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1、超市店长的角色店长培训店长培训 20112011年年Store Manager Training 2011Store Manager Training 2011一个从多角度讲都极为关键关键的职位A Key manager of many dimensionsn是超市内部最有趣味的职位:是超市内部最有趣味的职位:The most interesting position in Century Mart:n就该职位的丰富和多样性。Its richness and diversity.n就该职位的挑战性。The challenge.n就该职位的责任性。The responsibility.n就该职位

2、的无限空间。The unlimited scope of the position.n就该职位对个人潜力的挖掘。The personal growth potential.n就该职位在公司中的战略意义。The strategic value for the company.n就该职位的孤独性。The loneliness of the position.n该职位是商人,是财务控制人,是警察,是父母,是收银员,是理货员,是市场营销策划专员 Merchant, finance controller, policeman, parent, cashier and shelf stocker, mar

3、keting specialistn是300人的楷模,每一天、每一分钟 A role model for 300 people every minute of every day.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager为什麽成为一个优秀店长如此困难?1/3 Why is it so difficult to be a good store manager?从时间和空间的角度,对于从时间和空间的角度,对于“优秀优秀”本质的定义是不断变幻的。本质的定义是不断变幻的。The forever changing nature of “Good” in time and s

4、pace.对于随时随地随机应变和灵活变通的要求。对于随时随地随机应变和灵活变通的要求。The need to be permanently adaptable and flexible.在个人自律、成熟和行为连贯性方面的要求。在个人自律、成熟和行为连贯性方面的要求。The need for self-discipline, maturity and consistency.做到做到“双脚能站在泥里双脚能站在泥里”但同时但同时“眼睛能够看到外界眼睛能够看到外界” 二者缺其二者缺其一都是不够的。一都是不够的。Having your “feet in the mud” and “head in th

5、e sky”one, or the other not being enough.想想想想和和做做做做同时进行。同时进行。To thinkthink and to dodo at the same time.除了优秀以外不能容忍接受团队任何其他表现的能力。除了优秀以外不能容忍接受团队任何其他表现的能力。The ability to never accept anything but excellence from your team.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager为什麽成为一个优秀店长如此困难?2/3 Why is it so difficult to

6、be a good store manager?培训你的下属的使命感,以及相应的成就感。培训你的下属的使命感,以及相应的成就感。The imperative to train your subordinates and to get a kick out of it!自觉自愿的、而不是为其他人做到每一天都自觉自愿的、而不是为其他人做到每一天都“优秀优秀”。To want to be “good” everyday for yourself not for others.向你的顾客倾注超出他们所应得或所能感受得到的爱。向你的顾客倾注超出他们所应得或所能感受得到的爱。To love your cu

7、stomers more than they deserve or realize!享受不断向自己和自己的团队施行新想法、新概念的挑战过程。享受不断向自己和自己的团队施行新想法、新概念的挑战过程。To enjoy testing yourself and your team with new ideas and new concepts.能够感受到店内每件设备设施、每件商品的好处能够感受到店内每件设备设施、每件商品的好处 并能够让自己的团并能够让自己的团队和顾客清晰的感受体会到自己的热情!队和顾客清晰的感受体会到自己的热情!To feel something for each and ever

8、y item in the store-and to be able to articulate it to a customer or employee with passion!店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager为什麽成为一个优秀店长如此困难?3/3 Why is it so difficult to be a good store manager?n因为你应该在卖场感觉到远比呆在办公室、待在会议室召因为你应该在卖场感觉到远比呆在办公室、待在会议室召开会议、或对着电脑感觉开会议、或对着电脑感觉更熟悉、舒服更熟悉、舒服更熟悉、舒服更熟悉、舒服。Becaus

9、e you have to feel more at homemore at home on the sales floor than in an office, in a meeting, or in front a computer screen. n因为你有不断向前推动、追求优秀的能力。因为你有不断向前推动、追求优秀的能力。Because you have to like to push the envelope.n最重要的是因为你最重要的是因为你享受享受享受享受不断销售更多、再多、最多的乐趣,不断销售更多、再多、最多的乐趣,应为你清楚你能从不断攀升的销售中获取利润!应为你清楚你能从不断

10、攀升的销售中获取利润!And finally because you enjoyenjoy selling always more to more and more people and know that youre making a profit doing it!店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager那麽我要如何做才能够成为一名“优秀”店长呢?so what do I have to do to become a “Good” Store Manager?v拥有拥有360度的眼界。度的眼界。Possess 360o vision.v拥有经营的热情。拥有经营

11、的热情。A passion for commerce.v拥有向其他人、包括向其他竞争对手学习的好奇心。拥有向其他人、包括向其他竞争对手学习的好奇心。A curiosity to learn from others and other retailers.v拥有管理的才能。拥有管理的才能。A management flair.v拥有领导的本能。拥有领导的本能。A leadership instinct.v拥有对知识的渴求。拥有对知识的渴求。A thirst for knowledge.v拥有足够的头脑和睿智将各种不同事物综合起来!拥有足够的头脑和睿智将各种不同事物综合起来!The brains

12、and dexterity to put it all together! 就让我们开始吧!就让我们开始吧!So lets begin!店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager了解店长这个角色的范围Understanding the Range and Scope of the Role of the Store Manager. 店长培训 2009年Store Manager Training 2009店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager了解店长这个角色的范围Understanding the range and scope o

13、f Store Manager公司代表公司代表Company Representation资产管理者资产管理者Assets Management人事管理者人事管理者Personnel Management商业管理者商业管理者Business Management零售商和商人零售商和商人Retailer and Merchant店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager了解店长这个角色的范围Understanding the range and scope of Store Manager公司代表公司代表Company Representation店长的角色店长的角色

14、The Role of Store Manager公司代表(待续)Company Representation (to be cont.)在包括火灾、集体食物中毒、人身伤害等涉及公司民事或财务责任,在包括火灾、集体食物中毒、人身伤害等涉及公司民事或财务责任,并与顾客或者员工相关的事件或事故中,作为公司的并与顾客或者员工相关的事件或事故中,作为公司的法定代表人法定代表人法定代表人法定代表人。Legal representativeLegal representative in the event of an accident or incident involving our customers

15、 or staff for which we assume civil or financial liability including fire, collective intoxication, corporal damages and the like.在面对所在区政府或是政府的各个职能部门政治性、法律性或社会公在面对所在区政府或是政府的各个职能部门政治性、法律性或社会公益性的检查益性的检查/视察时作为视察时作为公司的大使公司的大使。Company ambassadorCompany ambassador when facing local or city governmental of

16、ficials or bureaus politically, legally or socially.在面对媒体或公众,包括关于传闻、影射、诽谤的情况下作为公司的在面对媒体或公众,包括关于传闻、影射、诽谤的情况下作为公司的公关代表公关代表公关代表公关代表。Public relations representativePublic relations representative addressing issues relating to the press, media, or public opinion, including rumor, innuendo or calumny.店长的角

17、色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager公司代表(续)Company Representation (cont.)在需要在公司与顾客的利益中间作出平衡的情况下作为在需要在公司与顾客的利益中间作出平衡的情况下作为顾顾顾顾客的代表客的代表客的代表客的代表。Customer representativeCustomer representative addressing the needs and interests of both the company and the customer.在经营操作过程中,成为大家在道德标准、团结协作、诚在经营操作过程中,成为大家在道德标准、

18、团结协作、诚实守信方面意义更甚于简单的好与坏、对与错的实守信方面意义更甚于简单的好与坏、对与错的标准标准标准标准;同;同时用于将与之相关的问题进行沟通,以便切实有效的采取时用于将与之相关的问题进行沟通,以便切实有效的采取补救方案。补救方案。The standardThe standard of ethics, integrity, honesty and a behavior beyond reproach as it relates to all professional matters of business, communicating all confirmed breaches of

19、 said standards in order to undertake remedial actions .店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager公司代表(续)Company Representation (cont.)在门店运营的各个层面,成为保障公司相关的政策、程序得以严格贯在门店运营的各个层面,成为保障公司相关的政策、程序得以严格贯彻实行彻实行公司代表公司代表公司代表公司代表。Company representativeCompany representative guaranteeing the implementation and strict a

