高中英语《Unit1 Getting along with others》课件 牛津译林版必修5.ppt

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1、Unit 1Getting along with others1. I feel betrayed by my friend Hannah.betray vt. 背叛;出卖;对背叛;出卖;对.不忠不忠e.g. When you betray somebody else, you also betray yourself. 你出卖别人时,也出卖了自己。你出卖别人时,也出卖了自己。2. Afterward, I pretended to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong. pretend vt. 1) 佯装;假装佯装;假装 e.g

2、. He pretended to be friendly with me. 他假装对我友善。他假装对我友善。 2) (尤指孩子尤指孩子)(在游戏中在游戏中)假扮;装作假扮;装作 e.g. Lets pretend that were on an island. 让我们装作在一孤岛上。让我们装作在一孤岛上。 cheerful adj. 愉快的,高兴的;令人愉快的愉快的,高兴的;令人愉快的e.g. This is a cheerful, sunny room. 这个房间阳光充足,令人愉快。这个房间阳光充足,令人愉快。句中的句中的 sense 为动词,后接从句,表示为动词,后接从句,表示“感感觉到

3、,意识到觉到,意识到”。e.g. She probably sensed that I wasnt telling her the whole story. 3. I admitted how badly I had done.admit vt. 1) 承认承认e.g. You must admit the task to be difficult. 你得承认这个任务是艰巨的。你得承认这个任务是艰巨的。2) 准许进入;准许准许进入;准许.进入进入e.g. No one but ticket-holders was admitted. 只有持票者方可入内。只有持票者方可入内。 3) 容许;可容纳

4、容许;可容纳e.g. The theater admits 1000 people. 这剧院可容纳一千人。这剧院可容纳一千人。 admit vi. 承认承认e.g. I must admit to feeling ashamed of my conduct. 我得承认因自己的行为而感到羞惭。我得承认因自己的行为而感到羞惭。 辨析辨析:这些动词均含这些动词均含“承认承认”之意。之意。acknowledge: 通常指公开承认某事的真实通常指公开承认某事的真实情况或自己的过错。情况或自己的过错。admit: 强调因外力或良心驱使或经判断而强调因外力或良心驱使或经判断而明确承认,多含不情愿或被迫意味。

5、明确承认,多含不情愿或被迫意味。recognize: 作作“承认承认”解时,系书面用词,解时,系书面用词,主要指合法的或外交上的承认,也指公认。主要指合法的或外交上的承认,也指公认。【派生】【派生】 admission n. 进入,入场;承认。进入,入场;承认。如:如:A week after his admission into the army, he fell ill. 他入伍后一星期就病了。他入伍后一星期就病了。His admission that he was the thief surprised everyone.他承认自己就是小偷,这让大家惊讶他承认自己就是小偷,这让大家惊讶不

6、已。不已。 admitted adj. 自己承认的自己承认的如:如:He is an admitted alcoholic. 他自认是个酒鬼。他自认是个酒鬼。 admittedly adv. 无可否认地,诚然。无可否认地,诚然。如:如:Admittedly, Ive never actually been there. 说实在的,我从未去过那里。说实在的,我从未去过那里。4. I begged her not to tell anyone beg vt. vi. 请求,恳求;乞讨请求,恳求;乞讨e.g. Be quiet, I beg you. 请你安静一点。请你安静一点。 He begged

7、 money in the streets. 他沿街讨钱。他沿街讨钱。 He begged along the street. 他沿街乞讨。他沿街乞讨。 vt. vt. vi.7. Yours sincerely sincerely adv. 真诚地真诚地e.g. I sincerely hope youll come with us. 我真诚希望你和我们一起去。我真诚希望你和我们一起去。 8. The other team was superb and superb adj. 极佳的;卓越的极佳的;卓越的e.g. Shes a superb singer. 她是一位超级歌星。她是一位超级歌星

8、。8. We really had to focus.focus vt. vi. 集中注意力于集中注意力于;使聚焦;使聚焦e.g. I cant focus my thoughts today. 今天我的思想集中不起来。今天我的思想集中不起来。 He must be very tired today, he doesnt seem to focus at all. 他今天一定很累,他似乎无法专心思他今天一定很累,他似乎无法专心思 考。考。 vt. vi.focus n. 焦点;重点焦点;重点e.g. The focus of this chapter is the American Revol

