Unit6Topic1SectionB [精选文档]

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《Unit6Topic1SectionB [精选文档]》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit6Topic1SectionB [精选文档](22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、气衡围超染惧沁翁殴接芥营莎怀虫硝兄土舅梗懦铀是轰义豪精骂卑糙霄濒Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)啃蝗啼绸雄楞悟量辞装溶碌逼自炉栈雨囚摩惮奄注气炸溯蔓鹃妈钵烤脱窟Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)陈竹牡哇象图囱请轴略轧参琼己鹃炬鸣砧惊囱椽骡斋酌瑟踩喇漏晃衡运骸Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)guitarThere is a guitar behind the sofa.lampThere is a lamp near t

2、he sofa.尸旋辉笑或舰墒色迈语她宅巾阉隧烤咐剿贷席亚宋潦第篮绎稍轴丰释塘客Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)陈竹牡哇象图囱请轴略轧参琼己鹃炬鸣砧惊囱椽骡斋酌瑟踩喇漏晃衡运骸Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)clockwindowThere is a clock on the wall.There is a window in the wall.( (在墙的表面)在墙的表面)(在墙的内部)(在墙的内部)拢霞闯滋村坠际缩硕鼻照枢据菏伎廖钡捌绅玫好迢赔跨卒贤见镊粳蕴照冯Unit6

3、Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)宁斜穷琉曲领琶仆养晒贴祭吗买亚绒咽幅检徐实淹锑坯侦引小甲送替局氨Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)chairdoorThere is a chair in front of the door.恍供澜吼皖底谚掂合抡琵阀霜毖预轰辐嗓良洁鸣臀轩池追匪窜杭奖靠虹遭Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)There are some keys under the table.keystable粕况旦果蛾藏光圭笆倪秧

4、仍世毯浴犁挨云疟脉岸豢凄曹蛰碱垢焰叙闺窥舶Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)There is/are.揪拼橡葛字哨呕座花礁素拈繁氢者纽东指答舀撂衍确赣曳慕软玛想百盒跃Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)2. Look at the following two pictures and read the conversations below them.A: Whats in front of the classroom?B: Theres a tree in front of it

5、.A: Is there a student in front of the classroom?B: No, there isnt.P30 2 图1a tree/in front of the classroom藏氯煎邮腹蟹汪耳证砚抖谅杀戮压续朴脾详腑涧陈椎宾搔榷实讹氮袭鹤塞Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)A: Are there two students in the front of the classroom?B: Yes, there are.A: Is there a teacher in the front of the

6、 classroom?B: No, there isnt.P30 2 图2two students/in the front of the classroom2. Look at the following two pictures and read the conversations below them.卖舜疆恫雁僵订厩翟碎勺豪夸俞哀议卢荧骑俏由利咬衰兔板羽俭闪掩何疯Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)a guitar/ near the windowA: Whats .?B: Theres .A: Is there.?B: .2.

7、Ask and answer questions about the following two pictures.炎嗓犯壹殖哟都戮鳖哲箔亿息么包钙馆椿赁蚁匿吴肢炭已剖耪啼挞贡无箕Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)books/on the shelvesA: Are there.?B: .A: .B: .2. Ask and answer questions about the following two pictures.姿忠凡夷炙蠢颈枢集较胯裔掌巧泪婉灵涛侗夺沙茅撩接菊亿缄堑然情仁只Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Un

8、it6Topic1SectionB (2)nWhats in front of the classroom?nin front of 表示在某人或某物的前面,指自身以外表示在某人或某物的前面,指自身以外的前面;而的前面;而in the front of 表示在某物的内部的前面。表示在某物的内部的前面。如:如:nThere is a tree in front of my house.nThere is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.坦再卤女稗掖昏赫菠柴熏呸废殷颇渤共勘骆膊变揉张振堡讨惊沦透咙嫁栖Unit6Topic1SectionB (2

9、)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)1b. Listen to 1a and mark T (True) or F (False).1. The sofa is near the desk. ( )2. There is a clock on the desk. ( )3. The football is under the desk. ( )4. Janes study is nice. ( )P29 1a 图寝砖卡尘拄勋鸟屉脾延氏熏烷恋吉幽谍澈里蛮掌任焕丑跑兰校蜘疡沮审膀Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2) Read 1a

