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1、专专四四四四语语法法法法讲讲座座座座Your company sloganYour company slogan课程程预告告 大大大大纲纲分析分析分析分析1 1 考点分析考点分析考点分析考点分析2 2 真真真真题举题举例例例例3 3 练练 习习4 4Your company sloganYour company slogan大大纲分析分析英英英英语专业语专业掌握掌握掌握掌握语语法知法知法知法知识总识总体描述体描述体描述体描述 识别词类识别词类 区区区区分名分名分名分名词词的可的可的可的可数数数数性和不可性和不可性和不可性和不可数数数数性性性性 可可可可数数数数名名名名词词的的的的单单复数复数复

2、数复数形式形式形式形式 基本掌握各基本掌握各基本掌握各基本掌握各种种种种代代代代词词的形式的形式的形式的形式与与与与用法用法用法用法 基基基基数数数数词词和序和序和序和序数数数数词词 常用介常用介常用介常用介词词和和和和连词连词、形容、形容、形容、形容词词和副和副和副和副词词的句法功能的句法功能的句法功能的句法功能 比比比比较级较级和最高和最高和最高和最高级级的的的的构构构构成及基本句型、冠成及基本句型、冠成及基本句型、冠成及基本句型、冠词词的一般用法的一般用法的一般用法的一般用法 了解了解了解了解动词动词的主要的主要的主要的主要种种种种类类、时态时态、语态语态以及不定式和分以及不定式和分以及

3、不定式和分以及不定式和分词词的基本用法的基本用法的基本用法的基本用法 掌握主掌握主掌握主掌握主谓谓一致一致一致一致关关关关系、表系、表系、表系、表语语从从从从句、句、句、句、宾语宾语从从从从句、句、句、句、关关关关系分句和系分句和系分句和系分句和状状状状语语从从从从句等句型句等句型句等句型句等句型 直接引直接引直接引直接引语语和和和和间间接引接引接引接引语语的用法的用法的用法的用法 动词动词不定式和分不定式和分不定式和分不定式和分词词的用法的用法的用法的用法 各各各各种种种种时态时态、主、主、主、主动语态动语态、被、被、被、被动语态动语态和和和和构构构构词词法法法法 四四四四级级要求要求要求要

4、求除掌握上述除掌握上述除掌握上述除掌握上述内内内内容外,熟容外,熟容外,熟容外,熟练练掌握主掌握主掌握主掌握主语语从从从从句、同位句、同位句、同位句、同位语语从从从从句、倒装句和各句、倒装句和各句、倒装句和各句、倒装句和各种条种条种条种条件句件句件句件句Your company sloganYour company slogan考点分析考点分析近几年考近几年考近几年考近几年考题题曾曾曾曾经经考到:考到:考到:考到: 各各各各种种种种分句及分句及分句及分句及连连接接接接词词的用法、的用法、的用法、的用法、虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气、动词动词的非的非的非的非谓语谓语形式、形式、形式、形式、独独独独立

5、主格、代立主格、代立主格、代立主格、代词词、动词时态动词时态、情情情情态动词态动词、形容、形容、形容、形容词词、副、副、副、副词词、限定、限定、限定、限定词词等各此等各此等各此等各此类类相相相相关关关关的的的的语语法点;法点;法点;法点; 主主主主谓谓一致、句子成分、反意疑一致、句子成分、反意疑一致、句子成分、反意疑一致、句子成分、反意疑问问句、倒装、省略等基本句、倒装、省略等基本句、倒装、省略等基本句、倒装、省略等基本语语法知法知法知法知识识。 Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-反意疑反意疑问句句反意疑反意疑反意疑反意疑问问句句句句 1

6、1.5411.54When you have finished with the book, dont forget to return it to When you have finished with the book, dont forget to return it to Tom, _?Tom, _?A do you B will you C dont you D wont youA do you B will you C dont you D wont you解析:解析:解析:解析: 反意疑反意疑反意疑反意疑问问句句句句题题。祈使句反。祈使句反。祈使句反。祈使句反义义疑疑疑疑问问句用

7、句用句用句用will you? B will you? B Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-反意疑反意疑问句句反意疑反意疑反意疑反意疑问问句句句句 08.5808.58When you have finished with the book, dont forget to put it back on When you have finished with the book, dont forget to put it back on my desk, _?my desk, _?A do you B dont you C will yo

8、u D wont youA do you B dont you C will you D wont you解析:解析:解析:解析: 反意疑反意疑反意疑反意疑问问句句句句题题。祈使句反。祈使句反。祈使句反。祈使句反义义疑疑疑疑问问句用句用句用句用will you? C will you? C Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-反意疑反意疑问句句反意疑反意疑反意疑反意疑问问句句句句 10.5710.57She seldom goes to the theatre, _?She seldom goes to the theatre, _?A d

9、oesnt she B does she C would she D wouldnt sheA doesnt she B does she C would she D wouldnt she解析:解析:解析:解析: 反意疑反意疑反意疑反意疑问问句句句句题题。BB Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-反意疑反意疑问句句反意疑反意疑反意疑反意疑问问句句句句 06.6506.65There used to be a petrol station near the park, _There used to be a petrol station n

