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1、语法填空训练语法填空训练(一一)Many people are wondering if it is safe to talk on the cellphones while driving. Most of people think that the use of cellphones should 1 (ban) while they are driving, 2 in that case accidents can easily happen.A growing number of states are making rules to keep young drivers 3 using

2、 cellphones while they are driving. When there is 4 car accident, police officers will find out 5 any of the drivers is using a cellphone. There have been some very bad car accidents 6 (cause) by drivers being distracted by cellphones. Drivers sometimes forget to watch the road 7 (careful) when they

3、 are using their phones. 8 paying attention to the road can be dangerous, even deadly.It is important for drivers to focus 9 the road. They need to pay attention to 10 is going on around them. So, stop using your cellphones while driving.Keys:1.be banned2.because3.from4.a5.if/whether6.caused7.carefu

4、lly8.Not9.on10.what语法填空训练语法填空训练(二二)It was my first day in Hangzhou, the Chinese city famous for its natural beauty and history and I didnt have much time to spare. I wanted to see 31 much of the city as possible in the two days 32 I was to return to Guangzhou. My first task was to decide where to go

5、 and 33 to get there. I took out my guide book in which there was a lot of information about the citys well-known tourist 34 (attract) and started to read. At that moment an attractive young lady 35 noticed my book came up to me and introduced 36 . She said her name was Miss Bai and she kindly offer

6、ed to show me 37 the city. I was delighted and was about to accept her proposal when she suggested we first 38 (go) to the West Lake and walk along the Broken Bridge. I quite liked the idea of visiting the West Lake but wasnt so sure about crossing the Broken Bridge. 39 it was broken, did she expect

7、 me to jump across? And I couldnt swim, so if I fell in then I would drown. That was definitely not an attractive idea so I politely declined her invitation, 40 (close) my book and walked away. Keys:31. as 32. before 33. how 34. attractions 35. who/that 36. herself 37. around 38. go 39. If/Since/As

8、40. closed语法填空训练语法填空训练(三三)I was always told that the three Ps, patience, positive thinking and perseverance(毅力), were a sure path 31 success. But this advice does not always work as planned. My high school maths exam is one example. The exam, 32 was originally to be held in our classroom, 33 (change

9、) to the library at the last minute. This, 34 , didnt bother me because maths had always been my strongest subject. I patiently walked to the library, took my seat and did some deep breathing to help relax 35 . But my mood quickly changed when I saw 36 first question. I had no idea how to do it. I t

10、ried to stay positive and persevered 37 I finally found the solution. With the problem 38 (solve), I felt proud of my achievement. 39 (fortunate), I then noticed that I had just 10 minutes left 40 (complete) the rest!Keys:31. to 32which 33. was changed 34however 35. myself 36the 37. until 38solved 3

11、9. Unfortunately 40to complete语法填空训练语法填空训练(四四)Deciding what present you should give someone is never easy. Many things must be considered such as 31 the person is interested in and how old he is. We must also consider the reaction of the person 32 (receive) the gift. One of the 33 (bad) gift choices

12、 I ever made was for my high school English teacher, Ms Chen. Ms Chen 34 (teach) me English since Junior 1, and to show my 35 (appreciate) I decided to get her a present. I asked my classmates about her interests 36 I made my final decision. Then I went to the department store 37 I worked part-time

13、and bought her 38 expensive gift box of Sichuan beef. I was certain she would like it because I 39 (tell) by my classmates that she loved hot food. I left the box with a card on her desk, and I was sure she would like them. 40 was only after I heard she became sick that I learned she couldnt eat MSG

14、 !Keys:31. what 32. receiving 33. worst 34. had taught/had been teaching/has taught/has been teaching 35. appreciation 36. before 37. where 38. an 39. was told/had been told 40. It语法填空训练语法填空训练(五五)Anexpensivecarspeedingdownthemainstreet of a small town was soon caught upwithbyayoungmotorcyclepolicema