20、pplication of company policies and procedures at all levels of the store organization. 作为掌握公司印章的管理人作为掌握公司印章的管理人作为掌握公司印章的管理人作为掌握公司印章的管理人,店长所被赋予的诸多责任之一就是授权,店长所被赋予的诸多责任之一就是授权签署门店相关文件,因此任何有公司印鉴的文件必须同时附有店长的签署门店相关文件,因此任何有公司印鉴的文件必须同时附有店长的签字。除非得到公司总经理室的特别许可,包括店长或店长代表所签签字。除非得到公司总经理室的特别许可,包括店长或店长代表所签署的任何性质、任何

21、内容的门店合同时限均不可超过一年。署的任何性质、任何内容的门店合同时限均不可超过一年。Holder of the company chopHolder of the company chop with signature authority is among the key responsibilities of the store manager for which any use for what ever reason of the company chop must carry the signature of the store manager. No contracts of an

22、y nature may be signed by the store manager or the store representatives beyond the period of one year without prior and explicit approval of General Management.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager了解店长这个角色的范围Understanding the range and scope of Store Manager公司代表公司代表Company Representation资产管理者资产管理者Ass

23、ets Management店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager资产管理者Assets Management对于资产的管理,是每位店长在接手一家门对于资产的管理,是每位店长在接手一家门店的同时所被赋予的一项庄严使命。该项使命就是店的同时所被赋予的一项庄严使命。该项使命就是尽店长个人所能保护公司的资产处于最佳状态,以尽店长个人所能保护公司的资产处于最佳状态,以便保障门店的未来运营能始终处在最优的水平,从便保障门店的未来运营能始终处在最优的水平,从而实现最大化的利润。而实现最大化的利润。A solemn duty is awarded to each store

24、manager when he takes on the responsibility of a store to manage. This duty is to preserve and protect the assets of the company to the best of his ability in order to guarantee the future operations of the store under the most propitious circumstances to generate sales and profitability.店长的角色店长的角色T

25、he Role of Store Manager资产管理者(待续)Assets Management (to be cont.)n n保护公司资产保护公司资产保护公司资产保护公司资产,包括门店租赁物业本身到店内小的设备设施,是作为店,包括门店租赁物业本身到店内小的设备设施,是作为店长诸多职责中最基本也是最直接的一项。保护公司资产就是通过系统的长诸多职责中最基本也是最直接的一项。保护公司资产就是通过系统的检查跟踪工具定期每天、每周或每月对设备进行维护。检查跟踪工具定期每天、每周或每月对设备进行维护。Protecting the assetsProtecting the assets, physi

26、cal and material of the company, is a basic and direct responsibility of the store manager to be accomplished through systematic use of control points on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.n亲自直接参与到紧急逃生系统和通道紧急逃生系统和通道的监控中来,保证门店的紧急逃生系统在任何时间、任何情况下都能够正常启动。同时保证至少每半年一次的紧急逃生演习。Personal and direct oversight

27、and control that safety and emergency evacuation systems and exits are operational and functioning at all times and under all circumstances with a minimum of one evacuation drill each semester.n控制并管理所有门店与防窃相关的措施设备防窃相关的措施设备,进而从安保的角度减少门店内部和外部在商品和现金方面的流失。Overseeing and controlling all anti-theft measur

28、es and devicesand devices applied by security for internal and external loss prevention of assets and merchandise and cash.n确保并杜绝门店的设备设施门店的设备设施被包括营运部门,维修部门,外部清洁公司,安保部门等的不正常使用造成损毁。Protecting the physical plant and equipment from deterioration, damage, and misuse by policing the operations teams, main

29、tenance department, outside cleaning company, and security.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager资产管理者(续)Assets Management (cont.)n确保预防性设备维护预防性设备维护按时进行,同时出现故障的设备能得到及时的修复而不会出现任何的因维修延误而发生的事故。Ensuring that preventative maintenance is performed and repairs are made on an as needed basis without delay and a

30、dditional risk.n确保及时定期清理过滤器过滤器,冷冻冷藏、冷凝器等设备;一方面可以避免设备过热,同时也可以避免不必要的能量消耗。Guaranteeing the cleaning of filters, refrigerated showcases and condensers to prevent over heating or increased energy consumption.n确保关于整个经营环境的清洁卫生和维修维护整个经营环境的清洁卫生和维修维护,包括招商区,停车场,外部环境,卫生间,购物车等;及时粉刷脏污的墙面,修补破损的地砖,或其他任何的设备设施,以达到维护店

31、容店貌以及整个大卖场购物环境的目的。Overall maintenance cleanliness and upkeep of the site including shopping mall, parking area, outside surrounding area, toilets, shopping trolleys, ensuring clean and painted walls repaired broken tiles and any other equipment or material which will enhance or preserve the appearan

32、ce of the hypermarket environment.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager资产管理者(续)Assets Management (cont.)n定期定期系统性检查系统性检查系统性检查系统性检查包括员工休息室,更衣间,卫生间,办公区以及仓库包括员工休息室,更衣间,卫生间,办公区以及仓库的状况,确保最佳的卫生、整洁状况,从而一方面为员工提供一个良的状况,确保最佳的卫生、整洁状况,从而一方面为员工提供一个良好的工作环境让我们的员工为之骄傲,同时也能督促大家自觉地保持好的工作环境让我们的员工为之骄傲,同时也能督促大家自觉地保持公共卫生。公共

33、卫生。Systematic checkingSystematic checking of employee break room, locker rooms and toilets, office areas and back rooms, to maintain maximum standards of hygiene, cleanliness, order and neatness in order to provide a comfortable working environment of which our staff can be proud and wish to preserv

34、e.n n确保食品卫生与食品安全确保食品卫生与食品安全确保食品卫生与食品安全确保食品卫生与食品安全,通过按照规定合理的使用设备,并按照工,通过按照规定合理的使用设备,并按照工作流程正确操作保证我们所生产的食品的质量,同时确保卖场没有过作流程正确操作保证我们所生产的食品的质量,同时确保卖场没有过期商品销售。期商品销售。Guarantee the food hygiene and qualityGuarantee the food hygiene and quality through the proper use of equipment and following of production

35、processes and ensuring no out of date merchandise is sold on the sales floor.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager资产管理者(续)Assets Management (cont.)n n对于招商区域的监控对于招商区域的监控对于招商区域的监控对于招商区域的监控,通过直接与全国招商部门或者具体,通过直接与全国招商部门或者具体招商负责任人的合作和沟通,确保并监控我们的招商区域招商负责任人的合作和沟通,确保并监控我们的招商区域的整体状况,保证该招商区域同时也能达到世纪联华在专的整体状况,保证该

36、招商区域同时也能达到世纪联华在专业度和组织方面的要求。业度和组织方面的要求。Shopping mall oversightShopping mall oversight through direct cooperation or communication with national shopping mall representative or designated person to protect and police the state of the mall areas and ensuring that these meet CenturyMart standards of pro

37、fessionalism and organization.n及时建议必要的及时建议必要的固定资产更新固定资产更新固定资产更新固定资产更新,同时包括门店内部的或者,同时包括门店内部的或者周边的任何有潜力的周边的任何有潜力的投资可能选择投资可能选择。Recommend renewal of fixed assetsrenewal of fixed assets as needed and propose necessary profitable commercial investment optionsinvestment options for the store and site.店长的角色

38、店长的角色The Role of Store Manager了解店长这个角色的范围Understanding the range and scope of Store Manager公司代表公司代表Company Representation资产管理者资产管理者Assets Management人事管理者人事管理者Personnel Management店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager人事管理者Personnel Management如果说保护有形资产是需要如果说保护有形资产是需要那麽保障公司的人力资那麽保障公司的人力资源就是店长的责任使然,因为人力资源才

39、是我们整个公司的源就是店长的责任使然,因为人力资源才是我们整个公司的核心,同时也是各位称之为管理者的原因。核心,同时也是各位称之为管理者的原因。实际行动,远胜于几个简单词汇或空洞的口号,人员实际行动,远胜于几个简单词汇或空洞的口号,人员管理的实质是如何让我们的员工工作、行为符合公司流程,管理的实质是如何让我们的员工工作、行为符合公司流程,并接受公司所传达的各项信息。并接受公司所传达的各项信息。If protecting our physical assets is a necessity then preserving our human resources is an imperative