10、ear the park, _?A didnt it B doesnt there C usednt it? D didnt thereA didnt it B doesnt there C usednt it? D didnt there解析:解析:解析:解析: 反意疑反意疑反意疑反意疑问问句句句句题题。There used to be There used to be 反意疑反意疑反意疑反意疑问问句用句用句用句用usednt/didnt there usednt/didnt there 构构构构成。成。成。成。DDYour company sloganYour company slogan

11、真真题举例例-倍数倍数题倍倍倍倍数数数数题题11.5611.56Which of the following italicized phrases is INCORRECT?Which of the following italicized phrases is INCORRECT?A The city is now A The city is now ten timesten times its original size. its original size.B I wish I had B I wish I had two timestwo times his strength. his

12、 strength.C The seller asked for C The seller asked for doubledouble the usual price. the usual price.D They come here D They come here four timesfour times every year. every year.解析:解析:解析:解析: 倍倍倍倍数数数数表表表表达达达达题题。用。用。用。用TimeTime表示倍表示倍表示倍表示倍数数数数,一般限于三倍或者以上的,一般限于三倍或者以上的,一般限于三倍或者以上的,一般限于三倍或者以上的数数数数,表示,表

13、示,表示,表示两两两两倍,通常用倍,通常用倍,通常用倍,通常用twicetwice。 B B Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-倍数倍数题倍倍倍倍数数数数题题08.6408.64The square itself is five hundred yards wide, five times _ the size The square itself is five hundred yards wide, five times _ the size of St. Peters in Rome.of St. Peters in Rome.A /

14、 B that of C which is D ofA / B that of C which is D of解析:解析:解析:解析: AA Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-倍数倍数题英英英英语语中表示倍中表示倍中表示倍中表示倍数数数数的方法的方法的方法的方法(1 1)主)主语语+谓语谓语+倍倍数数(分(分数数)+as + adj+as+as + adj+as例如:例如: I have three times as many as you.I have three times as many as you. (2) (2) 主主语语+谓

15、语谓语+倍倍数数(分(分数数)+the size(amount.length)of+the size(amount.length)of例如:例如: The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. (3) (3) 主主语语+谓语谓语+倍倍数数(分(分数数)+形容形容词词(副(副词词)比)比较级较级+than+than例如:例如: The grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year. T

16、he grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year. (4) by + (4) by +倍倍数数例如:例如: The production of grain has been increased by four times this year. The production of grain has been increased by four times this year. Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-语法功能法功能题语语法功能法功能法功能法功

17、能题题11.5311.53Which of the following italicized phrases indicates purpose?Which of the following italicized phrases indicates purpose?A She said it A She said it for funfor fun, but others took her seriously., but others took her seriously.B B For all its effortFor all its effort, the team didnt win

18、the match., the team didnt win the match.C Linda has worked for the firm C Linda has worked for the firm for twenty yearsfor twenty years. .D He set out D He set out for Beijingfor Beijing yesterday. yesterday.解析:解析:解析:解析: AA Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-语法功能法功能题语语法功能法功能法功能法功能题题10.51

19、10.51Which of the following italicized phrases indicates CAUSE?Which of the following italicized phrases indicates CAUSE?A Why dont you do it A Why dont you do it for the sake of your friendsfor the sake of your friends? ?B I wish I could write B I wish I could write as well as youas well as you. .C

20、 C For all his effortsFor all his efforts, he didnt get an A., he didnt get an A.D Her eyes were red D Her eyes were red from excessive readingfrom excessive reading. .解析:解析:解析:解析: A A 表示目的表示目的表示目的表示目的 B B 表示比表示比表示比表示比较较 C C 表示表示表示表示让让步步步步 选择选择DD Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-语法功能法功能题

21、语语法功能法功能法功能法功能题题11.5511.55In phrases like freezing cold, buring hot, or soaking wet, the ING In phrases like freezing cold, buring hot, or soaking wet, the ING participle is used _.participle is used _.A as a command B as a condition C for concession A as a command B as a condition C for concession

22、D for emphasisD for emphasis解析:解析:解析:解析: freezing, buring freezing, buring 和和和和 soakingsoaking分分分分别别用用用用来来来来强强强强调调cold, hot cold, hot 和和和和wetwet。 Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-语法功能法功能题语语法功能法功能法功能法功能题题11.5811.58Which of the following italicized parts is used as an object?Which of the f

23、ollowing italicized parts is used as an object?A A WhatWhat do you think has happened to her? do you think has happened to her?B B WhoWho do you think the visiting professor is? do you think the visiting professor is?C C How muchHow much do you think he earns every month? do you think he earns every

24、 month?D D HowHow quickly would you say he would come? quickly would you say he would come?解析:解析:解析:解析:C C Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-语法功能法功能题语语法功能法功能法功能法功能题题09.6409.64In “How much do you think he earns?” how much is _of the In “How much do you think he earns?” how much is _of the