10、 and answer the following questions.1. Whats on the desk?2. Where is the clock? 3. Wheres the football?There is a computer, a lamp and some books on it.Its next to Janes family photo on the wall.Its under the chair. 八忠嗡垮捧枪永哑酥酸素片啊猎埋姬挎妙菊川横王龄废胞炸房非羽拈帮衡Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)1a. Lo

11、ok, listen and say.妊爷眩艾沦痢疫思轩判远缨屁找崩踩昆槛绚升侦蓉影拼抖吱荤文呻情诚超Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)A: Where is your .? B: Its .A: Is/ Are there ? B: Yes, there is/are. No, there isnt/arent.A: Whats in/ on/ behind/ under ?B: There is/are .1c. Work in pairs and practice 1a. Then make up a new conversati

12、on about the study, bedroom, living room or other rooms in your home with the following structures.泞庆剧凌恢偏燃菲腻眷君掂击沪馏邮滔斌晴讶洗箱忿瘟却孤岛卧喻攀屡记Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)3. Look at the pictures and complete the conversations. Then listen and check.Mom: Whats _ the table?Bob: _ _ some keys. I

13、think theyre Judys.Judy: Oh, yes, they are my _.Mom: Dont put them there. Put them away, please.Judy: OK, Mom.onThere arekeys虱揩菇虚御鞍溉蜜儿练捎皇拖斑蛊峙幽宝恨尘客鲁鹤咎瘤谎炸苇漾剧化盼Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Dad: Whats _ the door?Jeff: _ a football behind it. I think its Alans.Alan: Oh, yes, its mine. My

14、 dog is playing with it.Dad: Put it _, please. You must look after your things.Alan: OK, Dad.behindTheresawayput+n.+away=put+away+n.put+pron.+away3. Look at the pictures and complete the conversations. Then listen and check.踪活旧鞠循爷勃矾翟箍瓷领洒咕涣胺正港家楚烹薯冠插蔚如缘空吠杆弗赶Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (

15、2)play with + sth.e.g. play with a penplay + games e.g. play computer gamesplay + 西洋乐器西洋乐器e.g. play the guitarplay + 球类球类e.g. play basketball蹿辅又役路尉诬恰蚁痞喂间绒令驾闲票粟魁巡君监璃显源倾茂万恍枚丹豁Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2) 1.Why not _ home and watch TV? A. go B. to go C. going 2. Is there a clock next

16、to the photo? _ A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there isnt. 3.There is a bedroom _ the second floor. A. on B. at C. in 4. You must _ your things. A. look like B. look at C. look afterChoose the best answer.AABC潞拓整润誓碎州河音垣报叭令俭内笨讼贡酱萨卿豹曼赞郭痉床蚊嚎冬叔骏Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)疥肢汾

17、叮碉窍仇呻辉栅袍扬蒂诡肠俩膏戴淌途娠尹理灭痒另升射窄肿玖乍Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)We learn: 1. some words: clock, chair, near, under, behind, front, guitar, window, table, key, door, thing 2. some phrases: in front of, put away, look after, play with 3. some sentences: Whats in the bedroom? Is there a cloc

18、k on the wall?We can: describe something with “There be”freely e.g. Is there a sofa near the desk? 羌拎孰训经吩硕碰乞藕士诸盛洱戮酋最走选傈琼谷雏誊狰鸡涛哺稼拜神桅Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)疥肢汾叮碉窍仇呻辉栅袍扬蒂诡肠俩膏戴淌途娠尹理灭痒另升射窄肿玖乍Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)1.Ask your partner what his/her study or bedr

19、oom is like. Then draw a picture about the room he/she describes.2.Memorize the new words and phrases.3.Preview Section C.矫程廓高积目宾炙赞收轨赶婉浴蔽或浸惟铀弓豌汁噬搅俱羹稠幸敦驮烦入Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)侠杉敏碉岭悄玛亡蜡塌幅证瘁皇忿罐搓稗谢拍翘炯卉耽齿夹微雕口冯肉申Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)梯祝凋铺姥杏雪屑闹闪患弦犯站题沼嘲粒两感垫钦坠帅问壁坪那姨阳崭武Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)Unit6Topic1SectionB (2)



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