v-ing作状语 经典课件讲课讲稿

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《v-ing作状语 经典课件讲课讲稿》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《v-ing作状语 经典课件讲课讲稿(32页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、v-ing作状语经典课件Read the sentences and try to feel.1.When I was walking in the street, I came across an old friend of mine. Walking in the street, I came across an old friend of mine.2. As he was ill, he didnt go to school. Being ill, he didnt go to school.3. If you use your head, you will find a way. U

2、sing your head, you will find a way. 状语状语状语 5) Four people entered the room 5) Four people entered the room looking looking around in a curious wayaround in a curious way. . 6) He came 6) He came running backrunning back to tell me the to tell me the news. news. 伴随状语伴随状语方式方式Four people entered the r

3、oom and looked around in a curious way.I:We can use Ving as AdverbialTip 1:Read the sentences from your textbook.1.Puttingdownhisshoppingbag,Willheldouthishead.2.Will,stillwatching,sawthecatbehavecuriously.3.Hecrossedtheroad,keepinghiseyesonthespotwherethecathadbeeninvestigating.4.Pushinghisshopping

4、bagthrough,hescrambledthroughhimself.Ving作状语,其逻辑主语必须与主句主语一致。Tip 2:Ving 的动作与主句主语为主动判断1.Rushing into the dining room, supper was waiting for me.2.Visiting a strange city, you may find a guide book very helpful.3.Staying here for some time, youll find the people here are friendly.4. Driving too fast, t

5、he passengers feel frightened to death.5. Waiting for a bus,a football fell on my head.Tip 3:Read and find out the verb.1.Puttingdownhisshoppingbag,Willheldouthishead.2.Will,stillwatching,sawthecatbehavecuriously.3.Hecrossedtheroad,keepinghiseyesonthespotwherethecathadbeeninvestigating.4.Pushinghiss

6、hoppingbagthrough,hescrambledthroughhimself.Ving的动作与谓语动作同时发生或几乎同时发生1. Being poor, he couldnt afford a TV set. 2. Being ill, he didnt go to school.3. Being poor, the old man was happy.4. Not knowing her address, we cant get in touch with her.Tip 4: be - beingTip 5: 否定在否定在Ving前加前加not After he heard a

7、strong sound, he went out of the room for a look.= Hearing a strange sound, he went out of . As the girl was seriously ill, she was taken to hospital immediately.Being seriously ill, the girl was taken to .be - being As she didnt know any French, she couldnt get any one to help her.Not knowing any F

8、rench, she couldnt get any one to help her.Tip 6 : 为强调Ving形式所表达的意义,在Ving 前可用连词(有时可用介词或副词) On/upon + V-ing 作时间状语表作时间状语表 “一一就就”,可改写为可改写为 as soon as 引导的状语从句引导的状语从句.改写:On/Upon hearing the news, they couldnt help crying. As soon as they heard the news, they couldnt help crying. 1.Puttingdownhisshoppingba

9、g,Willheldouthishead.2.Will,stillwatching,sawthecatbehavecuriously.3.Hecrossedtheroad,keepinghiseyesonthespotwherethecathadbeeninvestigating.4.Pushinghisshoppingbagthrough,hescrambledthroughhimself.总结1:_表示Ving的动作与谓语动作 同时发生或几乎同时发生 2: 主语一致,且为主动II: Ving 的四种形式doing1.Beingscoldedbyhismother,theboyhunghis

10、head.2.Beingpainted,theroomcantbeusednow.3.Beingbeaten,hecriedloudly.总结1:1.结构:_+_2.表示动作_,Ving动作与主语是主动主动/被动被动关系。being过去分词正在进行1. Havingfinishedtheclass,shewenthome.2. Nothavingstudiedhislessonsveryhard,hefailedtheexaminations.3.Havingfinishedhishomework,herushedouttoplaybasketball.总结1:1.结构:_+_2.表示Ving

11、动作发生在谓语动作之前/之后,并造成_3.主语一致,且为主动having过去分词影响1.(Havingbeen)beatenbythefarmer,thehorsewentaway.2.(Havingbeen)praisedforhisjob,Tomworkedharder.总结1:1.结构:_+_+_2.表示Ving动作发生在谓语动作之前/之后,有完成的意义,并造成_3.与主语之间成_关系,4.相当于_having过去分词been影响被动过去分词1.Theywalkedoutoftheroom,talkingandlaughing.2. Beingpainted,theroomcantbeu

