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1、Part Two Reading-Centered Activities 1. In-Class Reading2. After-Class ReadingIn-Class ReadingA Good Heart to Lean On Part Two: In-Class ReadingBackground InformationGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingPost-ReadingBackground InformationPart Two: In-Class Reading Background Information About New York CityB

2、rooklyn,oneofthefiveboroughs(区区)(Manhattan,Brooklyn,Bronx,Queens,andStatenIsland)ofNewYorkCity,isbothanimportantindustrialcenterandtheboroughwiththelargestpopulation.A Brief Introduction to New York City(the Brooklyn Bridge connecting Manhattan to Brooklyn)Part Two: In-Class Reading Background Infor

3、mation Manhattanborough,mainlyonManhattanIsland,isconsideredtobeoneoftheworldsforemostcommercial,financial,andculturalcenters.Itisrenownedformanypointsofinterest.Broadway,WallStreet,theEmpireStateBuilding,CentralPark,theMetropolitanMuseumofArt,theMuseumofModernArt,andtheUnitedNationsheadquarters,tom

4、entionafew.(the Times Square subway station)Part Two: In-Class Reading Background Information (the Wall Street bull, Wall St.)(the Manhattan downtown area)Part Two: In-Class Reading Background Information Global ReadingOrganization AnalysisQuestions and Answers Pre-Reading QuestionSummaryDiscussion

5、Part Two: In-Class Reading Global Reading Pre-Reading Question1) How do you feel when you walk on the street and see a disabled person? 2) Do you know anyone who is disabled? If you do, talk about him/her. Directions: Discuss the following questions in pairs. Sample 1Sample 2Part Two: In-Class Readi

6、ng Global Reading I feel pity towards those who are disabled. I wonder how they can manage in their daily life and whether they have a job. I feel lucky that I am not disabled. Sample 1Back to the Back to the TopicTopicPart Two: In-Class Reading Global ReadingYes. My aunt is deaf and dumb. She has b

7、een like this since her childhood. My grandmother said that she became deaf because of taking the wrong medicine. She is now more than fifty years old and she has never been married. She was very kind to me. In fact it was she who brought me up. She often felt it unfair because shecouldnt hear. But

8、she is very intelligent, and she is good at sewing. She sometimes kidded/teased me with gestures that she wanted to cut off her ears because they couldnt work. Sample 2Back to the Back to the TopicTopicPart Two: In-Class Reading Global ReadingPart1Para.1-4Thefathersphysicalconditionandhowhemanagedto

9、gettowork.Part2Para.5-7Thesonscommentonthefatherspersonality.Part3Para.8-11Thefathersattempttoexperiencethingsdirectlyorindirectly.Part4Para.12-13Thefathersinfluenceonhisson.Organization AnalysisPart Two: In-Class Reading Global Reading They would stare at them. He felt embarrassed/ashamed. He never

10、 let on. He usually walked there with the help of his son.1. What would people do when they saw the father and the son walking together?2. How did the son feel at the time?3. What was the fathers reaction?4. How did the father get to the subway station when the weather was fine?Questions and Answers

11、 Part Two: In-Class Reading Global Reading He was pulled on a childs sleigh to the subway station. He liked playing baseball and going to dances and parties. He asked them to sit down and fight with him. He was proud of his son.5. How did the father go to the subway station on snowy days?6. What hob

12、bies did the father have?7. What did he ask the others to do at the beach party when a fight broke out?8. How did the father feel about his son?(QuestionsandAnswers )Part Two: In-Class Reading Global Reading9.How did the son feel about his 10. father after his father had been 11. gone for years?10.

