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1、佳作晨背 高分来自积累 经典语篇 Miss Brown曾经在你上初中时教过你们班的英语口语。现在你校打算请她在今年暑假期间来担任你校暑期英语夏令营的口语教师。假如你是李华,学校请你根据以下要点给她写一封信,内容包括: 1英语夏令营时间是2016 年7月2日到8月2日; 2上午两节英语口语课,要准备好不同的话题和学生进行交流; 3下午主要是一些室外活动,如野餐、游览公园、打羽毛球; 4希望 Miss Brown 能接受邀请。 注意: 1.词数100左右, 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:英语夏令营English summer camp Dear Mi

2、ss Brown, How are you? My name is Li Hua, whom you taught oral English when I was in junior high school._ _ _ I am looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 高分范文 Dear Miss Bro wn, Ho w are you? My name is Li Hua, whom you taught oral English when I was in junior high school . Now_we_are

3、_so_honored_to_invite_you_to_come_to_our_school_to_be_an_oral_English_teacher_for_the_English_summer_camp_during the_summer_vacation. Now I am informing you of some details about the activity. The camp will be scheduled to start on July 2nd, 2016 and end on August 2nd, 2016. In the morning you will

4、give two oral English classes so you are expected to get ready for different topics to communicate with the students. Besides, there are mainly outdoor activities in the afternoon, such as picnicking, visiting parks and playing badminton, in which we hope to get a better understanding of each other.

5、 I hope you will accept the invitation and have a happy summer holiday. I am looking forward to your reply . Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【句子改写】用过去分词作宾补改写范文中加黑的句子 Now I am keeping_you_informed_of some details about the activity. 佳句仿写 佳句1:Now we are so honored_to invite you to come to our school to be an

6、oral English teacher for the English summer camp during the summer vacation. 仿写1:有此机会与你们会晤,我深感荣幸。 I_feel_deeply_honored_to_have_the_opportunity_to_meet_with_you. 佳句2:Now I am informing_you_of some details about the activity. 仿写2:你的地址若有变动请及时通知我们。 Please_inform_us_of_any_changes_of_your_address_in_tim

7、e. 佳句3:The camp will be_scheduled_to start on July 2nd,2016 and end on August 2nd,2016. 仿写3:我们学校预计在今年6月份举行英语演讲比赛。 Our_school_is_scheduled_to_hold_an_English_speech_contest_in_June_this_year. 基础回顾 知识贵在梳理 单词联想 1conclusion n结论 conclude v下结论 2aim n. & v目标;以?为目标 aimless adj .漫无目的的 3react vi.(化学 )反应 react

8、ion n反应 4contract vi. & n收缩; (订)合约 5float vi.漂浮 6expand vi.膨胀 expansion n扩张;扩大,膨胀 7mixture n混合物 mix vt.混合 8 electricity n 电 electric adj .电的; 用电的 electrical adj .与电有关的;电气化的 9balance n天平;平衡balanced adj .平衡的 10 lecture n演讲 lecturer n演讲者 11 astonished adj .吃惊的;惊愕的astonishing adj .令人吃惊的 astonish vt.使吃惊

9、astonishment n惊奇 12 equipment n设备;装备equip vt.装备;配备 13 partial adj .部分的;局部的part n部分;角色 14 ordinary adj .普通的;平常的extraordinary adj .异乎寻常的 15 form vi. & n形成;形式formal adj .正式的 短语识记 1be proud of 为?感到自豪 2be supposed to 应当;理应 3four fifths 五分之四 4react with sth. 与?产生反应 5win the Nobel Prize 获诺贝尔奖 6first- class

10、 scientists 一流的科学家 7add to 往?加入? 8used_to 过去常常 9in the area of 在?领域 10 put.in order 把?按顺序排列 11 at the top/bottom 在顶部 /底部 12 make sure 确保 13 be different from 不同于 14 think of 想起 15 for example 例如 句式仿写 1Two thirds of the earths surface is water. 解读 分数作主语时其谓语动词的单复数依分数所表示的名词而定 仿写 这个班三分之一的学生是男生。 One_thir

11、d_of_the_students in the class are boys. 2Its hard to think of a world without metals. 解读 It is 形容词 (of/for sb)to do sth. 仿写 对我们来说这么短的时间完成工作是很困难的。 It_is_difficult_for_us_to_finish the work in such a short time. 3The closer you are,the more youll see. 解读 the 比较级, the 比较级“越?就越?” 仿写 你学习越用功,你的进步就越大。The_