40、which goes to the heart of who we are as a company and why we are here as management. Deeds, not words or hollow slogans, define our human resource management and how our staff in their work and behavior receive our message.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager人事管理者(待续)Personnel Management (to be cont

41、.)与市场相匹配与市场相匹配的薪酬体系的薪酬体系Market based compensation管理方面的管理方面的监控和指导监控和指导Management oversightand direction工作的环境和条件工作的环境和条件Working environmentand conditions个人的技能个人的技能培训和能力培训和能力Skills, trainingand ability 对员工的激励对员工的激励与承诺与承诺Motivation andcommitment个人成长空间个人成长空间Personal growth potential 工作的稳定性与工作的稳定性与低员工流失率低

42、员工流失率Job stability andlow staff turnover员工的效率员工的效率Staff productivity and efficiency店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager人事管理者(续)Personnel Management (cont.)员工的效率员工的效率员工的效率员工的效率Staff ProductivityStaff Productivity and efficiency and efficiency降低人事费用降低人事费用降低人事费用降低人事费用LowLow Labor costs Labor costs提升的销售额

43、提升的销售额提升的销售额提升的销售额IncreasedIncreased sales sales店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager人事管理者(续)Personnel Management (cont.)员工的福利薪酬体系包括员工的薪资,福利费,社险,公积金,外派津贴,招聘等。Compensation and benefits including salary, welfare contributions, insurance, housing fund, relocation benefits, recruitment.对于下属的人事管理包括:授权,认可,尊

44、敬,奖励和惩罚。Personnel management of subordinates: Delegation, Recognition, Respect, Reward & Sanction 培训并传递责任Training and transmission ofresponsibility确定工作时间,休息日,午休,就餐时间,制服,更衣间等等。Scheduling, hours, days off, breaks, meals, uniforms, lockers, etc.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager人事管理者(续)Personnel Manag

45、ement (cont.)n n培训员、培训协调人培训员、培训协调人培训员、培训协调人培训员、培训协调人,对全店管理团队的培训,是店长的,对全店管理团队的培训,是店长的长期责任之一;对于培训或培训类似的学习项目无故缺勤长期责任之一;对于培训或培训类似的学习项目无故缺勤的情况做到的情况做到“零零”容忍。在培训中尽量多作到身体力行,容忍。在培训中尽量多作到身体力行,例如:店长亲自参与培训实际上是让整个团队对培训给予例如:店长亲自参与培训实际上是让整个团队对培训给予重视的最有效方式。重视的最有效方式。Trainer, training coordinatorTrainer, training coo

46、rdinator, coach, remain a permanent responsibility of the store manager towards all members of the management team; zero tolerance for non participation or implication in any and all training modules or programs. To manage by example in this area ie. to personally be involved in training is the most

47、 effect method.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager人事管理者(续)Personnel Management (cont.)n n个人表现评估个人表现评估个人表现评估个人表现评估是店长向自己团队所负的主要责任之一。由人事部汇总是店长向自己团队所负的主要责任之一。由人事部汇总的各项表现评估指标不是用来评估员工的工具,而仅供相关员工的领的各项表现评估指标不是用来评估员工的工具,而仅供相关员工的领导在进行表现评估时起参考作用。定期的每半年或是每一年的员工表导在进行表现评估时起参考作用。定期的每半年或是每一年的员工表现评估实际上是最行之有效的方法。比起表

48、现评估这一工作形式,其现评估实际上是最行之有效的方法。比起表现评估这一工作形式,其实更重要的是上级与下属直接面对面正式交流的机会。实更重要的是上级与下属直接面对面正式交流的机会。The performance evaluationThe performance evaluation is a core responsibility of the manager towards his team. Evaluations prepared by HR based on data collection or indicators are not a management tool for the

49、individual concerned but for the individuals supervisor. A periodic formalized review of past performance on an annual or semi-annual basis is the most effective method. More important than the content of the review is the face to face formal exchange between boss and subordinate.n个人表现评估与个人表现评估与工资调整

50、工资调整工资调整工资调整没有着必要的联系,但是一定程度上能起到没有着必要的联系,但是一定程度上能起到促进作用。促进作用。The performance review is not necessarily connected to a salary salary adjustmentadjustment but as required may help. 店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager人事管理者(续)Personnel Management (cont.)n店长需要同时关注由人事部和财务部所统计出的工作时数,店长需要同时关注由人事部和财务部所统计出的工作时

51、数,进而计算出的薪资以及社会福利费缴纳的情况,因为店长进而计算出的薪资以及社会福利费缴纳的情况,因为店长的主要职责之一就是的主要职责之一就是保证工资支付过程的准确性和合法性保证工资支付过程的准确性和合法性保证工资支付过程的准确性和合法性保证工资支付过程的准确性和合法性。所有的社会福利费用、预提都必须按时纪录在当月的人事所有的社会福利费用、预提都必须按时纪录在当月的人事费用当中,同时每月的薪资单必须经由店长签字认可方可费用当中,同时每月的薪资单必须经由店长签字认可方可生效。生效。HR and finance must not work independently in determining t

52、he hours worked, payroll calculations and social contributions without the oversight of the store manager who has the primary function of guaranteeing guaranteeing the veracity accuracy and legalitythe veracity accuracy and legality of the payment process. All social contributions and withholding mu

53、st be accrued and posted in the store results to be signed off with the payroll by the store manager.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager人事管理者(续)Personnel Management (cont.)n与人事管理相关的指标包括员工流失率,人效(与人事管理相关的指标包括员工流失率,人效(SPMH),),总工作小时数,加班小时数,人事费用,培训小时数,培总工作小时数,加班小时数,人事费用,培训小时数,培训店长的筛选情况;所有这些指标都直接反应了店长在人训店

54、长的筛选情况;所有这些指标都直接反应了店长在人事管理方面所倾注的力度。事管理方面所倾注的力度。Key indicators including Staff turnover in %, Sales per man hour (SPMH), labor hours, overtime hours, Labor cost, number of training hours, potential store manager candidates groomed in the store, all serve to measure the degree of implication of the st

55、ore manager in the management of human resources.n招聘的需求必须由店长事先认可后方可进行,同时部门主招聘的需求必须由店长事先认可后方可进行,同时部门主管的聘用必须经过店长的亲自面试。管的聘用必须经过店长的亲自面试。Recruitment of store staff requires the prior authorization of the store manager and all department manager level members must be interviewed personally.店长的角色店长的角色The R

56、ole of Store Manager人事管理者(续)Personnel Management (cont.)n作为店长作为店长基本管理原则基本管理原则基本管理原则基本管理原则的另外一个方面就是对员工的尊重,的另外一个方面就是对员工的尊重,在任何劳资双方出现争议的情况下,按照劳动法的相关规在任何劳资双方出现争议的情况下,按照劳动法的相关规定记录员工工作时间,保障员工的权利和义务是对员工的定记录员工工作时间,保障员工的权利和义务是对员工的尊重。管理者的任意武断,没有道理和不稳定的行为举止尊重。管理者的任意武断,没有道理和不稳定的行为举止导致的劳资纠纷都是不能被赦免和容忍的。店长作为公司导致的劳

57、资纠纷都是不能被赦免和容忍的。店长作为公司在店内的最高权利监督者其职责之一就是保证上述的问题在店内的最高权利监督者其职责之一就是保证上述的问题不在店内发生。不在店内发生。Basic management principlesBasic management principles and practices require in addition to a respect for the employee, a respect for the provisions of labor law relating to work hours, rights and obligations of emp

58、loyees in the face of abuse or inappropriate conduct by superiors. Arbitrary, irrational or erratic behavior by management leading to abuse of staff will not be condoned or tolerated. The store manager is the warrant on behalf of the company in the prevention of such abuses of power. 店长的角色店长的角色The R

