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1、Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? 教案二Period 1 1.Knowledge Objects (1)Key vocabulary: inline skating; marathon; skate; shell; collect (2)Key structures: -How long have you been skating? -Ive been skating for five hours. (3)Listening practice 2.Ability Object To train students ability o

2、f listening and speaking. 1. Teaching Key Points Key vocabulary. Key structures. Listening practice. 2.Teaching Difficulties How to improve students listening ability. Pairwork. Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? A: How long has Alison been skating? B: Shes been skating for five hours.

3、 A: How long did Sam skate? B: He skated for four hours. 时序教学操作过程设计(重点写怎么教及学法指导,含课练、作业安排)Step Greet the class and check the homework. Step Show the new words on the screen. Teach the new words. Read the new words to students and ask students to repeat. Step Section A Draw a long horizontal line acro

4、ss the board. Say, This is called a time line. It shows the years from 19- to the present. Lets put some information about ourselves on the time line. T: Maria, when did you start studying English? S1:1997. T: Maria started studying English in 1997.(Write the words Maria started English above the da

5、te 1997 on the time line.) In this unit were going to talk about how long weve been doing things. Maria, how long have you been studying English? (Point to the date 1997 on the time line.) S1:Since 1997. T:(Look at the class.)Correct. Maria has been studying English since 1997.(Point to the starting

6、 date and run the finger along the years up to the present year.)Class repeat. Maria has been studying English since 1997. Ss: Maria has been studying English since 1997. Repeat the activity using different dates for several other students. Use a different situation, such as When did you start to ri

7、de a bicycle? or When did you start to baby-sit? if these questions are more appropriate. Each time ask the class to repeat a sentence, point to the starting date and run the finger along the years up to the present year. Step 1a This activity provides oral practice using the target language. Go thr

8、ough the instructions with the class. Say, You will be talking with other students about some things you did in the last 24 hours. Write the words at and for on the blackboard. Say, You will be using the words at and for in some answers. Divide the students into some groups. Let students look at the

9、 three questions and read them to the class. (1)How long did you sleep last night? (2)When did you start class today? (3)How long have you been in class today? Then get students to ask and answer these questions in groups. Let them look at the words at and for on the blackboard. Say, Use the two wor

10、ds in sentences like this: I started class at 10:00.I slept for ten hours. While students work in groups, move around the room checking their progress and offering help as needed. Ask the class each question and let several different students answer. Help the students phrase responses using the word

11、s at and for correctly. 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排Step 1b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. First tell s

12、tudents, Were going to listen to a recording of a reporter talking to the participants in an inline skating marathon. Let students look at the picture and tell what is happening. Help the students understand that the students in the picture are at a skating marathon. Then discuss with students what

13、a marathon is.(Its a contest to see who can do something-run or dance or skate-the longest without stopping.) Ask a student to read the instructions, and the name in the chart. Then say, You will write sentences about these people according to the recording. Get a student to read the sample answers.

14、 Ive been skating for five hours. I skated for four hours. T: What word comes before the number of hours? S: For. T: Thats right. We use the word for when we talk about a number of hours. We say for five hours or for ten days. Play the recording for the first time. This time students only listen. Wh

15、en play it a second time, say, This time listen to the tape carefully and write the sentences in the chart. Correct the answers. Answers Alison: Ive been skating for five hours. Sam: I skated for four hours. Victor: Ive been skating for five hours. Celia: I skated for two hours. Step 1c Pairwork Thi

16、s activity provides guided speaking and listening practice using the target language. Ask a student to read the instructions aloud. And let students look at the picture in Activity 1a. Have two students read the example in sample dialogue in Activity 1c. 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎

17、么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排Then say, Now work with your partner. Begin with reading the conversation in the box with your partner. Then make a conversation about the people in the picture. You can use the names and

18、sentences in Activity 1b.Are you clear? OK. Begin, please. As students work, move around the room, checking their progress. Offer language support if necessary. At the end ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class. Give them little presents if they do their work better. S

19、tep Optional Activity Write these words on the board in random order: how, long, have, you, been, studying, English, going to school, playing soccer, riding a bicycle. Then give a student a pointer and ask him or her to tap the words one by one to make a question. For example the student might tap t