25、sentence.sentence.A the subject B the adverbial C the object D the complementA the subject B the adverbial C the object D the complement解析:解析:解析:解析: C CYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-固定搭配固定搭配题固定搭配固定搭配固定搭配固定搭配题题11.5711.57,07.5707.57It is not so much the language _ the cultural backgroun

26、d that It is not so much the language _ the cultural background that makes the book difficult to understand. makes the book difficult to understand. A as B nor C but D likeA as B nor C but D like解析:解析:解析:解析: not so muchas not so muchas 意意意意义义相相相相当当当当于于于于rather than rather than 意意意意为为与与与与其其其其说说是,倒不如是

27、,倒不如是,倒不如是,倒不如说说是是是是与与与与其其其其说说是是是是语语言,倒不如言,倒不如言,倒不如言,倒不如说说是文化背景使是文化背景使是文化背景使是文化背景使这这本本本本书书很很很很难难理解。理解。理解。理解。AA Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-固定搭配固定搭配题固定搭配固定搭配固定搭配固定搭配题题04.5104.51The trumper player was certainly loud. But I wasnt bothered by his The trumper player was certainly loud. B

28、ut I wasnt bothered by his loudness _ by his lack of talent.loudness _ by his lack of talent.A so much as B rather than C as D thanA so much as B rather than C as D than解析:解析:解析:解析: not so muchas not so muchas 意意意意义义相相相相当当当当于于于于rather than rather than 意意意意为为与与与与其其其其说说是,倒不如是,倒不如是,倒不如是,倒不如说说是是是是 AA Yo

29、ur company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-固定搭配固定搭配题固定搭配固定搭配固定搭配固定搭配题题07.6207.62Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably _ a threat to the human race than environmental probably _ a threat to the

30、human race than environmental destruction.destruction.A no more B not more C even more D much moreA no more B not more C even more D much more解析:解析:解析:解析:not morethan not morethan 与与与与其其其其说说是是是是 不如不如不如不如说说是是是是 no more than no more than 两两两两者都不者都不者都不者都不 BBYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-

31、固定搭配固定搭配题固定搭配固定搭配固定搭配固定搭配题题06.6006.60Land belongs to the city; there is _ thing as private ownership of Land belongs to the city; there is _ thing as private ownership of land.land.A no such a B not such C not such a D no suchA no such a B not such C not such a D no such解析:解析:解析:解析:There is no such

32、thing asThere is no such thing as习惯习惯用法用法用法用法 意意意意为为“ “没没没没有有有有这样这样的事的事的事的事” ”。DDYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-固定搭配固定搭配题固定搭配固定搭配固定搭配固定搭配题题05.5305.53His remarks were _ annoy everybody at the meeting.His remarks were _ annoy everybody at the meeting.A so as to B such as to C such to D a

33、s much as toA so as to B such as to C such to D as much as to解析:解析:解析:解析:such as to such as to 引引引引导结导结果果果果状状状状语语Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-主主语从句从句从从从从句判句判句判句判断断断断题题11.6011.60Which of the following italicized parts is a subject clause?Which of the following italicized parts is a su

34、bject clause?A We are quite certain A We are quite certain that we will get there in timethat we will get there in time. .B He has to face the B He has to face the fact that there will be no pay rise this yearfact that there will be no pay rise this year. .C She said C She said that she had seen the

35、 man earlier that morningthat she had seen the man earlier that morning. .D It is sheer luck that the miners are still alive after then days.D It is sheer luck that the miners are still alive after then days.解析:解析:解析:解析:DDYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-宾语从句从句宾语宾语从从从从句句句句 10.5410.54Afte

36、r _ seemed an endless wait, it was his turn to enter the After _ seemed an endless wait, it was his turn to enter the personnel managers office.personnel managers office.A that B it C what D thereA that B it C what D there解析:解析:解析:解析: after after 后需要一后需要一后需要一后需要一个个个个宾语宾语从从从从句。句。句。句。宾语宾语从从从从句缺主句缺主句缺主

37、句缺主语语,因此需要一,因此需要一,因此需要一,因此需要一个个个个作主作主作主作主语语的的的的连连接代接代接代接代词词。 C C Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-定定语从句从句定定定定语语从从从从句句句句 11.5111.51My uncle is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is no longer My uncle is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is no longer the man _ he was fifte

38、en years ago.the man _ he was fifteen years ago.A which B whom C who D thatA which B whom C who D that解析:解析:解析:解析: 先行先行先行先行词词在定在定在定在定语语从从从从句中作表句中作表句中作表句中作表语语,关关关关系代系代系代系代词词只能用只能用只能用只能用that that Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-定定语从句从句定定定定语语从从从从句句句句 09.5609.56I was very interested in _ sh

39、e told me.I was very interested in _ she told me.A all that B all which C all what D thatA all that B all which C all what D that解析:解析:解析:解析: 当当当当先行先行先行先行词词是定代是定代是定代是定代词时词时候,如候,如候,如候,如anything, nothing, the one, all, much, few, anything, nothing, the one, all, much, few, any, littleany, little等等等等时时

