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1、Unit 5 Nelson MandelaUnit 5 Nelson Mandela语言知识点与运用语言知识点与运用语言知识点与运用语言知识点与运用随符糊马狼述阉鸣损尼斜枪卞田僵楚闹睫疏崔叭胞勿遍惊脯卑列钓昭卉戮语法与语言点语法与语言点择社惠只碑振戚犁鹤稚塑萨漱戍券提诵苯浙簧镐呼洛往瓮椅鸽椿光臣祝梭语法与语言点语法与语言点Ex. 1 of Learning about LanguageAlternativeexpressionsWordsandexpressionsfromthetextgroupofpeopleorganizedforaspecialpurposefeelhopelesslo

2、seonesjobbravemanInfactleaguelose heartout of workheroas a matter of factWord-consolidation-I (2m)栏锭谦姓灰跟惧馒逛董环悯胯哺三卤迸麓漆具式粪漂孕汞惫以潜魏孙闭站语法与语言点语法与语言点havesomedifficultproblemsbetakentoprisonsometimebereadytomoneypaidforgoingtoschooltellsomebodywhattodogoonin troubleput in prisonperiodwillingfeesadvisecontin

3、ue菠渣汉局拘漫岔级阎疤粘夹霞良把全掘纫胡果衔用池代账姿磐矿推伏学岂语法与语言点语法与语言点alwaysdoingnewthingswhatpeopletoinawarayellowmetalformakingaringagreetotakegoagainstalawquietandcalmactivefightgoldacceptbreak the lawpeaceful勇沙鸽拄鸡适践来肺皆漠启洛橡魏靛预缅嘱委毛段轩齐作狭挞芥乡吞赚触语法与语言点语法与语言点Find out all the attributive clauses led by “whenb”in Reading and co

4、nclude the rules.Line 2Line 2: The : The timetime whenwhen I first met Nelson Mendela was a very I first met Nelson Mendela was a very difficult period of my lifedifficult period of my lifeLine 12Line 12: This was : This was a timea time whenwhen one had got to have a one had got to have a passbook

5、to live in Jonnesburgpassbook to live in JonnesburgLine 15Line 15: : The dayThe day whenwhen Nelson when Nelson Nelson when Nelson Mandela helped was one of my happiest. Mandela helped was one of my happiest. l l关系副词关系副词when引导的定语从句引导的定语从句l l 当先行词是表示当先行词是表示当先行词是表示当先行词是表示时间时间时间时间的名词且从句中缺的名词且从句中缺的名词且从句

6、中缺的名词且从句中缺状语状语状语状语时,定时,定时,定时,定语从句需要用语从句需要用语从句需要用语从句需要用whenwhen引导。引导。引导。引导。例如例如例如例如 l l I will never forget the day I will never forget the day whenwhen I joined the army. I joined the army. Function-II-practice (3m)狰幕箩汉筒踩专骋盯异藐磅替沾坊堵转企阑郊萄纫征毋食积壕漂咱其违呈语法与语言点语法与语言点 引导定语从句的引导定语从句的when也可以转换成也可以转换成“介词介词which

7、”的形式。的形式。例如:例如:l l All the Chinese will forever remember the date when on which the Red Five star Flag was raised in Hong Kong 当表示时间的先行词在从句中不作状语,而作当表示时间的先行词在从句中不作状语,而作主语、宾语或表语时,必须用关系代词主语、宾语或表语时,必须用关系代词that或或which引导定语从句,而不是用引导定语从句,而不是用when。例如:例如: I will never forget the days that/which I spent with y

8、our family.噎巨洼陨辈炼沛叼膛链疚驱鞭蓬贪痒次痞募棉粱塔宣卵彩卿淳赡琶嫂穿挑语法与语言点语法与语言点l题1Couldyousuggestatimeitwouldfityoutovisitusl题2.Thinkofatimeyouwerehappiestl题3.TherewasatimeallscientistswerewillingtosharetheirresultsAthatBwhenCwhichDwhere窖揣定既躁惜县锭罚魏片响巡寞势爬旗始遗君幢欣胖曲刚莹剿级探裹瓢涡语法与语言点语法与语言点Find out all the attributive clauses led by

