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1、 NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 Love Without LimitationsMENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text delivery n. (L1) the process of giving birth to a baby 这位母亲没想到生个孩子这么顺利。Translatione.g.The mother didnt expect that the delivery of the baby would be so easy.MENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text delivery n. (L1) th

2、e act of bringing something to a particular place 您订购的货物可以随时交货。TranslationYour order is ready for delivery.KeyAssociationAssociationdeliver v. 交货,递货MENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text justice n. (L9) the quality of being just; fairness At last the criminals are being brought to justice.这个罪犯终于要依

3、法惩处了。KeyTranslationEveryone should be treated with justice.e.g.MENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text justice n. 正义,合理;司法judicial adj. 司法的justify v. 证明是正当的judge n. 裁判; v. 裁决,裁定just adj. 公正的 adv. 刚才AssociationAssociationMENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text wreck n. (L17) a badly damaged ship, c

4、ar or plane; sb. who is tired or unhealthy 那辆汽车在碰撞事故中成了一堆废铁。 The stroke left him a helpless wreck.Translation The collision reduced the car to a useless wreck. 他患中风之后成了不能自理的废人。KeyMENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text pledge v. (L31) promise to do something 英国承诺给联合国130万英镑用于难民工作。Translatione.g.Brit

5、ain has pledged 1.3 million to the UN for refugee work.MENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text pledge n. (L31) a promise or agreement 政府作出保证降低利率。TranslationThe government made a pledge to bring down interest rates.KeyMENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text drain v. (L45) to cause to flow off gradu

6、ally or completely这些孩子让我筋疲力尽。每到冬天,游泳池的水就会被放干,游泳池也会被打扫干净。TranslationThese children drain my energy.The swimming pool is drained and cleaned very winter.Key常见用法常见用法常见用法常见用法brain drain人才流失MENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text 找到、查出挑剔某人告发考虑到结果依靠自己活得有声有色维持原状眼泪开始流把某事做成额外的礼物度过难关track downpick on sb.tell

7、 on sb.reckon withend up (doing) sth.blossom on ones ownstay the sametears begin to flowwork sth. outa welcome bonusget through 4. Useful Expressions MENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text 1) track down:Are the doctors able to track down the cause of the infection?find someone or something after a

8、 long searchTranslationTranslationkeykey医生能够查出感染的原因吗?MENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text 2) pick on: She told me that the boys were always picking on her.treat someone badly or unfairlyTranslationTranslationkeykey她告诉我男孩子们总是作弄她。MENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text 3) tell on:Ill tell on you

9、when the teacher gets back.inform against someoneTranslationTranslationkeykey老师回来后我就要告发你。MENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text hit/strike home (L40) be understood and acceptedTranslationIt can be seen from her expression that his remarks had hit home.从她的表情可以看出,她领会了他的话。KeyMENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV:

10、 Section A-Text reckon with (L42) to take account of in ones plane.g. . We hadnt reckoned with the possibility that it might rain.TranslationI didnt reckon with having to wait so long.我没料到要等这么长时间。KeyMENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text end up (doing) sth. (L61) to be in the end ( in a stated pla

11、ce or condition) TranslationIf you dont work hard, youll end up nowhere. we didnt like it at first, but we ended up cheering. e.g.如果你不努力的话,你将一事无成。如果你不努力的话,你将一事无成。KeyMENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text 1) so I urged the neighborhood kids to come to my house for some out-of-control kid-centered f

12、un. (L5)(L5) out-of-control kid-centered fun = to have as much fun as the kids like out-of-control和kid-centered是复合形容词more examples: up-to-date; color-coded; student-centered so I eagerly asked the kids in the neighborhood to come to my house to do the kind of fun things that kids like freely.5. Key

13、and Difficult SentencesMENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text n.+ v-ed: student-centeredn.+ v-ing: thought-provokingadj.+n-ed: big-eyedadj./adv.+v-ed: soft-spoken; well-dressedn.+adj.: iron-richformed from attributive clause: in an Ive-told-you-a-billion-times tone with a father-knows-best attitud

14、e复合形容词小结MENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text 3) Usually very agreeable, he now quit speaking altogether and no amount of words could penetrate the vacant expression he wore on his face. (L18) (L18) Usually my brother was very friendly, but now he stopped speaking completely and nothing we said c

15、ould change the empty look on his face.wear: wear vacant expression/a smile wear makeup wear perfume MENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text 4) I hired someone to live with him and drive him to work, but no matter how much I tried to make things stay the same, even Jimmy grasped that the world hed

16、known was gone.(L20) No matter (how, who, what, where, etc.)= however, whoever, whatever, wherever stay the same = keep things as they weregrasp = understandMore PracticeMENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text 1. 不管花多少时间,我总要完成这项工作。不管花多少时间,我总要完成这项工作。Ill finish the job, no matter how long it takes.2.