59、ole of Store Manager头脑风暴 1 授权Brain storm 1 Delegation何谓何谓“授权授权”?What is “delegation”?一项有效的授权需要哪些关键的步一项有效的授权需要哪些关键的步骤?骤?What are the key ingredients for effective delegation?请举出在您工作中使用以上关键步请举出在您工作中使用以上关键步骤,进行有效授权的成功例子?骤,进行有效授权的成功例子?Show 1 success delegation example with the key ingredients in your st

60、ore management?店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager人事管理者(续)Personnel Management (cont.)n授权、监控和跟进是授权、监控和跟进是3个最为重要个最为重要的控制门店管理人员的管理原则。的控制门店管理人员的管理原则。Delegation, control, follow up are the 3 overriding principles governing management of the store teams.n授权授权,确定被授权人的职责范围。Delegation: defined responsibilit

61、ies awarded to designated person.n监控监控,是一项持续不断的任务,直接的参与到授权范围和职责履行情况的跟踪。Control: ongoing and sustained direct involvement and oversight of the delegated process or responsibility.n跟进跟进,是用来衡量授权过程中或授权任务的执行质量和效率的工具。Follow up: the measurement of the quality and efficiency of the performance and result of

62、 the delegated process or task. 监控监控Control跟进跟进Follow up授权授权Delegation店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager人事管理者(续)Personnel Management (cont.)如果以上三个方面能够得到保障,店长们便可以向自己的管理团队如果以上三个方面能够得到保障,店长们便可以向自己的管理团队授权授权授权授权。授权。授权的过程不是一个店长放弃其责任或者减小店长责任范围的过程。授权之后,店的过程不是一个店长放弃其责任或者减小店长责任范围的过程。授权之后,店内其他人员造成的不良后果仍然是店长的责

63、任所在(尽管有时候店长并没有进内其他人员造成的不良后果仍然是店长的责任所在(尽管有时候店长并没有进行任何的控制和跟进)。行任何的控制和跟进)。DelegationDelegation by a store manager to his management team is an act which reinforces his authority if the 3 steps are followed. It is not to be a process which relinquishes authority of the store manager or diminishes his sc

64、ope of responsibility. Decisions or actions resulting from delegation remain the responsibility of the store manager who must assume the consequences of his act of delegation (if there is neither control or follow up). 店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager了解店长这个角色的范围Understanding the range and scope o

65、f Store Manager公司代表公司代表Company Representation资产管理者资产管理者Assets Management人事管理者人事管理者Personnel Management商业管理者商业管理者Business Management店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager商业管理者Business management店长在各自负责的经营场所拥有独一无二的在人员管理,店长在各自负责的经营场所拥有独一无二的在人员管理,商品流程,最重要的是对于商品流程,最重要的是对于经营单位经营单位经营单位经营单位和和利润创造单位利润创造单位的管理权。的

66、管理权。店长的经营逻辑应该是:如果这是我个人的生意,我自己店长的经营逻辑应该是:如果这是我个人的生意,我自己的投资,我自己的店,我会如何通过推动销售,提高我的利润水的投资,我自己的店,我会如何通过推动销售,提高我的利润水平以尽可能的提高我的收益?平以尽可能的提高我的收益? 首先,让我们先上一堂解剖课首先,让我们先上一堂解剖课The store manager has the unique privilege in each of our business units of managing a store, people, merchandise flow, but most importan

67、t managing a business and managing a profit center. His operating logic should be: if this were my own business, my own money, my own store, what would I do to push sales, and increase my profitability by better managing my own business?But first, a class in anatomy店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manage

68、r经营管理者(继续)Business management (to be cont.)如果你不喜欢数字或者对于进行数据分析感到非常的不适,如果你不喜欢数字或者对于进行数据分析感到非常的不适,而宁愿将该项工作授权给财务部门,那你就不应该担任店长而宁愿将该项工作授权给财务部门,那你就不应该担任店长的职务,也不应该参加今天的培训!的职务,也不应该参加今天的培训!If you dont like numbers or dont feel comfortable analyzing financial data and would prefer to delegate this function to

69、your accounting team, you should not remain a store manager and do not belong here!店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager解剖课1011/5Anatomy 101店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager解剖课1012/5Anatomy 101店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager解剖课1013/5Anatomy 101店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager解剖课1014/5Anatomy

70、101一个健康的经营体系就相当于一个健康的一个健康的经营体系就相当于一个健康的肌体:一个肌体:一个健康的心脏健康的心脏就是就是强有力的销售;强有力的销售;没有健康的心脏整个肌体便不能行动。没有健康的心脏整个肌体便不能行动。The definition of a healthy body is the same as a healthy business: a strong heart is our equivalent of strong sales; without either the body cannot function.给予健康的肌体以充满氧气的新鲜血液,给予健康的肌体以充满氧气的

71、新鲜血液,经营也是同样的道理;需要强有力的毛利经营也是同样的道理;需要强有力的毛利支持,支持,反之这个肌体便不能生存反之这个肌体便不能生存。It feeds the body with blood full of oxygen, our equivalent; a healthy margin, without either the body cannot survive.氧气不够或者血栓会造成肢体坏死或者丧氧气不够或者血栓会造成肢体坏死或者丧命;命;过低的毛利过低的毛利对我们的经营也有同样的对我们的经营也有同样的影响!影响!Too little oxygen or a blockage an

72、d the limb withers and dies; too little margin does the same!店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager解剖课1015/5Anatomy 101一个虚弱或者患病的心脏不能保证该一个虚弱或者患病的心脏不能保证该肌体的生存;肌体的生存;过低的销售额过低的销售额也会带来也会带来同样的后果。但是不要忘记过多的氧同样的后果。但是不要忘记过多的氧气同样也会毁掉心脏!气同样也会毁掉心脏!A weak or sick heart can not sustain life; low sales produces the sa

73、me result. But remember that too much oxygen can injure the heart!最聪明的头脑但是心脏非常虚弱远比最聪明的头脑但是心脏非常虚弱远比不上一个强有力的心脏加上一个正常不上一个强有力的心脏加上一个正常的头脑的头脑.The best brain with a weak heart is no match to a strong heart with a good common sense.仅有一个良方:健康的生活或者努力仅有一个良方:健康的生活或者努力推动销售!推动销售!Only one medicine: healthy living

74、 or good commerce!店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager经营管理者(续)Business management (cont.)我们经营的原则第一条就是要了解我们经营的原则第一条就是要了解“ “心脏心脏心脏心脏” ”或者或者“ “销销销销售引擎售引擎售引擎售引擎” ”并不能自己启动,而是需要被店长通过地图、仪表并不能自己启动,而是需要被店长通过地图、仪表盘,换言之就是指标、数据的指导行驶向正确的方向。盘,换言之就是指标、数据的指导行驶向正确的方向。The first rule of our business is that the “Heart”

75、 or “Heart” or “Sales Engine”“Sales Engine” does not drive itself but needs to be driven by the store manager who himself needs a roadmap and dashboard of indicators and numbers to pilot the store. 以下这些文件绝大部分是由财务部门提供的,但却以下这些文件绝大部分是由财务部门提供的,但却是为门店营运部门、特别是店长量身订制的。是为门店营运部门、特别是店长量身订制的。没有这些文件没有这些文件没有这些文件

76、没有这些文件店长就像是盲人,而盲人又怎麽能开车呢!店长就像是盲人,而盲人又怎麽能开车呢!店长就像是盲人,而盲人又怎麽能开车呢!店长就像是盲人,而盲人又怎麽能开车呢!These documents are prepared in large part by finance but are specifically designed to be used by the store management team and in particular the store manager. With With out these you are blind and blind men cant driv

77、e! out these you are blind and blind men cant drive! 店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager全国每日销售报告National Daily Sales Report全国每日销售报告全国每日销售报告National Daily sales report销售和客流:当日与月累计情况Sales and Debits; Daily and MTD增长率:当日与月累计情况Progressions: Daily and MTD与预估相比较月累计情况Vs Forecast daily MTD月着陆点Monthly Landin

78、g我的门店的表现与同一城市其他门店的比较如何?与所我的门店的表现与同一城市其他门店的比较如何?与所在区域的其他门店比较如何?与其他区域的门店比较如在区域的其他门店比较如何?与其他区域的门店比较如何?是一份需要每日读的报表!何?是一份需要每日读的报表!How do my sales performance compare with the other stores in my city region or across the country?To be read daily!店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager全国每日系统毛利报告 National Daily

