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1、根据汉语提示,写出下列单词及变形根据汉语提示,写出下列单词及变形1(某一地区的某一地区的)人口,全体居民人口,全体居民(n.) _ 2宽的;宽阔的宽的;宽阔的(adj.) _ (比较级比较级)3百万百万(num.)_ 4相当地;非常;很相当地;非常;很 (adv.) _ (近义词近义词)5比比(prep.) _ 6变成;成为变成;成为(v.) _ (过去式过去式)population基础知识清单基础知识清单 wide 模块基础知识过关二模块基础知识过关二widermillion重点单词重点单词pretty very/quite thanget got7北;北方北;北方(n.)&在北方的;朝北的

2、在北方的;朝北的 (adj.) _ _ (对应词对应词)8西;西方西;西方(n.)&在西方的;朝西的在西方的;朝西的(adj.) _ _ (对应词对应词)9尤其尤其(adv.) _ (adj.)10大学大学(n.)_ (复数复数)11岛;岛屿岛;岛屿(n.)_12地区;区域地区;区域(n.)_13矮的;低的矮的;低的(adj.)_ (反义词反义词)14山;山岳山;山岳(n.)_15雨伞雨伞(n.)_ north south模块基础知识过关二模块基础知识过关二westeastespecially especialuniversityuniversitiesislandarealowhighmou

3、ntainumbrella根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语1相当好;很好相当好;很好 _2事实上事实上 _3在在20世纪世纪80年代年代 _4许多其他的城市许多其他的城市 _5和和一样一样 _6在在的南部的南部 _7因因而出名而出名 _8有有的人口的人口 _pretty good in fact模块基础知识过关二模块基础知识过关二in the 1980smany other cities重点短语重点短语asasin the south ofbe famous forhave a population of9七百五十万七百五十万 _10的一部分的一部分 _11比如

4、比如 _12在海岸上在海岸上 _ 13一千多万一千多万_14的首都的首都_15相当好相当好_16大约大约2000年的历史年的历史_17宽得多宽得多_18一年中的任何时候一年中的任何时候_seven and a half million part of模块基础知识过关二模块基础知识过关二such ason the coast over ten millionthe capital ofpretty goodabout 2,000 years oldmuch widerany time of the year根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子1“你的周末如何?你的周末如何?”“相当好!相当好

5、!” _ was your weekend? _ good!2“深圳的人口是多少?深圳的人口是多少?”“一千多万。一千多万。” _ the _ of Shenzhen? Its_ ten _3有一天,它将变得和香港一样繁忙。有一天,它将变得和香港一样繁忙。 Some day it will become _ _ _ Hong Kong.How 模块基础知识过关二模块基础知识过关二Pretty重点句型重点句型Whatspopulationovermillionas busy as4深圳的人口比中国许多其他城市的人口都多。深圳的人口比中国许多其他城市的人口都多。 The population of

6、 Shenzhen _ _ than _ of _ _ _ in China.5我的家乡特别是以它的大学而出名。我的家乡特别是以它的大学而出名。 My home town is _ _ _ its university.6我来自剑桥,英格兰东部一个美丽的城市。我来自剑桥,英格兰东部一个美丽的城市。 I come from Cambridge, a beautiful city _ _ _ _ England.is larger/bigger 模块基础知识过关二模块基础知识过关二thatmany other citiesespecially famous forin the east of7它它

7、(剑桥剑桥)位于康河河畔,人口约位于康河河畔,人口约12万。万。 It is _ the River Cam and _ _ _ _ about 120,000.8所以你可以在一年当中的任何时间来游览英格兰,但是随所以你可以在一年当中的任何时间来游览英格兰,但是随 身带一把伞身带一把伞。 So come and see England _ _ _ _ _, but _ an umbrella _ you.9事实上,它只是在事实上,它只是在20世纪世纪80年代才变得重要起来。年代才变得重要起来。 _ _, it only _ important _ _ _on 模块基础知识过关二模块基础知识过关

8、二has a population ofany time of the yearbringwithIn factbecamein the 1980s10记得去参观地王大厦。它比深圳许多其他的建筑都高。记得去参观地王大厦。它比深圳许多其他的建筑都高。 Remember _ _ the Diwang Tower. Its _ than many other _ in Shenzhen.11英格兰本身是岛屿的一部分,你们总是在海边。英格兰本身是岛屿的一部分,你们总是在海边。 England _ is _ _ an island, and you are always _ the sea.12在英格兰