17、不管发生什么事,我一定会支持你。 No matter what happens, I will stand by you.3.不管谁指出我们的缺点,我们都改正。 No matter who points out our shortcomings, we will correct them.4.不论我到什么地方,中国永远是我的家乡。No matter where I go, China will always be my home.MENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text 5) In fact, caring for someone who loves a

18、s deeply and appreciates my efforts as much as Jimmy does has enriched my life more than anything else ever could have. (L37)MENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text In fact, doing sth. for sb. who as much as sb. else do has benefited the doer more than anything else ever could have. 事实上,为像事实上,为像一样一

19、样的人做某事,更有益于做事者本人,的人做某事,更有益于做事者本人,其他任何东西都不能与之相比。其他任何东西都不能与之相比。 用于表述用于表述“为某人做事在做事者身上产生为某人做事在做事者身上产生的良性效应的良性效应”。 新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 产生式提炼与应用产生式提炼与应用产生式提炼与应用产生式提炼与应用产生式提炼与应用产生式提炼与应用N H C E产产 生生 式式 提提 炼炼应应 用用 提提 示示产产 生生 式式 应应 用用BackMENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text 事实上,救助和平常人一样坚强并懂得感恩的灾民,更净事实上,救助和

20、平常人一样坚强并懂得感恩的灾民,更净化了我们的心灵,其他任何东西都不能与之相比。化了我们的心灵,其他任何东西都不能与之相比。 effect the rescue of sb. / know to appreciate / cleanse ones soul In fact, effecting the rescue of the victims who remain as firm and know to appreciate our efforts as much as normal people do has cleansed our souls more than anything el

21、se ever could have.MENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text 超级模仿超级模仿 向一位能如此精湛地展示技术并且全心全意付出的教练学习更加丰富了王蒙的生活,其他任何东西都不能与之相比。 Learning from someone who exhibits the skills as extraordinarily and exerts her efforts as much as her coach does has enriched Wangmengs life more than anything else ever could ha

22、ve. MENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 IV: Section A-Text 6) Just as my fathers death had changed world overnight, September 11th changed our lives; the world wed known was gone. (L65) (L65) “just as” = “in the way that someone says, or in the same condition something is in” .P13 NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 V: Answers to E

23、xercisesMENUSummary My brother, Jimmy, was born with brain damage due to a di f f i cul t _. A ccompanyi ng my growi ng up was _ around my brother s life and protecting him from being _ by other kids. Unfortunately, father, who was _ with Jimmy, died in 1991. Jimmy was a _ and believed that the worl

24、d hed known was_ . Even worse, mother died six months later and I _ w as l ef t t o l o o k af t er Ji m m y . deliveryrevolvingpicked oninseparablewreckgonealoneto be continuedto be continued NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 V: Answers to ExercisesMENU and he finally returned. So far, he has lived t her e f or _ y

25、 ear s and bl ossomed _ . I held a party for Jimmy 57th birthday just a few days after _disaster, but no one of the family could come. I called on my _ to11on his own911friendsmerryfestivelongedAfter that, Jimmy moved to New York City to live with me for a while. But he still _ to l i v e i n p a r

26、e n t s h o u s ehelp who brought ideal presents and made it a _ and _ occasion. NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 V: Answers to ExercisesMENUI knew that the constant love and support of our friends and family would _ us _ all the hardships in life. There had never been a n y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t o w h a t Jimmys lov

27、e could accomplish. getthroughlimitationsMENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 VII: Testing YourselfTranslate the following into English.1) 讨回公道2) 活得有声有色3) 脸上挂着茫然的表情4) 围绕弟弟的生活5) 遛狗6) 邀请我的好友 call on my faithful friends1. Expressions administer justice blossom on his own wear vacant expression on the face revolve aro

28、und my brothers life walk the dogMENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 VIII: Homework4. Your TaskWrite a paragraph with a problem-response-evaluation structure. Topic: The Fight Against Air Pollution. For your referenceMENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 VIII: Homework(For reference)(For reference)The region has been seriously p

29、olluted by harmful smog, which proves to be the cause of many illnesses and for the climbing death rate. As a result, people have started to move out ofthe area. In response to the problem, the local government has decided to fight against air pollution. It has closed down several factories, which w

30、ere considered to be the major cause of the pollution. Many power plants have been modernized to give off less pollution and alsoMENU NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 VIII: Homeworkmoved further away from peoples homes so as to decrease the damage. At the same time, the local government has decided to plant trees in and around the region because trees can absorb some of the pollution. People welcome all the measures taken by the government. Consequently, more and more people have begun to move back to the region to take part in this battle for a clean environment.



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