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1、必修1Units 35话题之二之二 环境保境保护三年三年4考考2011浙浙江江假假设你你是是高高中中生生李李越越,有有感感于于校校园园中中存存在在的的随随意意涂涂写写(to scribble)和和乱乱丢垃垃圾圾(to litter)的的行行为,请用用英英语给校校长写写一一封封100120个个词的的信信。信信中中应包包括括以以下下内内容容: 1. 说明明写信目的;写信目的;2. 对这些行些行为进行批行批评;3. 提出建提出建议。June 8, 2011Dear Mr. Headmaster, I am Li Yue, a student from Class 1, Senior 2. I am

2、writing to draw your attention to some improper behaviour among us students: littering and scribbling. It makes our school dirty and unpleasant, and does harm to the image of our school. I always feel ashamed whenever I see this. It is clearly not appropriate for a student to litter and scribble abo

3、ut. I wonder if the school could place more dustbins around and set upspecific rules against such behaviour. At the same time, students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves. I believe that, with the joint efforts of both teachers and students, our school will beco

4、me a more enjoyable place in the near future. Thank you for your consideration. Yours faithfully, Li Yue 1. 文章要点文章要点齐全全, 切合切合试题要求。要求。本本文文首首先先说明明写写信信动机机让校校长对校校园园里里同同学学们随随意意涂涂写写和和乱乱丢垃垃圾圾的的行行为引引起起足足够的的重重视; 接接下下来来是是对这些些行行为的的批批评态度;最后提出改度;最后提出改进的建的建议。2. 全文行文流全文行文流畅,使用,使用词汇地道、高地道、高级。高高级词汇和和短短语:draw your at

5、tention to, improper, image, feel ashamed, appropriate, set up, joint, enjoyable高高级句型:句型:. . . whenever. . . ,It is+adj. +for sb. to do语篇篇过渡渡语:at the same time多多样性表达:表达建性表达:表达建议a)I wonder if. . . b). . . should be encouraged to do. . . 【佳作佳作习得得】翻翻译句子句子句型:句型:疑疑问词+ever. . . (让步状步状语从句从句) 无无论你多富有,都要遵守法你

6、多富有,都要遵守法规。You must obey the rules and regulations however rich you are. 基基础指指导(二)(二)并列句与复合句并列句与复合句. 并列句并列句定定义:由由and, or, but, while, yet, so, for等等并并列列连词连起起来的两个或两个以上互不依从的分句的句子叫并列句。来的两个或两个以上互不依从的分句的句子叫并列句。 并列并列连词分分类:1. 单纯连词:and, both. . . and. . . , not only. . . but also. . . , as well as等。等。2. 转折折

7、连词:but, yet, still, while等。等。3. 选择连词:or, not. . . but. . . , either. . . or. . . , neither. . . nor. . . 等。等。4. 推理推理连词:so, therefore, for等。等。He was ill, but he went to school. 他病了,但他他病了,但他还是去上学了。是去上学了。He lost his job, so he was unhappy these days. 他失他失业了,所以他了,所以他这些天不高些天不高兴。提醒:提醒:“祈祈使使句句+and/or(other

8、wise)+简单句句”也也是是并并列列句句的的一一种种,or在此意在此意为“否否则”。Try it again, and you will succeed. 再再试一次,你会成功的。一次,你会成功的。 . 复合句复合句定定义:复复合合句句是是由由一一个个主主句句和和一一个个或或一一个个以以上上的的从从句句构构成成的的句句子子。主主句句和和从从句句都都具具有有完完整整的的主主谓结构构,主主句句是是全全句句的的主主体,从句从属于主句,不能独立存在。体,从句从属于主句,不能独立存在。从从句句分分类:根根据据从从句句在在全全句句中中的的不不同同作作用用,从从句句可可分分为:主主语从从句句、宾语从从句句

9、、表表语从从句句、同同位位语从从句句、定定语从从句句和和状状语从句。从句。 1. 主主语从句:在句子中充当句子主从句:在句子中充当句子主语的从句叫主的从句叫主语从句。从句。When we should start is still a question. 我我们应该什么什么时候开始仍然是个候开始仍然是个问题。2. 宾语从句:在句子中作及物从句:在句子中作及物动词或介或介词的的宾语。They believe that the computer will finally take the place of human beings. 他他们认为电脑最最终会取代人会取代人类。3. 表表语从从句句:在

