八年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit 1 What should we do before help arrives课时作业课件 (新版)外研版

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1、Unit 1 What should we do before help arrives?Module12Help目录contents课前前预习课堂堂导学学课堂小堂小测课后作后作业课前前预习目录contents课前预习 Work seriously课堂堂导学学目录contents1. First of all, find out whats wrong with him.首先,弄清楚他怎么了。首先,弄清楚他怎么了。Whats wrong with sb.?是对身体不舒服的人的问候语。当看到某人心情不好或生气时,也可用此句来询问原因。类似的表达还有“Whats the trouble/matte

2、r with sb.?”。课堂导学 Work seriously如:Whats _with you, Jane?=Whats _ with you, Jane?简,你怎么了?I hurt my leg.我弄伤了腿。 课堂导学 Work seriouslywrongthe trouble/matter2. But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you.但是他可能无法听到你或者但是他可能无法听到你或者和你和你说话。have trouble (in) doing sth./have trouble with sth.意为“做某事有困

3、难”。trouble是名词,表示“困难;麻烦”时是不可数名词,表示“麻烦事”时是可数名词,常用短语还有in trouble,课堂导学 Work seriously意为“在困境中”。如:We never _ the car started.发动这辆车子我们从没费过劲儿。Were having a lot of _ a new computer system.新的电脑系统让我们焦头烂额。课堂导学 Work seriouslyhave any trouble gettingtrouble withShe is _.Lets give her a hand.她正处于困境,让我们帮她一把吧。His li

4、fe is full of all kinds of _.他的生活充满了各种各样的烦恼。 课堂导学 Work seriouslyin troubletroubles3. Lift him up and sit him on a chair? 扶起他扶起他然后然后让他坐在椅子上?他坐在椅子上?liftup意为“抬起;提起”,代词作宾语时放中间。如:We tried to _, but we failed.我们尝试把他扶起来,但是失败了。课堂导学 Work seriouslylift him up拓展拓展 lift 意为“举起;提起”时是及物动词,意为“消散”是不及物动词。lift还能作名词,意为

5、“电梯;升降机;搭车”。 课堂导学 Work seriously4. No, that could be harmful!不,那可能会不,那可能会有有伤害!害!harmful意为“有害的”,常构成短语be harmful to,意为“对有害”。harmful的名词形式是harm,常构成短语do harm to sb.do sb.harm,意为“对某人有害”。课堂导学 Work seriously如:Smoking is _ your health.=Smoking does _ your health.吸烟有害健康。 课堂导学 Work seriouslyharmful toharm to5.

6、 Make sure hes warm.确保他不受凉。确保他不受凉。make sure意为“确保;保证”,它常用于祈使句,后面常接that引导的宾语从句或“of名词/代词/动名词”结构。如:_ you turn off all the lights before you go out.在出门之前一定要把所有的灯都关掉。课堂导学 Work seriouslyMake sureI think I locked the door, but Ill go hack to _ that.我觉得我锁上门了,但我还是要回去看看,确认一下。 课堂导学 Work seriouslymake sure of6.

7、Thats such good advice that you could be a doctor, Betty!贝蒂,蒂,这个建个建议非常好,非常好,你都可以当医生了!你都可以当医生了!suchthat这个句型表达“如此以至于”的意思,such后面接名词,名词前可以有形容词修饰。如果只有形容词或副词,则要使用sothat这一句型。课堂导学 Work seriously如: It is _a tiny kitchen _only one person can cook in it.=The kitchen is _small _only one person can cook in it.这个

8、厨房很小,只能容下一个人在里面做饭。He was_weak _he could hardly stand up.他很虚弱,几乎站不起来。 课堂导学 Work seriouslysuchthatsothatsothat目录contents课堂小堂小测一、根据中文意思或首字母提示,用一、根据中文意思或首字母提示,用单词的适的适当形式填空。当形式填空。1.Be careful! The cup is b_.2.The little girl fell off the s_this morning.3.Tell me your _(烦恼).Maybe I can help you. Work seri