13、What did the son learn from his father?(QuestionsandAnswers ) He missed him very much and was sorry for what he had thought about him. He learned to have a good heart. Part Two: In-Class Reading Global ReadingDiscussion 1. What do you think makes a good heart?2. What do you learn from this article a

14、bout the relationship between the father and the son?3. How and why does the sons attitude change?4. If you were the son, how would you feel towards the father?Sample 1&2Sample 3&4Part Two: In-Class Reading Global ReadingSample 1 I think there are many things to make a good heart. These are: kindnes

15、s to others, generosity, sympathy for others (compassion), endurance, never hurting others, being satisfied with life, patience, etc. Sample 2 The father knew his disability stood in the way between him and his son. Thats why he said to his son: “You set the pace, Ill adjust to you.” The son was you

16、ng, so he was ashamed of his father because other people stared at them. But deep in their hearts they loved each other. The father was proud of his son, and the son learned a lot from his father. Back to the Back to the TopicTopicPart Two: In-Class Reading Global ReadingSample 3 The son realized th

17、at it was his father who taught him many things such as how to have a good heart. He knew that having a good heart was more important than a good appearance. Especially after his father died, he felt it more intensely that it was his father who guided him in his life. Sample 4 If I were the son, I w

18、ouldnt be embarrassed to be seen with him by others. I would be proud of my father no matter how he looked because it was he who gave me life and brought me up. His disability was not his own choice. He was disabled, which was hard enough for him. How could the others look down upon him, let alone h

19、is son? Back to the Back to the TopicTopicPart Two: In-Class Reading Global ReadingPart Two: In-Class Reading Global ReadingSummarydisabled,heneverlookeddownonhimselforwasenviousofotherluckierpeople.Hehadapositiveattitudetowardslife,workedallthetimeandtriedtoparticipateinmanyactivitiesinhisownway.Wh

20、enIgrewup,IrealizedIhadgreatcourageandagoodheart.Althoughfatherhadpassedawayformanyyears,Ioftenthinkofhim.IknowwhatIshouldlearnfromhim.Myfatherwasbadlycrippledandveryshort.WhenIwasasmallboy,Ialwaysfeltashamedtowalkwithhimtogether.AlthoughhewasDetailed ReadingPassage ReadingUnderstanding SentencesWor

21、d StudyPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading A Good Heart to Lean on More than I realized, Dad has helped me keep my balance. Augustus J. Bullock WhenIwasgrowingup,Iwasembarrassedtobeseenwithmyfather.1 Hewasseverelycrippledandveryshort,andwhenwewouldwalktogether,hishandonmyarmforbalance,people

22、wouldstare.Iwouldbeashamedoftheunwantedattention.Ifheevernoticedorwasbothered,heneverlet on.Itwasdifficulttocoordinateourstepshishalting,mineimpatientandbecauseofthat,wedidntsaymuchaswewentalong.Butaswestartedout,healwayssaid,“Yousetthepace.Iwilltrytoadjusttoyou.”Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed

23、ReadingOurusualwalkwastoorfromthesubway,whichwashowhegottowork.2 Hewenttoworksick,anddespitenastyweather.Healmostnevermissedaday,andwouldmakeittotheofficeevenifotherscouldnot.Itwasamatterofprideforhim.Whensnoworicewasontheground,itwasimpossibleforhimtowalk,evenwithhelp.AtsuchtimesmysistersorIwouldpu


25、Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed ReadingWhenIthinkofitnow,Imarvelathowmuchcourageitmusthavetakenforagrownmantosubjecthimselftosuchindignityandstress.AndImarvelathowhediditwithoutbitternessorcomplaint.3Henevertalkedabouthimselfasanobjectofpity,nordidheshowanyenvyofthemorefortunateorable.Whathelook

26、edforinotherswasa“goodheart”,andifhefoundone,theownerwasgoodenoughforhim.Now thatIamolder,Ibelievethatisaproperstandardbywhichtojudgepeople,eventhoughIstilldontknowpreciselywhata“goodheart”is.ButIknowthetimesIdonthaveonemyself.Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading 4Unabletoengageinmanyactiviti


28、oke outatabeachparty,witheveryonepunchingandshoving.Hewasntcontenttositandwatch,buthecouldntstandunaidedonthesoftsand.Infrustrationhebegantoshout,“Illfightanyonewhowillsitdownwithme!Illfightanyonewhowillsitdownwithme!”Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Nobodydid.Butthenextdaypeoplekiddedhim