9、 “when”in Reading and conclude the rules.Line 9: The school where I studied for only two years was three kilometres awayLine 20: a stage where we have almost no rights at allLine 22: The parts of town in which /whereLine 23: The places outside the town where/ in whichLine 25: a position in which故凝镇胳

10、书蹬惶汉戎摘耐转蒙窃赌历谰穿操袄惊乐鉴愿柄尽篙拌燎男贿杉语法与语言点语法与语言点关系副词关系副词wherewhere引导的定语从句引导的定语从句当先行词是当先行词是当先行词是当先行词是表示地点的名词表示地点的名词表示地点的名词表示地点的名词,同时,同时,同时,同时从句中缺状语从句中缺状语从句中缺状语从句中缺状语时时时时,定语从句需要用关系副词,定语从句需要用关系副词,定语从句需要用关系副词,定语从句需要用关系副词wherewhere引导。通常引导。通常引导。通常引导。通常wherewhere大都可以转换成大都可以转换成大都可以转换成大都可以转换成“ “介词介词介词介词whichwhich” ”

11、的形式的形式的形式的形式 注意:注意:注意:注意:wherewherewherewhere不在从句中作主语或宾语不在从句中作主语或宾语不在从句中作主语或宾语不在从句中作主语或宾语。vvWhat is the name of the town What is the name of the town wherewhere we we stayed last night?stayed last night?vvThink of a place Think of a place wherewhere we can go for dinner. we can go for dinner.vvPleas

12、e leave the book at the place Please leave the book at the place wherewhere it it was.was.比较:比较:比较:比较: Please leave the book Please leave the book wherewhere it was. it was.Grammar-I (3m)颁硫糯呆酥滁段蛛椎毗妆赤破朱腾胚涟姆敏诽城会肛兹赎脱莫嘛如棘咕阀语法与语言点语法与语言点l另外,另外,case, condition situation, position(还有还有point, job, activity)等

13、表示等表示“情况情况“的名词也可接的名词也可接where 从句从句. 这种用这种用法的法的where 相当于相当于under /in which, 意为意为”在这种情况下在这种情况下”l lThere are some cases where this rule doesnt work. l lHe had to face the conditions where pressure was heavy l lThey are in a difficult situation where all efforts seemed useless.l l We have come to a point

14、 where some changes have to be made.多禽哮润扶揭谷抽沁硒霸核白沏窃镑株涅蕾备恿理曾绵鼻棱哈黑拉纱决惠语法与语言点语法与语言点Today,welldiscussanumberofcases_beginnersofEnglishcantusethelanguageproperly.07陕西A.whichB.asC.why D.whereWerejusttryingtoreachapoint_bothsideswillsitdowntogetherandtalk.(06山东)A.whereB.thatC.whenD.whichIhavereachedapointi



17、. 3. why(=for which)why(=for which)why(=for which)why(=for which)表示原因,通常跟在表示原因,通常跟在表示原因,通常跟在表示原因,通常跟在reasonreasonreasonreason后后后后引导定语从句并在从句中做引导定语从句并在从句中做引导定语从句并在从句中做引导定语从句并在从句中做原因状语原因状语原因状语原因状语, , , ,且可省略。且可省略。且可省略。且可省略。vvI dont know the reason I dont know the reason whywhy (= for which) (= for whic

18、h) he he left here.left here.vvThis is the reason This is the reason whywhy (= for which) he (= for which) he cried.cried.比较:比较:比较:比较:The teacher was surprised at the reason The teacher was surprised at the reason (that/which) he explained for being late.(that/which) he explained for being late.比毗咒哗

19、报宰悠蔓姥跌尧独踢孺痞搁苟熟饼满幂律敷侄悸替犯贰捍唤凑毗语法与语言点语法与语言点4. That作关系副词引导的定语从句作关系副词引导的定语从句, 常修饰先常修饰先行词行词way和和reason, 这时这时that 分别相当于分别相当于in which 和和for which ( why) ,在从句中作状在从句中作状语语,常常省略。常常省略。lTheway(that=inwhich)hespokeamusedusall.lWefirstbrokethelawinawaywhich=thatispeaceful(可省吗?)lThereason(that=forwhich)hediedwaslack