79、 System Margin Report全国每日系统毛利报告全国每日系统毛利报告National Daily system margin reportNational Daily system margin report门店毛利:当日毛利及月累计毛利门店毛利:当日毛利及月累计毛利Store Margin: Daily and MTDStore Margin: Daily and MTD部门毛利:部门毛利:当当日毛利及月累计毛利日毛利及月累计毛利Department Margin: Daily and MTDDepartment Margin: Daily and MTD我的门店的系统毛利与同

80、一城市其他门店的比较如何?我的门店的系统毛利与同一城市其他门店的比较如何?与所在区域的其他门店比较如何?与所在区域的其他门店比较如何?与其他区域的门店比与其他区域的门店比较如何?是一份需要每日读的报表!较如何?是一份需要每日读的报表!How does my system margin performance compare with the other stores in my city, region or across the country?To be read daily!店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager每周销售和客流趋势Sales and Deb

81、its Weekly Trend我的门店的销售趋势与同一城市其他门店的比较如何?我的门店的销售趋势与同一城市其他门店的比较如何?与所在区域的其他门店比较如何?与所在区域的其他门店比较如何?与其他区域的门店比与其他区域的门店比较如何?是一份需要每周读的报表!较如何?是一份需要每周读的报表!How do my sales performance trend compare with the other stores in my city, region or across the country?To be read weekly!店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manag

82、er销售占比报告Sales Participation Report我的门店各部门的销售占比与同一城市其他门店的比较我的门店各部门的销售占比与同一城市其他门店的比较如何?如何?与所在区域的其他门店比较如何?与所在区域的其他门店比较如何?与其他区域的与其他区域的门店比较如何?是一份需要每月分析的报表!门店比较如何?是一份需要每月分析的报表!How do my sales Participation by department compare with the other stores in my city, region or across the country?To be analyzed

83、monthly!店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager月度销售排名报告Monthly Sales Ranking Report我的门店各处的排名与同一城市其他门店的比较如何?我的门店各处的排名与同一城市其他门店的比较如何?与其他区域的门店比较如何?与其他区域的门店比较如何?是一份需要每月分析的报表!是一份需要每月分析的报表!How do my divisions ranking compare to my store ranking and to other stores in my city region or across the country?To be

84、 analyzed monthly!店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager全国每月销售及绩效毛利报表National Sales and Bulletin Margin Report我的门店各个部门的毛利情况与目标毛利以及同一城市我的门店各个部门的毛利情况与目标毛利以及同一城市其他门店的比较如何?其他门店的比较如何?与所在区域的其他门店比较如何与所在区域的其他门店比较如何?与其他区域的门店比较如何?是一份需要每月分析的与其他区域的门店比较如何?是一份需要每月分析的报表!报表!How do my Department margins compare to my t

85、arget margin and to other stores in my city region or across the country?To be analyzed monthly!店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager月度门店绩效毛利计算明晰Monthly Store Bulletin Margin Report店长需要每月在财务经理和店长需要每月在财务经理和MC经理的陪同下,将该份经理的陪同下,将该份报表与门店各个处长进行系统的分析,同时针对任何有报表与门店各个处长进行系统的分析,同时针对任何有问题的部门制定出行动计划并在下月实施。问题的部门制定出

86、行动计划并在下月实施。This report which should be reviewed with each of your Division Managers in the company of your accounting chief and MC manager resulting in a detailed action plan for the coming month.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager月度收入/费用明细Monthly Pivot Table店长需要每月在财务经理和店长需要每月在财务经理和MC经理的陪同下,将该份报表与门店

87、各个处长进行经理的陪同下,将该份报表与门店各个处长进行系统的分析,同时针对任何有问题的部门制定出行动计划并在下月实施。系统的分析,同时针对任何有问题的部门制定出行动计划并在下月实施。同时同时同店也可以将自己的表现与前几个月进行横向比较,以便了解进步的情况。同店也可以将自己的表现与前几个月进行横向比较,以便了解进步的情况。This report which should be reviewed with each of your Division Managers in the company of your accounting chief and MC manager resulting i

88、n a detailed action plan for the coming month. You may benchmark across stores and over time to measure your own improvement.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager头脑风暴 2 请你分析自己的收入/费用Brain storm 2 Analysis your pivot table请分析比较请分析比较“通道收入通道收入”Benchmark “TG” income line请分析比较请分析比较“其他收入其他收入”Benchmark “other

89、 income” line请分析比较请分析比较“人事费用人事费用”与与“人事人事结构结构”Benchmark “labor cost & labor structure” lines请分析比较请分析比较“公用事业费公用事业费”与与“门门店面积店面积”Benchmark “utilities & store square footage” lines店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager其他的报告监控工具:包含商品循环数据Additional reporting tools: Merchandise Circulation data includingn缺货报告缺

90、货报告 Shortage and stock out reportsn商品出样率报告商品出样率报告 Detention rate reportsn终止单品报告终止单品报告 Stop item reportsn低销量单品报告低销量单品报告 Slow moving item reportsnB2B报告报告 B2B reportsn订货未到货报告订货未到货报告 Ordered not delivered reportsn退货报告退货报告 Returns reportsn库存金额和库存流转量报告库存金额和库存流转量报告 Stock level and rotation reportsn负库存报告负库存

91、报告 Minus stock reportn报损报告报损报告 Breakage reportn零库存单品报告零库存单品报告 Zero stock reportsn变价报告变价报告 Price change reportsn负毛利报告负毛利报告 Negative margin reportsn盘点差异报告盘点差异报告 Inventory difference reportsn按部门销量前按部门销量前10名单品名单品 Top 10 item by department reportnDM海报销售情况及海报效率报海报销售情况及海报效率报告告 DM performance and efficiency

92、 reportn反扒防窃报告反扒防窃报告 Theft income reportn大宗报告大宗报告 Big purchase reportn应收应收/应付报告应付报告 AP/ AR reportsn审计报告审计报告 Audit reports店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager如何控制门店毛利,实现目标绩效毛利如何控制门店毛利,实现目标绩效毛利How to pilot your store bulletin margin to achieve: 8% 店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager2006年1月的月累计系统毛利为7.8%

93、,0.2%低于目标绩效毛利 January 2006 system margin landed at 7.8%, 0.2% below margin target!2006年年1月月累计系月月累计系统毛利率统毛利率Jan 2006 A system margin %目标绩效毛利率目标绩效毛利率Target bulletin margin %盘点损耗率盘点损耗率Unknown shrink %目标月累计系统毛目标月累计系统毛利率利率Target MTD system margin %杂货杂货 Grocery6.4%6.0%0.3%6.3%生鲜生鲜 Fresh7.9%7.6%0.0%7.6%家百家

94、百 Bazaar13.4%14.5%0.5%15.0%家电家电 Appliance1.8%2.0%0.2%2.2%纺织纺织 Textile13.7%15.5%0.75%16.25%全店全店 Store7.8%8.0%0.35%8.35%n2006年1月月累计系统毛利率为7.8%。January 2006 MTD system margin landed at 7.8%.n2006年的全年毛利目标为绩效毛利8.0%。8.0% net bulletin margin set as target for Y2006.n2005年1月总监例会上讨论过的0.35%的盘点损耗率。0.35% (store

95、level) unknown inventory shrink communicated at Jan CM meeting.n综上。只有门店月累计系统毛利率应保证在8.35%(灰色阴影列)以上方可实现目标绩效毛利率的8.0%。Therefore, MTD system margin should land at 8.35% (gray column) to achieve the target 8% net bulletin margin.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager2006年1月月累计促销销售份额和促销毛利率Jan MTD promotion we

96、ight & promotion margin月累计正常销售份月累计正常销售份额额 MTD Normal sales weight月累计促销销售份月累计促销销售份额额 MTD Promotion sales weight月累计正常销售毛月累计正常销售毛利率利率 MTD Normal sales margin %月累计促销销售毛月累计促销销售毛利率利率 MTD Promotion sales margin %杂货杂货 Grocery47.01%52.99%10.50%2.82%生鲜生鲜 Fresh71.27%28.73%9.17%4.61%家百家百 Bazaar56.78%43.22%17.83

97、%7.49%家电家电 Appliance58.44%41.56%2.58%0.63%纺织纺织 Textile22.64%77.36%25.03%10.36%全店全店 Store50.77%49.23%10.82%4.61%n由于非食品部门过高的促销销售份额,已经影响到了全店由于非食品部门过高的促销销售份额,已经影响到了全店的毛利率。的毛利率。Promotion weight in Non-food is far too high, which has impacted the total store margin.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager建议非食品

98、部门促销销售份额和促销毛利率Expected promotion weight & promotion margin in non-food月累计正常销售份月累计正常销售份额额 MTD Normal sales weight月累计促销销售份月累计促销销售份额额 MTD Promotion sales weight月累计正常销售毛月累计正常销售毛利率利率 MTD Normal sales margin %月累计促销销售毛月累计促销销售毛利率利率 MTD Promotion sales margin %杂货杂货 Grocery47.01%52.99%10.50%2.82%生鲜生鲜 Fresh71.

