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1、期末情景交际、阅读理解(试题)湘少版(三起)英语五年级下册(含答案)一、情景选择。( )1.当别人在图书馆大声讲话时,你应说:A. Dont talk in the library.B. Please talk loudly.( )2.你想知道Evan将要去干什么,应该这样问:A. What are you going to do, Evan?B. What are you doing, Evan?( )3.如果今天是你的生日,爸爸妈妈可以跟你这样说:A. Happy New Years Day to you.B. Happy birthday to you.( )4.你想告诉他人在即将到来的

2、黄金周假期里,你将参观长城,你会这样说:A. Ill visit the Great W all during this holiday week.B. I usually visit the Great W all during this holiday week.( )5. 你问老师今天是不是要讨论一则故事,应说:A. Are we going to talk about a story?B. Are we going to write about a story?二、选择恰当的选项补全对话。(一)Lingling: 1. Mingming: Im going to visit Kunmi

3、ng.Lingling: 2. Mingming: Ill go with my mum,my dad and my sister.Lingling: 3. Mingming: Im going to see folk dances. Im going to visit Stone Forest, too.Lingling:Thats great! How will your family get there?Mingming: 4. Lingling: When are you going to start?Mingming: 5. Lingling: Have a good time.A.

4、 We are going to start on Friday.B. What are you going to do there?C. Who will you go with?D. We will go there by plane.E. What are you going to do on your holiday?(二)Sarah: 1. Mike: Yes, it is.Sarah: 2. Mike: Its May 25th.3. Sarah: My birthday is Jan, 1st.Mike: Wow! 4. My fathers birthday is on Ind

5、ependence Day.Sarah: Is it in July?Mike: 5. A. New Years Day.B. What about you?C. Is your birthday in May?D. Yes, its July 4th.E. Whats the date?三、选择恰当的选项补全对话。happymonkeysWherezooDidA: 1. did you go last Sunday?B:I went to a 2. A: What did you see?B: I saw many 3. A:4. you see an elephant?B: Yes, I

6、did.A: How did you feel?B: I felt very 5. 四、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(一)Tiaotiao is a naughty boy. Its a fine day. He plays in the park. Dont pick flowers.But he picks it. Dont litter. But he litters. A dog is sleeping on the ground. Dont touch the dog. But he touches it. The dog wakes up. It runs after him. It

7、wants to bite him.Tiaotiao is afraid(害怕) of the dog. He says,Help me! Help me!( )1. Tiaotiao is .A.goodB.quietC.naughty( )2. He picks .A.flowersB.applesC.sticks( )3. He throws the rubbish .A.on the groundB.into the rubbish binC.above the roof( )4. He touches .A.the birdB.the dogC.the cat(二)Everyone

8、has his hobby, such as singing, dancing, photo-taking, drawing, reading and playing the guitar, My hobby is collecting stamps. It gives me a lot of pleasure. And I can learn a lot about geography and history from stamps. Now, I collect about 800 stamps. Yesterday my uncle sent me a beautiful Austral

9、ian stamp from Canberra(堪培拉). I was too excited to sleep last night. This morning I took it to my school. I showed it to my classmates. They were very surprised and I was so proud.( )1. What is the writers hobby?A. Photo-taking.B. Collecting stamps.C. Playing the guitar.( )2. Why does the writer lik

10、e collecting stamps?A. Because it gives him pleasure and knowledge.B. Because it gives him confidence(自信) and pleasure.C. Because it is a good hobby.( )3. How many stamps does the writer have?A. About eighty.B. About eighteen.C. About eight hundred.( )4. Canberra is a city of .A. AmericaB. EnglandC. Australia( )5. How did the writers classmates feel when they saw his new stamp?A. Proud.B. Surprised.C. Angry.答案一、1.A2.A3.B4.A5.A二、(一)1.E 2.C 3.B 4.D5.A(二)1.C 2. E 3.B 4.A 5.D三、1. Where 2. zoo 3. monkeys 4. Did 5. happy四、(一)1.C 2.A 3.A 4. B(二)1.B2. A3.C4.C5. B



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