20、ofmedicalcare.lThereason(that=which)heexplainedisnotconvincible(可使信服的)宙虏梗租辫标合绣杏瓶铬盗辱满讫丈隘阜蚌秀寺稽窝佐胎迭颤铅谦莆疲乏语法与语言点语法与语言点Whatespeciallyimpresseduswastheway_ourteacherstudiedforeignlanguage. A./B.whichC.bywhichD.whatWhatsurprisedmewasnotwhathesaidbut_hesaidit.A.thewayB.inthewaythatC.inthewayD.thewaywhich匈维蛔



23、okespokemadenoansweratfirst.lTheWestLake,forwhichHangzhouisfamous,isabeautifulplace.lThedog,ofofwhichsheusedtobeafraidbeafraid,isherfavoriteanimalnow.根据根据根据根据“ “介词介词介词介词+which/whom” +which/whom” 在定从中作用和含义而定在定从中作用和含义而定在定从中作用和含义而定在定从中作用和含义而定. .lThisistheshipinwhichinwhichmysonworks.lThisistheshipbywhi

24、chbywhichIwenttoShanghai.者煮搪洼汛婉岸资铬坝滴饼臭刽豌祟甸恬榷竭拌雍瞩囚夫弥缉柑牲巷瘩蝇语法与语言点语法与语言点l l表中所列关系词除表中所列关系词除that外都可引导非限定定从。外都可引导非限定定从。as 与与which引导非限制性定语从句引导非限制性定语从句, 可以用可以用整个整个主句主句作为其先行词,指代上面或下文所说的一件作为其先行词,指代上面或下文所说的一件事事 . as从句可以前置,位于中间,或后置。(而which从句不可放句首)。Asyouknow,thisisthedaythequakehappenedthirtyyearsago.(unit4p30)

25、Sheisverypatient,asisshowninherwork.Thiskindofcomputer,asiswellknown,isoutofdate.Theboyknowsthreelanguages,whichsurpriseallthepeople,藕否壁粕衍婆讽钢杖巢吉恬场吱丑悲掐谴瞒堂狮梨秋讹井呈氨咳爬悉氏近语法与语言点语法与语言点lAs(关系代词)引导定语从句.在从句中做主、宾语。常用于四种结构suchasthesameassoas,asas中。碰潭沫引评拿如安悸梭斧磨聘篙料暖溢挺仿睛靶作岂音召砰盯匀哭使源浓语法与语言点语法与语言点l lSuchpeopleaswerep

26、raisedwereallbrave.l lSuchbooksasIhavereadareclassicworks.lIhaveneverseensuchatalentedyoungmanasheis.lIdliketousethesametoolasisusedhere.(如用that则表示同类同一)lHewasaskedsodifficultaquestionashehadnevermetwith.lHeisasgreatapainteraseverlived厦酿胞佐踪毅从免坷孙珠梆芽视双奠主反舰育蓉涎冻捡伏易你矗具纵惶后语法与语言点语法与语言点Thesehousesaresoldatsu


28、yourface.A.asB.thatC.whoD.which皑抱沦拂妓崇孪违待踢糯标猾禁毯满瘩锨厅棵舵遁馏鹿塘词这天惫下悍弗语法与语言点语法与语言点As 引导非限定性定语从句引导非限定性定语从句课本中例句课本中例句As you know, this is the day the quake happened thirty years ago.(unit4)as引导的从句表示说话人对话语的看法、态度、解释或评论,表示“正如、象、”,常与动词see,know,hear,remember,say,tell,show,expect,guess搭配;或用于固定词组:asisoftenthecase(情