12、harder you work, the_more_progress youll make. 课文填空 a _1_ is hard to think of _2_ world It uses without metals. Different metals have different _3_(use). When we use metals, its _4_(importance) to know important with how they react _5_ different substances, for example, reaction water and oxygen. Th

13、e _6_(react) of metals with these substances can _7_(put) in order. Here is a simple be put scientific _8_(science) experiment about iron. The _9_(conclude) is that iron doesnt rust in dry air and conclusion but air- free water, _10_ rust in ordinary water. 第一版块第一版块 |融会融会6个考纲单词个考纲单词 1ordinary adj.普通

14、的;平常的;平庸的;平淡的 They are ordinary people like you and me. 他们是像你我这样的普通人。 The meal was very ordinary. 这顿饭平淡无奇。 【易混辨析】 common, ordinary, general, normal与usual common 强调“常见的;不足为奇的;普通的”。 ordinary 强调“平常的;平淡无奇的”。 general 意为“普通的;一般的”。 normal 意为“正常的;正规的”,形容人或者物符合常态或者常规。 usual用来指事物,意为“通常的;惯常的”,含有随风俗或者习惯而常常发生之意。

15、 Flu is common in winter. 流感在冬天很常见。 His ordinary supper consists of only bread and milk. 他通常的晚餐不过是面包和牛奶。 This book is intended for the general readers, not for the specialists. 这本书是为一般读者写的,不是为专家写的。 Its normal to feel tired after such a long trip. 在这样一次长途旅行后感到疲劳是正常的。 The plane did not fly the usual c

16、ommercial route. 飞机没有沿通常的商业航线飞。 活学活用 用ordinary, common, usual, normal填空 (1)We are open during normal working hours. 我们在正常的上班时间都开门营业。 (2)Today he came earlier than usual,_for it was not an ordinary day. 他今天来得比平常早,因为今天不是一个平常的日子。 (3)The plants are common here. 这些植物在这里很普遍。 (4)His temperature was two deg

17、rees above normal. 他的体温比正常体温高两度。 2expand v 膨胀,扩张,扩大;展开 归纳拓展 expand sth.扩大,扩展某物 expand on/upon详述,进一步说明 an expansion of sth.?的扩大/膨胀,?的详述 /展开 .the idea has since expanded to many other American cities, and even to Hong Kong. ?自那以后, 这种理念已扩展到美国众多城市,甚至传到香港。 Payne later expanded on his initial statement, s

18、aying he hadnt meant it the way it sounded. 佩恩后来对他最初的声明进行了解释,说那句话表面的意思并非他的本意。 This novel is an expansion of a short story he wrote about forty years ago. 这部小说由他约40年前写的一篇短篇小说扩展而成。 【词语辨析】 expan扩大,扩张。不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的d 扩大 伸出,延伸。指空间范围的扩大以及长度、宽度的朝外extend 延伸,也可指时间的延长 展开,传播。指使某物摊开、展开或消息等向四面八方spread 传播开,着重

19、于传播和散布 伸开,拉长,变松。一般指由曲变直、由短变长的伸展,stretch 而不是加长。强调形状的变化 Water expands as it freezes. 水结冰时会膨胀。 The forest extended in all directions as far as the eye could see. 森林向四面延伸,一望无际。 Lets spread the map out on the floor. 咱们把地图摊开铺在地板上吧。 My big, blue sweater has stretched completely out of shape. 我那件蓝色大毛线衫已经宽松得

20、完全脱了形。 活学活用 用expand, extend, spread,stretch 的适当形式填空 (1)The hot weather extended to October. (2)Water expands when it freezes. (3)He stretched his body full. (4)The fire soon spread to the nearby building. 3 aim n 目标,目的(可数名词 );瞄准,对准(不可数名词 ) v瞄准,对准;目标在于 归纳拓展 achieve ones aim 达到某人的目标 take aim at sth. 瞄

21、准?;对准? with the aim of .目的是? aim at/be aimed at (doing) sth. 瞄准,对准;目标在于? aim to do sth./be aimed to do sth.旨在做某事 aim the gun at 把枪瞄准 without aim(aimlessly)无目的地;无目标地 The main aim of the course is to improve students communication skills. 这门课程主要的目的是提高学生的交际技能。 Research is being done with the specific a