9、,你将随处可见乡村绿树成荫。在英格兰,你将随处可见乡村绿树成荫。 _ in England, you will notice _ _ the countryside _to visit 模块基础知识过关二模块基础知识过关二tallerbuildingsitselfpart ofnearEverywherehow greenis 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1Which river is w_, the Yellow River or the Nile River?2Manchester is in the n_ of England.3The Engli

10、sh story is p_ good. Everyone likes reading it.4My son enjoys sports, e_ table tennis.5The tall man with glasses is a teacher in Peking U_ider基础知识清单基础知识清单 模块基础知识过关二模块基础知识过关二orth单词回顾单词回顾rettyspeciallyniversity6. The radio says it will rain this afternoon. So please take an 7. _ (雨伞雨伞). 7. More people

11、 from the cities come to the _ (乡乡村村) to enjoy the fresh air now.8The price of the shirt is _ (低的低的). I can afford to buy it.9Shanghai has a larger _ (人口人口) than Tianjin.10There are over ten _ (百万百万) people in the new city.umbrella 模块基础知识过关二模块基础知识过关二countrysidelow populationmillion用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空用方框

12、中所给短语的适当形式填空asas, the population of, be famous for,in population, morethan, pretty good, part of,on the north coast, in the south of, any other 1. France _ its wine.2Gao Wei is taller than _ boy in his class.3London is _ England and it is a very old city.4Shenzhen will become _ busy _ Hong Kong in t

13、he future.is famous for 模块基础知识过关二模块基础知识过关二any other短语运用短语运用in the south ofas as5. Shanghai is larger _ than Beijing.6The weather in Weifang in autumn is _7Tianjin is _ of China.8Gaomi was very small _ twenty years ago but now its very big.9_ India is smaller than that of China but bigger than that o

14、f the US.10We spent _ the time in the museum.in population 模块基础知识过关二模块基础知识过关二pretty goodon the north coastmore thanThe population ofpart of. 按要求完成下列各题按要求完成下列各题1My weekend was not bad(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) _ _ your weekend?2The woman in white is over fifty years old.(改为同义句改为同义句) The woman in white is _ _ f

15、ifty years old. 3Shenzhen is newer than Hong Kong.(改为同义句改为同义句) Hong Kong is _ _ Shenzhen.4The population of Cambridge is about 120,000.(改为同改为同 义义 句句) Cambridge _ _ _ _about 120,000.How was 模块基础知识过关二模块基础知识过关二more than句型突破句型突破older thanhas a population of5Weifang is famous for its kites(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问

16、) _ Weifang famous for?6Lucy is friendly. Lily is friendly, too.(合并为一句合并为一句) Lucy is_ _ _ Lily.7Jim is the strongest in his class.(改为同义句改为同义句) Jim is_ _ _ _ student in his class.8London is about 2,000 years old(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) _ _ is London?Whats 模块基础知识过关二模块基础知识过关二as friendly asstronger than any oth

17、erHow old9Qingdao is in the east of Shandong(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) _ _ Qingdao?10Chongqing is hotter than Zhejiang.(改为一般疑问句并改为一般疑问句并 作肯定回答作肯定回答) _ Chongqing hotter than Zhejiang? Yes, _ _Where is 模块基础知识过关二模块基础知识过关二Isit is .根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子1我们的学校比我们镇上任何其他学校都大。我们的学校比我们镇上任何其他学校都大。 Our school is bigger th

18、an _ _ school in our town.2这儿的街道比我们市的干净得多。这儿的街道比我们市的干净得多。 The streets here are _ _ than those in our city.3记得明天把你的家庭作业带来。记得明天把你的家庭作业带来。 _ _ bring your homework tomorrow.4莫言出生于莫言出生于20世纪世纪50年代的山东省高密市。年代的山东省高密市。 Mo Yan was born in Gaomi, Shandong Province _ _ _5某一天我想去北京。某一天我想去北京。 Id like _ _ to Beijing one day.any other 模块基础知识过关二模块基础知识过关二much cleanerRemember tointhe 1950sto go



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