20、hese words: how.long.have.you.been.riding.a.bicycle. Then the student calls on another student to answer the question. Give several students a chance to tap out questions. Step Summary and Homework Today weve learned some key vocabulary and structures. Continue to make conversations with your partne

21、r after class. Next time Ill ask some pairs to read your conversations to the class again. 课题Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? Period 2 1.Knowledge Objects (1)Key vocabulary: since; pair; a pair of (2)Key structures Pairwork. (3)Grammar focus 2.Ability Objects To train students listen

22、ing skill. To train students communicative competence. 1.Teaching Key Points Vocabulary and structures. 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排2.Teaching Difficulties Groupwork Gramm

23、ar focus. Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? A: How long have you been skating? B: Ive been skating since I was seven years old. A: How long have you been skating? B: Ive been skating since nine oclock. A: How long did you skate? B: I skated for two hours 时序教学操作过程设计(重点写怎么教及学法指导,含课练、作业安

24、排)Step Greet the class and check the homework. Ask a pair of students to say their conversation. S1:How long has Victor been skating? S2:Hes been skating for five hours. S1:How long did Celia skate? S2:She skated for two hours. T: Very good. Thank you. Step Show the new words on the screen. Read the

25、 new words to the class and ask them to repeat. Make sure every student can understand the meanings of the new words. since conj. 自 以后;自从pair n. 一双;一对;一副a pair of 一双;一对;一副Step 2a This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Go through the instruc

26、tions with the class. Look at the six questions and ask different students to read the questions to the class. Then rephrase them in simple words. For example question 1 can be rephrased as How many hours did you skate today? Ask students what questions they still dont understand and explain the que

27、stions further as needed. 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排Then say, Youll listen to a recording of a reporter talking to Alison. Please check the questions you hear. The first

28、 one is given to you as an example. Do you understand? OK. Lets listen to the recording now. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play it a second time. This time students put a check in front of the questions they hear. Then check the answers. Answers The following questions sho

29、uld be checked:1 3 4 6 Step 2b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Say, Listen to the interview with the inline skating marathon winner again. Draw lines to match the questions and answers in Activity 2a. First point out the line drawn f

30、or the sample answer. Ask a student to read the example. -How long did you skate today? -For six hours. Get a student to read the other answers to the class. Then say, You will use these answers to answer the questions you checked in Activity 2a. Play the recording and let students draw lines connec

31、ting each question with the correct answer: Play the recording again and have students check their answers. Answers 1.c 3.a 4.b 6.d Step 2c This activity provides guided speaking and listening practice using the target language. In this activity first ask students to look at the picture and ask, wha

32、ts happening in the picture?(A reporter is interviewing the skating marathon winner.) Have two students to read the example in sample dialogue in Activity 2c. 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点

33、写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排A: How long have you been skating? B: Ive been skating since I was seven years old. Then say, You will work with your partner. Role play the interview between Alison and the reporter. Let students work in pairs. When they work, move around the room checking the progress of the pairs

34、and offering help as needed. At the end ask a pair of students to say their conversation to the class. Step Grammar Focus Review the grammar box first. Divide the class into two group. One group read the statements and the other the responses. Group 1:How long have you been skating? Group 2:Ive been

35、 skating since nice oclock. Ive been skating for five hours. Group 1:How long did you skate? Group 2:I skated for two hours. Then write some how long have you been.questions on the board using topics that are interesting to students. For example, How long has Alice been playing tennis? or How long h

36、as Alice been taking piano lessons? Then write the words since and for on the board. Ask different students to answer the questions using these words. Two answers might be: He has been playing tennis since 1997.He has been playing tennis for three years. Circle the words since and for in the sentenc

37、es. Ask, When do you use since and when do you use for? Help students understand that in these sentences since comes before a date, and for comes before a certain number of years. Then do another example in which the answer will be a time of day. For example, How long have you been sitting in this c

38、lassroom? Again circle the words since and for. Help students understand that in these sentences since comes before a clock time, and for comes before a certain number of minutes or hours. Point to the second and third sentences in the Grammar Focus chart. Ask, What is the difference between How lon