29、bysayingitwasthefirsttimeanyfighterwasurgedtotakeadiveevenbeforetheboutbegan.Inowknowheparticipatedinsomethingsvicariouslythroughme,hisonlyson.WhenIplayedball(poorly),he“played”too.WhenIjoinedtheNavy,he“joined”too.AndwhenIcamehomeonleave,hesaw to it thatIvisitedhisoffice.Introducingme,hewasreallysay

30、ing,“Thisismyson,butitisalsome,and5Icouldhavedonethis,too,ifthingshadbeendifferent.”Thosewordswereneversaidaloud.Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed ReadingHehasbeengonemanyyearsnow,butIthinkofhimoften.Iwonderifhesensedmyreluctancetobeseenwithhimduringourwalks.Ifhedid,IamsorryInevertoldhimhowsorryIw

31、as,howunworthyIwas,howIregrettedit.IthinkofhimwhenIcomplainabouttrifles,whenIamenviousofanothersgoodfortune,whenIdonthavea“goodheart”.AtsuchtimesIputmyhandonhisarmtoregainmybalance,andsay,“Yousetthepace.Iwilltrytoadjusttoyou.”(703words)Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading1. He was severely cr

32、ippled and very short, and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would stare. I would be ashamed of the unwanted attention. 他身材矮小,走起路来跛得很厉害。我们一起走时,他身材矮小,走起路来跛得很厉害。我们一起走时,他要把手搭在我的肩上才能保持平衡,人们就会盯着他要把手搭在我的肩上才能保持平衡,人们就会盯着我们看。我们看。对这种不必要的注意我觉得非常难堪。对这种不必要的注意我觉得非常难堪。本句本句and when

33、 we would walk together中中would的用法比较特殊。的用法比较特殊。TranslationCommentsTo be continuedUnderstanding SentencesPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed ReadingComments 一般一般would用作用作will的过去式,的过去式,但在这儿它表示总是但在这儿它表示总是或经常发生的事情。例如:或经常发生的事情。例如:To be continued 这个句子中这个句子中his hand on my arm为独立主格结构,为独立主格结构,有些语法讲解为分词的独立结构。分

34、词的独立结构一般由有些语法讲解为分词的独立结构。分词的独立结构一般由逻辑主语(名词、代词)逻辑主语(名词、代词)+ 分词(现在分词、过去分词)分词(现在分词、过去分词)构成,可以表示时间、原因、条件、方式或伴随情况等。构成,可以表示时间、原因、条件、方式或伴随情况等。但当分词为但当分词为being或或having been时,时,being或或having been可以省略,形成下列结构:可以省略,形成下列结构:Weusedtoworkinthesameofficeandwewouldoftenhavecoffeetogether. 我们过去在同一个办公室工作,并且经常在我们过去在同一个办公室

35、工作,并且经常在一起喝咖啡。一起喝咖啡。 Understanding SentencesPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed ReadingExamplesComments逻辑主语逻辑主语+(being)+形容词形容词逻辑主语逻辑主语+(being)+副词副词逻辑主语逻辑主语+(being)+名词名词逻辑主语逻辑主语+(being)+介词短语介词短语逻辑主语逻辑主语+(being)+过去分词过去分词逻辑主语逻辑主语+(being)+不定式不定式逻辑主语逻辑主语+(having been)+过去分词过去分词1.Shejustkeptsilent,her eyes

36、 full of tears. 她只是保持着沉默,两眼噙满泪水。她只是保持着沉默,两眼噙满泪水。 To be continuedUnderstanding SentencesPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed ReadingExamplesBack to the text2.Hesatbythewindow,pipe in mouth. 他坐在窗前,嘴里衔着烟斗。他坐在窗前,嘴里衔着烟斗。3.Theydecidedtobuyacar,Mike to pay half the money. 他们决定买一部车,迈克付一半的钱。他们决定买一部车,迈克付一半的钱。