22、im of monitoring customer trends. 做这个研究的特定目的是为监测客户的动向。 This brief book is aimed at high school students, but speaks to anyone learning at any stage of life. 这本简明扼要的书是面向高中学生的,但也面向任何一位在任何人生阶段学习的人。 Im aiming to lose 4 kg before the summer holidays. 我的目标是暑假前体重减掉4公斤。 活学活用 完成句子 广告商和服务商都把目标瞄准在福州大学城里的手机用户。

23、Advertisers and service providers take aim at the mobile phone users in Fuzhou University Town. 解析: take aim at“瞄准 ”。 4form vt.&vi.形成;排列 n形式,形状;表格,格式 归纳拓展form a club 成立俱乐部form the habit of 养成?的习惯 in the form of 以?形式,呈?状态fill in/out a form 填表格take the form of 采取?的形式,以?的形式出现 /存在Within weeks of the rac

24、e, Henry Ford formed a new automobile company. 赛后没几周,亨利福特就组建了一家新的汽车公司。 We should form a good habit to keep healthy. 我们应该养成好习惯以保持健康。 Cars pollute the air in the form of waste gas. 汽车以废气的形式污染空气。 Fill in the form and send it back with your cheque. 填好表格,然后连同支票一起寄回来。 活学活用 完成句子 (1)Please fill_in/out_the_f

25、orm in black ink. 请用碳素笔填写表格。 (2)China welcomed foreign aid in_the_form_of material and cash. 中国政府欢迎以物质和现金形式的外国援助。 5add vt. & vi.增加;增添;补充说 add up sth./add sth. up把?加起来,up为副词,宾语若为代词应置于中间。 add up to(come to, total)加起来总和是,总共有,不用于被动语态,后常跟表示数字的词作宾语。 add to( increase) 增加;增添 add.to.把?加到 (进)?里 add that 补充说?

26、The fire is going out; will you add some wood? 火快熄了,请你加些木柴好吗? “Dont be late,” she added. “别迟到,”她补充说。 Add up all the money I owe you, please. 请把我欠你的钱全部加起来。 The numbers add up to exactly 100. 这些数字的总数恰好是100 。 Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night. 焰火使节日的夜晚生色。 Shall I add your name to

27、the list? 我可以把你的名字加入名单吗? The professor told us to make notes of key points, adding that they would be included in the examination papers. 教授告诉我们要记下要点,并且补充说这些要点会在考卷中涉及。 活学活用 用add 及add 的短语完成句子 (1)Add a few more names to the list. (2)If the tea is too strong, add some more water. (3)I should like to ad

28、d that we are pleased with the result. (4)These figures dont add_up right. (5)The three angles of a triangle add_up_to 180. 6astonish vt. 使惊诧 (1)astonish sb. with/by sth. 用某事使某人惊讶 be astonished at/by sth. 对某事感到惊讶 be astonished to do sth. 惊讶地做某事 (2)astonished adj .感到吃惊的 astonishment n惊讶 to ones aston

29、ishment 使某人惊讶的是 in astonishment 吃惊地 It astonishes me that he could be so thoughtless. 我真没有料到他会如此轻率。 It was quite astonishing that they didnt go to church tonight. 令人感到惊讶的是他们今天晚上没有去教堂做礼拜。 To our great astonishment, the boss wasnt astonished at the astonishing news at all. 使我们非常吃惊的是,老板对这个令人吃惊的消息一点儿也不吃

30、惊。 活学活用 用astonish, astonishment, astonishing填空 (1)Much to our astonishment,_the lazy boy won the contest. (2)We were astonished to hear of her sudden death. (3)China is developing at an astonishing speed, and will soon be one of the most powerful countries in the world. 第二版块第二版块 |贯通贯通3个核心短语个核心短语 1ke

31、ep.out of.使? 进不去;不让? 进入;把 ? 挡在外面 I have always tried to keep out of their quarrel. 我总是尽可能的不卷入他们的争吵中。 I have had a bad cold. Youd better keep away from me. 我得了重感冒,你最好离我远点。 You wont be able to keep the truth from her father. 你是瞒不了她父亲事实真相的。 Its hard to keep up with the changes in computer technology. 要

32、跟上电脑技术的变化是很难的。 They kept back some of his wages to pay for the damage. 他们扣下他的一部分工资以赔偿损失。 keep away from 避开,不接近 keep sb. from(doing) sth. 阻止某人做某事 keep.in mind 记住 keep in touch with 与?保持联系 keep up (with) 跟上;不落在后面 keep off 让开,避开 keep on doing sth. 继续做某事 keep back 阻止;隐瞒;扣留 keep an eye on 照管;照看;密切注视 keep