99、27%28.73%9.17%4.61%家百家百 Bazaar70.00%30.00%17.83%7.49%家电家电 Appliance70.00%30.00%2.58%0.63%纺织纺织 Textile50.00%50.00%25.03%10.36%全店全店 Store55.84%44.16%10.82%4.61%n仅仅通过降低非食品部门的促销占比,在不对食品部门的毛利和促仅仅通过降低非食品部门的促销占比,在不对食品部门的毛利和促销比例作任何调整的情况下,我们门店的系统月累计毛利率就会自销比例作任何调整的情况下,我们门店的系统月累计毛利率就会自动达成动达成8.36%,也就是公司要求的水平!,也

100、就是公司要求的水平!By decreasing non-food promotion weight to reasonable ratio, without adjusting food margin & promotion ratio, our daily system margin will land at 8.36%, as required!店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager通过一个合理的非食品促销份额,我们可以实现8%的目标绩效毛利率 With an appropriate non-food promotion weight, you can ac

101、hieve the expected margin of 8%.要求月累计系统毛要求月累计系统毛利率利率 Expected system margin %目标绩效毛利率目标绩效毛利率Target bulletin margin %盘点损耗率盘点损耗率Unknown shrink %目标月累计系统毛目标月累计系统毛利率利率Target MTD system margin %杂货杂货 Grocery6.43%6.0%0.3%6.3%生鲜生鲜 Fresh7.86%7.6%0.0%7.6%家百家百 Bazaar14.73%14.5%0.5%15.0%家电家电 Appliance2.00%2.0%0.2

102、%2.2%纺织纺织 Textile17.70%15.5%0.75%16.25%全店全店 Store8.36%8.0%0.35%8.35%n不需要对食品部门的毛利进行任何调整!You do NOT need to adjust margin in food!n仅仅将非食品部门的促销份额调整到合理水平!Just put reasonable promotion weight in your non-food!n请大家利用后附的两份文件对各自相关的门店按部门、按分类进行分析和调整Please go through the attached files and make adjustment depa

103、rtment by department, family by family店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager经营管理者(续)Business management (cont.)n商业经营者应该承诺实现总部下达的来年的预算指标,特商业经营者应该承诺实现总部下达的来年的预算指标,特别是预算的第一行和最后一行。别是预算的第一行和最后一行。The business manager commits to achieving the budget he was provided for the coming year with special emphasis on

104、 the top line and bottom line. n预算的中间部分首先要相信是可以实现并达到的,并在预预算的中间部分首先要相信是可以实现并达到的,并在预算范围内任意支配!算范围内任意支配!Achieve both and you can do “what you want” in the middle!n实现门店的预算目标是店长的责任,而非其它任何人的责实现门店的预算目标是店长的责任,而非其它任何人的责任。任。Reaching the store budget is your responsibility, nobody elses.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of St

105、ore Manager2006年预算,一个可实现的、极富挑战性的指标Budget 2006, An ambitious but achievable target店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager商业收入19.88%19.88% in Commercial Income店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager费用总额21.02%21.02% in Distribution Costs 店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager招商收入:一个利润的主要来源Shopping Mall: A major p

106、rofit center店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager了解店长这个角色的范围Understanding the range and scope of Store Manager公司代表公司代表Company Representation资产管理者资产管理者Assets Management人事管理者人事管理者Personnel Management商业管理者商业管理者Business Management零售商和商人零售商和商人Retailer and Merchant店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager店长检查清单Ch

107、ecking list for store manager店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager我们所面临挑战的核心Core of the challenges we are facing today.年轻,时尚,高消费能力Young, modern, high expenditure年老,消费能力最低Aged, lowest expenditure中国消费者日益增中国消费者日益增中国消费者日益增中国消费者日益增长的消费需求长的消费需求长的消费需求长的消费需求Raising demands of Raising demands of Chinese custom

108、ersChinese customers店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager为什麽大卖场的经营有别于标准超市?Why the management of Hypermarket is different with supermarket?家乐福家乐福CRF沃尔玛沃尔玛WM世纪联华世纪联华CM店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager零售商和商人Retailer and Merchant有一种说法,说经商是人们与生俱来的本能,根本不有一种说法,说经商是人们与生俱来的本能,根本不用教。按照这种说法那麽经商就是人的一种直觉甚至可以称用教。

109、按照这种说法那麽经商就是人的一种直觉甚至可以称之为仅仅少数人才真正做得好的一门之为仅仅少数人才真正做得好的一门“艺术艺术”另一种说法另一种说法现代零售行业实际是一种现代零售行业实际是一种“科学科学”艺术或是科学;零售经营更多时候是一项常常让人产艺术或是科学;零售经营更多时候是一项常常让人产生挫败感的职业,但同时零售经营对于那些用心经营,采取生挫败感的职业,但同时零售经营对于那些用心经营,采取专业的管理方式的人却是一项充满创造性地、有无限空间的专业的管理方式的人却是一项充满创造性地、有无限空间的职业。这也是为什麽我们今天在这里的原因。职业。这也是为什麽我们今天在这里的原因。Some say th

110、at commerce is the oldest profession in the world and can not be taught. That commerce is a matter of instinct and even an “art” practiced by a few good menOthers speak of modern retailing as a “science”Art or science; retail is surely an often frustrating experience but an endlessly gratifying one

111、if practiced with care, professionalism, and creativity. It is why we are here.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager如果你不喜欢花时间无休止的呆在卖场;如果你不喜欢学习了解并且亲如果你不喜欢花时间无休止的呆在卖场;如果你不喜欢学习了解并且亲自触摸商品;如果你没有主动性和顾客交谈,听取顾客的意见;如果你自触摸商品;如果你没有主动性和顾客交谈,听取顾客的意见;如果你不喜欢销售,那麽你就选错了职业,无能为力!不喜欢销售,那麽你就选错了职业,无能为力!If you dont like spe

112、nding endless hours on the sales floor, if you dont enjoy learning about and handling merchandise, if you dont get a kick out of talking and listening to customers, if you dont like selling, then you are in the wrong business and I cant help you! 零售商和商人(继续)Retailer and Merchant (to be cont.)店长的角色店长的

113、角色The Role of Store Manager提升销售:5项主要动力源Driving sales: 5 motors1.季节促销区。季节促销区。Seasonal areas.2.TG单品,促销单品以及单品,促销单品以及DM海报单品。海报单品。TGs and promotions and DM items.3.高敏感单品。高敏感单品。High sensitive key items.4.非敏感单品。非敏感单品。Permanent items.5.自有品牌商品。自有品牌商品。Private label items.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager动力源

114、1,季节促销区1/2Motor 1, Seasonal areasn提升销售的主要动力。提升销售的主要动力。The primary driver of sales.n门店商品陈列的窗口。门店商品陈列的窗口。The display window of the store.n需要门店每周或每两周更新的营销方案。需要门店每周或每两周更新的营销方案。The vehicle for weekly or biweekly renewal.n维护门店价格形象的窗口。维护门店价格形象的窗口。The pricing image generator.nDM促销海报的延伸。促销海报的延伸。The extension