37、Understanding SentencesPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading2. He went to work sick, and despite nasty weather. He almost never missed a day, and would make it to the office even if others could not. It was a matter of pride for him. 不论生病还是碰到恶劣的天气他都去上班,几乎没有不论生病还是碰到恶劣的天气他都去上班,几乎没有旷过一天工。即使别人无法上班

38、,他也要去办公室。旷过一天工。即使别人无法上班,他也要去办公室。对他来说这是一种自豪。对他来说这是一种自豪。 1.1.He went to work sick句中的句中的sick为形容词,作为形容词,作主语主语he的补足语,表示其现状、状态。的补足语,表示其现状、状态。e.g.Dontmarryyoung. 不要早婚。不要早婚。Thewalletwasfoundempty. 钱包被发现时已经是空的了。钱包被发现时已经是空的了。TranslationCommentsTo be continuedUnderstanding SentencesPart Two: In-Class Reading D

39、etailed ReadingComments2.2. would make it to the office中中to make it (to)的意思是的意思是“toarrivesomewhereintimeortosucceed”。到达了某到达了某处或做成或做成了某事情。了某事情。e.g.Youcanmake itifyouhurry.Afteryearsasanunsuccessfulbusinessman,hehasfinallymade it.Back to the textUnderstanding SentencesPart Two: In-Class Reading Detail

40、ed Reading3. He never talked about himself as an object of pity, nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able. Translation他从不把自己当作同情的对象,也从不对更幸运的或他从不把自己当作同情的对象,也从不对更幸运的或更能干的人表示任何嫉妒。更能干的人表示任何嫉妒。 never和和nor等具有否定意义或否定形式的词或词组等具有否定意义或否定形式的词或词组居于句首时句子用倒装,不居于句首时则用正常语序。居于句首时句子用倒装,不居于句首时则用正常语序。常用的有:

41、常用的有:seldom (很少很少), rarely (很少很少), hardly (几乎不几乎不), not (不,没有不,没有), hardly when (一一就就), no sooner than (一一就就), neithernor (即不即不也不也不), not onlybut also (不但不但而且而且), not until (直到直到才才), CommentsTo be continuedUnderstanding SentencesPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Readingin no case (决不决不), at no tim

42、e (从不从不), by no means (决不决不), nowhere (没有地方没有地方), not often (不不经常经常) 等等。例如:等等。例如: ExamplesComments1.Not often dotheymeet.他们不常见面。他们不常见面。 2.Rarely doeshegotothemovies. 他很少看电影。他很少看电影。 3.Nowhere wasthelostcartobefound.丢失的车哪里都找不到。丢失的车哪里都找不到。Back to the textUnderstanding SentencesPart Two: In-Class Readin

43、g Detailed Reading4. Unable to engage in many activities, my father still tried to participate in some way. Translation尽管很多活动我爸爸不能参尽管很多活动我爸爸不能参加,但他还是尽量用某种方加,但他还是尽量用某种方式参加。式参加。 此句此句unable to engage in many activities部分部分为分词短语为分词短语, ,意思为意思为although he was unable ,在句中作状语,表示让步。分词还可以作在句中作状语,表示让步。分词还可以作时间

44、时间、原原因因、方式方式、条件条件、结果结果、目的目的等状语。值得注意的是等状语。值得注意的是“分词分词being + 形容词、名词、介词短语形容词、名词、介词短语”结构可结构可以放在主语前(最自然),主语后(较文气),也可以放在主语前(最自然),主语后(较文气),也可放在句尾,这种用法的放在句尾,这种用法的being常可省略。例如:常可省略。例如:CommentsTo be continuedUnderstanding SentencesUnderstanding SentencesPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed ReadingExamples1. (

