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2、三个部分构说来,议论文由论点、论据、论证三个部分构成。一般按提出问题,分析问题,解决问题的成。一般按提出问题,分析问题,解决问题的成。一般按提出问题,分析问题,解决问题的成。一般按提出问题,分析问题,解决问题的逻辑顺序来安排。逻辑顺序来安排。逻辑顺序来安排。逻辑顺序来安排。议论文写作方法提出议题,辨明自己的态度,观点鲜明,提出议题,辨明自己的态度,观点鲜明,开门见山。开门见山。提出正反两方面的观点,形成对照的对提出正反两方面的观点,形成对照的对比法。比法。列出错误的观点,逐条批驳的驳论法。列出错误的观点,逐条批驳的驳论法。用推理法、归纳法得出结论。用推理法、归纳法得出结论。 写作类型及写作模板

3、 现象阐释型 问题解决型 对比选择型 观点论证型 利弊评述型. 现象阐述型现象阐述型对某一现象进行解释说明,分析其原因并加以评对某一现象进行解释说明,分析其原因并加以评对某一现象进行解释说明,分析其原因并加以评对某一现象进行解释说明,分析其原因并加以评论论论论 基本结构:基本结构: 1.描述现象并说明其现状;描述现象并说明其现状; 2.分析这种现象的原因或相关分析这种现象的原因或相关 因素;因素; 3.最后提出建议或总结观点。最后提出建议或总结观点。 e.g. Why College Students Have Difficulty Finding Jobs? Chatting on Line

4、. 现象阐述型现象阐述型一一一一 描述现象描述现象1 1)开门见山,总述现象)开门见山,总述现象)开门见山,总述现象)开门见山,总述现象 Nowadays, there exists a social/ economic/environmental phenomenon, which has aroused great concern among people around us./ / 总体现象 has increasingly become a common concern of the public. / /总体现象 is commonly accepted by the people

5、from all walks of life.According to a survey, 调查内容说明这种现象的情况(或是一个例子)。. 现象阐述型现象阐述型二二 阐述原因阐述原因There are a couple of reasons booming this problems/ phenomenon. / This problems/ phenomenon has a great effect on( 影响的主要对象). Firstly,/Above all/ First of all(原因一/影响一). Secondly/ Whats more/ Furthermore, (原因二/

6、影响二). Besides/ Finally(原因三/影响三). As the result/ Therefore/ Consequently, (结果). 现象阐述型现象阐述型三三三三 表明观点表明观点表明观点表明观点As far as I am concerned/ As to me/ In my opinion, “我”的观点态度做法. Furthermore, 进一步说明. Therefore/ Based on the above discussions, I can conclude / it can be concluded that( 总结全文). 现象阐述型现象阐述型模板一:

7、模板一:模板一:模板一:has become a common part of peoples life. Andhas always aroused the greatest concern. what impresses us most is .The reasonsare varied. 5. Among the various reasons,plays an important role.6.That is to say,7.What is more,8.For example, 9When talking about,10On the one hand11On the other

8、hand,12In brief, . 现象阐述型现象阐述型模板二:1.We have witnessed 2.According to , 3.And 4. Many reasons contribute to 5. To begin with ,. 6. More over, 7. In addition , 8. As a result , 9. As to me,,10. First of all, 11. Besides, 12.To conclude,. 现象阐述型现象阐述型模板三:1. has been brought into focus. 2. Nowadays,. 3. In

9、 addition, . 4. Many reasons contribute to 5. Generally speaking ,. 6. First of all, 7. More over, 8.Therefore , 9. As far as I am concerned,, 10. As we known ,11. Furthermore, 12. In a word,. 现象阐述型现象阐述型CardsOutline:1.现代城市中持卡的人愈来愈多; 2. 原因在于 3. 我的看法。. 现象阐述型现象阐述型 Nowadays, holding cads has become a co

10、mmon phenomenon. According to a survey, over 80% of people in big cities hold various kinds of cards issued by banks, restaurants, supermarkets, etc. There are a number of reasons for it. First of all, it is convenient to consume by cards. Whats more, It is safer to carry cards than cash. For exampl