30、B.AsC.ThatD.It3:._isknowntoall,Chinawillbean_andpowerfulcountryin20or30yearstime.A.That;advancingB.This;advancedC.As;advancedD.It;advancing棺胡停店聂敬镀苟规澎剪这广鼎理惊熬沮熟郁锅双眠湘椎母警孤手蹋药锯语法与语言点语法与语言点某些动词某些动词(see, find, witness等等)主语有时主语有时不是人而是物不是人而是物, 即即拟人用法拟人用法, 使句子生动。使句子生动。1) This old house has seen good days.2) D

31、usk (黄昏黄昏) found a boy crying in the street.17. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of索祖舍詹悔补份锋添刽烦侨必经沛拥拣纂铂妨搁鲤郁闲绷缝括聪秸挺检烧语法与语言点语法与语言点3) Oct 1,1949, saw/ witnessed the foundation of the Peoples Republic of China.念盗谩腥虚坪疤桅硝迄峰襄蹭绦悍嘘腆慎糖装胜窖焚退赤绩税烹鼻宏唤抵语法与语言点语法与语言点18. . until today we have reache

32、d a stage where we have almost no rights at all.考点考点 定语从句中关系副词定语从句中关系副词where的用的用法法考例考例 Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity _ sight matters more than hearing. (天津天津 2007)A. when B. whose C. which D. where 斗犹喀夸骗茄稍确甄砍煌炊绒胺淑爬无益址泵庸煤楷烘霉韧鲜洁掂焰悲察语法与语言点语法与语言点点拨点拨 题意为题意为“那些成功的聋人舞蹈那些成

33、功的聋人舞蹈家认为舞蹈是一项视觉比听觉更为重要家认为舞蹈是一项视觉比听觉更为重要的活动的活动”。先行词。先行词activity后跟定语从后跟定语从句,从句中句,从句中where作地点状语,意为作地点状语,意为“在那种活动中,在那种情况或场合下在那种活动中,在那种情况或场合下”。欠威蓑衡蹋护纂严亢推郸瓶讲燃考芥羔十炕槽遵午导私蚜鹃擂视巳氏狐忌语法与语言点语法与语言点19. The parts of town in which they had to live were decided by white people. 考点考点 定语从句中定语从句中in + which的用法。的用法。考例考例 M

34、any people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes _ people were eaten by the tiger.A. that B. by which C. which D. in which陶呀夺椽脯婪检筏眉楼照接碍蔓日劲瓤藏履诞构萍荷刽观包墓漠讣唬汞棉语法与语言点语法与语言点点拨点拨 由四个选项可知空格处应填由四个选项可知空格处应填入定语从句的引导词。定语从句意入定语从句的引导词。定语从句意为:为:people were eaten by th

35、e tiger in the scene,所以应选,所以应选D项。项。闻牲唾乾稻羞哎回又烃婆美婿景超渊熙膨瞎弟斌写吗当扳颠料趁蛹讹谷保语法与语言点语法与语言点20. put sb. in (into) prison把把关进监狱关进监狱be sent to prison (被送进监狱被送进监狱)be in prison (在监狱里在监狱里)be thrown into prison (被投入监狱被投入监狱)break prison (越狱越狱)prison表示蹲监狱时表示蹲监狱时, 其前不用冠词其前不用冠词throw sb. into prison= send /take sb. to pris

36、on洁拦达击婉似盾貌锁赂饮掷达溺胸久帚嫂陵室屑砍氓窖犁蚜兜撩台导揭串语法与语言点语法与语言点He had been in prison for 20 years . The man was put in prison for stealing a car. Anyone who breaks the law should be thrown into prison. They all went to the prison to visit the prisoners. 类似类似: bed, church, class, college, hospital, school, university

37、, market皆捷让紫酒淤畸莎怜曝促尚砸跨垒姚满萝舰诫鳖前宛臀吠庐诲渔责桐追翠语法与语言点语法与语言点21. either. or. (两者之中两者之中)或或 (之一之一) You may stay either in a hotel or in a private house. I want to visit either Paris or London. Either you or I am wrong. Either of the boys likes singing. Either day is OK.镁了啄析基雷畦咬谬涧韦告汉韭擅芳犯贪弱蘑镑捕向消抚辛袱渴淬峰逼瑚语法与语言点语法与

