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1、Lecture 4 Lecture 4 英汉思维对比与翻译1英汉思维对比与Language, culture & thinkingCultureThinkingLanguage2英汉思维对比与Socrates & Confucius469-399B.C.551-479B.C.3英汉思维对比与4英汉思维对比与1 正反与虚实正说与反说的相互转换是翻译实践中极为实用的方法。一般认为,正说就是肯定,反说就是否定。这样的划分,无疑是太过简单化。不同的民族,在观察一些事物现象时,所取的角度以及思维方式有时极为不同,况且,许多事物都具有对立面,往往此一方面不好描述时,换一个角度从另外一方面描述则更贴切。在英

2、语中从正面来说的,可能在汉语中要从反面来叙述更加恰当,有些时候英语的反说可能要处理为汉语的正说才符合习惯。 5英汉思维对比与译例 I have read your articles, but I expect to meet an older man. 原译 我读过你的文章,我料想会见到一个年纪更大的人会见到一个年纪更大的人。改译 我读过你的文章,但没料想你会这样年轻没料想你会这样年轻。 A seaman knows that the sea is all-powerful and can, under certain circumstances, destroy man and the pr

3、oduct of his brain and hand, the ship. 译文 水手们都知道,大海的威力是势不可挡势不可挡的;在某些情况下,它能把人及人所制造的船只统统摧毁掉。(正说反译) 6英汉思维对比与需要注意的是需要注意的是,正说反译和反说正译并不是放之四海而皆准的,请看下面的例子:He was not displeased with her honestyit took a certain amount of experience in life, an courage, to want to do it quite that way. 译文1 他倒是喜欢倒是喜欢她这么直来直去有点

4、生活经验、又有点胆量的人才敢这么做。 译文2 他对于她的直率没有感到不快没有感到不快有点生活经验、又有点胆量的人才敢这么做。 7英汉思维对比与所谓“虚”与“实”并非指虚词与实词。虚实转换是指词汇抽象概念与具体意义的相互转换。英式的抽象思维和汉式的具象思维是两种不同的思维方式,它们在语言表达上往往导致两种不同的用词习惯。前者多用表示抽象概念的词语描述事物,阐述事理;后者却常用表示具体概念的词语描写事物、阐述道理。因此,英汉翻译过程中常需要进行词语虚实意义的相互转换,使原文的内容实质在流畅自然的译文中确切充分地再现出来。 8英汉思维对比与请看下面的例子 Wisdom prepares for th

5、e worst; but folly leaves the worst for the day it comes. 译文 聪明人聪明人防患于未然,愚蠢者愚蠢者临渴掘井。 9英汉思维对比与课内练习1. Memory, as time goes on, is a selective thing. 2. The subversion attempts proved predictably futile. 3. The guerrillas would fight to death before they surrendered. 4. We believe that the younger gene

6、ration will prove worthy of our trust. 5. It was beyond his power to sign such a contract. 10英汉思维对比与6. The custom-made object, now restricted to the rich, will be within everyones reach. 7. In the end things will mend. 8. He wanted to learn, to know, to teach. 9. These problems are too complicated t

7、o be explained clearly in a few words. 10.Rockets have found application for the exploration of the Universe. 11英汉思维对比与2 褒贬与曲直英语和汉语中都存在着对一个事物的褒贬态度,但问题是,许多场合中,褒贬的含义并不能从字面或词汇本身中看出来,往往要通过上下文来决定,翻译时要尽量正确理解原文,表现真实的含义。 12英汉思维对比与例句 The irony is that Mrs. Gandhi presides over a nation with a highly promisin

8、g long-term potential but which is saddled with equally difficult current problems. 译文1 具有讽刺意味的是具有讽刺意味的是,甘地夫人掌管的国家,从长远的观点来看,是一个大有希望的国家,但在目前却具有难以克服的困难。 译文2 颇为耐人寻味的是颇为耐人寻味的是,从长远的观点来看,甘地夫人掌管的国家是大有希望的,但目前却有着难以克服的困难。13英汉思维对比与She was vexed by the persistent ringing of the phone. 译文1 她被执著的执著的电话铃声搞得心烦意乱。 译文

9、2 她被没完没了的没完没了的电话铃声搞得心烦意乱。All the inventors have a restless mind. 译文1 所有的发明家都生性好动生性好动。 译文2 所有的发明家都有一个思想活跃一个思想活跃的头脑。 14英汉思维对比与课内练习1. He was a man of integrity, but unfortunately he had a certain reputation. I believe the reputation was not deserved. 2. He lied to me and made me the tool of his wicked

10、deeds. 3. Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it. 4. The film actress appeared in all her glory at the ball. 5. He is always saying the usual polite nothings. 15英汉思维对比与6. With determination, with luck, and with the help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ash

11、es. 7. The Universe is not rich enough to buy the vote of an honest man. 8. It seems that a very difficult decision now faces him. 9. Anger and bitterness covered upon me for weeks. 16英汉思维对比与3 直率与含蓄西方人喜外露,中国人喜含蓄。英语经常表态在前,叙事在后;汉语经常相反。英汉对译时,信息重心常需做前后调整。 17英汉思维对比与译例1. I am very happy to receive your me

12、ssage of greetings. 2. The two sides found it beneficial to have this opportunity to present to one another their views on a variety of issues. 3. It was keen disappointment that I had to cancel the visit I had intended to pay to Hong Kong On July 1St. 4. I strongly believe that its in the interests