9、ution. 本章的重点是讲美国独立战争。本章的重点是讲美国独立战争。 9. I shouldnt talk to him in this manner. manner n. 方式;态度,举止方式;态度,举止e.g. We walked in a leisurely manner. 我们慢悠悠地走着。我们慢悠悠地走着。 11. it turned into a horrible argument. horrible adj. 极坏的,极坏的, 糟糕的;恐怖糟糕的;恐怖 的,令人震惊的的,令人震惊的e.g. It is a horrible thing to see one person mak

10、e another suffer. 看到人折磨人的景象是件可怕的事。看到人折磨人的景象是件可怕的事。 10. I feel really guilty because I made some cruel remarks too. guilty adj 内疚的;有罪的内疚的;有罪的e.g. I felt guilty after breaking my promise. 我违背诺言后感到内疚。我违背诺言后感到内疚。 He was found guilty. 他被判有罪。他被判有罪。 remark n. vi. 评论,谈论评论,谈论e.g. He had a habit of making hum

11、orous remarks. 他有说幽默话的习惯。他有说幽默话的习惯。 11. Since we argued, he hasnt argue vi. 争吵,争论争吵,争论e.g. Im not going to argue with you tonight. 我今晚不想与你争辩。我今晚不想与你争辩。 12. Its really awkward. awkward adj. 令人尴尬的,别扭令人尴尬的,别扭 的;笨拙的的;笨拙的e.g. He felt awkward and uncomfortable. 他感到尴尬和不舒服。他感到尴尬和不舒服。 13. but he has not apol

12、ogized to me. apologize vi. 道歉道歉e.g. He apologized to her for not going to her party. 他因为没有出席她举行的宴会而向他因为没有出席她举行的宴会而向她表示歉意。她表示歉意。 14. I told my brother about the quarrel. quarrel n. vi. 争吵,争执争吵,争执e.g. He is good-natured and has never had a quarrel with anyone. 他脾气很好,从不和任何人争吵。他脾气很好,从不和任何人争吵。 Its no us

13、e quarrelling about it with me. 关于这件事与我争吵毫无用处。关于这件事与我争吵毫无用处。 15. She said that someone must have been spying on us in the washroom, but I didnt believe her explanation.句中情态动词句中情态动词 must 后面接完成进行后面接完成进行式,表示对过去正在进行的情况的推式,表示对过去正在进行的情况的推测。测。spy on somebody,“窥探窥探”。如:如:Betty always feels that her neighbour

14、s are spying on her.16. He got annoyed, saying it wasnt his fault if he couldnt play as well as me, and that I shouldnt talk to him in this manner.句中现在分词短语作状语。现在分词句中现在分词短语作状语。现在分词saying 后接了两个宾语从句,其中第二个后接了两个宾语从句,其中第二个从句的引导词从句的引导词 that 通常不能省略。通常不能省略。如:如:Jack said he loved music and that he would do an

15、ything to become a musician.17. He accused me of some really bad things just to hurt me. accuse “指责,指控指责,指控”,常用于,常用于 accuse sb. of sth. 如:如: Are you accusing me of lying?18. Yesterday, I saw him talking to another boy, Peter, and I cannot help wondering if he wants peter to be his best friend instea

16、d of me. cannot help (doing) something “忍不住,忍不住,情不自禁情不自禁” 如:如: I could not help laughing when I saw his haircut.19. Friendships between girls are usually anchored in shared feelings and support, but friendships between boys are based on shared activities or interests.1) 动词动词 anchor 的本意是的本意是“停泊停泊”,在句

17、中表,在句中表示示“基于基于”。如:如:Her novels are anchored in everyday experience.2) 词组词组 be based on/upon 的意思是的意思是“以以为为基础,建立在基础,建立在基础上基础上” 如:如: Their friendship was based on each others help and support.20. However, if I had ended our friendship, we would have both learnt nothing.本句是虚拟语气,本句是虚拟语气,if 从句中动词用从句中动词用 h