11、e, if ones cards are lost, the owner neednt worry too much because no one else. 现象阐述型现象阐述型 can get the money out without the password. In addition , cards can give card holders certain privilege or discount in service. Therefore, holding cards , especially among the youth, becomes fashionable recent

12、ly. As for me, cards have a bright future. With the development of science and technology, cards will become much safer and easier to use. Therefore, it can be concluded that more people will use cards. 问题解决型问题解决型描述反映出的问题,提出解决方案或应对措施描述反映出的问题,提出解决方案或应对措施 基本结构:基本结构:基本结构:基本结构: 引出要解决的问题及其严重性或必要性,并简要引出要解

13、决的问题及其严重性或必要性,并简要引出要解决的问题及其严重性或必要性,并简要引出要解决的问题及其严重性或必要性,并简要 分析其产生的原因或带来的危害和影响;分析其产生的原因或带来的危害和影响;分析其产生的原因或带来的危害和影响;分析其产生的原因或带来的危害和影响; 提出解决问题的办法或措施;提出解决问题的办法或措施;提出解决问题的办法或措施;提出解决问题的办法或措施; 表明自己的态度,提出建议并展望前景。表明自己的态度,提出建议并展望前景。表明自己的态度,提出建议并展望前景。表明自己的态度,提出建议并展望前景。e.g. How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Tra

14、ffic How to Succeed in a Job Interview Staying Healthy 问题解决型问题解决型一一 描述问题描述问题 In recent years, increasing numbers of people 关注/牵涉/参与不良现象或某一问题 . It is obvious that 危害一 /作用一. Additionally, 危害二 /作用二 . Therefore, special/ considerable attention should be paid to 该问题. 二二二二 说明方法说明方法说明方法说明方法/ / 因素因素因素因素On t

15、he one hand/ Firstly, 方法一 . On the other hand /Secondly, 方法二 . In addition/ Thirdly, 方法三 . 问题解决型问题解决型三三 议论议论 Of course, following these suggestions/ methods may not surely solve the problem, but it is worth of trying . As for me / in my opinion, “我”的思考或看法. Only in this way倒装句总结全文/ Undoubtedly, it is

16、 necessary/ essential根本途径. 问题解决型问题解决型模板一模板一模板一模板一1. With the development/improvement of . 2. It is necessary that. 3. On the one hand, . 4. On the other hand, 5. Therefore, how to is worth paying attention. 6. Firstly 7. Secondly 8. For example, 9. Thirdly, . 10. In other words, 11. In fact, ways to

17、 are countless. 12. Its time that 问题解决型问题解决型模板二1. There has been a discussion recently about. 2. It is obvious that. 3. Additionally, . 4. So it is high time, 5. First of all, 6.The reason is 7. Secondly 8.That is to say, 9. Thirdly, . 10. In fact, more than three ways can be adopted,11. As for me,

18、12. All in all, 问题解决型问题解决型模板三1. It is certain that. 2. For one reason,. 3. For another, . 4. However, some still puzzle on how to . 5. Here come some suggestions. 6.To begin with, 7. Secondly 8. For instance, 9. Thirdly, . 10. That is because 11. The solution vary according to different situations.

19、12.Therefore, 问题解决型问题解决型 Getting to Know the Society Outline: 1. 大学生了解社会的必要性; 2. 了解社会的途径(大众媒体、社会实践活动等); 3. 我在这方面是怎么做的。 It is necessary for college students to know the society. In school, we only obtain knowledge from books, which, sometimes, is 问题解决型问题解决型 Different from real life experience. Only t

20、hrough practice, can we modify our ways in study in order to serve society better after graduation. Whats more, we can gain abilities in organization and management in practice. There are many ways for us to know the society. For example, we can learn a lot through watching TV, listening to the radi

21、o, reading newspapers and so on 问题解决型问题解决型Also we can know the society through serving it, such as being a social volunteer to offer help to the disabled. Besides the ways mentioned above, I take an active part in some social activities. For example, I have been a private teacher in my spare time an