40、,只能用,只能用,只能用,只能用that, that, 不用不用不用不用whichwhich引引引引导导定定定定语语从从从从句。句。句。句。 Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-定定语从句从句定定定定语语从从从从句句句句 06.5306.53The party, _ I was the guest of honor, was extremely enjoyable.The party, _ I was the guest of honor, was extremely enjoyable.A by which B for which C t

41、o which D at which A by which B for which C to which D at which 解析:解析:解析:解析: D D Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-状状语从句从句状状状状语语从从从从句句句句 11.5511.55Fool _ Jerry is, he could not have done such a thing.Fool _ Jerry is, he could not have done such a thing.A who B as C like D thatA who B as C

42、 like D that解析:解析:解析:解析: as as 引引引引导导状状状状语语从从从从句句句句 Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-状状语从句从句状状状状语语从从从从句句句句 08.5508.55_ he wanted to go out with his friends at the weekend, he had to stay _ he wanted to go out with his friends at the weekend, he had to stay behind to finish his assignment

43、.behind to finish his assignment.A Much though B Much as C As much D Though muchA Much though B Much as C As much D Though much解析:解析:解析:解析:much as much as 为为尽尽尽尽管,相管,相管,相管,相当当当当于于于于thoughtthought,引,引,引,引导让导让步步步步状状状状语语从从从从句。句。句。句。as muchas much意意意意为为“ “同同同同样样地,地,地,地,这样这样地地地地” ”; A D A D 两两两两项项不是固定搭配不

44、是固定搭配不是固定搭配不是固定搭配Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-状状语从句从句状状状状语语从从从从句句句句 06.5206.52_, Mr Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.Mr Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.A Although he is a socialistA Although he is a socialistB Even if he is a socialistB Even i

45、f he is a socialistC Being a socialistC Being a socialistD Since he is a socialistD Since he is a socialist解析:解析:解析:解析:AAYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-状状语从句从句状状状状语语从从从从句句句句 09.5409.54_ the boss says, it is unreasonable to ask me to work overtime _ the boss says, it is unreasonable to

46、ask me to work overtime without pay.without pay.A Whatever B Whenever C Whichever D HoweverA Whatever B Whenever C Whichever D However解析:解析:解析:解析:A whatever A whatever 相相相相当当当当于于于于 no matter what no matter what however however 引引引引导让导让步步步步状状状状语语从从从从句句句句时时,相,相,相,相当当当当于于于于no matter howno matter howYou

47、r company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-状状语从句从句状状状状语语从从从从句句句句 08.5308.53Nine is to three _ three is to one.Nine is to three _ three is to one.A when B that C which D whatA when B that C which D what解析:解析:解析:解析:A is to B what C is to D A is to B what C is to D D D Your company sloganYour company sl

48、ogan真真题举例例-状状语从句从句状状状状语语从从从从句句句句 08.5408.54Men differ from animals _ they can think and speak.Men differ from animals _ they can think and speak.A for which B for that C in that D in whichA for which B for that C in that D in which解析:解析:解析:解析: in that in that 意意意意为为“ “因因因因为为,由于,由于,由于,由于” ”,引,引,引,引导导

49、原因原因原因原因状状状状语语从从从从句,例如,句,例如,句,例如,句,例如,He didnt attend the He didnt attend the negotiation in that he was ill.negotiation in that he was ill. for that for that 不能引不能引不能引不能引导导从从从从句句句句 He has great power and wealth, but is still unhappy for all that. He has great power and wealth, but is still unhappy

50、for all that. Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-倒装句倒装句倒装句倒装句倒装句倒装句 09.5909.59Little _ about her own safety, though she herself was in great Little _ about her own safety, though she herself was in great danger.danger.A she cared B she may care C may she care D did she careA she cared B sh

51、e may care C may she care D did she care解析:解析:解析:解析: 倒装倒装倒装倒装结结构构构构题题,当当当当一些具有否定意一些具有否定意一些具有否定意一些具有否定意义义的的的的词词放在句首放在句首放在句首放在句首时时句子句子句子句子为为部分倒装,部分倒装,部分倒装,部分倒装,这这些些些些词词有有有有not not until, little, hardly, never, rarely, scarcely, only, seldomuntil, little, hardly, never, rarely, scarcely, only, seldom等。

52、短等。短等。短等。短语语有有有有in in no way, at no time, in no case, at no pointno way, at no time, in no case, at no point等。等。等。等。 句子部分倒装,句子部分倒装,句子部分倒装,句子部分倒装,仅仅将将将将助助助助动词动词diddid提前即可。提前即可。提前即可。提前即可。DDYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-倒装句倒装句倒装句倒装句倒装句倒装句 04.6004.60_ both sides accept the agreement _ a l

53、asting peace be _ both sides accept the agreement _ a lasting peace be established in this region.established in this region.A Only if, will B If only, would C Should, will D Unless, wouldA Only if, will B If only, would C Should, will D Unless, would解析:解析:解析:解析: AA 只有只有只有只有双双双双方都接受和方都接受和方都接受和方都接受和约

