初中英语新人教版七年级上册Starter Unit2 SB知识点(2024秋)

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1、七年级英语上册Starter Unit2 SB知识点1.Where do you put your things? 你八东西放在哪里?【用法详解】该句为where引导的特殊疑问句,常常用来询问对方把某物放在哪里,回答时常用表示方位的介词短语回答。注意助动词do在主语是第三人称时需要变成单数does。Eg: - Where does she put the book? 你把书放哪里了。- She put it on the desk. 她把它放在桌子上。【知识拓展】 Put作动词,译为“放;放置”常见搭配:put on 穿上;put up 张贴;搭建;举起;put out 熄灭;put off

2、推迟;put down 镇压;【即学即用】( A )1.Its cold outside, youd better _ your sweater.A.put on B.put up C.put out D.put off2.The cat is under the chair.(就划线部分提问)_Where_ _is_ the cat?2.A schoolbag is on the desk. 一个书包在桌子上。【句式结构】 “物品 + be动词 + 介词短语”该句式用来表示“某物在某地”,be动词要随着主语发生变化Eg: The ruler is in the pencil box. 尺在铅

3、笔盒里。【用法详解】本课出现表方位介词有in、on、under,三者区别为:In 译为“在.里”,指一个物体在另一个物体的内容On 译为“在.上”,指一个物体在另一个物体上方且有接触under译为“在.下面”,指一个物体在另一个物体下方,有无接触均可Eg: The book is in the schoolbag. 书在书包里。The cap is on the bed. 帽子在床上。The football is under the chair. 足球在椅子下面。【即学即用】( A )1.- What can you see _ this picture?- I can see a boat

4、 _ the river (河流).A.in; on B.on; in C.in; in D.on; on( C )2.There is a bag on the ball, so the ball is _ the bag.A.in B.on C.under D.at3.A pair of socks is under the bed. 一双袜子在床下。【用法详解】A pair of 译为“一对;一双”,用来表示某一名词的量,后面常常接复数名词。在变 复数形式时常常将pair变为复数形式pairs,其作主语时谓语动词要与pair保持一致。【知识拓展】常见使用a pair of的名词图片【即学

5、即用】( B )1.Three _ of socks _ eighteen yuan.A.pair; are B.pairs; are C.pairs; is D.pair; is2.床下有一双鞋。There is _a_ _pair_ _of_ _shoes_ under the bed.4.I cant find my new cap. 我找不到我的新帽子。【易混辨析】find及look for区别Find译为“找到;发现”,强调找的结果;Look for 译为“寻找”,强调找的动作,找到与否并不清楚Eg: She looked for her ruler everywhere, but

6、she didnt find it. 她到处找她的钥匙,但是她没找到。【知识拓展】find的过去式为found,found也可单独作实义动词,译为“建立;创办”,此时过去式为founded。Eg: The town was founded in 1610. 这个城镇于1610年创办。【即学即用】( A )1.The little boy _ his mother in the park, but he cant _ her.A.Looked for; find B.look for; find C.looked for; found D.look for; found( B )2.Do you

7、 know when the village was _?A.found B.founded C.find D.finds5.Oh, here it is. 哦,在这里呢。【用法详解】该句式为倒装句,用来指找到某物。也可用来指把某物给某人时,译为“给你”(相当于Here you are)Eg: - Mum, where is my hat? 妈妈,我的帽子在哪?- Here it is. 在这了。- Please pass me the cup. 请把那个杯子递给我。- Here it is. 给你。【知识拓展】倒装句分为全部倒装和部分倒装两种。全部倒装指整个谓语部分都放在主语之前,此种情况需

8、用在以here/there引导且主语为名词时。Eg: Here is the bus. 公共汽车来了。部分倒装指谓语动词的部分(助动词、情态动词或系动词)放在主语的前面,其余部分仍在主语后面,此种情况用于以here/there引导且主语为代词时。Eg: Here they are. 他们在这了。【即学即用】改错:There the last bus goes. (B和C两部分位置颠倒)A B C _There goes the last bus._6.You need to keep your room tidy.你需要保持房间整洁。【用法详解】need用法小结(1)作情态动词时,无人称和数的

9、变化,后面接动词原形,其否定形式为neednt。Eg: She need go to school at once. 她需要立刻去上学。(2)作实义动词时,后面常接动词不定式或动名词。常用结构为:need to do sth. “需要做某事”(表主动)Eg: She needs to go to school at once. 她需要立刻去上学。Need doing sth. “需要做某事”(表被动)Eg: The tree needs watering. 这棵树需要被浇水。Need sb.to do sth. 需要某人做某事Eg: My mum needs me to help her do

10、 some housework.我妈妈需要我帮她做家务。【即学即用】( C )1.He needs _ there at 9:00 am.A.get B.getting C.to get D.to getting( A )2.She need _ after her grandmother at home.A.look B.looking C.to look D.to looking3.The flower needs _watering_ (water) every day.7.Do you see them? 你看见它们了吗?【用法详解】 look、see、watch、read的区别Loo

11、k “看”,是不及物动词,强调“看”的动作,后面常加介词at,构成短语look at.Eg: Look at my new book. 看我的新书。Look 也可单独使用,其后不需加任何词,用来引起他人注意,常用于现在进行时中。Eg: Look! The boy is reading a book. 看!那个男孩正在读书。See “看见;看到”强调看的结果。常用于看电影、戏剧、展览等,也可以译为“理解、明白、看望”等意思。Eg: You can see many birds in the tree. 你可以在树上看到许多鸟。Lets see our teacher. 让我们看看我们的老师吧。W

12、atch “观看、注视”多用指感兴趣的观看某物,如电视、比赛等Eg: I like watching football matches. 我喜欢看足球比赛。Read “阅读”,主要用于看书、报纸、杂志等和纸张有关的带有文字的东西Eg: The girl likes reading books very much. 这个女孩非常喜欢读书。 【即学即用】( C )1.My father likes _ a newspaper every evening.A.watching B.seeing C.reading D.looking( A )2._! There is a boy climbing

13、the tree.A.Look B.Watch C.See D.Read8.Youre welcome.不客气!【用法详解】“Youre welcome”常用于礼貌地回答别人的感谢。其同义句为:Not at all.= Dont mention it.= Thats all right.= Its my pleasure.= No problem.Eg: - Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮我。- Youre welcome. 不客气。【知识拓展】Welcome (动词) “欢迎”;(名词) “欢迎”常用搭配:welcome (back) to . “欢迎(回)到.

14、”give sb.a warm welcome 热烈欢迎某人Eg: Welcome to Beijing. 欢迎来到北京。The hotel gives everyone a warm welcome.这个旅馆热烈欢迎每个人。【即学即用】( D )1.- Thank you very much.- _A.Sorry. B.OK. C.It doesnt matter. D.Youre welcome.2.老舍茶馆热烈欢迎大家。Laoshe Teahouse _gives_ _everyone_ _a_ _warm_ _welcome_.9.Take turns to come to the front. 轮流到前面来。【用法详解】Turn (动词) “转动”;“变成”;“转向”;(名词) “转动”;“轮流”Take turns to do sth.轮流做某事类似句式为:Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事Eg: Take turns to choose a place. 轮流选择一个地方。Its



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