10、在句句子子中中作作系系动词的的表表语的的句句子子, 它它位位于于主主句句中的系中的系动词之后。之后。That is why he did not come to school yesterday. 那就是他那就是他为什么昨天没来学校的原因。什么昨天没来学校的原因。4. 同同位位语从从句句:在在复复合合句句中中充充当当同同位位语的的名名词性性从从句句称称为同位同位语从句。从句。I heard the news that our team had won. 我听到了我我听到了我们队赢了的消息。了的消息。5. 定定语从从句句:在在复复合合句句中中作作定定语用用来来修修饰句句子子中中某某一一名名词或代

11、或代词的从句叫定的从句叫定语从句。从句。This is the missing boy (that/who/whom) we have been looking for these days. 这是我是我们这些日子一直在些日子一直在寻找的失踪的男孩。找的失踪的男孩。 6. 状状语从从句句:在在复复合合句句中中作作状状语, 其其位位置置可可以以在在主主句句前前或或主主句后。句后。 1)时间状状语从从句句通通常常由由when, as, while, after, before, as soon as, since, till (until), whenever 等引等引导。When you fin

12、ish the work, you may go out to play with Sam. 当你完成作当你完成作业的的时候,你可以和候,你可以和Sam出去玩。出去玩。2)地点状地点状语从句通常由从句通常由 where, wherever等引等引导。 I will never forget to catch the thief who stole my necklace wherever he may be. 不管他在哪里我都不会忘不管他在哪里我都不会忘记要去抓那个要去抓那个偷我我项链的的贼。3)原因状原因状语从句通常由从句通常由because, since, as等引等引导。 4)目的状目的

13、状语从句通常由从句通常由so that. . . , in order that. . . 等引等引导。5)结果果状状语从从句句通通常常由由 so that. . . , so. . . that. . . 等等引引导, 往往往放在句尾。往放在句尾。6)比比较状状语从句通常由从句通常由as, than, as (so). . . as等引等引导。7)让步步状状语从从句句通通常常由由though (although), as, even if(even though), however, whatever等引等引导。8)条件状条件状语从句通常由从句通常由if, unless, as long a

14、s等引等引导。. 判断下列句子是判断下列句子是简单句、并列句句、并列句还是复合句是复合句1. Her parents died and left her a lot of money. 2. You were not in the office. 3. I took care of my brother while Mother was away. 4. This is the best film that I have ever seen. 答案:答案:1. 简单句简单句2. 简单句简单句3. 复合句复合句 4. 复合句复合句5. Walk fast, or well be late. 6.

15、 I havent heard from you for a long time. 7. He was very tired; therefore, he fell into a sound sleep. 8. It is said that Jim got married a week ago. 9. He must answer the question whether he agrees to it or not. 答答案案:5. 并并列列句句 6. 简简单单句句 7. 并并列列句句 8. 复复合合句句9. 复复合合句句. 按要求按要求转换句型句型 1. Does Mr. Brown e

16、njoy living in China? Could you tell us? (变为复合句)复合句) Could you tell us _ Mr. Brown _ living in China? 2. “Does the girl need any help? ” he asked me. (变为复合句)复合句) He asked me _ the girl _ some help. if/whetherenjoysif/whetherneeded3. Jim is not a student. Tom is not a student, either. (合并(合并为一一个句子)个句

17、子) _ Jim _ Tom is a student. 4. When does the train leave? I want to know. (改(改为含含宾语从从句的复合句)句的复合句) I want to know _ the train _ . Neithernorwhenleaves5. They went home after they had finished their homework. (用用not. . . until改写改写)They _ go home _ they had finished their homework. 6. You must be care

18、ful with your pronunciation. (改改为祈使句祈使句)Be careful with your pronunciation. didntuntil. 用适当的并列用适当的并列连词填空填空1. Work hard, _ you will fail. 2. Keep quiet, _ you will not be found. 3. He worked hard, _ he faild in the exam. 4. He was watching TV _ his mother was cooking. 5. When you quarrel with others,