39、g did you skate? and How long have you been skating? Help students understand that the did question means that the person has stopped doing the action. The have you been question shows that the person is continuing to do the action at the present moment. 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎

40、么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排Step Summary and Homework This class weve done listening and speaking practice using the target language. We must pay attention to the usage of the two words since and for. Todays homework

41、 is to continue to make some conversations will your partners. Then revise grammar focus. Next time Ill ask some pairs to say their conversations. 课题Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? Period 3 1.Knowledge Objects (1)Key vocabulary: raise; charity; several (2)Key structures (3)Reading p

42、ractice 2.Ability Objects To train students reading skill. writing skill and communication 3.Sensibility and Value To enable to ask for help when having difficulties in learning. 1.Teaching Key Points Key vocabulary and structures. Reading practice. 2.Teaching Difficulty Groupwork. Unit 6 How long h

43、ave you been collecting shells? A: Liu Ying, what sport do you play? B: Tennis. A: When did you start? B: When I was eleven. A: So how long have you been skating? B: Three and a half years. 时序教学操作过程设计(重点写怎么教及学法指导,含课练、作业安排)Step Greet the class and check the homework. Ask a pair of students to say the

44、ir conversation about the interview. 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排S1:How long did you skate today? S2:For six hours. S1:Was this your first inline skating marathon? S2:No,I

45、 skated in a marathon last year. S1:How long have you been skating? S2:Since I was seven years old. T: Excellent. Thank you. Step Show the new words on the screen. Teach the new words and read the new words to students. And ask students to repeat the words. raise v. 募集;筹措several adj. 几个的;数个的Step 3a

46、This activity provides reading practice using the target language. Go through the instructions with the class. Say, This activity asks you to give answers using language from this unit and from the past units. Look at the picture. Ask, What is happening in the picture?(Some people are skating. A rep

47、orter is reporting the skating marathon.)Marathon means a long race. Do you remember? Use a projector to show the passage on the screen and read the message to students. Im talking to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon. Here, students are skating to raise money for charity. For every hour

48、they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity. The skating marathon has been going for five hours now, and several skaters are still skating. Alison was the first one to start, and has been skating for the whole five hours. Next is Sam, and he has been skating for six hours. Lu Ning has been

49、skating for four hours, and Li Chen just started an hour ago. Ask some students to read the passage aloud. Point out the sample answer. Then have students fill in the table. Walk around the room when students work, checking the progress. Check the answers. 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点

50、写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排Answers Sam 4 hours Lu Ning 4 hours Li Chen 1 hour Step 3b This activity asks students to calculate the time students started the race. Go through the instructions with the class. Ask st

51、udents to go over the passage in 3a again. Then let them write the names from 3a on the time line. When students work, move around the room, checking the progress. Check the answers. Answers Alison 9 a.m.; Lu Ning 10 p.m.; Sam 10 a.m.; Li Chen 1 p.m. If time permits, ask students to say something ab

52、out the people according to the time line. Step 4 Groupwork This activity presents an opportunity for students to use the language and structures of the unit to find out information about other students hobbies. First ask two students to read the sample dialogue. A: Liu Ying, what sport do you play?

53、 B: Tennis. A: When did you start? B: When I was eleven. A: So how long have you been skating? B: Three and a half years. Then let students look at the survey table. Ask them to fill in the table. Ask students to complete the work in groups. Students list and discuss their different sports. Get a fe

54、w students to share their lists. Ask a few students to say the sample conversation. For example: 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排S1:Li Ping, what sport do you play? S2:Soccer.