115、 of the DM.n在每家门店至少有在每家门店至少有2-3处季节促销区陈列。处季节促销区陈列。A minimum of 2 or 3 areas in the store are required.n操作方式(见下页)操作方式(见下页)How to: (pls refer to the following slide)店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager动力源1,季节促销区2/2Motor 1, Seasonal areasn操作方式操作方式 How to:n需要店长亲自参与策划的约200平方米左右的卖场面积。Be personally involved

116、in this 200m2 of selling space. n遵循全国季节区陈列方案。Follow the national seasonal calendar.n与相关处长一起提前制定出该区域的陈列方案及单品选择。Draw a layout of and choose the items with your division manager in advance.n跟踪订货以及订货数量的情况。Review order and delivery quantities.n跟踪促销采购、销售价格。Review the purchase and promotion prices.n如果有必要,要

117、求相关处长一次、两次甚至更多次修改商品陈列方案,重要的让团队了解该项工作的重要性!Supervise the layout and have your managers re-do it once or twice they will learn and get the message of its importance!n利用RF扫描枪扫描所有单品,以建立相关季节促销区单品明细以便跟踪销量。Scan the items w/ an RF terminal to set up a list of items for sales tracking.n商品陈列做好之后,拍照并将相应单品明细、销售数

118、量等信息一起存档。Take a picture and save in a folder including item list and sales results.n待促销结束之后作出决定该项促销是否有必要重复,或在重复时需要进行哪些调整。Decide if this should be done again or differently at the end of the promotion.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager动力源2,TG单品,促销单品以及DM海报单品1/2Motor 2, TGs and Promotions and DM items

119、n推动部门销售的主要动力。推动部门销售的主要动力。The key drivers of the departments.n需要部门每周或每两周更新的营销方案。需要部门每周或每两周更新的营销方案。The vehicles for weekly or biweekly renewal of the department.n维护部门价格形象的窗口。维护部门价格形象的窗口。The pricing image generators of the department.n在卖场将在卖场将DM海报的内容进行直接诠释。海报的内容进行直接诠释。The translation on the sales floor

120、 of the DM.n是一个获取供应商商业支持的主要渠道之一。是一个获取供应商商业支持的主要渠道之一。A major source of revenue from the suppliers.n按需或按分类保证在任何时间都有促销单品。按需或按分类保证在任何时间都有促销单品。At least one promotion at all times by need or family.n操作方式(见下页)操作方式(见下页)How to: (pls refer to the following slide)店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager动力源2,TG单品,促销

121、单品以及DM海报单品2/2Motor 2, TGs and Promotions and DM itemsn操作方式操作方式 How to:n作为推动销售的关键区域,需要店长亲自参与策划。Be personally involved in following up on this prime selling space. n遵循全国TG陈列方案(如果有提供)。Follow the national TG planning if available.n与相关处长一起提前制定出陈列方案及单品选择。Draw a layout of and choose the items with your div

122、ision manager in advance.n跟踪订货以及订货数量的情况。Review order and delivery quantities.n跟踪促销采购、销售价格。Review the purchase and promotion prices.n亲自监督TG台的搭建,如果有必要,要求相关处长一次、两次甚至更多次,重要的让团队了解该项工作的重要性!Supervise the building of the TG and have your managers re-do it once or twiceas required and get the message of its

123、importance!n建立销售跟踪档案。Track the items and set up a list of items for sales tracking.n确保所有的DM海报单品都有充足的订量。Make sure that all DM items are ordered in sufficient.n待促销结束之后作出决定该项促销是否有必要重复,或在重复时需要进行哪些调整。Decide if this should be done again or differently at the end of the promotion.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Stor

124、e Manager动力源3,高敏感单品1/2Motor 3, High sensitive key itemsn经常所谈及的经常所谈及的20-80单品。单品。The 20/80 items .n是需要供应商提供特别支持的高流转量的单品。是需要供应商提供特别支持的高流转量的单品。The high rotation items with supplier support.n顾客进行价格比较的首要选择。顾客进行价格比较的首要选择。The source for price comparison by customers.n维护部门价格形象的窗口。维护部门价格形象的窗口。The pricing imag

125、e generators of the department.n需要供应商特别支持的单品。需要供应商特别支持的单品。The items heavily supported by suppliers.n是在是在DM单品选择过程中我们应首要考虑的。单品选择过程中我们应首要考虑的。The items from which we should select DM promotions.n需要主推多联包或大包装的单品。需要主推多联包或大包装的单品。Ask for multi-packs or kangaroo packs.n是需要在供应商推出新包装、新口味时第一时间力推的单品!是需要在供应商推出新包装、

126、新口味时第一时间力推的单品!Slot on shelf new sizes or flavors ASAP!n操作方式(见下页)操作方式(见下页)How to: (pls refer to the following slide)店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager动力源3,高敏感单品2/2Motor 3, High sensitive key itemsn操作方式操作方式 How to:n需要100%跟踪该部分单品的出样率。Follow 100% assortment detention.n需要及时维护系统参数、避免缺货的单品。Ensure paramete

127、rs correct to avoid stock outs.n需要在货架上获得黄金陈列位置和足够排面量。Watch for golden position on shelf with enough facings. n需要随时检查竞争对手价格的单品。Check for pricing at competition.n需要跟踪订货和送货数量的单品。Review order and delivery quantities.n需要跟踪促销采购、销售价格的单品。Review the purchase and promotion prices.n在使用TG谈判方案时可以参考的单品。Follow up

128、on TG planner looking for these items.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager动力源4,非敏感单品1/2Motor 4, Permanent itemsn经常所谈及的经常所谈及的80-20单品。单品。The 80/20 items.n是有着较高毛利率的低流转量单品。是有着较高毛利率的低流转量单品。The low rotation items with good margin.n是没有太多可比性的单品。是没有太多可比性的单品。The non comparable items.n是体现我们每个部门单品种类宽度和广度的一个侧面。是体

129、现我们每个部门单品种类宽度和广度的一个侧面。The items which project the image of choice either depth or width.n也是在也是在DM海报单品选择过程中可以适度参考的部分。海报单品选择过程中可以适度参考的部分。The items from which we can select some DM promotions.n操作方式(见下页)操作方式(见下页)How to: (pls refer to the following slide)店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager动力源4,非敏感单品2/2Mo

130、tor 4, Permanent itemsn操作方式操作方式 How to:n需要100%跟踪该部分单品的出样率。Follow 100% assortment detention.n没有新品费。No slotting fees.n需要定期维护、调整参数避免缺货的单品。Ensure parameters are correct to avoid stock outs.n需要在货架上稍次的位置陈列和务必并控制避免过大排面量。Watch for secondary position on shelf with modest facings. n需要检查售价,以保证整个分类毛利。Check for

131、pricing to guarantee family margin.n需要跟踪订货和送货数量的单品。Review order and delivery quantities .n保证相应较低的库存量,并保证后仓没有存货。Keep relatively low stock level, nothing in the back.n跟踪供应商促销和宣传档期。Follow promotion and communication plan of supplier.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager动力源5,自有品牌商品1/2Motor 5, Private Labe

132、l itemsn经常所谈及的经常所谈及的20-80单品。单品。The 20/80 items .n是需要联华总部提供特别支持的高流转量的单品。是需要联华总部提供特别支持的高流转量的单品。The high rotation items with Lian Hua support.n顾客进行价格比较的首要选择。顾客进行价格比较的首要选择。The source for price comparison by customers.n维护部门品牌形象的窗口。维护部门品牌形象的窗口。The Brand pricing image generators of the department.n有着高于部门平均

133、毛利率的单品。有着高于部门平均毛利率的单品。The items with a higher than department margin .n我们需要尽可能的多进行促销活动的单品。我们需要尽可能的多进行促销活动的单品。The items from which we should promote as often as possible.n需要在货架上陈列在黄金位置,并高出同类商品一倍排面量的单品。需要在货架上陈列在黄金位置,并高出同类商品一倍排面量的单品。The golden position on the shelf with double facing.n操作方式(见下页)操作方式(见下页