19、 _ fail in the exam, you may have a bad mood. 6. _ does Li Meng sing well, _ she dances well. orandbutwhileorNot onlybut also定定语从句从句定定语从从句句是是语法法学学习中中的的重重点点和和难点点,也也是是高高考考必必考考内内容容。对定定语从从句句的的考考查主主要要集集中中在在关关系系代代词和和关关系系副副词的的选择,介介词+关关系系代代词的的判判断断。复复习定定语从从句句时应注注意意以以下下几几点点:1. 了了解解关关系系代代词、关关系系副副词及及介介词+关关系系代代词

20、;2. 学学会会分分析析定定语从从句句中中的句子的句子结构。构。3. 掌握特殊定掌握特殊定语从句的用法。从句的用法。1. 2011全全国国卷卷,31The prize will go to the writer _ story shows the most imagination. AthatBwhichCwhoseDwhat【解解析析】选选C。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:奖奖品品将将发发给给作作品品最最能能展展示示其其想想像像力力的的作作者者。whose引引导导定定语语从从句句,且且在在从从句句中中作作定定语语,修修饰饰story; whose story相当于相当于the stor

21、y of whom。2. 2011山山东,32The old town has narrow streets and small houses _ are built close to each other. A. theyB. whereC. whatD. that 【解解析析】选选D。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:这这座座古古镇镇有有狭狭窄窄的的街街道道和和紧紧密密地地比比邻邻而而建建的的小小房房子子。that在在句句中中用用于于引引导导定定语语从从句句,修修饰饰small houses, 在在定定语语从从句句中中that作作主主语语,此此处处的的that也也可可换换成成which。

22、where在在定定语语从从句句中中充充当当状状语语,而而what用用来来引引导导名名词词性性从句。而从句。而they不能用作定语从句的连接词。不能用作定语从句的连接词。3. 2011江江西西,34She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction _ had taken more than three years. Afor which Bwith whichCof whichDto which【解解析析】选选C。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:她她带带领领参参观观者者参参观观了了那那个个建建造造工工程程花花费费了了超超过

23、过三三年年时时间间的的博博物物馆馆。引引导导非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句的的关关系系词词与与先先行行词词构构成成修修饰饰关关系系,即即the construction of the museum“博物馆的建造博物馆的建造”。故选。故选C项。项。4. 2011浙浙江江,10A bank is the place _ they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain. A. whenB. thatC. whereD. there【解解析析】选选C。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句

24、句意意:银银行行是是一一个个好好天天气气借借给给你你雨雨伞伞而而雨雨天天又又要要回回雨雨伞伞的的地地方方。空空格格处处在在语语句句中中作作地地点点状状语语,所所以以选选择择关关系系副副词词where;A项项表表示示时时间间,B项项为为关关系系代代词词,D项项不能作关系词。不能作关系词。5. 2011天天津津,10The days are gone _ physical strength was all you needed to make a living. A. whenB. thatC. whereD. which【解解析析】选选A。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:体体力力是是你你赖赖

25、以以生生存存的的惟惟一一手手段段的的日日子子一一去去不不复复返返了了。句句中中days是是定定语语从从句句的的先先行行词词,关关系系词词代代替替days并并在在从从句句中中充充当当时时间间状状语语,故故用用when引引导导定定语语从从句。句。6. 2011全全国国卷卷,7Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt, _ is a stupid thing to do in such weather. A. thisB. thatC. whatD. which【解解析析】选选D。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意

26、:Ted只只穿穿着着短短裤裤和和T恤恤来来度度周周末末,在在这这样样的的天天气气里里这这样样做做是是一一件件很很愚愚蠢蠢的的事事情情。根根据据句句子子结结构构以以及及选选项项可可知知是是考考查查非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句,从从句句中中缺缺少少主主语语。此此处处关关系系代代词词which代代指指前前面面的的整整个个句句子子。this不不是是关关系系代代词词,that不不能能用用于于非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句,what不不属属于于关关系系代代词词。故答案为故答案为D。7. 2011安安徽徽,28Whatever is left over may be put into the refr

27、igerator, _ it will keep for two or three weeks. A. whenB. whichC. whereD. while【解解析析】选选C。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:剩剩下下的的任任何何东东西西都都可可以以放放入入冰冰箱箱,在在那那里里可可以以保保存存两两三三周周。由由句句型型结结构构可可以以看看出出,该该题题中中的的先先行行词词是是refrigerator表表示示地地点点,故故选选择择关关系系副副词词where。when在在从从句句中中作作时时间间状状语语;which在在从从句句中中作作主主语语或或宾宾语语;while是连词,不能引导定语从句