55、 S1:When did you start? S2:When I was eight. S1:So how long have you been playing soccer? S2:Seven years. Step Summary This class weve read a passage and done a survey. Also weve done some exercises of the workbook. It made us strengthen the target language we had learned in Section A. Step Homework

56、 Review the new words. Next class Ill have you read the new words first. 课题Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? Period 4 1.Knowledge Objects (1)Key vocabulary: stamp (2)Key structures (3)Listening practice 2.Ability Objects To train students listening skill and ability of communication 3

57、.Sensibility and Value To be able to share our own collections with others. 1.Teaching Key Points Key vocabulary. Key structures. Listening practice. 2.Teaching Difficulty Pairwork. 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由

58、的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? coins kites beautiful dolls interesting toy animals stamps 时序教学操作过程设计(重点写怎么教及学法指导,含课练、作业安排)Step Greet the class as usual and check the homework. Ask students to show their reports and get some of them to read the

59、ir reports to the class. Put some of the reports up on the bulletin board so that students can discuss it after class. Step Show the new word on the screen. Read the new word to the class and ask students to repeat. stamp n. 邮票Step Section B 1a Show some pictures on the screen and ask students to sa

60、y something about the pictures. Provide key words as needed. Write these words on the blackboard. Point to the pictures. Ask different students to say the items they see in the pictures. Write the key words on the board after students point out these words in the pictures. Get the class to repeat th

61、e name of each item. Go through the instructions with the class. Point to the chart. Ask a student to read the sample answer under the words I collect. Say, This column is for things you already collect. Point to the words I would like to collect. Say, This column is for things you dont collect now.

62、 Its for things you want to collect in the future. Let students write the names of things they collect and things they would like to collect in the chart. Have students do the work on their own. When students finish, let different students read their lists to the class. If there are any new words, w

63、rite them on the board and ask the student who said each word to explain what it is. 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排Step 1b This activity provides oral practice using the tar

64、get language. Go through the instructions with the class. Say, You will be talking with other students about your collection. Let a student read the sample sentences. A:I collect shells because they are beautiful. Id like to collect stamps because they are interesting. Ask, Why do you collect shells

65、? Why do you want to collect stamps? Write the words beautiful and interesting on the board .Say, These words tell why he collects these things. Use words like these in your answers. Have students do the activity in pairs. When they work, move around the room, checking their progress. Offer helps as

66、 needed. Ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class. Step 2a This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Say, You will hear three conversations. They are about Bob, Marcia, and Liam and their collections. Write what ea

67、ch person collects under the word What. Play the recording for students the first time. This time students only listen. Then play the recording a second time. Say, This time listen carefully and write what each person collects after that persons name and under the word What in the chart. Correct the

68、 answers. Answers Bob: kites Marcia: stuffed animals Liam: theater and movie tickets Step 2b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Point to the chart in Activity 2a.Say,Listen to the recording again. This time you will be writing answers i

69、n these columns. You will be telling how long the person has been collecting things and how many of each thing they have. Play the recording. If necessary, pause it after each conversation to give students time to finish writing their answers. 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作

70、业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排Correct the answers. Answers Bob: since he was ten years old,22 Marcia: for five years,35 Liam: since last year,20 Step 2c Pairwork This activity provides guided speaking and listening practice using

71、 the target language. Let students ask and answer questions about Bob, Marcia, and Liam. First point to the example in sample dialogue. A: What does Bob collect? B: He collects kites. A: How long has he been collecting kites? B: Hes been collecting kites since he was ten years old. Then ask students

72、 to practice conversations in pairs. When students work, move around the room checking their progress and offering help as needed. At the end ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class. Step Optional Activity Play a memory game with the class. Ask questions such as Who col

73、lects stuffed animals? What does Liam collect? How long has Marcia collected stuffed animals? How many tickets does Liam have? Ask students to answer in complete sentences. Step Summary This class weve learned some key vocabulary and done some listening, speaking and writing practice. Step Homework

74、Preview the new words on next page. 课题Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? Period 5 1.Knowledge Objects 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排(1)Key vocabulary: snow glo

75、be; run out of; store; let know; by the way (2)A reading passage (3)Writing practice 2.Ability Objects To train students ability of comprehension and writing skill 3.Sensibility and Value To be able to ask for help when having difficulties in learning. 1.Teaching Key Points Key vocabulary words. The

76、 reading passage. Writing practice. 2.Teaching Difficulty Writing practice. Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? now globe monster polar bear penguin birthday cake 时序教学操作过程设计(重点写怎么教及学法指导,含课练、作业安排)Step Greet the class as usual and check the homework. Step Show the new words on the screen