45、Being) A little girl,Maryknowsverylittleoftheworld. 玛丽是个小女孩,对世事知之甚少。玛丽是个小女孩,对世事知之甚少。2.John,(being) in a bad mood,didnothingyesterday. 约翰情绪不好,昨天什么也没做。约翰情绪不好,昨天什么也没做。3.Marysleptthewholeday,(being) weary and worried. 玛丽忧心忡忡,疲惫不堪,睡了一整天。玛丽忧心忡忡,疲惫不堪,睡了一整天。Back to the textUnderstanding SentencesPart Two: I

46、n-Class Reading Detailed Reading5. I could have done this, too, if things had been different. TranslationComments如果不是这种情形的话,我也能做这些。如果不是这种情形的话,我也能做这些。 Thissentencemeansthat if I had been as healthy as you instead of being crippled, I could have joined the Navy too. 这句话中主句这句话中主句和从句都使用了虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反。和

47、从句都使用了虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反。Back to the textUnderstanding SentencesPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed ReadingWord Studyashamed adj.feeling shame or guilt because of something done 羞耻羞耻的,惭愧的,内疚的的,惭愧的,内疚的1.to be ashamed of:to feel shamefule.g.Iam ashamed ofwhatIhavedone.Hewas ashamed ofhavingfailed.2.to be

48、ashamed to do sth.:e.g.Iam ashamed to leaveyouthisway.Iam ashamed to havementionedit;pleaseforgiveme.To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed ReadingWord Studyashamed: adj. feeling shame or guilt because of something done 表示(人感到)羞耻的,惭愧的,内疚的,只用作表语。表示(人感到)羞耻的,惭愧的,内疚的,只用作表语。Back to the textYo

49、uoughttobeashamedofyourbehavior.你你应当为自己的行为感到羞耻。应当为自己的行为感到羞耻。shameful: adj. deserving blame 表示(某种行为)可耻的,应受责备的表示(某种行为)可耻的,应受责备的。theirshamefultreatmentofpoliticalprisoners他们对待政治犯的可耻行径他们对待政治犯的可耻行径ComparePart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Readinglet onto let sb. know; to tell a secret泄漏秘密,透漏泄漏秘密,透漏Dontl

50、et onaboutthemeeting.Hedoesntlet onthatheisricherthanhereallyis.Word StudyWedidntlet onabouthowrichwewere.Back to the textPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed ReadingWord Studycoordinate v. make various things work effectively as a whole 协调协调coordinatethemovementsofthearmsandlegs 使胳膊和腿的动作协调使胳膊和腿的动作协调

51、coordinatethefunctionofgovernmentagencies 调整政府机构的作用调整政府机构的作用coordinatewitheachother 互相配合互相配合Back to the textPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed ReadingShynessmadetheboyspeakinahaltingmanner. 因害羞那男孩说话结结巴巴。因害羞那男孩说话结结巴巴。halting adj.1.limping; lame 跛的跛的Heiscrippledandwalkedina haltingway.2. hesitant or

52、stopping and starting as if uncertain 踌躇的;踌躇的;迟疑不决的;吞吞吐吐的迟疑不决的;吞吞吐吐的Word StudyBack to the textPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Readingadjustv.to change slightly in order to be more suitable 调整,调整,校准,使适应校准,使适应toadjusttoanewclimateShemustadjustherselftothecollegelife.Thedesksandseatscanbeadjustedto

53、theheightofanychild.Word StudyBack to the textPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Readingcling vi.(clung, clung)1. to hold tightly; stick firmly 粘着粘着/ /住住, 紧贴紧贴, 卷绕卷绕/ /住住clinginggarments紧身衣紧身衣 Hiswetshirtclungtohisbody. 湿衬衣紧紧贴在他的身上。湿衬衣紧紧贴在他的身上。2.(fig.) believe firmly; have hopes that(比喻)比喻)依靠依靠, ,