22、d taken a part-time job in the holiday. In this way, I think I can better fit society in future 对比选择型对比选择型比较两种观点或两种做法,进而表明自己对问题或事物的态度或观点。 基本结构: 1. 对要评价的事物或现象进行整体介绍; 2. 陈述两种不同的观点或做法及其理由; 3. 表明自己的观点或态度。 e.g. Money It Pays to Be Honest Chose a Famous University or a Favorite Major 对比选择型对比选择型一 提出观点提出观点

23、When asked about/ When it comes to 事物 /问题,different people will offer different opinions. Some people take it granted that 观点一. In their opinion, 选择观点一的理由一. Besides,选择观点一的理由二. 二二 对比论证对比论证 However, others hold that观点二. They maintain that 观点二/选择观点二的理由一. And 观点二/选择观点二的理由二. 三三 总结观点总结观点 Weighing up these

24、 two arguments, I am for the former/ latter viewpoint/ choice. “我”的理由. Therefore, as stated above, 重申观点/选择. 对比选择型对比选择型模板一:1. Different people have different views on 2. Some people prefer,. 3. Others tend to, . 4. As to me, I agree with /to 5. Of course,. 6. For example, 7. But, 8.The following reas

25、ons can account for my preference 9.The main reason is . 10. A good example to illustrate is 11. For another, 12. From the foregoing, 对比选择型对比选择型模板二:1.There is no complete agreement among people as to 2. Some people consider,. 3. However, others think, . 4. Some people may say 5. They hold this opini

26、on because. 6. However, others believe,7.They argue that, 8. Personally, I am in favor of the 9. Firstly, . 10. Secondly, 11. Most important of all 12.Taking above-mentioned factors into consideration, we/I may reasonably conclude that 对比选择型对比选择型模板三:1. When asked about ,different people will offer d

27、ifferent opinions. 2. Some people take it for granted that. 3. In their opinion, . 4. Besides 5. However, others hold. 6.They maintain 7. And 8. Weighing up these arguments, I am for 9. For one thing. 10. For another, 11. For instance,12.Therefore, as stated above 对比选择型对比选择型Money outline: 1. 有人认为金钱是

28、万能的; 2. 有人认为金钱是万恶之源 (the source of all crimes); 3. 我对金钱的看法。 Some people claim that money is the only rule that measures a person. They would regard you as a successful man if you have a large sum of money. And they would even consider you a fool if you are penniless, 对比选择型对比选择型or if you are against

29、them. Others try to prove that money is the source of all crimes. To illustrate, they say that a certain person needs money and he goes to steal or rob. And they would often tell the story that a millionaire pays off some politicians so that he can do whatever he likes. My attitude towards money is

30、that we earn money to live, but not live to earn money . No matter how much money we have , we should be always the master of it, but not the slave of it. 观点论证型观点论证型要求根据题目所给的论点,按照题目要求通过摆事实、讲道理的方式对该论点进行论证或反驳。 基本结构: 1. 提出要论证或反驳的论点; 2. 提出论据对其进行论证或反驳; 3. 表明自己的立场和看法。 观点论证型观点论证型e.g. Why I Attended College

31、? Harmfulness of Fake Commodities The Job I like Best The Benefits of Making Friends of Different Kinds 观点论证型观点论证型驳论: Up to now, many people hold it true that 某观点.They believe 进一步说明此观点. However, recent survey/ research shows that 与上述观点相反的论点. The arguments for this point of view can be listed as foll

32、ows. Above all,论据一. For example,(支持论据一的事例).Furthermore, 论据二及支持论据二的事例.Most importantly, 论据三 . All that has been discussed above points to the fact that重申本文论点 .Therefore,与该观点相符合的做法和态度. 观点论证型观点论证型立论:People are familiar with /it is widely accepted that某观点. As we know, 观点正确性的表现. Therefore, 小结观点.There are

33、 numerous examples supporting this argument. A case in point is 例一. For another example, 引出并说明例二. Moreover, 阐述第三个例子. From what has been discussed above, we should understand that 重申观点. But (one thing we have to notice is that)提出个人建议. Therefore, 总结全文. 观点论证型观点论证型模板一1. It is true that. 2. However,. 3.