28、。是连词,不能引导定语从句。8. 2011福福建建,24She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students _ allows them to communicate freely with each other. A. whichB. whereC. whatD. who【解解析析】选选A。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:她她有有一一种种天天赋赋可可以以为为学学生生们们创创造造一一种种允允许许他他们们自自由由地地彼彼此此交交流流的的氛氛围围。所所填填之之处处应应为为定定语语从从句句的的关关系系词词,因因先先行行词词是是an

29、atmosphere且且在在从从句句中中作作主主语语,故选故选A。9. 2011北北京京,26Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, _ , of course, made all the others upset. A. whoB. whichC. whatD. that【解解析析】选选B。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:玛玛丽丽对对待待杰杰克克比比对对其其他他人人好好得得多多,这这当当然然令令其其他他人人不不快快。分分析析句句子子结结构构可可知知逗逗号号后后是是一一个个非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句,关关系系代

30、代词词代代指指逗逗号号前前的的整整个个句句子子,故故用用which,正确答案为,正确答案为B项。项。10. 2011江江苏,24Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _ the audience can buy ice-cream. A. whenB. whereC. thatD. which【解解析析】选选A。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:音音乐乐会会的的两两部部分分之之间间会会有有中中场场休休息息时时间间,这这时时观观众众可可以以购购买买冰冰激激凌凌。an interval是是先先行行词词,并在定语从句中作时间状语,

31、故选择关系副词并在定语从句中作时间状语,故选择关系副词when。11. 2011陕西西,11I walked up to the top of the hill with my friends, _ we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake. A. whichB. whereC. whoD. that【解解析析】选选B。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:我我和和我我的的朋朋友友一一直直走走到到了了山山顶顶,在在那那里里我我们们欣欣赏赏到到了了美美妙妙的的湖湖光光景景色色。把把定定语语从从句句补补全全为为:We enjoyed a splendid view

32、 of the lake at the top of the hill. 由此可知,定语从句中缺少的成分为地点状语,故选由此可知,定语从句中缺少的成分为地点状语,故选where。12. 2011浙浙江江,8English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of _ uses it somewhat differently. A. whichB. whatC. themD. there【解解析析】选选A。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:英英语语是是一一种种由由几几种种不不同同的的文文化化共共同同分分享享的的语语言言,

33、每每一一种种文文化化使使用用英英语语时时都都多多少少有有些些不不同同。表表示示“整整体体中中的的一一部部分分”,我我们们可可以以使使用用“不不定定代代词词/数数词词+of +which(物物)/whom(人人)”,由由于于此此题题中中先先行行词词为为cultures, 所所以使用以使用which。13. 2011四四川川,17The school shop, _ customers are mainly students, is closed for the holidays. A. whichB. whoseC. whenD. where【解解析析】选选B。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意

34、:这这个个学学校校商商店店顾顾客客多多是是学学生生,所所以以假假期期关关门门停停业业了了。whose引引导导的的非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句,补补充充说说明明商商店店的的情情况况,在在从从句句中中whose作作定定语语修修饰饰名名词词customers。故选故选B。14. 2011湖湖南南,25Julie was good at German, French and Russian, all of _ she spoke fluently. A. whoB. whomC. whichD. that【解解析析】选选C。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:朱朱莉莉擅擅长长德德语语,法法语语以以

35、及及俄俄语语,这这些些语语言言她她都都说说得得很很流流利利。先先行行词词是是German, French and Russian,所所以以定定语语从从句句的的关关系系代代词词用用which。注注:关关系系代代词词that一一般般不不可可直直接接置置于于介介词词后后作作宾宾语语,且且不不能能引引导导非非限限制制性性定定语从句。语从句。15. 2010全全国国卷卷,16I refuse to accept the blame for something _ was someone elses fault. A. whoB. thatC. asD. what【解解析析】选选B。考考查查定定语语从从句