12、sednow.Beingbeaten,hecriedloudly.3. Havingcriedforawhile,thelittlegirlwenttohermother.Nothavingreceivedananswer,hedecidedtowritetothem.havingdone表示动作发生在谓语之前 being done 表示进行被动doing同时或几乎同时 4. havingbeendone意义相当于过去分词,具有完成和被动的意义。(Having been) told many times,he still couldnt understand it. Ving作状语的四种形式(

13、not)doing(not)beingdone(not)havingdone(not)havingbeendoneVing动作与谓语同时发生,主语一致,且为主动Ving动作正在进行且与主语成被动关系Ving先于谓语动作,完成且造成影响,主动Ving先于谓语动作发生且为被动,有影响,相当于过去分词III: 特殊情况1.固定搭配,不受主语影响:generallyspeaking;judgingfrom/by(从来看/判断);supposing(假如); Judgingfromhisface,hewasveryangry.2. Ving作状语时,其逻辑主语必须与主句中主语一致且为主动关系。如果主语一

14、致但为被动则用V-ed.(1).Seeingfromspace,youwillfindtheearthlookslikeablueball. (2).Seenfromspace,theearthlookslikeablueball.3. 如果主语不一致,可用独立主格或状语从句Timepermitting,IllcallonyouthisSunday.Therebeingnomoney,hecouldbuynothing.Whenspringcomeson,thetreesturngreen.判断-改错1.Being Sunday, we neednt go to school.2.Judgin

15、g from/by his accent, he must come from USA.3.Leading by our Party, we have met with success. 4.Having been used for many years, the bike needs repairing.Led by our party,It being Sunday,When they heard the news, they couldnt help crying.1. 作时间状语作时间状语:_ the news, they couldnt help crying.HearingOpen

16、ing the window, I saw many beautiful flowersin the garden.After he had finished the work, he began to read. _ the work, he began to read.Having finished_, I saw many beautiful flowersWhen I opened IV:V-ing在句中作状语时在句中作状语时,与主句与主句之间不用任何连词之间不用任何连词Being ill, so he couldnt go to school.Having been told man

17、y times, but he still didntUnderstand it.He was ill , he couldnt go to school.Because he was ill, he couldnt 1. Studying hard, and you will pass the entrance examination to college. 2. Studying hard, you will pass the entrance examination to college. 3. Study hard, and you will pass the entrance exa

18、mination to college.FTTIV:V-ing在句中作状语时在句中作状语时,注意与祈使句的区别注意与祈使句的区别 1. Having not seen the film, I cant tell you what I think of it. 2.Seen from the top of the hill, we find the city more beautiful. 3. Generally speak, facial expressions are helpful communications, too.Not havingSeeingspeaking单句改错单句改错5

19、. “ Cant you read?” the man said, angrily pointed to the notice on the wall.6. Knocking at the door before entering, please.7. European football is played in 80 countries, made it the most popular sport in the world.pointingKnockmaking1.The secretary worked late into the night, _a long speech for th

20、e president A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. was preparing 2.European football is played in 80 countries, _ it the most popular sport in the world. (NMET 98)A.making B. makes C. made D. to make现在分词表结果状语现在分词表结果状语 现在分词作伴随状语现在分词作伴随状语高考链接高考链接3. “Cant you read?” Mary said _ to the notice. (MET93

21、)A. angrily pointing B. and point angrily C. angrily point D. and angrily pointing现在分词作伴随状语现在分词作伴随状语4. _ a reply, he decided to write again. (MET92) A. Not receiving B. Receiving not C. Not having received D. Having not received 5._ his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch with

22、 Bill.(上海上海91)A.Not knowing B. knowing not C. Not having known D. Having not known现在分词作原因状语,分词结构中否现在分词作原因状语,分词结构中否定词通常放在现在分词前面。定词通常放在现在分词前面。作原因状语作原因状语6._theclassroom,thestudentswenttotheplaygroundtowatchthefootballmatch.A.TocleanB.HavingcleanedC.CleanedD.Cleaning7.WhenIgotbackhomeIsawamessagepinnedt




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