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1、牛津高中英语牛津高中英语( (模块八模块八 高二下学期高二下学期) )Advance with EnglishTask 2Unit1Writing a review of a book or story板块:教学设计板块:教学设计课件课件Unit 1 课件描述:课件描述: 本本节节课课是是以以说说和和写写为为主主的的语语言言综综合合技技能能训训练练课课,首首先先以以一一则则文文学学评评论论为为话话题题,让让学学生生两两人人一一组组或或四四人人一一组组操操练练和和交交换换有有关关“意意见见”的的句句型型。其其次次,重重点点围围绕绕这这则则文文学学评评论论,分分析析文文学学评评论论的的写写作作特特

2、点点,并并在在课课堂堂上上限限时时操操练练和和讲讲评评。本本节节课课的的难难点点在在于于课课堂堂时时间间的的分分配配与与把把握握。如如果果时时间间有有限限,可可以以让让学学生生在在课课内内完完成成文文学学评评论论的的前前两两段段并并及及时时点点评评。而而后后两两段段可可作作为为课课外外作业。作业。giving opinions:asking for opinions:showing agreement:showing disagreement:Skills building 2: Asking for and giving opinionsI feel that If you ask me,

3、I would say In my opinion Do you think that ?How do you feel about ?Whats your opinion of ?Exactly!I think so, too.I feel the same way.I disagree.I beg to differ.I dont feel the same way. Cindy is abused by her ugly stepmother and two greedy stepsisters. You shouldnt abuse your privilege.Words & phr

4、ases( (虐待虐待) )( (滥用滥用) ) It cant have been my car. You must be mistaken. With her hair cut short, she could easily have been mistaken for a boy.( (犯错的犯错的, , 错误的错误的) )( (被误认为被误认为, ,被误认为被误认为) )Skills building 3: Writing a review of a book or storyTense:Structure: simple present present perfectP1P2P3P4

5、title, author, genre, settingbrief outline of the plotimportant characterscharacter developmentthemes, symbolsyour own opinionSample: The home-made ball is a short story written by Jerry Johnson. The story is set in modern-day America. The main character of The home-made ball is a boy called Kevin.

6、Kevin and Mike are good friends who play soccer with their home-made ball every day, but when Kevin gets new sneakers and a soccer ball, things change. Friendship is an important theme in this short story. The author, Jerry Johnson, uses the old and new things, like the old home-made ball and the new soccer ball, and the old bench and the new sneakers as symbols. The old things symbolize the most valuable thing, friendship, which needs to be cherished. I think this story is well-written.



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