice HallConsumer Behavior as an Academic Discipline and an Applied ScienceFactors that contributed to the growing interest in consumer behavior:accelerated rate of new product developmentconsumer movementpublic policy concerns转基因enviro

8、nmental concerns垃圾分类the opening of national markets throughout the world2000 Prentice HallConsumer BehaviorThe behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products, services, and ideas.2000 Prentice HallThe Marketing ConceptTo be successful, a co

9、mpany must determine the needs and wants of specific target markets and deliver the desired satisfactions better than the competition.2000 Prentice HallMarketing ConceptA consumer-oriented philosophy that suggests that satisfaction of consumer needs provides the focus for product development and mar

10、keting strategy to enable the firm to meet its own organizational goals.2000 Prentice HallThe Scope of Consumer BehaviorHow do individuals make decisions to spend their resources (time, money, effort).Includes: what they buy, why they buy it, when they buy it, where they buy it, how often they buy i

11、t, and how often they use it.How do individuals dispose of their once-new purchases.Includes: do they store it, throw it or give it away, sell it, rent it, or lend it out?2000 Prentice HallConsumer BehaviorsInterdisciplinary Roots跨学科理论基础Consumer Behavior borrows from psychology, sociology, social ps

12、ychology, anthropology.All factors combine to form a comprehensive model that reflects both the cognitive and emotional aspects of consumer decision making.2000 Prentice HallA Simplified Model of Consumer Decision MakingThe decision-making process can be viewed as three interlocking stages:The input

13、 stage:marketing effortssociological influencesThe process stage:psychological factorsThe output stage:purchase behaviorpostpurchase evaluation2000 Prentice HallFirms Marketing Efforts1. Product2. Promotion3. Price4. Channels of distributionSociocultural Environment1. Family2. Informal sources3. Oth

14、er noncommercial sources4. Social class5. Subculture and cultureOutputProcessInputExternal InfluenceConsumer Decision MakingPostdecision BehaviorPostpurchase EvaluationPurchase1. Trial2. Repeat purchaseNeed RecognitionPrepurchase SearchEvaluation of AlternativesPsychological Field1. Motivation2. Per

15、ception3. Learning4. Personality5. AttitudesExperienceFigure 1-1A Simple Model of Consumer Decision Making2000 Prentice HallEthics in MarketingUnethical practices occur at every level of the marketing mix:in the design of the products, in packaging, in pricing, in advertising, and in distributionThe

16、re are two different types of theories:teleological theories and deontological theories2000 Prentice HallTYPES OF UNETHICAL MARKETING BEHAVIOR EXAMPLESPRODUCTSafetyManufacture of flammable stuffed animalsShoddy goodsProducts that cannot withstand ordinary wear and tearInadequate warrantiesWarranties

17、 with insufficient time or parts coverageEnvironmental pollutionDumping hazardous wastesMislabeled productsFlavored sugar water sold as apple juice for babiesDevelopmentBribery of FDA officials to secure agency approval of generic pharmaceuticalsManufacturingUnauthorized substitutions in generic dru

18、gs after FDA approvalBrand “knock-offs”Counterfeit branded goods sold as genuine brandsPRICEExcessive markupsHigh prices used by retailers to connote qualityPrice differentiationYield-management pricing of airline tickets, resulting in day- to-daydifferential pricing of adjacent seatsPrice discrimin

19、ationFavored pricing to preferred racial or ethnic groupsPACKAGINGDeceptive quantitiesSome marketers use “packaging-to-price” tactics that mask a decrease in product quantity while maintaining the same price and traditional product sizeTable 1.1 Unethical Marketing Behavior2000 Prentice HallPROMOTIO

20、NExaggerated claimsRazor blade manufacture advertises that its razors offered “the closest shave known to man”Tasteless advertisingSexual innuendoes and gender disparagementInappropriate targetingInner-city billboards for luxury productsDeceptive advertisingAds for cereal claiming it prevents heart

21、diseasePersuasive role modelsCelebrity spokespersons in beer, liquor, or cigarette ads targeted to for inappropriate youths productsNave audiencesBillboards for cigarettes and alcohol in poor urban neighborhoods, where many people are dying from related causesAds on childrens TV for nutritionally un

22、sound productsCaptive audiencesMandatory viewing of TV commercials by students in schools subscribing to closed channel newscastsTelemarketingOffers of fabulous prizes in return for credit-card purchases of touted goodsDISTRIBUTIONFraudulent salesPhony markdowns based on “kited” retail list pricesBa

23、it-and-switch tacticsLuring consumers with ads for low-priced merchandise and switching them to higher-priced modelsDirect marketingDeceptive, misleading product size and performance claimsTable 1.1 continued2000 Prentice Hall2000 Prentice Hall2000 Prentice Hall12则虚假广告被集中曝光则虚假广告被集中曝光2012-03-09 新华网新华