54、抱抱住住不放,抱定(希望)不放,抱定(希望)clingtothelasthope抱定最后希望抱定最后希望, ,决不灰心决不灰心Shestillclingstothebeliefthathersonisalive.她她仍然抱着儿子还活着的信念。仍然抱着儿子还活着的信念。Word StudyBack to the textPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Readingnow thatbecause of the fact that既然既然Now (that)youarehere,letsbegin.Now thatyouhavecome,youmayaswe

55、llstay.Now thatyouarewellagain,youcantravel.Word StudyExamplesBack to the textPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Readingengage v.Word StudyTo be continued2.to attract or keep the interest or attention of someone 引引 起某人的兴趣,注意力等起某人的兴趣,注意力等 Thenewtoydidntengagethechildsattentionforlong. 这个新玩具对孩子的吸引力没有

56、维持多久。这个新玩具对孩子的吸引力没有维持多久。1.to arrange to employ someone 雇用雇用Ihaveengagedhimtoworkasmynewassistant. 我已聘他做我的新助手。我已聘他做我的新助手。Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Readingengage in: 1.to take part in; to become involved in an activity 从事,参与从事,参与 Ifyouengage inthelocalpolitics,youcanthavemuchtimeforyourfamil

57、y.如果你在当地从政的话,就没有太多时间顾家了。如果你在当地从政的话,就没有太多时间顾家了。Word StudyTo be continuedWhileoneoftherobbersengagedtheguardinconversation,theotherscreptintothefactory.当一个盗贼和门卫攀谈时,其余的同伙就溜进了工厂。当一个盗贼和门卫攀谈时,其余的同伙就溜进了工厂。2.(engage somebody in something)to make (someone) join with one in 使某人加入,参加使某人加入,参加 Part Two: In-Class

58、 Reading Detailed ReadingWord StudyBack to the textengaged adj.1.having agreed to marry 已已订婚的订婚的 Oursonisengagedtoaniceyoungwoman. 我们的儿子已跟一位年轻漂亮的女子订了婚。我们的儿子已跟一位年轻漂亮的女子订了婚。2.busy; spending time on doing something 忙于忙于Hewasengagedinwritingletters. 他正他正忙于写信。忙于写信。3.(of a telephone line)inuse;(of a publi

59、c toilet)inuse电电话话 占线;(公共厕所)占用中的占线;(公共厕所)占用中的Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Readingbreak out (of fire, disease, violence, war, fight) start suddenly (only used in active voice) 爆发爆发Afirebroke outduringthemidnight.Theeconomiccrisisbroke outintheUnitedStates.Word StudyBack to the textPart Two: In

60、-Class Reading Detailed Readingparticipate v.to take part in; to join in参加,参与参加,参与toparticipateinthestrikeactivities/thegame/thediscussion/thewarIlongedtohavetheopportunityofparticipatinginthestrikeactivities.Everyonecanparticipateinthedecision-makingprocess.Word StudyBack to the textPart Two: In-Cl

61、ass Reading Detailed Readingsee to it thatto see to (it that): 确保;注意做到,务必要(注意:从句中不确保;注意做到,务必要(注意:从句中不用进行时态和将来时)用进行时态和将来时) See to (it that) youdontfall.See to (it that)youareherepunctuallytomorrowmorning.Word StudyPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed ReadingBack to the textPost-ReadingTranslation Unde

62、rstanding Reference Words Completing SentencesWord-BuildingPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-ReadingDirections: Find the reference words listed below in the passage. Then write the words or phrases referred to in the space provided. 1. Understanding Reference Words Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-Read

63、ingReference WordsWords or Phrases Referred t1)that(l.6)the difficulty in coordinating the steps2)(believe)that(is)(l.29)whether a person has a good heart3)one(l.31)a good heart4)it(l.33)the baseball team5)did(l.41)sat down to fight6)(havedone)this(l.47)what the son has achieved, i.e. serving in the

64、 Navy7)did(l.50)sensed8)it(l.51)the reluctance to walk with himReference WordsWords or Phrases Referred to1)that(l.6)2)(believe)that(is)(l.29)3)one(l.31)4)it(l.33)5)did(l.41)6)(havedone)this(l.47)7)did(l.50)8)it(l.51)Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-ReadingDirections: Complete the sentences with the