18、ad done,主句的动词用,主句的动词用 would have done,表示与过去事实相反的情况。表示与过去事实相反的情况。如:如:If you had come yesterday, you would have met him.难句分析难句分析:1. I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quiz, saying how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good grade. 1) 句子结构分析:句子结构分析: 此句的主句是此句的主句是I must have sounded

19、very proud of myself。after the test 是是介词短介词短语作时间状语。语作时间状语。-ing分词短语分词短语saying how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good grade作伴作伴随状语随状语,修饰谓语动词,修饰谓语动词sound。在。在-ing分分词短语中词短语中含有两个含有两个how引导的从句作动引导的从句作动词词say的宾语。的宾语。2) 语言知识分析:语言知识分析: must have done意为意为“一定是一定是”,是是对过去发生的情况的肯定推测,其否定结对过去发生的情况的肯定推测,其否定结构

20、为构为cant / couldnt have done,意为,意为“不不可能可能”。如:如: Jack cant have arrived. Otherwise he would have phoned me. 杰克不可能已经到了。要是到了他会给我杰克不可能已经到了。要是到了他会给我打电话的。打电话的。 2. However, the next day, I noticed that my classmates were staring at me as I came into math class and, when I went to sit down, I was shocked to

21、find a piece of paper on my desk that said, Stupid Sarah got a D! 【分析】【分析】 这是一个由这是一个由and连接的并列复连接的并列复合句。合句。在第一个分句在第一个分句However . math class中,中,that引导宾语从句引导宾语从句,其中,其中,as引导时间引导时间状语从句;在第二个分句中,状语从句;在第二个分句中,when引引导时间状语从句,导时间状语从句,I was shocked .是是主句,其中,主句,其中, that said .是是限制性定限制性定语从句语从句,修饰,修饰paper。3. I was

22、 so angry that I went straight to Hannah and told her we werent going to be friends any more because she couldnt keep her word.1) 句子结构分析:句子结构分析:此句的主句是一个此句的主句是一个so . that . 句型句型。 and连接连接that结果状语从句结果状语从句里的两个动词里的两个动词went 和和told; told后跟省略了后跟省略了that的宾语的宾语从句。从句。2) 语言知识分析:语言知识分析: keep ones word 意为意为“遵守诺言遵守

23、诺言”。如:。如:You must keep your word if you promised to take the children to the cinema. 如果你答应孩子们去看电影的话,你就如果你答应孩子们去看电影的话,你就得遵守诺言。得遵守诺言。拓展拓展 word常见短语还有常见短语还有:have a word with sb.跟跟说话;说话;have words with 跟跟争吵;争吵;break ones word 不遵守诺言,不遵守诺言,失信;失信;eat ones words收回自己的话,承收回自己的话,承认说错了;认说错了;leave word留下话;留下话;in

24、a word 总之;总之;in other words换句话说等。换句话说等。4. I told my brother about the quarrel, but he said Matthew is just too sensitive and perhaps a little bitter because I am really athletic and good at football and that I had better find another friend.1) 句子结构分析:句子结构分析:此句的主句是此句的主句是I told my brother about the qu

25、arrel,but he said . 后面是后面是but引导的引导的并列句,表转折关系并列句,表转折关系。在在but引导的转折句中,动词引导的转折句中,动词said后是由后是由and连接的两个连接的两个that引导的引导的宾语从句宾语从句,第,第一个宾语从句一个宾语从句Matthew is just too sensitive . 省略了引导词省略了引导词that;第二个宾语从句;第二个宾语从句that I had better find another friend中的中的that不能省略;不能省略;because引导的引导的原因状语从原因状语从句句包含于第一个宾语从句包含于第一个宾语从句

26、Matthew is just too sensitive and perhaps a little bitter中。中。2) 语言知识分析:语言知识分析: 当一个动词后接两个由当一个动词后接两个由that引导的宾语从引导的宾语从句时,第一个从句的句时,第一个从句的that可以省略,第二可以省略,第二个从句的个从句的that不能省。不能省。如:如:My teacher told me (that) I got an A in the English text and that he was satisfied with my result. 我的老师告诉我我的英语测试得了我的老师告诉我我的英语测试得了“A”,而且还告诉我他对这个成绩很满意。,而且还告诉我他对这个成绩很满意。



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