15、n.1hestartedtomakeouttheticket,thewoman2thewheelsaid3(pride),“4yougoany further, young man, I think you shouldknowthemayorofthiscityisagoodfriendofmine.”Theofficerdidnotsayaword,5keptwriting.“IamalsoafriendofchiefofpoliceBarens,”continuedthewoman,getting6angryeachmoment.Still he kept on writing. “Yo

16、ung man,” shepersisted, “I know Judge Lawson and StateSenator(参议员)Patton.”7(hand)theticket to the woman, the officer askedpleasantly,“Tellme,doyouknowBillBronson.”“Why,no,”8answered.“Well,thatis9manyoushould10(know),”hesaid,headingbacktohismotorcycle,“IamBillBronson.” Keys:1. As 2. behind 3. proudly

17、 4. Before 5. but 6.more 7. Handing 8. she 9. the 10. have known语法填空训练语法填空训练(六六)Mysisterhaddroppedoutofschooland31veryunwisedecisionswithherlife.Shechosetospendhertimewithpeoplewhowerelost32shewas.Theyallchosetoignoretheir33(responsible)andsupportedoneanotherinalifewhichinvolveddrinkingandpartying.3

18、4(sad),theywerealllosingtime.Theywereyoungandhadthepotentialtobecome35theywantediftheywouldonlychoosetorespectthemselvesandbelieveinabetterlife.Mysisterwaslostbutmyfathernevergaveuponher. Shemaynothaveevenknownitbuthisprayersandfaith36hermayhavebeentheverythingsheneeded.Iremembersittingatthefamilydi

19、nnertable37everyonehadgatheredexceptmysister. Once again she had chosen to drink withfriendsinsteadofspending38eveningwithourfamily who loved her very much. We said shewouldnotcome.Butmyfathersaidshewould.Weallralliedagainsthim,39(bet)shewouldnotshowupandaskedwhyhewouldsaythat.We40convincedhewasinde

20、nial.Hesimplysaid,“Iwillalwaysbetonher,onallofyou.”Keys:31. was making/made 32. as33. responsibilities 34.Sadly35. whateverwhat 36. in 37. where 38. an 39. betting 40. were语法填空训练语法填空训练(七七)The Thanksgiving Day 31 (come), aschool teacher asked her class of firstgraderstodrawapictureofsomethingtheywere

21、thankfulfor.Shethoughtofhowlittlethese children 32 poor neighborhoodsactuallyhadtobethankfulfor.Butsheknewthat33ofthemwoulddrawpicturesofturkeysortableswithfood.Theteacherwassurprised34thepictureDouglashandedinasmilechildishlydrawnhand.But35hand?Theclasswaspuzzledbytheabstractimage.“Ithinkit36betheh

22、andofGodthatbringsusfood,”saidone child. “ 37 farmer,” said another,“because he grows the turkeys.” Finallywhentheotherswereatwork,theteacherbentoverDouglasdeskandaskedwhosehanditwas.“Its38hand,Teacher,”heanswered.She recalled that frequently after classshehadtakenDouglas,ashortlonelychildbythe39.Sh

23、eoftendidthatwiththechildren.ButitmeantsomuchtoDouglas.PerhapsthiswaseveryonesThanksgiving,notforthematerialthings40(give)tousbutforthechance,inwhateversmallway,togivetoothers.Keys:31.wascoming32.from33.most34.at35.whose36.must37.A38.your39.hand40.given【答案与解析】31. was coming 过去进行时表过去将来时,感恩节即将来临。32. f

24、rom 这些孩子们来自贫苦家庭。33. most 她料想多数孩子们会画桌丰富的感恩节佳肴,外加一只香喷喷的火鸡。34. at 固定搭配,be surprised at意为“对感到吃惊”。35. whose 根据上下文,这里问“道格拉斯画的是谁的手呢?”36. must 一个孩子说到,“它一定是赐给我们食物的上帝的手。”用must表肯定的推测。37. A 另一个孩子说,那一定是一个农夫的手。38. your 根据上下文,道格拉斯回到那是老师的手。39. hand 老师下课时总会牵牵手他的手。40. given 感恩节的真正意义并不在于我们收受了他人“给予我们的”物质东西,而是他人给予了我们机会,