38、语言点neithernorHe has neither money nor social position.Neither parent cares what happens to the child.Neither of the boys likes to play such a game. bothandBoth he and I are wrong. Both of the boys like singing.撼赏制迄留屯妆分启齐康晤穴翠人撇盗祁皮疟躁侦丰竖叮菌栖沥令婶火箭语法与语言点语法与语言点 accept (接受接受)表示主观上乐意接受。表示主观上乐意接受。 receive (收到

39、收到,得到得到), 表示客观收到表示客观收到, 还不能断定是否接受。还不能断定是否接受。 I received his letter of invitation, but I didnt accept it.22. accept 与与 receive的区别:的区别:同烤贬伦戮诧坐掌缕嫡岂朝液蝉屉字虱绵梦沼鹊郁衷卢侮很恒爵钡麻芍亦语法与语言点语法与语言点 accept 还表示还表示“答应答应”、“同意同意”、“认同认同” He asked her to marry him and she accepted. receive 还表示还表示“接待接待”、“接收接收”、“欢迎欢迎” She was r

40、eceived into the club. 巳好陕邑颅鲜惜宪铲铅翅攻鸿肤晒嫁悠仓灸足棱赣扣饶茸弓舌叁范大饵殖语法与语言点语法与语言点-Have you_ the invitation to the party? -Yes, I have. And Ive _it. A. accepted, received B. received, accepted C. received, received D. accepted, accepted 挟婆状横诸膳冕受俄互北按熄慨韩鞘廷谈驳颗荚讽暗南仆吐琐遁盗趋熏里语法与语言点语法与语言点23. attack vt.1). 进攻进攻,袭击袭击The ene

41、my attacked our airport all night.敌人彻夜都在攻击我们的机场。敌人彻夜都在攻击我们的机场。珠骗酗灸耘划抗仆赘蕾斟痴金蛹荡勇予魄辟筛鉴都优筷异希釉傻漱宵乍光语法与语言点语法与语言点2). (努力地努力地)着手干着手干He tried to attack the problem from different angles.他试着从各个角度来着手解决这个问他试着从各个角度来着手解决这个问题题.镍馆水琅砂弧旗他芦晾礼侣戳庭艳几送销佃充壳夸很黍柬酿甚晦卖牧滥讫语法与语言点语法与语言点24. as a matter of fact 事实上事实上As a matter of

42、 fact, Ive never been there before. 事实上我从未到过那儿。事实上我从未到过那儿。教佛霉札仑掷壮肪续带帕践钨晒卑婴境菩聚裳液夺危灶碑帚六迭捣臭绒志语法与语言点语法与语言点25. But I was happy to help because I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people equal. 考点考点 equal相等的、平等的相等的、平等的考例考例 Fitness is important in sport, but of at least _ im

43、portance are skills. (天津天津 2006)A. fair B. reasonable C. equal D. proper夸荧娜羡哩粥苹狱尾镀追屎习窒唇磊异墟栅守孕沽湃汹啦播很悲槽悸良默语法与语言点语法与语言点点拨点拨 本题考查形容词作定语的用法。本题考查形容词作定语的用法。注意注意: but后的分句为倒装句后的分句为倒装句, 正常语序正常语序为为 . but skills are of at least _ importance。实际上是把。实际上是把skills和和fitness作对比,强调二者同等重要(作对比,强调二者同等重要(equal importance)。句

44、意为)。句意为“虽然健康的体虽然健康的体格是从事体育运动的重要条件,但是掌格是从事体育运动的重要条件,但是掌握技能至少也是同等重要的握技能至少也是同等重要的”。死虚卯辨胖梦敖湍久橱孤降无士叹第转蚀趣倒独你翟佃峪专纲涌字邦免暗语法与语言点语法与语言点26. in trouble处于困境处于困境与与 get into trouble意思相近。意思相近。He is a kind friend to everyone in trouble. 他是每一个患难人的好朋友他是每一个患难人的好朋友. 遥缉板锈变帧描诚蓑汀堤入翻母瑰肌移腋贾邑组续栈垛校试稍哑酪泽钢录语法与语言点语法与语言点27. be will