36、句。句句意意:我我拒拒绝绝接接受受因因别别人人的的错错误误而而对对我我的的指指责责。定定语语从从句句的的先先行行词词是是something。可可排排除除A。关关系系词词在在从从句句中中作作主主语语,故故用用that; as往往往往引引导导非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句,代表前面或后面的整个句子代表前面或后面的整个句子; what不能引导定语从句。不能引导定语从句。16. 2010湖湖南南,28Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school _ I met in the English speech conte

37、st last year. A. whoB. whereC. whenD. which【解解析析】选选A。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:我我已已经经和和去去年年在在英英语语演演讲讲比比赛赛中中遇遇到到的的我我校校几几个个学学生生成成了了好好朋朋友友。先先行行词词是是several of the students(指人),且定语从句中缺少的是宾语,故选(指人),且定语从句中缺少的是宾语,故选A。17. 2009全全国国卷卷, 28She brought with her three friends, none of _ I had ever met before. A. themB. wh

38、oC. whomD. these【解解析析】选选C。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:她她带带来来了了三三个个朋朋友友,这这三三个个朋朋友友我我以以前前一一个个也也没没见见过过。先先行行词词为为friends, 所所以以介介词词后后的的关关系系代代词词应应该该用用whom。them和和these均均不不能能引引导导定定语语从从句句,排排除除选项选项A和和D。介词后的关系代词也不能用。介词后的关系代词也不能用who, 排除排除B项。项。18. 2010天天津津,8Can you believe I had to pay 30 dollars for a haircut? You should

39、try the barbers _ I go. Its only 15. A. asB. whichC. whereD. that【解解析析】选选C。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:你你能能相相信信我我剪剪一一次次头头发发得得花花30美美元元吗吗?你你应应该该试试试试我我常常去去的的那那家家理理发发店店。只只需需15美美元元就就够够了了。先先行行词词为为the barbers, 而而且且定定语语从从句句中中缺缺少少地地点点状语,故用状语,故用where引导。引导。 表表1关系代关系代词和关系副和关系副词的判定的判定关系关系词 先行先行词 在句中所作成分在句中所作成分 典句例示典句例示 wh

40、owhom人人人人主主语、宾语、表表语 宾语 The boy who is standing there is my cousin. The boy (whom) you met yesterday is Tom. 关系关系词 先先行行词 在句中所在句中所作成分作成分 典句例示典句例示 whose(=of whom/of which) 人人或或物物定定语Do you know the boy whose mother (=the mother of whom)is a teacher? He lives in a house whose windows (the windows of whic

41、h) face south. 关系关系词 先先行行词 在句中所作成分在句中所作成分 典句例示典句例示 which 物物 主主语、宾语 Children like to read books which have wonderful pictures. The pen (which) I bought last year was missing. 关系关系词 先先行行词 在句中所作成分在句中所作成分 典句例示典句例示 that 人人或或物物 主主语、宾语、表表语 A plane is a machine that can fly. I dont know the man (that) you t

42、alked about. China is no longer the country that it used to be. 关系关系词先行先行词 在句中所在句中所作成分作成分 典句例示典句例示 as 人或物人或物(在非限(在非限制性定制性定语从句中也从句中也可指代整可指代整个句子)个句子) 主主语、宾语、表、表语 As is known to all, Edison invented the electric lamp. such a book as the same book asHe is not the same man as he was. He can lift so heavy

43、 a stone as no one else can. I want to readyou read.关系关系词 先行先行词 在句中所作成分在句中所作成分 典句例示典句例示 whenwhere时间地点地点时间状状语 地点状地点状语Ill never forget the day when I joined the Party. The factory where I worked is gone now. why原因原因 原因状原因状语 We didnt know the reason why he was late for school. 特特别别提提醒醒1. 当关系代当关系代词在限制性定

44、在限制性定语从从句中作句中作宾语时,可省略。,可省略。2. 表示表示时间、地点、原因的先、地点、原因的先行行词作定作定语从句从句谓语动词的主的主语、宾语时,应用用that或或which, 作作宾语时that/which也也可省略。可省略。 当先行当先行词是是case, condition, situation, position, point, stage等名等名词时,后面定,后面定语从句的关从句的关系系词的使用有两种情况:第一,的使用有两种情况:第一,当定当定语从句中缺少主从句中缺少主语或或宾语时用用which或或that来引来引导该定定语从句。第二,当定从句。第二,当定语从句中从句中不缺少