25、无论这种给予是多么的微不足道。given to us作后置定语修饰前面的material things。 语法填空训练语法填空训练(八八)Inthedayswhenanicecreamcostmuchless,Tom,318yearoldboy,enteredahotelcoffeeshop32satatatable.Awaitressputaglassofwaterinfrontofhim.“Howmuchisanicecream?”“Fifty-cents,”repliedthewaitress.Thelittleboypulled33righthandoutofthepocketands


27、erandleft.Itwasnotlong39thewaitresscamebackandthenshebegantowipedownthetableandsuddenlywassurpriseatwhatshesaw.There,40(place)neatlybesidetheemptydish,weretwonickelsandfivepennieshertip! Keys:31.an32.and33.his34.coins35.impatient36.rudely37.again38.away(off)39.before40.placed语法填空训练语法填空训练(九九)Oneeveni






33、wmoneyfrombanktopaytheirtuition.-Becausetheirmoneymustberepaidto35bank,youngdoctorsneedtoreceivealotofmoneyfortheirwork.So,theycharge(收费)peoplehighprices36medicalcare.37,itispossiblethatthehighcostofmedicalcareinAmericaisunnecessary.38hightuitionisone39ofhighcosts,40way to lower costs would be to ha

34、vemedical schools that are free or have lowtuition.Keys:31.almost32.disagree33.wererequired34.necessary35.the36.for37.Therefore38.Because39.cause40.one语法填空训练语法填空训练(十一十一)Some years ago, SARS broke out in themainlandofChina,causingsomepeopletobekilledornearlygotcloseto21(die).Thesituationwassosevereth

35、attherewasnotime22 (debate) who is to blame. The mostimportantthingforthegovernmenttodoistofindoutthecauseofthis23(dead)disease.Theyinvitedallthemostexpertsinthisfieldtodiscussandquiteafewsuggestionswere24 (put) forward. Some of the top expertspickedoutthosesuggestionsandtestedthemtoseewhethertheywe

36、re25(avail).Doctor Zhong Nanshan chose one patientwhowasseriouslyillandhadlittlehopeof26(pick)upandhadthenewmedicine27(test) on him. To his great joy, this patientrecovered!Hemadehiswaytohisofficeandtelephonedtothetopofficial,28(tell)himthisexcitingnews.For29(convenient),hemovedtoliveinhisoffice.His

37、method30(do)makesense.Notsoonafter that, the other hospital also controlledthisterriblediseaseandkickeditoutfinally.Keys:21.death22.todebate23.deadly24.put25.available26.picking27.tested28.telling29.convenience30.did语法填空训练语法填空训练(十二十二)TheInternethasbecomepartofyoungpeopleslife.11reportshowsthat38%ofs

38、tudents often use the Internet . Most ofthem get 12 (use) information on theInternet13usetheInternettohelpintheirstudies.Butmanystudentsdontuseit14 a good way. Some play games toomuch,somevisitwebsites15shouldntlook at. So bad things may happen 16 students spend too much time on theInternet._17_isim

39、portantforstudentstousetheInternetproperly.Nowwehaveatextbook,18usesmanyexamplestoteachstudentssomegoodwaystousetheInternet.Itgivesusefuladvice.Some students also make 19 on theInternet.Butifyouwanttohaveaface-to-face20(meet)withyouronlinefriends,letyourparentsknowandmeetinaproperplace.Keys:11A12use

40、ful13and14in15they16if17It18which19friends20meeting语法填空训练语法填空训练(十三十三)Inmyfreetime,IreallylikesurfingtheInternet.When I get home from work, I turn on mycomputer,wait31itbootsupcompletely,andthenIgoonline.Iusuallycheckmyemailfirstandthenwriteafewmessages32familyandfriends.Isometimesscanthelocalnewshea

41、dlinesat33favoritenewsWebsiteandreaduponthelatestlocalandinternationalnews.ThisWebsiteoftenprovidesvideonewsclips34youcanviewonline. I sometimes order products or serviceonlinetosavemoneyandtimeinsteadofgoingtoastoreand35(buy)whatImlookingfor.For example, I 36 (order) a digital cameraonline the othe