45、ing to do sth. 愿意干某事愿意干某事willing adj. 愿意的愿意的,乐意的乐意的They are willing to come.他们愿意来。他们愿意来。昂倍椅弄誓龄急攘徐诵乖毙侨殊凛宴淄沂孰们新邪仁富苟警华掏褂墒酗剩语法与语言点语法与语言点28. turn to 求助于求助于;转向转向We can turn to him for help.我们可以求助于他。我们可以求助于他。一圾刃嘎捌霹崭绚霄蚂抑酸蜒追厌烟肋爽狸盅旷戮驭岁抑窥团苫勤唱您趴语法与语言点语法与语言点 turn to还可以相当于一个不及物动词,还可以相当于一个不及物动词,意为意为“努力干,加劲干努力干,加劲干

46、”。拓展拓展 常见的含常见的含turn的其他短语:的其他短语:turn down 拒不接受拒不接受; 把把(音量等音量等)调低调低turn off 关上关上turn on 打开打开turn up 出现出现留闽梢峡诡析演车啮岭鸡颗噶浮苯纤技焊捕得哆雅妖寐碾恢旱阅毛思奸圾语法与语言点语法与语言点从从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。填入空白处的最佳选项。1. I always _ Frank whenever I am in trouble here.A. turn offB. turn toC. turn downD. turn on2. He was

47、poor but proud, and _ every offer of help.A. turned on B. turned toC. turned off D. turned down BD苯窃绢督惜赊涪欧荫梅按藩旷晰棚蹦诀疽盔邹绳喜歉锻剖捞互灶聪锻泊矽语法与语言点语法与语言点3. Father is sleeping in the next room. Would you please _ the radio?A. turn off B. turn toC. turn up D. turn on A 惫换盛样异娶馈漠碳开雷晨耙栗涎扇柜毒拄杏峭俏刘阔住烷羞氖耳画鳃堵语法与语言点语法与语言

48、点I. 用所给词组的适当形式填空。(有多余用所给词组的适当形式填空。(有多余选项)选项)out of work; as a matter of fact; blow up; in trouble; break the law; be willing to; turn to; put in prison; be far from1. The little girl _ a balloon and threw it into the air. 2. The post office is not _ the library, so you can go to the library after po

49、sting the letters. blew upfar from历定语冬碍翱梳仰朱链茬窘铺央数救狙凝穿消矣判叛湾塔匀蹈皋邱氖芭拢语法与语言点语法与语言点3. When I am _, I always ask my friends for help. 4. Mary has been _ for three months, and she is looking for a new job. 5. With no one to _ in the dark street, I felt very frightened. 6. Dont ask me about the matter. _, I

50、 know nothing about it. in troubleout of workturn toAs a matter of fact呜汁恶象巴居格韦酞脆产猾捡亢坡滞逞往期祁袱垒俞伶澄亡宏猪火丫卵嫁语法与语言点语法与语言点7. He was _ for attacking a man with a knife. 8. I told them that I _ help them finish the difficult task. was willing toput in prison聂骡搭锚偶陇呸港垒法丧方气抒戏锯丸怠圭晒败君进惠纱灶降疤睡挡堕技语法与语言点语法与语言点II. 根据括

51、号内所给的提示翻译下列句根据括号内所给的提示翻译下列句子。子。1.女孩应该与男孩一样享有平等受教育的女孩应该与男孩一样享有平等受教育的权利。权利。 (equal)2. 吉姆在公园遭到了一名男子的袭击,吉姆在公园遭到了一名男子的袭击,幸运的是,他没有受伤。幸运的是,他没有受伤。(attack)Girls should enjoy equal rights to be educated as boys.Jim was attacked by a man in the park. Luckily, he wasnt injured.砧奸牡窟镑场说棕伞匙揭拘瓦绩人撤姬敝妊辞懈星耽贤费虐隋智侩榜泳舱语法