9、ouslyroken课堂小测tairstrouble4.Close your eyes and _(想象) you are in the forest.5.A few apples _(落下) down from the tree just now. Work seriouslyimagine课堂小测dropped二、完成句子,二、完成句子,词数不限。数不限。1. 你父母怎么了?_ your parents? 2. 听!有人在喊帮忙。Listen! Someone is _. 3. 他想查明谁拿走了那本英语书。He wants to _ who took away that English b

10、ook. Work seriouslyWhats wrong with课堂小测shouting for helpfind out4. 这个男孩怎么了?他看上去很痛苦。Whats the matter with the boy? He looks _. 5. 让我们用桌布把餐桌铺上吧。Lets _ the dining table _ this table cloth. Work seriouslyin pain课堂小测coverwith6. 他们立即对这个男孩进行了急救。They gave the boy _ immediately. 7. 首先,让我作个自我介绍。_, let me intr

11、oduce myself to you. Work seriouslyfirst aid 课堂小测First of all三、三、单项填空。填空。( )1. It was _exciting match that we liked it very much.A.such B.so C.so a D.such an ( )2. _you get all the files before you have the meeting.A.Making up B.Making sure C.Make up D.Make sure Work seriouslyD课堂小测D( )3. Ive been ha

12、ving trouble _my e-mail.A.check B.checked C.checking D.to check ( )4. His company is _the bottom of the road.A.in B.at C.to D.on Work seriouslyC课堂小测B( )5. Those boxes are on the ground.Lets_.A.lift up it B.lift it up C.lift up them D.lift them up ( )6. A little wine will not be _to your health.Just

13、dont drink too much.A.useful B.wrong C.harmful D.medical Work seriouslyD课堂小测C课后作后作业目录contents4一、一、单项填空。填空。( )1. Linda,you hurt your leg yesterday.Are you still in _pain now? Much better.A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )2. Whats wrong _you,Tom?I feel terrible.A.of B.with C.to D.for Work seriouslyDB课后作业( )3. In

14、class,the teacher asked us to _the life on the moon.A.develop B.imagine C.solve D.book ( )4. It was _a fine day _we had a good time in the countryside.A.so;that B.such;that C.too;to D.enough;to Work seriouslyBB课后作业( )5. The boy is badly hurt,but we cant _.We should call 120 for help.A.cheer him on B

15、.cheer on him C.lift him up D.lift up him ( )6. Lets ask the teacher for help.She _the answer.A.must know B.mustnt know C.could knowing D.cant know Work seriouslyCA课后作业二、用括号内所二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1. I dont know how to help the injured boy.Lets ask our head teacher.He has some _(medicine) traini

16、ng. 2.Eating unhealthy food is _(harm) to you. Work seriouslymedical harmful课后作业3. I have great trouble _(learn) math and Im so worried.Could you help me?Sure.Id be glad to. 4. Look at the _(break) glasses on the floor.Who broke it? Work seriouslylearningbroken课后作业5.My hobby is singing.It can make m

17、e_(happily).6.Lets go to the football field to have some _(train). Work seriouslyhappytraining课后作业三、根据句意从方框中三、根据句意从方框中选择恰当的恰当的单词或短或短语填空,有的需要填空,有的需要变换形式,每形式,每词限用一次。限用一次。1.Your finger is bleeding._it_ the bandage at once. Work seriouslyCoverwith 课后作业at the bottom of, make sure, coverwith, shout for he

18、lp, first aid 2.The little girl hid her secret dairy _ the bed.3.Before you jump into the pool, _ the temperature is all right.4.Did you hear someone _ just now?5.Many volunteers offer _ in the Olympic Games. Work seriouslyat the bottom ofmake sure课后作业shouting for helpfirst aid四、根据四、根据课本本Act.3对话完成短文

19、填空。完成短文填空。 This class is about first 1._ or giving someone basic 2._ help.If you find a boy lying at the 3._ of the stairs, what can you do? First of all, call 120 for help immediately.You dont need to ask him, because he could have 4._ hearing Work seriouslyaidmedical 课后作业bottomtroubleyou or speaking to you.You should make him 5._.Dont 6._ him up or sit him on a chair, because that could be 7._.You could 8._ him and hurt him even more.Make 9._ he is warm and 10._ him with a coat. Work seriouslycomfortablelift课后作业harmful dropsure cover谢谢观看!



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