33、 to 坚持;保持;固守 活学活用 A certain percentage of your salary is kept back by the employer as an ensurance payment. 2be supposed to 应当;理应 归纳拓展It is supposed that. 认为?be supposed to be sth.被相信是?,被认为? suppose/supposing?if?假设,假定I dont suppose ?that ? 我以为?不会?I suppose so/not.我想可以 /不可以。Everyone is supposed to we

34、ar a seat belt in the car. 坐车时每个人都应该系安全带。 It was generally supposed that it would not happen again. 一般都认为此事不会再发生。 Look, suppose you lost your job tomorrow, what would you do? 哎,假设你明天丢掉了工作,你会怎么办呢? I dont suppose that hell agree. 我认为他不会同意。 活学活用 语法填空 What are you doing out of bed, Tom? Youre supposed (

35、suppose) to be asleep. 解析: 句意: 汤姆, 你不在床上,在干什么呢?你该睡觉了。be supposed to do sth.“应该做某事 ”,等同于 should do sth. 3put.in order 使? 有条理;使 ? 整齐 You should put the files in order. 你应当把文件都归放整齐。 You will need to study for many years in order that you may become a brain surgeon. 你必须读很多的书,才能成为脑外科医生。 All these library

36、 cards are out of alphabetical order. 这些图书卡的字母顺序都乱了。 He placed the bookstore an order for the book. 他向书店订购那本书。 I worked hard in order to earn enough money to buy a house. 我努力工作是为了挣足够的钱买座房子。 The office ordered that all the soldiers (should) stand in line. 军官命令所有的士兵站成排。 in order 有序的 (地) out of order 无

37、序的 (地);杂乱无章的(地) in good order 井然有序 in bad order 乱七八糟 in order to do sth.?以便? in order that.?by order of 奉?的命令 place an order for sth. 订购某物 keep order 维持秩序 order( v.)that- clause(从句中 should v.) 活学活用 Mother was always scolding him for leaving things out_of order, but to her satisfaction, he put them i

38、n_order today. 第三版块第三版块 |突破突破2个高考句型个高考句型 1The closer you are, the more youll see. 你站得越近,看到的就越多。 “the 比较级., the 比较级.”为固定句式,表示“?越?就越?”。 其中第一个句子相当于一个条件句,第二个句子相当于主句。如: The sooner, the better.越早越好。 The more you talked, the less attention he paid to you.If you talked more, he paid less attention to you. 你

39、说得越多,他越不注意听你讲。 比较级 and 比较级 该句式是一种“双重比较”的结构。表示持续不断的变化过程,意思是“越?越?”。句型是:-er and -er/ 不规则形式比较级;形容词或副词的前面加more 构成比较级时,句型是:more and more 形容词 /副词。既可以是同一个词比较级的重复出现,也可以是两个不同的词比较级的出现。 活学活用 完成句子 (1)The_later,the_worse(越晚越糟糕 ) (2)The harder you work, the_more_progress(进步就越大)youll make. 2It is hard to think of a

40、 world without metals. 很难想像一个没有金属的世界。 (1)It is adj .to do sth.干某事是?, 本句中 it用做形式主语,真正主语为动词不定式。 (2)It is adj .for sb. to do sth.某人干某事?,该句式中作表语的形容词说明不定式行为的性质和特点,常见的有:easy, important, difficult, possible, necessary等。 (3)It is adj .of sb. to do sth.某人干某事?,该句式中,作表语的形容词表达不定式的逻辑主语的品行、性格或性质,常见的有: kind, nice,

41、 good, honest, careful, clever, wise, stupid, foolish, rude等,往往这种形容词可与sb. 构成主 (系)表关系。 (4)It is adj ./n.that- clause (5)It is no good/use doing sth. It is impossible for him to sleep on such a small bed. 他睡在这么小的床上是不可能的。 It was careless of him to leave his umbrella in the store. 他真粗心,把伞忘在那个商店里了。 Its a pity that George cant make it to the party. 真遗憾,乔治不能来参加这次聚会。 It is no good talking without doing anything. 只说不做是没有好处的。 It is no good trying persuading him to join us. 试图说服他加入我们是没有用的。



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