八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister Section B(2a2e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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《八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister Section B(2a2e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister Section B(2a2e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section B 2a-2e. 1.那就是我在课堂上喜欢读书、学习更刻苦的原因。_2.我很腼腆,因此对我来说交朋友不容易。_3.我最好的朋友拉里跟我很不一样。_4.拉里经常帮助我显现出最好的一面。_5.不过,拉里学习不太勤奋。_6我真的不介意我的朋友与我一样还是不同。_Please read the book and then translate them into EnglishStage 1. Pre-readingFind out their differences. The more the better.My friend and Imore popularfunniermore

2、outgoingsmarter more friendlyshiermore seriousquietermore hard-workinglonger hairGroup PK Groupsmart-popular-funny-quiet-outgoing-shy-long hair -hard-working-heavy-short-serious-friendly-tall-beautiful-thin-friendliershorterheavierthinnertallermore beautiful+ermore + 原级原级变变y为为 i +er / 双写双写+ er My fr

3、iend David is more hard-working than me , but I am funnier than him._Report:The general idea of the articles is about_A.if friends should be the same ordifferent.B.what friends should be like. C.how to make friends. Task1:Stage 2 While-reading Task 2 Read carefully and write “T” or “F”. 1. Jeff is l

4、ess serious than most kids.2. Jeff and Yuan Li are both quiet.3. Jeff thinks it is easy for him to make friends.4. Huang Lei is taller than Larry.5. Huang Lei isnt as good at tennis as Larry.6. Larry works harder than Huang Lei.7. Mary thinks her friends should be the same as her.8. Carol broke her

5、arm last year and Mary made her feel better.Larry is much less hard-working.FFFFFFTT2cbroke her armbreak Task 3 Read and find the similarities and differences between the friends. NameThe same as their best friendsDifferent from their best friends1. They are both quiet.2. They enjoy studying togethe

6、r1.They both like sports1.They talk about and share everything1.Larry is taller and more outgoing than Huang Lei.2. Larry plays tennis better.3. Larry is much less hard-working.4. Huang Lei gets better grades.1. Carol is funnier than anyone I know. Task 4 Work in groups and find their opinions about

7、 friends. Names OpinionsA good friend is like a mirror.Friends are like books-you dont need a lot of them as long as theyre good.Its not necessary to be the same.My best friend helps to bring out(使显出)(使显出)the best in me.I dont really care if my friends are the same as me or different.A true friend r

8、eaches for your hand and touches your heart./ sayingsmake sb. movedA friend in need is a friend indeed.We need true friends and try to bea true friend.Stage 3 Post-reading1.Retell one of the passages in 2b according to the chart in groups and do reports.GroupworkSample: Jeff thinks a friend. Jeff an

9、d Yuan Li are best friend. namesopinionsdifferencessimilaritiesJeff &Yuan LiA good friend is like .Friends you dont need a lot of them theyre good.quieter and more seriousstudy harder They are. They enjoy.Huang Lei &LarryIts not to be the same.Larry often helps to .Larry is . than Huang Lei.Larry pl

10、ays .Larry is .Huang Lei gets .They sportsMary &Caroldont really care if friends are the same as or different.A true friend for your hand and your heart.Carol is . than anyone .They and . 2.Fill in the blanks. Jeff Green Im quieter and_ (serious )than most kids. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet ,too,

11、 so we enjoy _(study) together.I think friends are like books-you dont need a lot of them _(只要) theyre good. Its not _(需要) to be the same. My best friend Huang LeiLarry is quite different from me. He is taller and _(outgoing) than me. Larry is much _(hard-working), though. I always get _(good)grades

12、 than he does. MARYSMITHMy favorite _(say) is.“ A true friend reaches for your hand and_( touch) your heart.” My best friend Carol is really kind and very funny. In fact, shes _(funny )than anyone I know. Im different from Jeff because Im louder than the other kids in my class. My best friend is sim

13、ilar to Larry because shes less hard-working than me. _ 3. WritingEveryone has his own trait and character. No matter what our friends are like, we should get on well with. Teachers words: INQUIRY INTO KNOWLEDGE BY TRANSLATION 翻译探究一. Im shy so its not easy for me to make friends. _ “Its + adj.+ for

14、sb. + to do sth.” 是固定结构, 意为“_”,其中it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语。当句中的形容词为描述事物特征的词,如important.necessary,different 等时,其后介词用,当此句中的形容词为描述人物品质及性格特征的词,如clever,kind,nice等时,其后介词用of. 1)每天喝足够的水对我们来说是很重要的。_very_ _us_enough water every day. 2)你帮助我学习英语真是太好了。_ very_ _you _help me _my English.二. .you dont need a lot of

15、them as long as they are good. _ as long as 意为“只要;既然”,表示“只要”时,引导_ 状语从句,当主句为一般将来时或含有情态动词can时,所引导的从句用_时态表示将来;表示“既然”时,引导_状语从句。1)只要你努力学习,就会取得好成绩。You_get good _ _ _ _you study hard. 2)既然你想待在家里,那咱们就听音乐吧。_ _ _you want to stay at home , lets _ _music.三. My best friend Larry is quite different from me. _be d

16、ifferent from.意为“”,其反义词_ 1) 我的生活方式和他的不同。My way of life _ _ _ _.2) 她和她的双胞胎妹妹一样。She is _ _ _ her twin sister.ExercisesExercises1.His car is (nice) than _.(I)2.Jim is much (thin) than Tom.3.Wang Hai is (athletic) than Wang Wei.4.The weather in Mudanjiang is (cold) than that in Sanya.5.This question is

17、(easy) than that one.6.I feel even (bad) than yesterday.7.Which is (beautiful), the black coat or the blue one? nicer thinnermore athleticcoldereasier worsemore beautifulmine一、用比较级形式填空一、用比较级形式填空二、句型转换二、句型转换1. Peter is thinner than Sam. (同同义句句转换)2. My sister is better at study than I. She is clever. (同同义句句转换)Sam is fatter than Peter.My sister is much smarter than me at study.Stage 4 Homework1. Read the three passages aloud.2. Retell one of the three passages in groups.



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