54、约,永久的和平才有可能建立起,永久的和平才有可能建立起,永久的和平才有可能建立起,永久的和平才有可能建立起来来来来。Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-虚虚拟语气气题虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气题题11.6111.61Its getting late. Id rather you _ now.Its getting late. Id rather you _ now.A left B leave C are leaving D will leaveA left B leave C are leaving D will leave解析:解析:解析

55、:解析:would rather would rather 宁愿,宁可。宁愿,宁可。宁愿,宁可。宁愿,宁可。 在在在在would rather would rather 后面所跟的后面所跟的后面所跟的后面所跟的从从从从句中,用句中,用句中,用句中,用虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气,谓语动词谓语动词用用用用过过去式。去式。去式。去式。 AAYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-虚虚拟语气气题虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气题题10.6010.60It is necessary that he _ the assignment without delay. I

56、t is necessary that he _ the assignment without delay. A hand in B hands in C must hand in D has to hand inA hand in B hands in C must hand in D has to hand in解析:解析:解析:解析:虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气题题。形容。形容。形容。形容词为词为necessay, important, impossible, strange, necessay, important, impossible, strange, natural, essent

57、ialnatural, essential等等等等时时,在,在,在,在“ “It + be + It + be + 形容形容形容形容词词+主主主主语语从从从从句句句句” ”结结构构构构中,主中,主中,主中,主语语从从从从句要用句要用句要用句要用虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气,其中,其中,其中,其中shouldshould可以省略。可以省略。可以省略。可以省略。Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-虚虚拟语气气题虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气题题06.5906.59It is imperative that the government _ more in

58、vestment into the It is imperative that the government _ more investment into the shipbuilding industry.shipbuilding industry.A attracts B shall attract C attract D has toA attracts B shall attract C attract D has to解析:解析:C CYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-虚虚拟语气气题虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气题题07.6507.6

59、5It is absolutely essential that William _his study in spite of some It is absolutely essential that William _his study in spite of some learning difficulties.learning difficulties.A will continue B continued C continue D continuesA will continue B continued C continue D continues解析:解析:解析:解析:虚虚虚虚拟语拟

60、语气气气气题题。形容。形容。形容。形容词为词为necessay, important, impossible, strange, necessay, important, impossible, strange, natural, essentialnatural, essential等等等等时时,在,在,在,在“ “It + be + It + be + 形容形容形容形容词词+主主主主语语从从从从句句句句” ”结结构构构构中,主中,主中,主中,主语语从从从从句要用句要用句要用句要用虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气,其中,其中,其中,其中shouldshould可以省略。可以省略。可以省略。可以省略。

61、C CYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-虚虚拟语气气题虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气题题04.5604.56It is imperative that students_ their term papers on time.It is imperative that students_ their term papers on time.A hand in B would hand in C have to hand in D handed inA hand in B would hand in C have to hand in D hand

62、ed in解析:解析:解析:解析:AAYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-虚虚拟语气气题虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气题题09.5209.52If there were no subjunctive mood, English _ much easier to If there were no subjunctive mood, English _ much easier to learn.learn.A could have been B would be C will be D would have beenA could have been

63、 B would be C will be D would have been解析解析解析解析 对现对现在情在情在情在情况况况况进进行行行行虚虚虚虚拟拟,条条条条件件件件从从从从句中用句中用句中用句中用过过去去去去时时,这这里是里是里是里是bebe的的的的过过去去去去时时werewere, 而而而而从从从从句中句中句中句中谓谓语语用用用用would + would + 动词动词原形,原形,原形,原形,这这里是里是里是里是would be.would be.Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-虚虚拟语气气题虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气题题05.5

64、105.51If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he _able to advise If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he _able to advise you much better than I can.you much better than I can.A would be B will have been C was D wereA would be B will have been C was D were解析解析解析解析: : 从从从从句句句句过过

65、去去去去时态时态,主句,主句,主句,主句过过去去去去将来将来将来将来时态时态。 AAYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-虚虚拟语气气题虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气题题08.5208.52Had Judy been more careful on the maths exam, she_much better Had Judy been more careful on the maths exam, she_much better results now.results now.A would be getting B could have go

66、t A would be getting B could have got C must get D would get C must get D would get 解析解析解析解析: could have done/would have done B: could have done/would have done BYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-虚虚拟语气气题虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气题题07.5407.54If only the patient _ a different treatment instead of using t

67、he If only the patient _ a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics, he might still be alive now.antibiotics, he might still be alive now.A had received B received C should receive D were receivingA had received B received C should receive D were receiving解析解析解析解析: if only : if only 引引引引

68、导导的的的的虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气:与与与与过过去事去事去事去事实实相反,相反,相反,相反,谓语动词谓语动词用用用用had done;had done;与与与与现现在事在事在事在事实实相相相相反,反,反,反,谓语动词谓语动词用用用用diddid。 if only if only 部分表示的是部分表示的是部分表示的是部分表示的是过过去去去去发发生的事情,故用生的事情,故用生的事情,故用生的事情,故用过过去完成去完成去完成去完成时时。Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-虚虚拟语气气题虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气题题06.5206.52If onl