42、r day and saved about $50.WhateverIdo,Irealizethatthereareproblems37usingtheInternetincludingscams,identifytheft, and viruses, so Im very careful not togive out my 38 (person) information.Furthermore,IdontdownloadoropenfilesIdontrecognize.UsingtheInternetcanbefunand 39 convenient way of shopping and

43、finding out new information, 40 you justneedtobecareful.Keys:31until/till32.to33.my34that/which35.buying36.ordered37.with38.personal39.a40.but语法填空训练语法填空训练(十四十四)Storms31producedatleast13tornadoessweptalongNewMexicosborderwithTexasonFriday,32(destroy)homesandotherbuildingsandinjuringatleast16people,se

44、veralcritically,authoritiessaid.The33(bad)damagewasreportedinthetownsofLoganandClovis,whichareabout80milesapart,policesaid.The tornadoes damaged several 34 (new)builtbuildings,toppledpowerlines35sparkedfiresthatwerelaterputoutinClovis,policeLt.JamesSchoeffelsaid.Thirteen people from 36 area werehosp

45、italized at the Plains Regional MedicalCenter. Fivewereinbadcondition37headtrauma(外伤, 损伤), said Liz Crouch, thecenterschiefoperatingofficer.In Logan, three people 38 (take) to ahospital,39othersweretreatedatalocalclinic. One of them was a visitor, saying hewouldnthavebeenthereifhe40(watch)theweather

46、forecastthedaybefore.Keys:31.that/which32.destroying33.worst34.newly35.and36.the37.with38.weretaken39.while40.hadwatched语法填空训练语法填空训练(十五十五)SeveralmenhittheSaoPauloMuseumofArtjustbeforedawnonThursday,December20th,2007.Authoritiessaidthat 31 thievesmusthavebeenwellprepared,as 32 tookthemjustthreeminute

47、stostealpaintings 33 twoworld-famous artists, Pablo Picasso 34 CandidoPortinari, which are worth millions of dollars.Imagesfromthesecuritycamerashowthatthreemenbegantheiractionat5:09am, 35 theguardsinthemuseumweregoingthroughtheirshiftchange(换岗).-Theybrokethroughtwoglassdoors, 36 (run)tothemuseumsto

48、pfloorandgrabbedthetwopaintingsfromdifferentrooms,somehow 37 (avoid) nearby guards. The alarm never rang,andby5:12am,theyweremakingtheirescape.Afterthat,thepolicewereinterviewingthe30museum 38 (employ).“Everythingindicatesthievesweresenttodoitbysomewealthyartloverfor 39 owncollection.Hewasnotricheno

49、ugh to buy the paintings, 40 he waswealthy,” said the lead police officer, MarcosGomesdeMoura.Keys:31.the32.it33.by34.and35.when36.ran37.avoiding 38.employees39.his40.though/although语法填空训练语法填空训练(十六十六)Were you the first or the last child in yourfamily?Orwereyouamiddleoranonlychild?Somepeoplethink 31

50、matterswhereyouwereborninyourfamily.Buttherearedifferentideasabout whatbirthordermeans.Somepeoplesay that oldest children, 32 are smart andstrong-willed, are very likely 33 (succeed).Thereason 34 thisissimple.Parentshavealotoftimefortheirfirstchildandgivehimorheralotofattention.Anonlychildwillsuccee

51、dfor 35 samereason.Whathappenstothe36childreninthefamily?Middlechildrendontgetsomuchattention,sothey dont feel that important. If a family hasmanychildren,themiddleonesometimesgetslostinthecrowd.Theyoungestchild, 37 ,often gets special treatment. Often this childgrowsuptobefunny. Butarecentstudysawt

52、hingsquite 38 (difference).Thestudyfoundthatfirstchildrenbelievedinfamilyrules.Theydidnttakemanychancesin 39 lives.Theyusually 40 (follow)orders.Rulesdidntmeanas much to later children in the family. Theytookchancesandtheyoftendidbetterinlife.Keys:31.it32.who33.tosucceed34.for35.the36.other37.howeve