52、与语言点语法与语言点3. 在过去的十年里中国农村发生了巨在过去的十年里中国农村发生了巨大的变化。大的变化。(sth. see . )The last / past ten years have seen great changes happening in the countryside of China. 佯粟非碍余惟帖惧羽冤憎谱窜奉煤难饭平桨婚那虎最松良芝利慎华脑贡邵语法与语言点语法与语言点Translation on Page 701. As a matter of fact, parents dont want their children to be in trouble.2. Af

53、ter Mandela came to power and became president, his government did their best to change the unfair situation for black people.迁殴其伞怔咙茨坞械扛俭停鼻烹蓑叭粳惋派府漳伴洲兜鸭患苹扳叫腐佛姬语法与语言点语法与语言点3. Robert was sentenced to three years in prison for stealing and released a month ago.够肺崔鸳菠叫碎篆粒倪豺殃喉漆侥决箍弟火婆亿宠踪蛙春贿什材疗附车歪语法与语言点语法与语言

54、点4. He begged me to let him join the club we have just set up. 5. As they were out of work, Mr and Mrs Black had to turn to their relatives for help.铡三渗号追槛饮才咕制卿舀搐茫抚诈躇漾辈酋濒伎蜘涯溜贼遇玫队淤炼拂语法与语言点语法与语言点6.John wanted to give 100 yuan as a reward to the taxi driver who had found his wallet. 7. If you fail, you

55、 shouldnt lose heart but just keep on going.8. After the attack, her eyes filled with terror every time she saw a dog.钦驻呐谓夜蛹月舍斜采钱鄂汝酥伶佰慈裹翔搐穿屡酝洁标水峡凳廓梨顺椰语法与语言点语法与语言点1). 为那些遇到麻烦的穷苦人提供咨询服务为那些遇到麻烦的穷苦人提供咨询服务2). 开始上学开始上学 3). 三公里远三公里远4). 继续支付学费继续支付学费 5). 担心我是否会失业担心我是否会失业Homework1. Translate the following phr

56、ases or sentences into English:田樟事俗审巳乡暖旭吵譬戏拖梦凯逼雕丹质厌授对库特白禾趟摆便劝页沸语法与语言点语法与语言点6). 过去的三十年过去的三十年7). 接受低人一等的事实接受低人一等的事实8). 只有这时我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。只有这时我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。9). 实际上实际上 10). 被监禁被监禁11). 炸毁一些政府大楼炸毁一些政府大楼12). 这是为了实现我们的黑人和白人平等的这是为了实现我们的黑人和白人平等的梦想。梦想。级痒但睛庭俱烙储脯悄鼎繁论舷箭蚂膛板滚嚎抿讹砰羡莉烤伸畏编滦捡捂语法与语言点语法与语言点2. P71.Using stru

57、ctures EX.2漆皖急刷蓟腆万园概碌亨卖锨腑顶塞剃洒伺抓怕癣匡堂赏谷臼误格滨衷液语法与语言点语法与语言点2. He taught us during the lunch breaks and 2. He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evening when we the evening when we should have been should have been asleepasleep. . 在午餐的休息时间和晚上我们本应在午餐的休息时间和晚上我们本应在午餐的休息时间和晚上我们本应在午餐的休息时间和晚上我们本应该睡觉的时候他

58、教授我们。该睡觉的时候他教授我们。该睡觉的时候他教授我们。该睡觉的时候他教授我们。 should do & should have doneshould do & should have done He should have come earlier. He should have come earlier. You should come earlier tomorrow. You should come earlier tomorrow. You should have written to your mother. You should have written to your mot

59、her. My teacher said I should study harder. My teacher said I should study harder. I should have studied harder when I was I should have studied harder when I was young.young. 境铸静浮期吻采姓目拇扒烷祭奢承贬芦斧柱羽兔沦淤刷鳃胞度基鲁盛胖豫语法与语言点语法与语言点 should do 表示应该做,一般指现在或表示应该做,一般指现在或将来的动作,指过去的动作时应站在将来的动作,指过去的动作时应站在过去的角度。过去的角度。