69、y I _ play the guitar as well as you!If only I _ play the guitar as well as you!A would B could C should D mightA would B could C should D might解析解析解析解析: : 本句是本句是本句是本句是对现对现在情在情在情在情况况况况(人的能力)的(人的能力)的(人的能力)的(人的能力)的虚虚虚虚拟拟,动词动词用用用用过过去式去式去式去式couldcould。Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-虚虚拟语气气题

70、虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气题题06.5406.54Its high time we _ cutting down the rainforests.Its high time we _ cutting down the rainforests.A stopped B had to stop C shall stop D stopA stopped B had to stop C shall stop D stop解析解析解析解析: A: AYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-虚虚拟语气气题虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气题题05.6305.63_ yo

71、u _further problems with your partner, contact your dealer _ you _further problems with your partner, contact your dealer for advice.for advice.A If, had B Have, had C Should, have D In case, hadA If, had B Have, had C Should, have D In case, had解析解析解析解析: : 表示表示表示表示将来将来将来将来事情的事情的事情的事情的虚虚虚虚拟拟 C CYour

72、 company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-虚虚拟语气气题虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气题题04.5404.54_, If I had arrived yesterday without letting you know beforehand?_, If I had arrived yesterday without letting you know beforehand?A Would you be surprisedA Would you be surprisedB Were you surprisedB Were you surprisedC Had yo

73、u been surprisedC Had you been surprisedD Would you have been surprisedD Would you have been surprised解析解析解析解析: : 从从从从句表示句表示句表示句表示与与与与过过去的事去的事去的事去的事实实相矛盾的情相矛盾的情相矛盾的情相矛盾的情况况况况,但是主句含有未,但是主句含有未,但是主句含有未,但是主句含有未来来来来发发生的意思,而且是生的意思,而且是生的意思,而且是生的意思,而且是问对问对方方方方现场现场的感受,所以的感受,所以的感受,所以的感受,所以动词动词形式形式形式形式应应与与与与表示

74、表示表示表示现现在的在的在的在的时间时间相一致,所以相一致,所以相一致,所以相一致,所以AAYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-虚虚拟语气气题虚虚虚虚拟语拟语气气气气题题04.5204.52_, Ill marry his all the same._, Ill marry his all the same.A Was he rich or poorA Was he rich or poorB Whether rich or poorB Whether rich or poorC Were he rich or poorC Were he

75、rich or poorD Be he rich or poorD Be he rich or poor解析解析解析解析: D : D 相相相相当当当当于于于于whether he is rich or poorwhether he is rich or poorYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题-情情态动词情情情情态动词题态动词题10.5210.52Nancys gone to work but her cars still there. She _ by bus.Nancys gone to work but her cars still t

76、here. She _ by bus.A must have gone B should have gone A must have gone B should have gone C ought to have gone D could have goneC ought to have gone D could have gone解析:解析:解析:解析:较较有把握的推有把握的推有把握的推有把握的推测测 AAYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题-情情态动词情情情情态动词题态动词题09.53 09.53 ,07.5607.56She _ fifty

77、or so when I first met her at a conference.She _ fifty or so when I first met her at a conference.A had been B must be C has been D must have been A had been B must be C has been D must have been 解析:情解析:情解析:情解析:情态动词态动词mustmust可用于表示很有把握的推可用于表示很有把握的推可用于表示很有把握的推可用于表示很有把握的推断断断断。对对于于于于现现在事情的肯定判在事情的肯定判在事情

78、的肯定判在事情的肯定判断断断断,用,用,用,用must must dodo; 对过对过去事情的判去事情的判去事情的判去事情的判断断断断,用,用,用,用must have done.must have done.Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题-情情态动词情情情情态动词题态动词题09.6109.61Arent you tired? I _ you had done enough for today.Arent you tired? I _ you had done enough for today.A should have thought B

79、must have thoughtA should have thought B must have thoughtC might have thought D could have thoughtC might have thought D could have thought解析:解析:解析:解析:should have done should have done 意思是意思是意思是意思是“ “本本本本来来来来应该应该做某事,而做某事,而做某事,而做某事,而实际实际没没没没做做做做” ”AAYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题-情情态动词情情情

80、情态动词题态动词题07.5307.5353 “You _ borrow my notes provided you take care of them.” I told 53 “You _ borrow my notes provided you take care of them.” I told my friend. my friend. A could B should C must D can A could B should C must D can 解析:解析:解析:解析:provided (that)+provided (that)+从从从从句表示一句表示一句表示一句表示一种种种

81、种假假假假设设条条条条件,相件,相件,相件,相当当当当于于于于ifif。这这里表示里表示里表示里表示真真真真实实的的的的条条条条件句。件句。件句。件句。英英英英语语中表示中表示中表示中表示“ “许许可、建可、建可、建可、建议议” ”在口在口在口在口语语中常用中常用中常用中常用can/maycan/may,而不用,而不用,而不用,而不用could/mightcould/might。 DDYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题-情情态动词情情情情态动词题态动词题06.5606.56Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall s