13、 Of my countrymen that China should remain an active and energetic power in global economic matters. 18英汉思维对比与4 客体与主体“万物皆备于我 ”(孟子)“宇宙便是吾心,吾心即是宇宙 ”(陆九渊)“求知是人类的本性”(亚里士多德)“知识就是力量”(培根)理性主义(笛卡尔)19英汉思维对比与例:American education owes a great debt to Thomas Jefferson. 译文 托马斯托马斯杰佛逊杰佛逊对美国的教育事业作出了巨大的贡献。 Memoranda

14、 were prepared in advance of private meetings on matters to be discussed. 译文 在举行个别交谈之前,我已经就所有要讨论的问题预先拟好了备忘录。20英汉思维对比与课内练习1. What has happened to you? 2. An idea suddenly struck me. 3. American English owes a great deal to Noah Webster, an American lexicographer and writer. 21英汉思维对比与5 抽象与具体古代中国人注重“观物

15、取象”“立象尽意”“设象喻理”“取象比类”。形象思维通过自我体验形成心中的意象,采用意象联想想像来替代概念判断推理的逻辑论证,以形象地反映客观事物,集中表现在“立意于象”“妙象尽意”“微言尽意”“入理言意”“书不尽言,言不尽意”“得象而忘言,得意而忘象”等经典名言之中。 22英汉思维对比与而西方人“尚思”的文化传统形成了其偏重抽象的思维方式。西方人的思维不像中国人那样在观察辨物、定性时注重识别、分类、分辨,而是注重形体,特别是解剖,侧重于事物的要素、结构,重定形,而非定性。他们善于从物象的类别中找出该类物象的共项,再进行抽象概括的思维活动,将各类物象的共项归纳起来。 23英汉思维对比与试比较以

16、下句子的翻译 No one is satisfied with his favoritism in his work. 译文1 没有人对他在工作中的偏爱感到满意。 译文2 对他在工作中表现出来的徇私作风谁都感到不满意。 24英汉思维对比与课内练习1. A son, a job and housekeeping forced romance out. 2. But there had been too much publicity about my case. 3. The complexity of the human situation and the injustice of the so

17、cial order demand far more fundamental changes in the basic structure of society itself than some politicians are willing to admit in their speeches. 25英汉思维对比与6 整体与局部王力先生曾经说过:“英国人写文章往往化零为整,而中国人则化整为零。”这是从语言的形态而言,不是从语言的意义来说的。汉译时要特别注意整体意义的把握以及英语形态的拆零。 26英汉思维对比与译例The idea of a fish being able to generat

18、e electricity strong enough to light small bulbs, even to run electric motors, is almost unbelievable. 译文1 鱼能发出其电量足以点亮小灯泡, 甚至能开动马达的想法简直是令人难以相信的。 译文2 鱼能发电,其电量足以点亮小灯泡,甚至能开动马达,这种想法简直是令人难以相信的。 27英汉思维对比与The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounde

19、d by the paucity of the information media. 译文1 由于距离远和交通工具缺乏所造成的农村社会的隔绝由于通讯工具的不足而变得更加严重。 译文2 因为距离远,交通工具缺乏,使农村社会与外界隔绝。这种隔绝,由于通讯工具的不足,而变得更加严重。 28英汉思维对比与课内练习1. They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all. 2. Incidentally, I hope to get better medical treatment in these countries than I can possibly g

20、et here in the United States. 3. The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements. 29英汉思维对比与7 分析与综合中国传统哲学重视人与自然的和谐,视“天人合一”为最高境界,天中有人,人中有天,“天人之际,合二为一”。庄子认为“天地与我并生,万物与我为一”,这种物我不分、物我两忘的诗意境界,是天人同体同德、万物有情的宇宙观。 30英汉思维对比与在西方,柏拉图首先提出“主客二分”的思想,而笛卡儿开创的西方近代哲学明确地把主体与客体对立起来,以“主客二分”作为哲学的主导原则。分析

21、型思维明确区分主体与客体、人与自然、精神与物质、思维与存在、灵魂与肉体、现象与本质,并把二者分离、对立起来,分别对这个二元世界作深入的分析研究。31英汉思维对比与综合型的思维方式使得汉语重意合,无词形变化,语法形式的表达主要靠词汇手段,组词造句中完全按照语义逻辑和动作发生的时间先后决定词语和分句的排列顺序;而分析型的思维方式使得英语重形合,词形变化明显,语法形式多样,组词造句多用连词、关系词、分词、动名词及不定式等。 32英汉思维对比与There are several reasons why Kissinger no longer appears to be the magician the

22、 world press had made him out to be, an illusion which he failed to discourage because, as he would admit himself, he has a tendency toward megalomania. 译文1 有几个原因可以说明为什么基辛格不再看起来像全世界报界渲染得那样是个魔术师,他不愿打破这样的幻觉,因为,他自己承认,他有一种自大狂的倾向。 译文2 全世界报界曾经把基辛格渲染成魔术师般的人物,他也没有阻止人们制造这种错误印象,因为正如他自己愿意承认的,他有一种自大狂的倾向。现在他不再像是

23、这样的人物了,这有几个原因。 33英汉思维对比与1. He had a sound feeling that idiom was the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrases. 2. Somebody lied, if he said my life is a happy little tale, or he told you Im just an ordinary guy in the world. 3. The theory is of great importance that the hotter the body is, the more energy it radiates. 34英汉思维对比与Have a nice weekend! 35英汉思维对比与



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