34、I think. 4. can be listed as follow. 5. First of all, 6. Secondly 7. For example 8.Thirdly, 9. A case in point is . 10. It goes without saying that11.There is no doubt that 12. In conclusion 观点论证型观点论证型模板二1. Some people believe that. 2. The truth is deep and profound. 3. As we know,. 4. In addition,.

35、 5. There are numerous examples 6. A case in point is7.There is close to suggest 8. For another example9.Moreover,.10.All mentioned above tell us 11. But one thing we have to notice is that 12. In a word, 观点论证型观点论证型 Why I attended College? Outline: 1. 你为什么会选择上大学; 2. 你认为上大学是否值得? 观点论证型观点论证型 Why did I

36、choose to attend college? Is the four-year academic life worthwhile? I have put these questions to myself many times, and now I have reached the conclusion that college education is what I truly want and it is worthwhile . I chose to attend college because I enjoy learning. I felt that I wanted to c

37、ontinue to study. I simply didnt want to enter the working world so soon. I chose to attend college also because I feel college is more than a place which offers knowledge. It also exposes one to a rich variety of ideas. Finally, I feel that 观点论证型观点论证型 in todays world college education has become al

38、most essential in the competitive job market. Attending college is a practical and necessary step to ensure a secure future for myself So, I never consider myself unhappy or miserable, and I never think attending college is a waste of time and money. 观点论证型观点论证型 Wealth and Happiness Outline: 1. 每个人都想

39、获得财富,财富似乎就是幸福,其实不然; 2. 世界上有许多东西是财富换不来的。 Up to now, many people still hold that wealth can bring happiness. They believe that with a great amount of money, they must live a happier life. However, recent survey shows that wealth is not necessarily associated with happiness. The arguments for this poin

40、t of view can be listed as follows. 观点论证型观点论证型 Above all, good health plays an important role above wealth in a happy life. For example, people can buy medicine with money, but cannot buy health. Furthermore, wealth may encourage those harmful habits which may ruin the wealth owner, such as addictio

41、n to drugs and gambling . Most importantly, there is one thing essential to happiness which cannot be bought with wealth-love. All that has been discussed above shows that wealth is not equal to happiness. Therefore, we should not be crazy about money and earn it with honest work.利弊评述型利弊评述型 要求客观地分析和

42、评论某一事物的正反两方面 ,或在某一问题上反映出的两种不同看法,采用平衡利弊的态度,提出某种希望和设想。 基本结构: 1.分析某事物的现状及优点; 2. 说明事物缺点; 3. 对事物现状和前景的看法。 e.g. The Positive and Negative Aspects of Skyscrapers The Development of a Private Car My View on Examination.利弊评述型利弊评述型 For the past few years, 某事物 has been widely accepted by people/ has come into

43、peoples daily life. No one deny that某事物的好处. For one thing, 好处一. For another 好处二 . However, just as all coins have two sides, there are also disadvantages about 某事物的弊端. For example, 弊端一. Moreover, 弊端二 . Finally, 弊端三. In my opinion, “ 我”的建议 . Only in this way, can we 总结全文. .利弊评述型利弊评述型Nowadays, there i

44、s a widespread concern over (the issue that)作文题目. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in 题目议题. Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, 优点一. And secondly 优点二. Just as a popular saying goes, every coin has two sides,讨论议题is no e

45、xception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, 缺点一. In addition, 缺点二. To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of 讨论议题into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the 讨论议题.利弊评

46、述型利弊评述型The Positive and Negative Aspects of Home Computers Outline: 1. 家用电脑的普及; 2. 家用电脑的好处; 3.家用电脑带来的问题。 Nowadays, computers have come into peoples home as one of common household appliances. There is no doubt that like TV, home computers benefit people greatly. With the computer, the home becomes a

47、 library, a school, .利弊评述型利弊评述型 an office and an entertainment center. All kinds of information can be close at ones finger tips. In addition, home computers bring people far away closer to us. Despite the convenience that home computers bring about, they have disadvantages. For example, people, esp

48、ecially the youth, may easily get addicted to computer games. Besides, since nearly everything can be done in front of the computer, we may become more isolated from people around us. In my opinion, we all should consider how to control home computers, so that they wont control us. Only in this way, can we make full use of them, while avoiding of the side effects.



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