53、r/though38.differently39.their40.followed语法填空训练语法填空训练(十七十七)Crying marriage? 31 (surprise), isnt it?Factually,thecustomofcryingmarriageexisteda long time ago in many areas of SouthwestChinasSichuanProvince,and32(remain)infashion 33 the end of the Qing Dynasty.Thoughnotsopopularasbefore,thecustomissti

54、ll observed by people in many places,especiallyTujiapeople,whoviewitasa34(necessary)tomarriageprocedure.Itisverymuch35sameindifferentplacesoftheprovince.Accordingtoelderlypeople,everybridehadtocryatthewedding.36,thebridesneighbors would look down upon 37 as apoorlycultivatedgirlandshewouldbecomethel

55、aughingstockofthevillage.Infact,therewerecases38whichthebridewasbeatenbyhermotherfornotcryingattheweddingceremony.Inaword,cryingatweddingisa39bycustomtosetoffthehappinessoftheweddingthroughfalsely sorrowful words. However, in the 40 (arrange) marriages of the old days of China,therewereindeedquiteal

56、otofbrideswhocriedovertheirunsatisfactorymarriageandeventheirmiserablelife.Keys:31.Surprising32.remained33.until/till34.necessity35.the36.Otherwise37.her38.in39.way/means40.arranged语法填空训练语法填空训练(十八十八)When you start talking about good and badmannersyouimmediatelystartmeetingdifficulties. Many people j

57、ust cannot agree_31_theymean.Weaskedalady,whorepliedthatshethoughtyoucouldtellawell-manneredperson_32_thewaytheyoccupiedthespacearound them.However, _33_ second personthought that this was _34_ a question ofcivilized behavior than good manners. Instead,this other person told us a story about anAmeri

58、canwho_35_(invite)toanArabmealinoneofthecountriesoftheMiddleEast.TheAmericanhadntbeentoldmuchaboutthekind of food he might expect. _36_ he hadknownaboutArabfood,hemighthavebehavedbetter. Immediately beforehimwasaveryflatpiece of bread that looked, to him, very muchlikeanapkin._37_(pick)itup,heputiti

59、ntohiscollar,sothatitfellacrosshisshirt.HisArabhost, who had been watching, said nothing,_38_immediatelycopiedthe_39_(act)ofhisguest.Andthat,said_40_secondperson,wasafineexampleofgoodmanners.Keys:31. what 32. by 33. a 34. more35. had been invited 36. If37. Picking 38. but39. action 40. thisKeys:31.

60、what 宾语从句缺宾语。32. by 搭配:tell by(根据判断)33. a 表示“另一个”,并不强调顺序,用不定冠词。34. more 由后面的than可知,要用比较级。35. had been invited 因who引导的定语从句中还没有谓语,invite在句中作谓语;又因与told相比,是过去的过去,用过去完成时;invite后没有宾语,应用被动语态。36. If 引导虚拟条件句。37. Picking 因he与pick是主动关系,用现在分词的主动形式作状语。38. but 前后是转折的语气。39. action 在冠词后一定是名词,因为冠词的语境是“冠词+(形容词)+名词”。4

61、0. this 特指刚刚提到的“这个人”。 语法填空训练语法填空训练(十九十九)Oneday,abouttenyearsago,whileworkingatthecashregisterinthegiftshopatmyUniversityMuseumofNaturalHistory,Isaw31elderlycouple come in with a little girl in awheelchair.AsIlooked32 (close) atthisgirl,Ifounf that she was fixed on her chair. I thenrealizedshehadnoar

62、msorlegs,justahead,aneckandupperbody,33(dress)inalittlewhiteskirt.As the couple wheeled her up to me, Iturnedmyheadtowardthegirl.WhenItookthemoneyfromhergrandparents,Ilookedback34thegirl,whowasgivingmethemostoptimistic,largestsmileIhadeverseen.Allofasudden,her handicap wasgoneandallIsawwasthisbeauti

