高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Introduction and Grammar 1课件 外研版必修1

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高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Introduction and Grammar 1课件 外研版必修1_第1页
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1、英科学家研制苍蝇机器人 INTRODUCTION -1.BRAINSTORMING(2M)How much do you know How much do you know How much do you know about general science?about general science?about general science?EinsteinINTRODUCTION 2.FREE TALK(3M) WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE THINGS SHOWN BELOW?INTRODUCTION - 3.QUIZ TIME.(4M) INTRODUCTIO

2、N - 3.QUIZ TIME.(4M) CHOOSE THE CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWERS TO THE QUIZ IN PART 1. THEN CORRECT ANSWERS TO THE QUIZ IN PART 1. THEN LISTEN AND CHECK YOUR ANSWERS.LISTEN AND CHECK YOUR ANSWERS.1.Water exists as a solid, a liquid and a gas.2.When you heat a metal, it expands.3.Steel is a mixture of iro

3、n and other substances.4.Two-thirds of the earths surface is water.5.The distance of the sun from the earth is 150,500,500 kilometres. 6.The earth is 4.6 billion years old.7.The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon.Answers:Answers: INTRODUCTION 4.CLASSIFICATION(2M) PUT THE WORDS IN PAIRS O

4、R GROUPS.contract air earth gas liquid oxygen contract air earth gas liquid oxygen contract air earth gas liquid oxygen moon solid expand sunmoon solid expand sunmoon solid expand sun1 12 23 34 4air gas - oxygencontract - expandearth sun - moongas liquid - solidINTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION 5.CLASSIFICA

5、TION(2M) 5.CLASSIFICATION(2M) PUT WORDS IN PUT WORDS IN THE RIGHT PLACE.THE RIGHT PLACE.electricity iron electricity iron metal metal steel air steel air glassglassnaturalman-madebothelectricity iron air some metalssteel glass some metalselectricity some metals (alloy for example)Look at the picture

6、s collected by our classmates. Do you know the name of these equipment?test tube tongs balancecrucible beaker & glass rod Bunsen burner Since you are interested in doing scientific experiments, now lets get to know some vocabulary and knowledge related to science and experiment.Potassium (钾)(钾)What

7、can it be used for?How about the following metals? Sodium(钠钠) Calcium(钙钙) Magnesium(镁镁)Lets get to know more!Lets go on getting to know more metalsAluninium(铝)(铝) Zinc (锌)(锌) Iron (铁)(铁) Copper (铜)(铜)1.基数词的读法:基数词的读法:A. 先说先说“几十几十”, 再说再说“几几”,中间,中间用连字符。如:用连字符。如:23 89B. 先说先说“几百几百”, 再加再加and,再加末两位数再加末两位数(

8、或末位数)。如:(或末位数)。如:223 416 809 twenty-three eighty-ninetwo hundred and twenty-threefour hundred and sixteeneight hundred and nineC. 1000以上的数先从后向前数,每三位数加以上的数先从后向前数,每三位数加一一“,”(千分位);第一个(千分位);第一个“,”号前为号前为thousand; 第二个第二个“,”号前为号前为million; 第三个第三个“,”号前为号前为billion。如:。如:1,001 4,000 9,743 174,301750,000,000 one

9、 thousand and onefour thousandnine thousand, seven hundred and forty-threea (one) hundred and seventy-four thousand, three hundred and oneseven hundred and fifty millionCan you say the following in English correctly?1,000 2,000 12,000 112,000796,000one thousandtwo thousandtwelve thousandone hundred,

10、twelve thousandseven hundred, ninety six thousand879,457eight hundred, seventy-nine thousand, four hundred and fifty-seven 1,000,000 9,000,00032,000,000 212,000,000one million nine millionthirty-two milliontwo hundred, twelve million988,766,688nine hundred, eighty-eight million, seven hundred, sixty

11、-six thousand, six hundred and eighty-eight987,654,321nine hundred, eighty-seven million, six hundred, fifty-four thousand, three hundred and twenty-one1,000,000,000one billion9,000,000,000nine billion32,000,000,000thirty-two billion564,865,000,000five hundred, sixty-four billion, eight hundred, six

12、ty-five million978,876,675,467nine hundred, seventy-eight billion, eight hundred, seventy-six million, six hundred, seventy-five thousand, four hundred and sixty-seven 2.序数词的读法序数词的读法序数词一般以与之相应的基数词加词序数词一般以与之相应的基数词加词尾尾-th构成,如:构成,如:tenth(第十),但下(第十),但下面这些基数词在变序数词时,面这些基数词在变序数词时, 有特别有特别的地方。如:的地方。如:A. one