65、words or phrases given in the box. Change the form if necessary. 1)The people were to do their very best to save their nation.2)The mountain climbers for a rest.3)I am sorry to you, but could you direct me to the station? embarrass bother adjust coordinate halt subject engage urge participate compla

66、in kid see to it that 2. Completing SentenceshaltedurgedbotherPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading4) She was to hear her husband talking so loudly at the party. 5) He very quickly to the heat of the country. 6) If the service was so bad, why didnt you to the manager? 7) Dont me. I know youre not

67、telling the truth. 8) If a book doesnt my interest in the first few pages, I dont usually continue reading it. embarrassedcomplainadjustedkidengageembarrass bother adjust coordinate halt subject engage urge participate complain kid see to it that Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading9) “I didnt wa

68、nt to him to the long journey,” she said. 10) Papa much of my spare time was profitably occupied. 11) A baby cannot easily his movements. 12) We asked high school students to in an anti-drugs campaign. subjectcoordinatesaw to it thatparticipateembarrass bother adjust coordinate halt subject engage u

69、rge participate complain kid see to it that Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-ReadingDirections: Give the noun or adjective form of the words as indicated in the brackets. Then complete the sentences with words from the table. Use each word once. 3. Word-Buildingpatient(noun)enter(noun)bitter(noun)com

70、plain(noun)fortunate(noun)envy(adjective)knowledge(adjective)memory(adjective)reluctance(adjective)frustrate(noun)Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-ReadingWord-Buildingpatientpatience(n.)enterentrance(n.)bitterbitterness(n.)complaincomplaint(n.)fortunatefortune(n.)envyenvious(adj.)knowledgeknowledgeab

71、le(adj.)memorymemorable(adj.)reluctancereluctant(adj.)frustratefrustration(n.)Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading1) Failing the final exams was a disappointment for me.2) You are very to have found such a pleasant house.3) Youd be hopeless looking after childrenyou dont have enough .4) The queen

72、s visit was a occasion.bitterfortunatepatiencememorablepatience entrance bitterness complaint fortune envious knowledgeable memorable reluctant frustrationPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading5) He was very to go, but he had no choice.6) The explosion did a great deal of damage to the of the build

73、ing.7) The store has a special department to handle customer .8) He was of his brother because the latter could afford to give so much.entrancecomplaintsenviousreluctantpatience entrance bitterness complaint fortune envious knowledgeable memorable reluctant frustrationPart Two: In-Class Reading Post

74、-Reading9) Do you think you are more than your parents were at your age?10) The of his ambitions made him a bitter man.knowledgeablefrustrationpatience entrance bitterness complaint fortune envious knowledgeable memorable reluctant frustrationPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading4. TranslationDire

75、ctions:Translate the Chinese sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets. 1) 他走得慢是因为腿有毛病。他走得慢是因为腿有毛病。(because of) Hewalkedslowlybecauseofhisbadleg.2) 他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。(despite)Hecametothemeetingdespitehisseriousillness.Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading3) 他确保同样的

76、错误今后不再发生。他确保同样的错误今后不再发生。(see to it that)Hesawtoitthatthesamemistakedidnthappenagain.4) 现在他们之间的了解多了一些,他们相处得就好些了。现在他们之间的了解多了一些,他们相处得就好些了。(now that)Nowthattheyvegottoknoweachotheralittlebetter,theygetalongjustfine.5) 此时我发现自己被五六个男孩子围住了。此时我发现自己被五六个男孩子围住了。(find oneself) ThenIfoundmyselfsurroundedbyhalfadozenboys.6) 在这幸福的时刻,我向你致以最美好的祝愿。在这幸福的时刻,我向你致以最美好的祝愿。(on occasion)Isendyoumybestwishesonthishappyoccasion.End of In-Class ReadingPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-ReadingGotoAfter-ClassReading



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