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1、Unit 3A taste of English humour必必 修修 4 4栏目导航知识要点导航知识要点导航知识要点点击知识要点点击知识要点巩固知识要点巩固知识要点知识要点导航导航重点单词1_ adj.满足的;满意的n满足vt.使满足2_ prep.遍及;贯穿adv.到处;始终;全部3_ vt.& vi.战胜;克服4_ vt.& vi.嚼碎;咀嚼(食物)5_ adj.突出的;杰出的;显著的6_ n姿态;手势vi.做手势7_ n时刻;场合8_ n预算;开支9_ vt.& vi.(使)滑动;(使)滑行n滑;滑动;幻灯片10._ n耳语;低语vt.& vi.低语;小声说11_ adj.巨大的;辽

2、阔的12_ n脏或乱的状态13_ adj.醉的contentthroughoutoverechewoutstandinggestureoccasionbudgetslidewhispervastmess drunk 重点单词14_ n幽默;滑稽_ adj.幽默的;滑稽的15_ adj.忧愁的;沮丧的_ adj.使人沮丧的_ n沮丧;不高兴16_ n表演者;演出者_ v表演;执行_ n演出;执行17_ vt.使惊诧_ adj.令人感到惊讶的_ adj.感到惊讶的_ n惊讶18_ adj.幸运的;吉利的_ n财富;幸运_ adv.幸运地_ adv.不幸地19_ vt.& vi.使欢乐;款待_ ad

3、j.愉快的;有趣的_ n款待;愉快;娱乐活动20_ adj.用旧的;用坏的;破烂的_ v穿;戴;消耗;磨损_ adj.磨破的;穿旧的humo(u)rhumo(u)rousdepresseddepressingdepressionperformerperformperformanceastonishastonishingastonishedastonishmentfortunatefortunefortunatelyunfortunatelyentertainentertainingentertainmentwornwearwornout重点单词21_ n失败(者)_ v失败22_ vt.使信服

4、_ adj.令人信服的_ adj.确信的;深信的23_ vt.& vi.导演;指示;指挥adj.直的;直接的;直率的_ n导演_ n方向;指导_ adv.& conj.直接地;立即24_ adj.特殊的;特别的n细节;细目_ adv.特殊地;特别地25_ vt.使发笑;使愉快_ adj.好笑的;有趣的_ n消遣;娱乐(活动)26_ n解释;讲解;说明_ v解释;说明27_ adj.多山的;山一般的_ n山脉;山地;山28_ vi.作出反应;回应_ n反应,感应 failurefailconvinceconvincingconvinceddirectdirectordirectiondirect

5、lyparticularparticularlyamuseamusingamusementexplanationexplainmountainousmountainreactreaction重点短语1_ 直到现在2_ 对满足3_ 穷的;缺少的 4_ 挑出;辨别出5_ 切断;断绝 6_ 在担任主角;主演7_ 特别;尤其 8_ 偶然获得;收听;好转 up to nowfeel/be content withbadly offpick outcut offstar inin particularpick up语法要点动词的ing形式作表语、定语和宾语补足语作表语:The acting is so c

6、onvincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted! (教材P18)作定语:He grew more and more popular as his charming character, the little tramp, became known throughout the world.(教材P18)作宾语补足语:How did the little tramp make a sad situation entertaining? (教材P18) 知识要点点击知识要

7、点点击1 1contentadj.满足的,满意的n内容;目录;容量;满足vt.使满足Are you going to be content always _ (drift) with the stream?难道你总是满足于随大流吗?She dropped her purse and the _ (content) fell out on the floor.她的钱包掉了,里面的东西散落在地板上。We should never content ourselves _ book knowledge only.我们永远不要仅仅满足于书本知识。to driftcontentswith2 2astoni

8、shvt.使惊诧They _ (astonish) to find the driver was a sixyearold boy. 令他们吃惊的是,开车的居然是个6岁的小男孩。Much to my _ (astonish), she still remembered my name!使我万分惊讶的是,她仍然记得我的名字!China is developing at an _ (astonish) speed, and will soon be one of the most powerful countries in the world.中国正以惊人的速度发展,不久将成为世界上最强大国家之一

9、。were astonishedastonishmentastonishing3 3convincevt.使(人)信服;使相信He became _ (convince) that his illness was purely imaginary: that made it none the better. 他逐渐相信了自己的病纯粹是想象出来的,但那也没有让他的病情有任何好转。You need to convince your interviewer _ your ability to master the work.你需要让你的面试官相信你有驾驭这份工作的能力。His mother has

10、been trying to convince him _ (see) a doctor.他母亲一直设法说服他去看医生。convincedofto see4 4directvt.& vi.导演;指挥;指示;带领;管理;控制adj.直的;直接的;直率的adv.直接地【一词多义】 写出下列句中direct的含义。The old man is willing to stand on the bend and direct the traffic._I like to make friends with anyone who is open and direct. _The general manag

11、er directed the pany through a difficult time. _He directed five Shakespearean plays. _指挥 坦诚的 带领;指导 导演 The singing group is _ the direction of Mr Blair.合唱团是由布莱尔先生指挥的。When the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all _ (direct). 警察到来时,人群向四处散去。_ (direct) the teacher came in everyone was quiet.老师一进来大

12、家就都安静了。underdirectionsDirectly5 5particularadj.特殊的;特别的;挑剔的(1)be particular about对讲究/挑剔(2)in particular尤其;特别;格外(3)particularly adv.尤其;特别地;特殊地aboutparticularly1 1badly off 穷的;缺少的We arent too _ (bad) off but we cant afford a house like that.我们并不是一文不名,但我们负担不起那样的房子。The school is rather badly off _ books

13、and equipment.这所学校相当缺乏书籍和设备。If he had worked harder when young, he would be _ (good) off now.如果他年轻时多努力一点,现在就能过得舒服些。badlyforbetter2 2pick out挑出;辨别出;领会【一词多义】 写出下列句中pick out的含义。At once I picked out my elder brother in the crowd. _I have to pick out its meaning with the help of an English translation. _

14、A petition was held to pick out the best table tennis players. _辨别出,认出 领会 挑出 3 3cut off切断;剪下;断绝(水、电、煤气等)供应cut away 砍掉;剪掉;逃走;跑开cut down 砍倒;砍伤;砍死;削减,缩减cut in 插嘴;打断(谈话)cut out 剪除;切掉;删除;省掉cut up 切碎;使伤心When you give a speech, youd better cut _ unimportant details.当你演讲时,最好删掉那些不重要的细节。She was really cut _ w

15、hen all her friends refused to help her.当所有的朋友都拒绝帮助她时,她真的很难过。outup【句式点拨】leave 表示“使处于某种状态”时,常用于“leave宾语宾补”的结构,其中宾补这一成分可以由过去分词、现在分词、不定式、形容词、名词或介词短语等来充当,即:“leave宾语宾补”意为“使处于某种状态”(1)leave sb doing sth让某人一直做某事(宾语和宾补之间是主谓关系,表示动作正在进行)(2)leave sth undone 留下某事未做(宾语和宾补之间是动宾关系,表示被动和完成,一般与undone, unfinished, unsettled, untouched 等搭配)(3)leave sb to do sth留下某人做某事(4)leave sth to be done 留下某事要做(不定式表示将来的动作)另外,此句中“leaving the family even worse off”是v.ing作(结果)状语。to be done untouchedto do



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