13、two three five eight nine twelvefirstsecondthirdfiftheighthninthtwelfthB. 以以-ty结尾的词,要先变结尾的词,要先变-y为为-i,再加,再加-eth。如:如:twenty fortyC. 以以one, two, three, five, nine收尾的多位数词,收尾的多位数词,要照第一条方法变。如:要照第一条方法变。如:twenty-one twenty-two thirty-five ninety-ninea hundred and fifty-three twentiethfortiethtwenty-firsttw

14、enty-secondthirty-fifthninety-nintha hundred and fifty-third基数词表示分子,序数词表示分母,基数词表示分子,序数词表示分母,除了分子是除了分子是“1”的情况外,序数词要的情况外,序数词要用复数。如:用复数。如: 2/3 7/9 5/12 one-fourthtwo-thirdsseven-ninthsfive-twelfthstwo and three-fifthsthirty and seven-eighths3.分数词的读法分数词的读法2353078一些特殊的表达法一些特殊的表达法 a / one halfa / one quar

15、terthree quarters4.小数的读法小数的读法7.8 0.4 0.03 0.125 14.397 seven point eightzero point fourzero point zero threezero point one two fivefourteen point three nine seven5) 百分数的读法百分数的读法27% 45% 86% twenty-seven percent forty-five percent eighty-six percentRead these questions aloud and say the answers.1.What

16、 is of 6,000,000?2. How much is 35,246,000 plus 12,800,000?3. What is 25% of 200,000,000?three millionforty-eight million, forty-six thousand fifty million4. How much is 260,408,396 and 5,284,700? two hundred, sixty-five million, six hundred, ninety-three thousand, ninety-six 5. What is of 1,000,500

17、,000? seven hundred, fifty million, three hundred, seventy-five thousand 6. What is 10% of 800,000,000? eighty million 1/5 1/61/74/7one fifthone sixthone seventhfour seventhsCan you say the following in English correctly?7/10 97/111seven tenths ninety-seven one hundred and elevenths forty-five eight

18、y-sevenths总结总结: 你能看出他们有什么特点吗?你能看出他们有什么特点吗?45/87分子用基数词分子用基数词,分母用序数词分母用序数词;分子大于分子大于1,分母的序数词需要加分母的序数词需要加s。另外另外, 还有几个特殊表达的情况还有几个特殊表达的情况:1/21/4 1/3 3/42/3one half one quarter one third three quarters two thirds Now lets say: 2/5 5/8 9/10 3/8 5/6Practicetwo-fifths five-eighthsnine-tenthsthree-eighths five

19、-sixthsCan you say the following in English Can you say the following in English correctly?correctly? fivepoint eight point seven sixone point two three23.45100.3287.6757.564twenty-three point four fiveone hundred point three two eighty-seven point six seven seven point five six f

20、our 总结:小数点用pointFill in the blanks with numbersFill in the blanks with numbers1.W:Why are you so excited? M:Im going to buy a television set.They usually cost _ dollars , but today they are on sale for _ the price300tow-thirds2.W:Did you know Korea has a population of_? M:Thats nothing special.India

21、 has nine times as many people as Korea100million3.M:Thats_dollars on the meter(记程器), and a dollar for the suitcase W:Okay.Here is _ dollars, keep the change.five3.254.M:Our rent is now just 600dollars a month. W:I know. Its exactly _ more than it was when we first moved in.one-third5.W:Is this the

22、bookcase you advertised? M:Yes.Its our regular _ dollars bookcase on sale today for _ dollars.These are the last two.If you use them both you can have the pain for 15dollars.14.959.906.W:Can you tell me why you charged me 6.60dollars on a _dollars bag ? Did you make a mistake? M:No,Madam.Thats_sales

23、 tax. Maybe you are from out of town and dont know about it.6.0010%Read these questions aloud and say the answers.1.What is of 6,000,000?2. How much is 35,246,000 plus 12,800,000?3. What is 25% of 200,000,000?three millionforty-eight million, forty-six thousand fifty million4. How much is 260,408,39

24、6 and 5,284,700? two hundred, sixty-five million, six hundred, ninety-three thousand, ninety-six 5. What is of 1,000,500,000? seven hundred, fifty million, three hundred, seventy-five thousand 6. What is 10% of 800,000,000? eighty million Finish Exercise 9 on P 93.Homework Discuss in groups of three

25、. Make sentences about the comparative sizes of the pairs. Use the words in the brackets .Winter in HarbinWinter in Beijing-20-5(cold/coldnesscold/coldness)Mount Tai Mount Qumolangma1521m8848m(high/height)(high/height)Diameter (直径)Earth=1 Jupiter=11(big/size)(big/size)Example:A: The Yangtze River is

26、 about three times as long as the Songhua River.B: The Yangtze River is about three times longer than the Songhua River.C: The Yangtze River is about three times the length of the Songhua River.Mount Tai Mount Tai Mount QumolangmaMount Qumolangma1521m1521m8848m8848m(high/height)(high/height)A:A:Moun