134、)How to: (pls refer to the following slide)店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager动力5,自有品牌商品2/2Motor 5, Private Label itemsn操作方式操作方式 How to:n需要100%跟踪该部分单品的出样率。Follow 100% assortment detention.n需要及时维护系统参数、避免缺货的单品。Ensure parameters correct to avoid stock outs.n需要检查竞争对手处同类商品的售价。Check for pricing of similar

135、 items at competition.n需要跟踪订货和送货数量的单品。Review order and delivery quantities.n需要跟踪促销采购、销售价格的单品。Review the purchase and promotion prices.n在使用TG谈判方案时可以参考的单品。Follow up on TG planner pushing for these items.n不要期待后台费用支持,尽可能创造前台毛利!Expect no fees, just a great margin! 店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager与商品部的

136、合作1/2Merchandise cooperationn需要与商品部同仁需要与商品部同仁100%的紧密合作。的紧密合作。100% cooperation with Merchandise Division teams.n任何有关竞争对手商品销售的最新信息、缺货问题、供应商送货中出现的问任何有关竞争对手商品销售的最新信息、缺货问题、供应商送货中出现的问题以及与采购成本相关的问题等都需要及时反馈给商品部。题以及与采购成本相关的问题等都需要及时反馈给商品部。Provide feedback and information on competition on shortage or delivery

137、 or cost problems.n不要在没有任何监控的情况下,让我们的处长,更甚甚至是部门主管控制运不要在没有任何监控的情况下,让我们的处长,更甚甚至是部门主管控制运营。营。Do not let Division Managers or worse Department Managers run or control your business without supervision.n多多听取商品部的意见,多多听取供应商的建议;如果这些建议对供应商来多多听取商品部的意见,多多听取供应商的建议;如果这些建议对供应商来讲是有益的,其必将同样有利于我们的经营!讲是有益的,其必将同样有利于我们的

138、经营!Listen to the advice of MD and listen to the suggestions of your suppliers; if it helps them then chances are it helps us!n听一听听一听“市井市井”中关于我们门店的团队与供应商给予中关于我们门店的团队与供应商给予“特别支持特别支持”或故意刁或故意刁难供应商的谈论难供应商的谈论Listen to the “word on the street” about preferential treatment or ostracism of a supplier by your

139、 team店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager与商品部的合作2/2Merchandise cooperationn就某个分类,到竞争对手的门店和世纪联华其他的门店进行调查,将就某个分类,到竞争对手的门店和世纪联华其他的门店进行调查,将自己的排面陈列与他人进行对比。自己的排面陈列与他人进行对比。Take a family and visit the competition and another CenturyMart store and compare your implantation.n准备每天各个处都有一节货架或一个通道的商品进行重新调整。准备每天各个处

140、都有一节货架或一个通道的商品进行重新调整。Be prepared to re-merchandise an element or an aisle daily in every division.n按照总部下发的商品陈列图纸复查每个单品的排面量,确保没有被促按照总部下发的商品陈列图纸复查每个单品的排面量,确保没有被促销员擅自挪动过。销员擅自挪动过。Follow Planograms received from Head office and double check that facings are not manipulated by promoters.n至少每星期一次按处选择一个分类,将

141、该分类的所有单品打印出来并至少每星期一次按处选择一个分类,将该分类的所有单品打印出来并在卖场逐一核实,确保在卖场逐一核实,确保100%出样率。出样率。Print out at least once a week by division an assortment list for a given family and go to the sales floor and check for full detention.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager供应商是合作伙伴1/2Supplier partnershipsn要听取和并向我们的供应商学习;征求供应商的

142、建议!供要听取和并向我们的供应商学习;征求供应商的建议!供应商的建议是免费的,同时也能够帮助我们发现一些不为应商的建议是免费的,同时也能够帮助我们发现一些不为我们所知的隐含问题。要问问题,毕竟供应商对自己的单我们所知的隐含问题。要问问题,毕竟供应商对自己的单品和自己的顾客更为了解。品和自己的顾客更为了解。Listen and learn from our suppliers; ask for their advice! Its free and may help you discover problems hidden from you. Ask questions, they know mo

143、re about their product and their customers than you do.n针对同一个供应商,将门店的通道收入与其他兄弟门店的针对同一个供应商,将门店的通道收入与其他兄弟门店的收入水平进行对比收入水平进行对比Check and compare the TG fees negotiated in your store vs other stores with the same supplier店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager供应商是合作伙伴2/2Supplier partnershipsn将派驻我们门店的促销员与竞争对手处

144、同一供应商所派遣将派驻我们门店的促销员与竞争对手处同一供应商所派遣的促销员进行对比,不合格的人员需要要求更换。的促销员进行对比,不合格的人员需要要求更换。Compare the quality of our promoters with the competition, ask to change as required.n与供应商探讨,为什麽竞争对手的价格会优于我们的价格,与供应商探讨,为什麽竞争对手的价格会优于我们的价格,我们应如何改进。我们应如何改进。Discuss with suppliers why your competitors price is less than yours

145、and what can be done.n供应商不是我们的敌人,但也永远不会成为我们的朋友;供应商不是我们的敌人,但也永远不会成为我们的朋友;但是供应商是我们的合作伙伴。但是供应商是我们的合作伙伴。Suppliers are not the enemy but they are never our friends either; they are simply our partners. 店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager顾客是上帝1/2The customer is Kingn主动与顾客交谈,倾听顾客的意见。向顾客学习,尊重顾客,爱顾客;主动与顾客交谈,

146、倾听顾客的意见。向顾客学习,尊重顾客,爱顾客;他们是你的衣食父母!他们是你的衣食父母!Talk to and listen to your customers. Learn from them, respect them, love them; they pay your salary!n通过观察你的顾客的行为,了解你的顾客的购物方式和购物习惯。通过观察你的顾客的行为,了解你的顾客的购物方式和购物习惯。Watch the behavior of your customers in their shopping patterns and actions.n要主动询问我们的不足,做好准备听取一些不

147、好听得评语。但是一次要主动询问我们的不足,做好准备听取一些不好听得评语。但是一次的负面评语得到改善将有助于店长们少走同样的弯路(甚至有些弯路的负面评语得到改善将有助于店长们少走同样的弯路(甚至有些弯路是不为我们所知的)。是不为我们所知的)。Ask what we are doing wrong, be prepared to hear many unpleasant things. One negative comment once corrected, will save you another dozen of the same, heard or not.n每月召开一次顾客座谈会,并把得

148、到的顾客反馈及时通报给区经理和每月召开一次顾客座谈会,并把得到的顾客反馈及时通报给区经理和商品部。商品部。Organize a Focus Group per month and provide feed back to your regional and to MD.店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager顾客是上帝2/2The customer is Kingn进行顾客调研,频率由店长自行决定,但是一定要有结果。进行顾客调研,频率由店长自行决定,但是一定要有结果。Conduct customer surveys, as many as you like, bu

149、t do something with the results.n不要害怕和顾客讲话,顾客和我们是平等的,而且刚开始不要害怕和顾客讲话,顾客和我们是平等的,而且刚开始的时候顾客也可能会感到拘束,但只要你坚持让顾客发表的时候顾客也可能会感到拘束,但只要你坚持让顾客发表意见,相信顾客开了口就恐怕很难停下来了!意见,相信顾客开了口就恐怕很难停下来了!Dont be afraid to talk to customers, they are your equal, they will be frightened but if you insist they will open up - and you

150、 wont be able to turn them off!n观察我们的员工与顾客交流的情况,同时就任何不正确的观察我们的员工与顾客交流的情况,同时就任何不正确的言行举止及时进行调整。言行举止及时进行调整。Watch your staff interact with your customers and correct any misguided actions or comments. 店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager了解店长这个角色的范围Understanding the range and scope of Store Manager公司代表公司代表Company Representation资产管理者资产管理者Assets Management人事管理者人事管理者Personnel Management商业管理者商业管理者Business Management零售商和商人零售商和商人Retailer and Merchant店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager最后一点希望大家带回到各自门店的建议One final piece of advice as you go back to your store谢谢谢谢Thank You店长的角色店长的角色The Role of Store Manager



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