24、网 nancy 3月8日,上海工商部门通过其官方微博发布2010年第一号虚假违法广告公告,集中曝光“江中牌儿童健胃消食片”等12则典型虚假违法广告案例。 其中,江西江中医药贸易有限责任公司发布的广告宣称,其产品“江中牌儿童健胃消食片 ”的销量为“每天卖出71万盒”。经工商部门调查,这一数字与事实严重不符,属于欺骗和误导消费者。 此外,“复旦名师精品课程”超经营范围提供教育培训服务,并夸大宣传教师资质和教学效果;广东启德教育服务有限公司上海分公司虚称是“澳大利亚、英国、美国等上千所院校授权的官方招生代表”;阿一海鲜酒家(上海)有限公司利用互联网站发布团购广告,将冰鲜龙虾宣传为“空运鲜活”,将苏州

25、生产的拉面宣传为“日本稻庭拉面”,均违反了广告法的相关规定。据统计,2011年 上海工商部门共查处虚假违法广告案件2000多件,罚没金额近4000万元。工商部门提醒消费者,在看广告或购买商品时,不要轻信违背常理常识的宣传内容,增强自我保护意识。2000 Prentice HallShopliftingSwitching price tagsReturning clothing that has been wornAbusing products and returning them as damaged goodsRedeeming coupons without the requisite

26、purchaseRedeeming coupons that have expiredReturning products bought at sale and demanding the full-price refundSealing belts from store clothingCutting buttons off store merchandiseReturning partially used products for full store creditAbusing warranty or unconditional guarantee privilegesDamaging

27、merchandise in a store and then demanding a sales discountDuplicating copyrighted materials without permissionTable 1.2 Unethical Consumer Practices2000 Prentice HallTeleology目的论目的论An ethical philosophy which considers the moral worth of a behavior as determined by its consequences.2000 Prentice Hal

28、lUtilitarianism实用主义实用主义A teleological theory summarized best by the idea of “the greatest good for the greatest number.”2000 Prentice HallDeontology道义论道义论An ethical philosophy that places greater weight on personal and social values than on economic values.2000 Prentice Hall影片华尔街之狼麦道夫黑洞简述-庞氏骗局指美国历史上

29、数额最大的诈骗案,因作案者为“大慈善家、社会的支柱、代表华尔街品质”的纳斯达克前董事会主席麦道夫而得名,其行骗时间长达20年、数额高达500亿美元。其手法就是利用传统的“庞氏骗局”手法行骗。“庞氏骗局”是金字塔传销的模板之一,是一种非法集资,得名于查尔斯庞兹,其实质就是“借钱还钱”,整个行骗过程并没有实质的利润产生,投资者的回报完全是后来者新资金及自己扩大再投资带来的钱。2000 Prentice HallEthics and Social ResponsibilityCorporate Codes of EthicsTrade Associations Codes of EthicsMiss

30、ion-Based Social Goals2000 Prentice HallFigure 1.2 Example of a Company Policy Statement Stressing Social Responsibility2000 Prentice Hall2000 Prentice HallThe Societal Marketing ConceptAll companies prosper when society prospers.Companies as well as individuals, would be better off it social respon

31、sibility was an integral component of every marketing decision.Requires all marketers adhere to principles of social responsibility in marketing of their goods and services.2000 Prentice HallSocietal Marketing ConceptA revision of the traditional marketing concept that suggests that marketers adhere

32、 to principles of social responsibility in the marketing of their goods and services; that is, they must endeavor to satisfy the needs and wants of their target markets in ways that preserve and enhance the well-being of consumers and society as a whole.2000 Prentice Hall讨论讨论1。根据消费者行为的定义,说出你今天发生的消费行

33、为(信息搜寻,购买,使用,处置)2。请列举违法广告有哪些?关于广告的公共政策是怎样受到消费者行为研究的影响的?什么是公共政策?3。影响消费者行为的因素有哪些?请回忆并叙述近期观看过的影视剧并说明其中影响消费者行为的因素。2000 Prentice Hall作业作业1。各列举一个定量研究(survey, experiment, observation)和定性研究(foucs group, case study, depth interview, participated observation)的例子,说明其研究目的和结论,总结实证主义和解释主义在研究目的,研究方法,研究前提假设上的差异。2。请

34、介绍一项此前进行的实证研究的过程,包括研究目的,二手数据的使用,研究设计,数据收集,报告撰写的全部过程,并展示该研究论文或研究报告。(仅主题发言的展示小组需要完成此两题)2000 Prentice Hall3。每组提供一项每天一点数据解读,洞察消费提供一项每天一点数据解读,洞察消费者行为及其影响因素,由展示组组织讨论讨论推荐阅读网址及材料:-可取自学术期刊-第34次CNNIC中国互联网发展统计报告-果壳网/科学松鼠会亦可来取自影视剧剧情2000 Prentice Hall4。请列举一项消费者行为研究的研究目的(中英文文献均可),并由下次课展示组请将本班同学收集的研究目的制成列表列表,进行初步分析分析英文参考期刊:Journal of consumer behaviorjournal of advertisingjournal of marketing researchjournal of marketing



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