27、t Qumolangma is about six times as high Mount Qumolangma is about six times as high as Mount Tai.as Mount Tai.B:B:Mount Qumolangma is about six times higher Mount Qumolangma is about six times higher than Mount Tai.than Mount Tai.C:C:Mount Qumolangma is about six times the Mount Qumolangma is about

28、six times the height of Mount Tai.height of Mount Tai.Winter in HarbinWinter in Beijing-20-5(cold/coldnesscold/coldness)A:A:Winter in Harbin is four times as cold as in Winter in Harbin is four times as cold as in Beijing.Beijing.B:B:Winter in Harbin is four times colder than in Beijing.Winter in Ha

29、rbin is four times colder than in Beijing.C: C: Winter in Harbin is four times the coldness of Winter in Harbin is four times the coldness of winter in Beijing. winter in Beijing.GRAMMAR1 5.PRACTICE(6M) COMPLETE THE SENTENCES ACCORDING TO THE CHART. Mars is _ the earth. (big)Mars is _ the earth. (bi

30、g) Jupiter is _from the sun than the Jupiter is _from the sun than the earth. (far)earth. (far)EartEarth hMarMars sJupiterJupiterDiameter(Diameter(直径)直径)直径)直径)1 10.50.51111Distance from the Distance from the sunsun1 11.51.55 5half as big asfive times furtherCan you write more sentences comparing the

31、 planets?Can you write more sentences comparing the planets?Diameter直径 Earth=1 Jupiter=11(big/size)A:A:Jupiter is eleven times Jupiter is eleven times as big as the earth .as big as the earth .B:B:Jupiter is eleven times Jupiter is eleven times bigger than the earth.bigger than the earth.C:C:Jupiter

32、 is eleven Jupiter is eleven times the size of the times the size of the earth.earth.GRAMMAR 1 2.QUESTIONS(4M)1. What is wrong with the sentence? I went there two times.2.If object A is 10 metres long, and object B is twice as long as object A, how long is object B?3.If object A weighs 100 kilogramm

33、es and object B is four times heavier, how heavy is object B?I went there twice.I went there twice.20 metres long.20 metres long.400 kilogrammes.400 kilogrammes.GRAMMAR 1 3.RULES(6M) FIRST STUDY THE SENTENCES AND MAKE A CONCLUSION OF THE COMPARATIVE STRUCTURE OF ADJECTIVES.The brown houses windows a

34、re twice as wide as those of the white house.My handwriting is not half as good as yours.This room is three times as large as that one.小结小结小结小结: (1) : (1) 倍数倍数倍数倍数asas形容词形容词形容词形容词asasThe white box is four times deeper than the black box.This road is twice longer than that one.The plane flew nine tim

35、es higher than the kite.小结小结小结: (2) : (2) : (2) 倍数形容词的比较级倍数形容词的比较级倍数形容词的比较级thanthanthanThe red building is twice the height of the grey building.Our school is three times the size of yours.The street is four times the length of that one.小结小结小结: : : (3) (3) (3) 倍数倍数倍数the size (length, width, the size

36、 (length, width, the size (length, width, height, depth) height, depth) height, depth) ofofofGRAMMAR1 4.PRACTICE(10M) MAKE SENTENCES ABOUT THE COMPARATIVE SIZE OF THE PAIRS IN PART 2 ON PAGE 43.Answers:2. Winter is four times colder in Harbin than in 2. Winter is four times colder in Harbin than in

37、Beijing.Beijing. Winter is four times as cold in Harbin as in Beijing. Winter is four times as cold in Harbin as in Beijing.3. Mount Qumolangma is about six times higher than 3. Mount Qumolangma is about six times higher than Mount Tai.Mount Tai. Mount Qumolangma is about six times as high as Mount

38、Qumolangma is about six times as high as Mount Tai.Mount Tai.4. My aunts house is twice as large as 4. My aunts house is twice as large as my house.my house. My aunts house is twice larger than My aunts house is twice larger than my housemy house5. Tom weighs over twice as heavy as 5. Tom weighs ove

39、r twice as heavy as Lily.Lily. Tom is over twice heavier than Lily. Tom is over twice heavier than Lily.119 years old12 years oldThe old woman is about _as old as her The old woman is about _as old as her granddaughter.granddaughter.The old woman is about _ older than her The old woman is about _ ol

40、der than her granddaughter.granddaughter.The old woman is about The old woman is about ten timesten times the age of her the age of her granddaughter.granddaughter.ten timesten times倍数倍数+ +形容词比较级形容词比较级+than +than 倍数倍数+the (size, height, +the (size, height, length, weight, width, depth, length, weight, width, depth, age) +of age) +of 倍数(倍数(half, once, twice, half, once, twice, timestimes)+as+as+形容词形容词+as +as ( (big,high,long,weighwide,deep,oldbig,high,long,weighwide,deep,old) )



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