77、and teach the new words. Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat. Step 3a This activity introduces new vocabulary and provides reading practice using the target language. In this activity first look at the four pictures. T: What can you see in the pictures? Ss: Four snow globes. T: Rig

78、ht. There are four snow globes in the pictures. And what are they? 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排Ss: They are a monster, two polar bears, two penguins and a birthday cake. W

79、rite these words on the blackboard: snow globe; monster; polar bear; penguin and birthday cake. Read them to the class and ask students to repeat each one. Make sure students understand each word. Use a computer to show the E-mail message on the screen and read the message to students. Get students

80、to read the e-mail on their own, and then draw lines connecting each snow globe and its description. Correct the answers. Answers A line should connect each snow globe picture with the words that describe it in the letter. Step 3b This activity provides writing practice using the target language. Fi

81、rst review Activity 2a on Page 47.Then ask students to complete the message according to Activity 2a.Some partial sentences are given to students. Write about one persons collection. When students work, walk around the room checking the progress and offering help as needed. When they finish, ask som

82、e students to read their messages to the class. Show a sample message on the screen by a projector. Then ask students to read it on their own. Hi, Tom, I want to tell you about my hobby. I collect theater and movie tickets, Ive been collecting them since last year. Now I have 20.I put them in a book

83、 and write if I liked the show or movie. I think collecting them is very interesting. I like collecting them. Step 4a Groupwork This activity presents an opportunity for students to use the language and structures of the unit to find out information about other students hobbies. Look at the sample d

84、ialogue. Ask a pair of students to read it. A: Whats your hobby, Wen Li? 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排B: I like making kites. A: How long have you being doing that? B: For

85、about two years. A: How do you make them? B: I use bamboo and silk. Get students to make a list of everyones hobby and fill in the chart. Complete the work in groups. At the end let a few students to share the sample conversation. Step 4b Groupwork This activity provides guided oral practice using t

86、he target language. First tell students they will discuss the four questions below in small groups. Point to the questions and let a student to read them to the class. What is the most common hobby? What is the most unusual hobby? What is the most interesting hobby? What hobby would you like to try?

87、 Say, Now work in small groups. Start by reading the four questions. Then go back and discuss each question with the group. Ask each other questions until you learn the answer to each question. When students talk, walk around the room checking their work. Offer language support as needed. Read the f

88、our questions one by one and ask each group to say their answers to the class. Step Summary This class weve had a lot of reading, writing and speaking practice using the target language. In all the activities I hope you can learn to cooperate and make great progress together. Step Homework Next clas

89、s well have our Self check paper. Please preview the exercises to see if you have any difficulty in understanding. 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排课题Unit 6 How long have you b

90、een collecting shells? Period 6 1.Knowledge Objects (1)New words (2)Writing practice (3)Just for Fun (4)Exercises of the workbook 2.Ability Objects To train students self check skill and ability of reading and writing To train students sense of humor. 3.Sensibility and Value To be interested in taki

91、ng part in activities in an English class. 1.Teaching Key Points New words. Exercises of the workbook. 2.Teaching Difficulties Writing practice. Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? the sample sentences: 1.Our class is organizing a talent show to raise money for charity. 2.I need extra E

92、nglish lessons. Do you know a good teacher? 3.My hobby is collecting old coins. 4.I didnt finish writing my test because I ran out of time. 5.During the winter I store my summer clothes in bags under my bed. 时序教学操作过程设计(重点写怎么教及学法指导,含课练、作业安排)Step Greet the class as usual and check the homework. Step S

93、elf check 1 and 2 These two activities focus on vocabulary introduced in the unit. Say, First check the words and phrases you know. Then write five new words or phrases in your Vocab-builder. Get students to make their own sentences with the words, preferably sentences that re meaningful. 及学法指导含课练作业

94、安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排Write a number of students answers for each word on the board. Underline any mistakes and ask students to suggest how to correct the mistake. Answers 1.O

