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1、chopsticksglasssteelcoinblousesilverforkcottonfairIs this table made of wood?No, it isnt . Its made of class.Whats this?Its a table.Whats it made of?Its made of paper. Whats this?Its a science book.What is this called ?It is called a painting.What is it made from ?It is made from grass ,leaves and f

2、lowers.茶原为中国南方的嘉木,茶叶作为一种著名的保健饮品,它是古代中国南方人民对中国饮食文化的贡献,也是中国人民对世界饮食文化的贡献。三皇五帝时代的神农有以茶解毒的故事流传,黄帝则姓姬名荼,荼即古茶字。茶属于山茶科,为常绿灌木或小乔木植物,植株高达1-6米。茶树喜欢湿润的气候,在我国长江流域以南地区有广泛栽培。茶树叶子制成茶叶,泡水后使用,有强心、利尿的功效。茶树种植3年就可以采叶子。一般清明前后采摘长出4-5个叶的嫩芽,用这种嫩芽制作的茶叶质量非常好,属于茶中的珍品。茶与可可、咖啡并称当今世界的三大无酒精饮料,为世界三大饮料之首。无论国内国外每天都有不计其数的人会饮茶。2d Liste

3、n and answer the questions.1.What are they talking about?2.What places are mentioned in their talk?3.Why do people drink tea according to Liu Jun?They are talking about Chinese tea.Anxi and Hangzhou.Because tea is good for both health and business.(1)(1)老舍因老舍因茶馆茶馆而闻名。而闻名。Lao She was _ _ his play, Te

4、ahouse. (2)(2)周杰伦是一位有才能的歌手。周杰伦是一位有才能的歌手。Jay Chou is _ a talented singer. known/ famous for known/famous as1) My brother likes to smile very much. He seems _ all day. A. happy B. to happy C. be happy D. is happy 2) 根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子 ( 每空一词每空一词 ) 格林夫人似乎喜欢这款长裙。格林夫人似乎喜欢这款长裙。 Mrs. Green _ _ _ this typ

5、e of dress. It _ that Mrs. Green _ this type of dress.Aseemstolikeseemslikes3) It _ a good idea at that time. 当时那看起来好像是个好主意。当时那看起来好像是个好主意。 4) She _ right. 看起来她好像是对的。看起来她好像是对的。 seemed like seems to be Practicing in groups is good _ us to learn English. A. at B. in C. forEnglish is my favorite subject

6、, and I am good _ it. A. for B. to C. at D. of I think drinking milk every morning is good _ our health. - Yes. I agree _ you. A. to; to B. with; to C. at; with D. for; withCCDAccording the passage complete the blanks.1. Chinese _ tea both in the past and now. 2. _ I know, tea plants _ on the sides of mountains. 3. When the leaves are ready, they _ by hand and then _ for processing. is famous forAs far asare grownare pickedare sent4. The tea _ and sent to many different countries and places around China. 5. People say that tea _ _ health _ business! is packedis good forboth and



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