Unit 6 Which season do you like?单元测试(含答案含听力原文无听力音频)

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Unit 6 Which season do you like?单元测试(含答案含听力原文无听力音频)_第1页
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Unit 6 Which season do you like?单元测试(含答案含听力原文无听力音频)_第2页
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Unit 6 Which season do you like?单元测试(含答案含听力原文无听力音频)_第3页
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Unit 6 Which season do you like?单元测试(含答案含听力原文无听力音频)_第4页
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Unit 6 Which season do you like?单元测试(含答案含听力原文无听力音频)_第5页
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《Unit 6 Which season do you like?单元测试(含答案含听力原文无听力音频)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 6 Which season do you like?单元测试(含答案含听力原文无听力音频)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、北京课改版二年级下册六单元综合测试卷时间:40分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六七八九十 总分得分一、 Listen and judge.(10分) 1. 2. ( ) ( ) 3. 4. ( ) ( )二、 Listen and tick(听录音,勾出听到的单词)(10分)1) go ( ) girl ( ) 2) fly( ) fine( )3) write( ) ride( ) 4)sheep( ) ship( ) 5)pig( ) big( ) 6)hear( ) ear( )7)clean( ) close( ) 8)here( ) there( ) 9)swim( ) swing(

2、 ) 10)gloves( ) scarves( )winterspringautumnsummer三、 Listen and match.(10分) 笔试部分四、Look and write.(10分)twenty-four hours winter four seasons autumn 1. There are in a year.2. There are in a day.3. I like . Its cool.4. I dont like . Its cold.五、Choose the different/odd one.(10分)( )1. A. car B. park C. b

3、ag( )2. A. make B. star C. card( )3. A. arm B. party C. jacket六、Read and choose(读单词,选择正确的答案)(10分)1) ( ) Look at A. the tap.2) ( ) Clean B. your face.3) ( ) Draw C. the door.4) ( ) Wash D. the chair.5) ( ) Close E. my teeth.6) ( ) Eat F. May.7) ( ) Brush G. a tree.8) ( ) Turn on H. an apple.七、Choose(

4、选择正确的答案)(10分)1) ( ) Im hungry. I want some _.A. breads B. juice C. bread2) ( ) There is _ orange.A. a B. an C. am3) ( ) There is a bed in _ room.A. I B. my C. May4) ( ) There _ three books in it.A. are B. have C. is5) ( ) I see two _ on the desk.A. a pencil B. pencil C. pencils6) ( ) My father has s

5、ome _.A. knife B. a knife C. kni*es7) ( ) Its cold. Please _ the window.A. turn off B. close C. open8) ( ) Dont walk _ the grass.A. in B. on C. under9) ( ) I want to sleep. Please _ the light.A. turn on B. turn off C. close10) ( ) Kitty is thirsty. She wants some _.A. hot dogs B. water c. cakes八、 Fi

6、nish the words (完成下列单词) (10分)pi_ni_ gl_ _s bre_ _ br_ng th_ _sty ch_pst_ck_ bo_l h_ng_y九、Read and match.(10分)play in the snow fly a kite go ice-skating pick an apple go camping plant a tree 十、下面单词的首字母被关在箱子里,请找回来写在横线上,记得要用小写。(10分) YyWwVvZz_egetable _ater _ellow _oo参考答案一、听力材料1. yellow leaves 2. white

7、snow 3. blue sky 4. colourful flowers二、听力材料1. Girl 2.fly 3. Ride 4.sheep 5. Big 6.ear 7. clean8.here 9. swing10.gloves 三、 听力材料Listen and match.1. I like autumn. Its cool.2. I like spring. I like the colourful flowers.3. I can play in the snow in winter.4. I go swimming in summer.笔试答案四、1. four seasons 2. twenty-four hours 3. autumn 4. winter 五、1. C 2. A 3. C六、F D GB C H E A七、CBBAC CBABB八、picnic glass bread bring thirsty chopstick boil hungry九、连线略十、vegetable water yellow zoo



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