63、fulgirl,35smilejustmeltedme36almostinstantlygavemeacompletelynewsenseof37lifeisallabout.Shetookmefromapoor,unhappycollegestudentand38(bring)meintoherworld;aworldofsmiles,loveand39(warm).ImasuccessfulbusinessmannowandwheneverIthinkaboutthetroublesoftheworld, I think about that little girl and therema

64、rkablelessonaboutlifethatshetaught40.Keys:31an 32closer/closely 33 dressed 34 at 35whose 36and37what 38brought 39warmth 40me语法填空训练语法填空训练(二十二十)People who have lost the ability tounderstandorusewordsduetobraindamage_31_(call) aphasics(失 语 症 患 者 ). Suchpatients _32_ are mentioned here can beextremely g

65、ood at something else. From thechanging expressions on speakers faces andthe tones of their voices, they can tell lies_33_truths.Doctorsstudyingthehumanbrainhaveevencomparedthispowerto_34_ofadogwithanabilitytofindoutthedrugs_35_(hide)inthebaggage. Recently, scientists carried out tests to see whethe

66、r all that was said about aphasics was true. They studied a mixed group of people. Some were normal while _36_ were aphasics. It was proved that the aphasics were far ahead of the normal people in recognizing false speeches - in most cases, the normal people were fooled by words, but the aphasics we

67、re not. Dr. Oliver Sacks mentioned a particular case in _37_ hospital. Some aphasics were watching the president _38_(give) a speech on TV. Since the president had been anactor _39_(early), making a good speech was no problem for him. But his way of speaking had the opposite effect on the patients.

68、They didnt seem to believe him. Instead, they burst into laughter. The aphasics knew that the president did not mean a word of _40_ he was saying. Keys:31. are called 32. as 33. from 34. that 35. hidden 36. others 37. a 38. giving 39. earlier 40. what语法填空训练语法填空训练(二十一二十一) 31 is possible that we simpl

69、y do not stay in one place for a true friendship to develop. However, there can be no disagreement on the need for each of us 32 (think) carefully about the kind of friendships we want. To most of us, friendships are considered 33 (importance), but need to have clear in our own minds 34 kinds of fri

70、endships we want .Are they to be close or 35 (keep) at arms length? Do we want to share ourselves or do we want to walk on the surface? -For some people, many friendships on the surface are quite enoughand thats all right .But at some point we need to make sure that our expectations are the same as

71、our 36 (friend) expectations. If one wants more from the friendship than the other, 37 if this is not talked about, one is likely at last to fell that hes holding the short end of the stick. The sharing of personal experience 38 (include) our tears as well as our dark dreams 39 (be) the surest way t

72、o deepen friendships. But it must be undertaken slowly and carried on only if there signs of interest and action 40 return. Keys:31. It 32. to think 33. important 34.the 35. kept 36.friends 37. and 38. including 39.is 40. in语法填空训练语法填空训练(二十二二十二)It was now raining heavily. My husband was away. I did n

73、ot want to ask anyone else to go with me. So I went to the hospital by _31 . I was taken to a small room. Lina _32_ (lie) sleeping quietly on a table.This wasnt 33_ first time Lina had taken too many pills. I knew she would sleep deeply for about twelve hours 34 the poison had stopped doing its harm

74、.I sat down by Linas side and watched her sleep. The room was still. I looked around. The room seemed familiar. “Have I been here before?” I wondered. I looked around. The room seemed familiar. “Have I been here before?” I wondered. I looked around _35_. “Im sure Ive been in this room,” I told mysel

75、f. Then I remembered. It was in this very room that I gave birth _36_ Lina seventeen years ago. _37_ happy I was then!Lina used to be such a bright, _38_(health) and nice child. “What has turned her into a dope-taker (吸毒者)?” I asked myself. “And why are millions of young people like her _39 (take) dope to destroy themselves? There must be something _40_(serious) wrong with our society. What is it?” Keys:31. myself 32. lay33. the 34. until 35. again 36. to 37. How 38. healthy 39. taking 40. seriously



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