82、o that everyone _an Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone _an opportunity to hear the speech.opportunity to hear the speech.A ought to have B must have C may have D should haveA ought to have B must have C may have D should have解析:解析:解析:解析: were were 一般一般一般一般过过去去去去时时 should haveshould

83、 haveYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题-情情态动词情情情情态动词题态动词题06.5706.57I am surprised _ this city is a dull place to live in.I am surprised _ this city is a dull place to live in.A that you should thinkA that you should thinkB by what you are thinking B by what you are thinking C that you would t

84、hinkC that you would thinkD with what you were thinkingD with what you were thinking解析:主句中含有表示建解析:主句中含有表示建解析:主句中含有表示建解析:主句中含有表示建议议、请请求、命令、要求等表示主求、命令、要求等表示主求、命令、要求等表示主求、命令、要求等表示主观观意向的意向的意向的意向的词词,从从从从句常用句常用句常用句常用shouldshould加加加加上上上上动词动词原形表示原形表示原形表示原形表示“ “竟然竟然竟然竟然” ”。 AAYour company sloganYour company

85、slogan真真题-限定限定词限定限定限定限定词题词题10.6210.62Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A All his lectures are very interesting.A All his lectures are very interesting.B Half their savings were gone.B Half their savings were gone.C Many his friends came to th

86、e party.C Many his friends came to the party.D Both his friends are nurses.D Both his friends are nurses.解析:解析:解析:解析: 限定限定限定限定词词可分可分可分可分为为前位限定前位限定前位限定前位限定词词、中位限定、中位限定、中位限定、中位限定词词和后位限定和后位限定和后位限定和后位限定词词 前位限定前位限定前位限定前位限定词词:all, both, half, double, what, suchall, both, half, double, what, such中位限定中位限定中位

87、限定中位限定词词:冠:冠:冠:冠词词,指示代,指示代,指示代,指示代词词,形容,形容,形容,形容词词性物主代性物主代性物主代性物主代词词,名,名,名,名词词属属属属格等格等格等格等后位限定后位限定后位限定后位限定词词:数数数数词词,序,序,序,序数数数数词词等等等等C CYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题-限定限定词限定限定限定限定词题词题08.5708.57Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A A

88、ll his lectures are very interesting.A All his lectures are very interesting.B Half their savings were gone.B Half their savings were gone.C Her few friends are all fond of dancing.C Her few friends are all fond of dancing.D He invited many his friends to the party.D He invited many his friends to t

89、he party.解析:解析:解析:解析: 限定限定限定限定词词可分可分可分可分为为前位限定前位限定前位限定前位限定词词、中位限定、中位限定、中位限定、中位限定词词和后位限定和后位限定和后位限定和后位限定词词 前位限定前位限定前位限定前位限定词词:all, both, half, double, what, suchall, both, half, double, what, such中位限定中位限定中位限定中位限定词词:冠:冠:冠:冠词词,指示代,指示代,指示代,指示代词词,形容,形容,形容,形容词词性物主代性物主代性物主代性物主代词词,名,名,名,名词词属属属属格等格等格等格等后位限定后位

90、限定后位限定后位限定词词:数数数数词词,序,序,序,序数数数数词词等等等等DDYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-副副词副副副副词题词题09.6309.63Which of the following adverbs can NOT be used to complete “_ Which of the following adverbs can NOT be used to complete “_ everybody came”?everybody came”?A Nearly B Quite C Practically D Almost

91、A Nearly B Quite C Practically D Almost解析:解析:解析:解析: nearly,quitenearly,quite和和和和almostalmost都是表示程度的副都是表示程度的副都是表示程度的副都是表示程度的副词词。nearlynearly和和和和almostalmost都可用都可用都可用都可用来来来来修修修修饰饰不定代不定代不定代不定代词词、形容、形容、形容、形容词词、副、副、副、副词词、动词动词和介和介和介和介词词短短短短语语等。此等。此等。此等。此时时两两两两者常可者常可者常可者常可换换用。用。用。用。quitequite不但能修不但能修不但能修不但

92、能修饰饰动词动词、形容、形容、形容、形容词词、副、副、副、副词词、分、分、分、分词词,还还可以修可以修可以修可以修饰饰名名名名词词、介、介、介、介词词短短短短语语等,但不能等,但不能等,但不能等,但不能够够修修修修饰饰代代代代词词。B B practically practically常用常用常用常用语语口口口口语语表表表表达达达达中,相中,相中,相中,相当当当当于于于于almost,nearly,almost,nearly,因此可以修因此可以修因此可以修因此可以修饰饰everybodyeverybody。Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例

93、-代代词代代代代词题词题04.5304.53The government has promised to do _ lies in its power to ease the The government has promised to do _ lies in its power to ease the hardships of the victims in the flood-stricken area.hardships of the victims in the flood-stricken area.A however B whichever C whatever D whereve

94、rA however B whichever C whatever D wherever解析:解析:解析:解析:C CYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-时态时态题时态题07.5507.55Linda was _experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind Linda was _experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute.at the last minute.A to start B to have

