七年级英语上第六十二课课件冀教版lesson 62

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1、The U.K.London is thecapital of the U.K.This is the United Kingdom.Do you know what country this is?What is this?It is a map. the U.K.What do they speak in the U.K.?Thats easy! EnglishThis is a flag.What countrys flag is it?It is _flag.the U.K.sthe flag of the United Kingdomthe Union Flag or the uni

2、on JackWhat color is the flag of the U.K.?Its red, white and blue.Is it the same color as the flag of the U.S.?Who is this ?the king of the U.K.the queen of the U.K.Where do kings and queens live?They live in palaces.Which palace?Think about itBuckingham Palace 白金汉宫Where is it? It is in London.It is

3、 a famous palace in the world. 白金汉宫位于圣詹姆士公园(St. James Park)西端,因1705年白金汉公爵兴建而得名。1726年由乔治三世购得,曾一度做过帝国纪念堂、美术陈列馆、办公厅和藏金库,直至1825年改建成王宫建筑。1837年维多利亚女王继位起正式成为王宫,现仍是伊丽沙白女王的王室住地。女王召见首相、大臣,接待和宴请外国客人及其他重要外交活动都在此举行。白金汉宫于1931年用石料装饰了外墙面,最近的一次外墙清洗使王宫重放异彩,但给人们印象最深的还是其内部。王宫有600多个厅室,收藏有许多绘画和精美的红木家具,艺术馆大厅内专门陈列英国历代王朝帝后的

4、100多幅画像和半身雕像,营造出一种十八、十九世纪英格兰的氛围。宫前广场上竖有胜利女神金像和维多利亚女王坐像,此外还辟有一座占地40英亩(16公顷)的御花园。每天上午11点,王宫门前头戴高冠,身着红衣黑裤的皇家卫队都要举行井然威严的“换岗仪式”,这已成为伦敦盛景,吸引着成千上万的各国观光者。自从1837年维多利亚女王登上王座, buckingham palace改为王宫。宫殿上方如果飘扬着国旗,表示女王正住在宫中。这座宫殿命名来自buckinghan house ,1703-1705年budkingham公爵在此建造了buckinghan house 。1762年乔治三世买下来送给他的妻子,自

5、那以后就以女王的宫殿而闻名,1825年john nash 实施了多方面的扩展,命名为buckinghan palace。白金汉宫现已开放民众参观,但预约人潮通常都大排长龙。除了皇宫内部外,值得参观的地方还有:皇家美术馆、皇家马厩和知名的禁卫军交接典礼(四到九月,每天上午11:30)。白金汉宫是世界著名的宫殿之一,也是英国王室最重要的住地。它位于伦敦最高权力机构的所在地-威斯敏斯特区,东接圣詹姆斯公园,西临海德公园。白金汉宫建于1703年,1762年,王室将其买下,又不断加以改装、增建,最终形成了这座色调不尽一致,式样五花八门的补丁宫殿。但是,正面的大门富丽堂皇,外栅栏的金色装饰威严庄重。烟诏生

6、辉,厚重铁门的浮雕亦营造出与宫殿十分和谐的氛围。白金汉宫是一座规模宏伟的三层长方形建筑,主体宫殿长达110米,其余三面各有三幢附属宫殿,中间形成一个大院。外国国家元首和政府首脑访问英国时,女王就在此院中陪同贵宾检阅仪仗队。宫前有一个宽敞的广场,中央屹立着伊丽莎白二世的祖母维多利亚女王镀金雕像纪念碑,四周辅以四组石雕群。纪念碑的正前方是一条宽敞、平坦、笔直的咖啡色柏油大道。练习 What is the capital of the U.K.?What color is the U.K.s flag?Where does a king or a queen live?Where is Buckin

7、gham palace?Is it famous in the world?London.Red, white and blue.In palaces.In London.Yes.Do you know what country this is?这是含有宾语从句的复合句,宾语从句部分应用陈述句语序语法What country is this?Do you know what country this is?What is your name?Do you know what your name is?What time is it ?Do you know what time it is?Wh

8、ere do they live? Do you know where they live?Where does he live?Do you know where he lives?What do they like? Do you know what they like?What does he like? Do you know what he likes?训练基地 首先想一想宾语从句应注意什么用Do you know 开头说下列句子What is his name?What color is this How old is he?How are your parents?Where is Liming?Where do they work?What time does Jenny get up?When does she have lunch?How much do they want?Homework1.Write : I know about England2. Finish off your activity books



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