60、should have done 表示本应该做而没表示本应该做而没有做的。站在现在的角度上评说过去有做的。站在现在的角度上评说过去的事情。的事情。千怔光侵赁萝脂愉绍杯魔扭泄设惑及虑鳖淑霄臼畔诌卓践况砰判捧蝶诧辉语法与语言点语法与语言点asleep, sleep & sleepy-Is he still sleeping?-Yes, he is fast asleep.I was too sleepy to hear the end of her talk.I usually sleep seven hours a day.asleep 是表语形容词,意为是表语形容词,意为“睡着的睡着的”。sl

61、eep 是动词或名词,意为是动词或名词,意为“睡觉睡觉”。sleepy 是形容词,意为是形容词,意为“打盹的打盹的”。揪对肠蝉熏夕扭朝唤晾呐舍乙荤阮已叠递蒙构游睬滋中旋绥葵丙讼酥尉唬语法与语言点语法与语言点3. As they were not cleverer than me, but did pass their exam, I knew I could get a degree too. 由于他们不如我聪明而又确由于他们不如我聪明而又确实通过了考试,我知道我也能获得学位。实通过了考试,我知道我也能获得学位。 did pass 为强调结构,强调谓语动词时,为强调结构,强调谓语动词时,在动词

62、原行前加在动词原行前加do, does, did. Do be careful! I do hope you have a merry Christmas! He does speak English well!汗栽邮署膊拢嫉四脐哲但挡植筑袜弥伐靛迫让硷舜蘑商暇褒哭盈典氢眠磁语法与语言点语法与语言点4. I did not work for twenty years until Mr Mandela and the ANC came to power in 1993. come to power = come into power 执政执政 in power 当权,执政当权,执政 Things

63、 have changed a lot since he came to power. How long has he been in power?唆谢阐协吨技厉锁菩啡市吩二丘痒虞途嫩仿匡捏秧截痛鞭洱箩滩袒川菌挤语法与语言点语法与语言点5. All the 5. All the terrorterror and and fearfear of that time came back of that time came back to me. to me. terrorterror n.n. 恐怖,可怕的人或事恐怖,可怕的人或事恐怖,可怕的人或事恐怖,可怕的人或事 The murder was

64、a The murder was a terrorterror to the people in the to the people in the town.town. fearfear n. n. 恐惧,可怕恐惧,可怕恐惧,可怕恐惧,可怕 vt.vt. 恐惧,害怕恐惧,害怕恐惧,害怕恐惧,害怕 + n./to do /that + n./to do /that Do you Do you fearfear death? death? She She fearsfears to speak in our presence. to speak in our presence. I I fearf

65、ear that we cant protect ourselves. that we cant protect ourselves.for fear of & for fear that for fear of & for fear that 担心担心担心担心 He left an hour earlier He left an hour earlier for fear offor fear of missing the missing the train.train. She worried She worried for fear thatfor fear that the child

66、 would be the child would be hurt.hurt. 诉篇捆统绰噪誓钢号斜析乏强增咕谜曝颠避宵扎要哮目苍悬惮妈眯末碉蛛语法与语言点语法与语言点6. I remembered the beatings and the cruelty of the guards and my friends who had died and I felt I would not be able to do it. beating n. 打、输打、输 They gave him a good beating. They gave our team quite a beating. beat

67、 n. 敲击,跳动敲击,跳动 We heard the beat of a drum. Can you hear the beat of my heart?恿俯乖袍秋喉抱晦胸燕眯浪疵费淬穴专干躺骋按揪疫腿柜辉缀荒臻烛劲聂语法与语言点语法与语言点7. They said that the job and the pay from the new South African government was my reward after working all my life for equal rights for the Blacks. reward n. 报酬,奖金报酬,奖金 He worked hard but without much reward. in reward 作为报酬作为报酬 She got nothing in reward for her kindness. vt. 酬谢,给以报答酬谢,给以报答 He rewarded me with a prize.安邀茵漳木始氮撬设还粱斥橡鸣露二涛歼验颇怎策取癸费岗透洛超发尽蘸语法与语言点语法与语言点



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