95、 started C to be starting D to have been startingA to start B to have started C to be starting D to have been starting解析:解析:解析:解析:动动作作作作发发生在生在生在生在过过去(去(去(去(a month agoa month ago),),),),这这里用里用里用里用was to have donewas to have done,表示,表示,表示,表示过过去的事去的事去的事去的事情情情情对现对现在的影在的影在的影在的影响响响响。BBYour company slogan

96、Your company slogan真真题举例例-时态时态题时态题07.5807.58The committee has anticipated the problems that _in the road The committee has anticipated the problems that _in the road construction project.construction project.A arise B will arise C arose D have arisenA arise B will arise C arose D have arisen解析:解析:解析

97、:解析: 委委委委员员会会会会已已已已经预经预料到了道路建料到了道路建料到了道路建料到了道路建设设工程中工程中工程中工程中将将将将出出出出现现的的的的问题问题。BB Your company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-时态时态题时态题07.59,06.5507.59,06.55The student said there were a few points in the essay he _ The student said there were a few points in the essay he _ impossible to comprehend

98、.impossible to comprehend.A had found B finds C has found D would findA had found B finds C has found D would find解析:解析:解析:解析:AAYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-时态时态题时态题07.6007.60He would have finished his college education, but he _ to quit and He would have finished his college educati

99、on, but he _ to quit and find a job to support his family.find a job to support his family.A had had B has C had D would haveA had had B has C had D would have解析:解析:解析:解析:C CYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-时态时态题时态题05.5405.54James has just arrived, but I didnt know he _ until yesterday.J

100、ames has just arrived, but I didnt know he _ until yesterday.A will come B was coming C had been coming D cameA will come B was coming C had been coming D came解析:解析:解析:解析:BBYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-时态时态题时态题05.5705.57I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I _ th

101、e I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I _ the journey in exactly two days.journey in exactly two days.A must make B must have made C was able to makeA must make B must have made C was able to makeD could makeD could make解析:解析:解析:解析:C C 特指某一次特指某一次特指某一次特指某一次“ “能能能能够够” ”Your compa

102、ny sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-主主谓一致一致主主主主谓谓一致一致一致一致07.6107.61The research requires more money than _.The research requires more money than _.A have been put inA have been put inB has been put in B has been put in C being put inC being put inD to be put inD to be put in解析:解析:解析:解析:BBYour company

103、 sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-主主谓一致一致主主主主谓谓一致一致一致一致04. 6104. 61Mr. WellsMr. Wells,together with all the members of his family, _ for Europe together with all the members of his family, _ for Europe this afternoon.this afternoon.A are to leave B are leaving C is leaving D leaveA are to leave B are

104、 leaving C is leaving D leave解析:解析:解析:解析:C CYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-非非谓语动词非非非非谓语动词谓语动词07.6307.63_ at in his way, the situation doesnt seem so desperate._ at in his way, the situation doesnt seem so desperate.A Looking B Looked C Being looked D To lookA Looking B Looked C Being l

105、ooked D To look解析:解析:解析:解析:BBYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-非非谓语动词非非非非谓语动词谓语动词06.6306.63There are only ten apples left in the baskets, _ the spoilt ones.There are only ten apples left in the baskets, _ the spoilt ones.A not counting B not to count C dont count D having not countedA not

106、 counting B not to count C dont count D having not counted解析:解析:解析:解析:现现在分在分在分在分词词作伴作伴作伴作伴随状随状随状随状语语 AAYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-非非谓语动词非非非非谓语动词谓语动词07.6307.63It is not uncommon for there _ problems of communication It is not uncommon for there _ problems of communication between th

107、e old and the young.between the old and the young.A being B would be C be D to beA being B would be C be D to be解析:解析:解析:解析: there be there be 句型在介句型在介句型在介句型在介词词forfor后面使用后面使用后面使用后面使用时时,用,用,用,用there to be there to be 这这一一一一结结构构构构;在介;在介;在介;在介词词ofof后面后面后面后面使用使用使用使用时时候,用候,用候,用候,用there being there being

108、 这这个个个个结结构构构构 DDYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-非非谓语动词非非非非谓语动词谓语动词05.6105.61Whats the chance of _ a general election this year?Whats the chance of _ a general election this year?A there being B there to be C there be D there going to beA there being B there to be C there be D there goin

109、g to be解析:解析:解析:解析: AAYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-非非谓语动词非非非非谓语动词谓语动词04.5504.55If not _ with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-If not _ with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time.tempered and grumbles all the time.A b

110、eing treated B treated C be treated D having been treatedA being treated B treated C be treated D having been treated解析:解析:解析:解析: BBYour company sloganYour company slogan真真题举例例-非非谓语动词非非非非谓语动词谓语动词04.5804.58The Minister of Finance is believed _ of imposing new taxes to raise The Minister of Finance is believed _ of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.extra revenue.A that he is thinking A that he is thinking B to be thinkingB to be thinkingC that he is to thinkC that he is to thinkD to thinkD to think解析:解析:解析:解析: BB



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