95、ur class is organizing a talent show to raise money for charity. 2.I need extra English lessons. Do you know a good teacher? 3.My hobby is collecting old coins. 4.I didnt finish writing my test because I ran out of time. 5.During the winter I store my summer clothes in bags under my bed. Step 3 This

96、 activity focuses on the grammatical structures and key vocabulary introduced in this unit. First learn the new words. Show the new words on the screen. Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat. free adj. 无拘束的;自由的topic n. 话题;题目be interested in 对 感兴趣Go through the instructions with the s

97、tudents. Let a student read the ad. Then ask students to read it again and make sure they understand the advertisement. Ask students to finish the letter on their own. As they work, move around the room checking the progress and offering help as needed. Check the letters. Step Just for Fun! This act

98、ivity provides reading practice with the target language. Get a student to read the sentence in the picture. Ive been collecting them for five years! Step Summary This class weve reviewed words and phrases in the unit. And weve done a writing exercise using the target language. Some exercises of the

99、 workbook can strengthen the target language presented in the unit. 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排Step Homework Next class well learn the reading passage. There are many new

100、 words and expressions. I hope you can read the new words and learn them by heart. Next class Ill ask you to read the new words first. 课题Unit 5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time! Period 7 1.Knowledge Objects Reading: Ive been studying history in China. 2.Ability Objects To train studen

101、ts reading comprehension ability. To train students how to use the strategy of reading. 3.Sensibility and Value To be interested in learning about Chinese history and Western history. 1.Teaching Key Points Key vocabulary. Section 1. Section 2. 2.Teaching Difficulties Section 3. Section 4 Reading: Iv

102、e been studying history in China 1.Ive been teaching in China for two years. 2.Since I came to China, Ive been learning a lot about my family history. 3.Ive been studying for over two years now. 时序教学操作过程设计(重点写怎么教及学法指导,含课练、作业安排)Step Greet the class as usual and check the homework. Ask students to rea

103、d the new words one by one. Correct any mistakes. Then read the new words and ask students to repeat. Make sure students know the meanings. Step Section 1 Before You Read 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题

104、时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排Groupwork First ask students How much do you know about history? Then let students discuss these questions in groups. 1.How many Chinese dynasties can you think of? 2.How many famous characters from Chinese history can you think of? Make a list. 3.Can you think of famous

105、characters from the history of other countries? Make a list. Read the title Ive been studying history in China to the class. Get students to predict what they think the article is about, according to the title. Step Section 2 While You Read Reading strategy Let students scan the text quickly to find

106、 details that they are looking for. Tell students they can find information quickly without reading the whole text. Play the tape for students and ask students to read the text. Step Section 3 After You Read 3a Ask students to go through the reading again. Then have them complete the sentences below

107、. 1.Leo has been teaching in China for _. 2.Some buildings in Harbin are _. 3.The _ welcomed the first Jewish settlers to China. 4.In Australia, students usually study _ and _ history. 5.The more Leo learns about _,the more he enjoys _ in China. Answers 1.two years 2.Russian 3.Song Emperor 4.Austral

108、ian;western 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排5.Chinese history; living 3b Groupwork Divide students into groups of three. Show the conversations in 3b on the screen. Ask studen

109、ts to practice the conversations, then let them make their own conversations according to 3b. 3c Ask students to make their own conversations in groups. Student A tells a plan. Student B says what will happen if they carry out the plan. Student C reports what was said. Then get some groups to act ou

110、t their conversations. Step Section 4 Go for it! First ask students, What problems might you have living in a foreign country? and What problems do you think a foreigner might have in China? Let students discuss with their partners. Then have students complete the chart according to their discussion

111、 and the examples. Step Summary This class weve practised some reading and writing. And weve learned something about Chinese history and Australian history. Are you interested in history? Which foreign country are you interested in? I hope you learn something more about our history and study hard to make our country stronger and more beautiful in the future. Step Homework Preview the new words in Unit 7.Next class well start Unit 7. 及学法指导含课练作业安排自以后自从一双一对一副一双一对一副课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排募集筹措几个的数个的课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排邮票学法指导含课练作业安排无拘束的自由的话题题目对感兴趣课题时序教学操作过程设计重点写怎么教及学法指导含课练作业安排



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