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1、人教版英语七年级上同步辅导人教版英语七年级上同步辅导掌握本课短语词汇掌握本课短语词汇掌握量词掌握量词掌握冠词掌握冠词掌握打电话常用语掌握打电话常用语this (pron & a)这这pencil (n)铅笔pen (n)钢笔Book (n)书eraser (n)橡皮ruler (n)尺子Case (n)盒;箱;柜Pencil case铅笔盒Backpack (n)双肩背包Pencil sharpener铅笔刀dictionary (n)字典That 那那Yes 是的No 不not不Isnt= is not不是excuse (v) 原谅;宽恕;Excuse me劳驾劳驾in (prep)在在里里

2、English (n)英语how (ad)如何如何Do (v)做spell (v)拼写Baseball (n)棒球watch (n)表computer (n) 计算机game (n)游戏Computer game电脑游戏key (n)钥匙notebook (n)笔记本Ring (n)介指call (n; v)电话;打电话at (prep)在在点点At 7:00在在7点点the特别指的特别指的lost (a)丢失的Lost and found失物招领please 请school (n)学校a set一套;一付of (prep)的的1看1.看电视/比赛2.看书3.看!1.Watch TV/game

3、2.Read a book3.Look2 In一:某物在.里 A be in B 例:Pen, pencil and sharpener are in the pencil case.例:We are in the classroom.二:用语言 in+语言例:请用英语回答问题Please answer the question in English.例:请用法语拼写这个字Please spell the word in French.易混:说英语: speak English用英语说: say in English3.call1、给某人打电话Call sb 例: please call me

4、 after class.2、有个电话找你You have a call/phone3、给打.号call sb at例:请致电119Please call at 1194.电话常用语有哪些a你好,谁啊?b我是小李,我想找小明说话a.我就是.b.c. 别挂,请稍等d. 他不在办公室,我能给你捎个口信吗?Hello, who is that?This is xiao Li. I want to speak to xiaoming.This is xiaoming.C Hold on please, wait a minute.D He is not in office, can I take a

5、messge for you?5. 一套、一串、一张量词1.一串钥匙2.一杯水3.一盒月饼4.一碗牛肉5.二串钥匙6.二杯水7.二盒月饼8.二碗牛肉1.A set of keys2.A cup of water3.A box of mooncakes4.A bowl of beef5.Two sets of keys6.2 cups of water7.2 boxes of mooncakse8.2 bowls of beef量词:量词:1、莫忘、莫忘of 2、分清可数不可数、分清可数不可数a/an/the注意: a/an 是可数名词的标志,the 可数,不可数都能用!难点:几个区别上区别一:

6、 a/an-one 在英语中,一个是用a/an, 不用one. 而查数时,才用one一:这是一个学生。这儿只有一个学生!This is a student, there is only one student.一个人一本书One person, one book; a person, a book区别二:何时用a, 何时用an?_ apple_ man_ hour_ usual man_ unusual man_ red apple规则:a/an取决于其后紧跟的第一个字母的音标注意: an hour a usual man区别三:何时用a/an, 何时用the桌子上有个苹果,我吃了这个苹果Th

7、ere is an apple on a desk, I ate the apple.我有一个电脑,我喜欢这个电脑I have a computer, I like the computer.我给了他一本书,他喜欢这本书 I give him a book, he likes the book.通常情况:第一次见到,我们通常认为是通常情况:第一次见到,我们通常认为是a/an, 以后再提到它就是用以后再提到它就是用the.用the的特殊情况:一乐器前必须加the, 球类运动前一定不能用a/an/the例:我会拉小提琴,我会踢足球!I can play the violin, I can play

8、 football.乐器:violin小提琴, piano钢琴, guitar 吉他球类运动:basketball篮球-football足球 soccervolleyball 排球用the的特殊情况:二一说,双方都知道!通常用于对话中。请把那个杯子给我。Please give the cup to me.练习,翻译。She takes a bottle.She takes the bottle.她拿了一个瓶子。她拿了那个瓶子。用the的特殊情况:三最高级前面一定要用theHot热-hotter更热-the hottest 最热Warm温暖-warmer更温-the warmest最温Smart

9、聪明-smarter-the smartestBeautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful 4、方向前必须the The sun rises in the east. And sets in the west.5、太阳、地球前用theOn earth究竟 on the earth在地球上6、专有名词前用theThe Yellow River; the Long River, the Mountain Tai7、The 人名s 表一家人 The Toms are at table.背8、四个词加the之后,变成了另外意思At table at the t

10、able; at desk at the desk; at school at the school; in hospital in the hospital陈述句这是一支笔那是一支笔这是你的笔那是他的笔This is a pen.That is a pen.This is your pen.That is his pen.疑问句这是一支笔吗?这是一支笔那是一支笔吗?这是你的笔吗?那是他的笔吗?Is this a pen?Yes, it is.Is that a pen?Is this your pen?Is that his pen?疑问句这是一支笔这是一支笔吗?它们是二支笔.它们是二支笔吗

11、?This is a pen. Is this a pen?They are 2 pensAre they 2 pens?疑问句的回答(单)这是一支笔吗?是的,这是一支笔不,这不是一支笔Is this a pen?Yes, this is.No, this is notIs it a pen?Yes, it is.No, it is not.疑问句的回答(复)它们是二支笔吗?是的,这是二支笔不,这不是二支笔,这是三支笔.Are they two pens?Yes, they areno., they are not. They are 3 pens.课文一:Is this your watch

12、?Call Alan at 4953539二:Alan,Is that your computer game in the lost and found case?三: Found: notebook,Is this your notebook?Please call Mary phone at 2350285这是一个铅笔. 这个铅笔在合子里.这些是铅笔在合子里.这些是铅笔在合子里吗?那些合子在背包里.那些合子在背包里吗?This is a pencilThis pencil is in the case.These pencils are in the case.Are these penc

13、ils in the case?Those cases are in the backpack.Are those cases in the backpack?对不起,我的包丢了. 什么颜色? 红色 red包里有什么? 包里有书,文具盒和一串钥匙.有电话吗?有,蓝色的哦,是这个吗?恩,就just是这个.给你谢谢!不客气Excuse me! My bag is lost.What color?Redwhat are in the bag?Books, pencilcase and a set of keys are in bag.Is a phone in a bag?Yes, a blue.Oh, Is this one?En, yes, just this.Here you are!Thank you!That is all right/ not at all/ you are welcome/ it is my pleasure



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