45、主不缺少主语或或宾语时通常用通常用where引引导。 I dont believe the The case that/which she explained was common. Well see a case where the music could cure people. (which/that)he was late for school. (which/that)he gave me. reason特特别别提提醒醒3. 当先行当先行词way意意为“方式、方式、方法方法”时,引,引导定定语从句的关从句的关系系词有两种情况:第一有两种情况:第一, 当定当定语从句中缺少主从句中缺少主

46、语或或宾语时用关系代用关系代词which或或that。第。第二二, 当定当定语从句中不缺少主从句中不缺少主语或或宾语时,可用,可用in which或或that或不用任何关系或不用任何关系词三种三种形式。形式。 The way (that/which)he recommended to us was quite simple. (关系代(关系代词that/which在从句中作在从句中作宾语)The way (that/in which)he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand. (关系(关系词在从句在从句中作状

47、中作状语,相当于,相当于in this/that way) 特特别别提提醒醒4. 先行先行词是是time时,若,若time作作“次数次数”讲,且引,且引导词在从在从句中作状句中作状语时,则应用关系用关系代代词that引引导定定语从句,从句,that可以省略;若可以省略;若time作作“一段一段时间,时代代”讲,且引,且引导词在从在从句中作状句中作状语时,则应用关系用关系副副词when或介或介词at/during+ which引引导定定语从句。从句。 This is the second time that the President has visited the country. This

48、was at a time when/during which there were no radios, no telephones or no TV sets. 特特别别提提醒醒5. “whose+名名词”结构常可以用构常可以用“the+名名词+of which/whom”或或“of which/whom+the+名名词”结构来替构来替换,且意思相同。,且意思相同。6. 如何如何选择关系代关系代词与关系副与关系副词用关系代用关系代词还是关系副是关系副词完全取完全取决于从句中所缺的成分。若从句决于从句中所缺的成分。若从句中缺少主中缺少主语或或宾语,就必,就必须用关用关系代系代词;若从句中主;

49、若从句中主谓宾齐全即全即不缺主不缺主语也不缺也不缺宾语就要求用关就要求用关系副系副词。 The house whose roof was damaged has now been repaired. =The house the roof of which was damaged has now been repaired. =The house, of which the roof was damaged, has now been repaired. 表表2易混关系代易混关系代词的用法辨析的用法辨析类型型主要用法主要用法 典句例示典句例示 只用只用that不用不用which的的情况情况 先

50、行先行词是是all, much, little, something, everything, anything, nothing, none等不定代等不定代词时 All that glitters is not gold. He told me everything that he knew.先行先行词被被only, any, few, no, very, little等修等修饰时 It is the very novel that I have ever read. Australia is the only country that is also a continent. 类型型主要用

51、法主要用法 典句例示典句例示 只用只用that不用不用which的的情况情况 先行先行词是形容是形容词最高最高级或序数或序数词或被形容或被形容词最最高高级、序数、序数词修修饰时 This is the most interesting film that Ive ever seen. 先行先行词为人、物并用人、物并用时 Do you know the things and persons that they are talking about? 类型型主要用法主要用法 典句例示典句例示 只用只用that不用不用which的的情况情况 当主句的主当主句的主语是疑是疑问词who或或which时 W

52、hich is the bike that you lost? 当先行当先行词在主句中作表在主句中作表语,而关系代,而关系代词也在从也在从句中作表句中作表语时 Shandong is no longer the province that it used to be. 类型型主要用法主要用法 典句例示典句例示 只用只用which不不用用that的的情况情况 关系代关系代词前有介前有介词时 Is this the house in which Shakespeare was born? 引引导非限制性定非限制性定语从句从句时 Tom came back, which made us happy.

53、 类型型主要用法主要用法 典句例示典句例示 只用只用which不不用用that的的情况情况 先行先行词为that/those时 Whats that which was put in the car? which可用作定可用作定语 He may be late, in which case we ought to wait for him. 类型型主要用法主要用法 典句例示典句例示 the same. . . as与与the same. . . that the same. . . as. . . 表表示相似的示相似的东西西the same. . . that. . . 表示同一人或物表示同一

54、人或物 This is the same book as he lent me last week. 这是是他他上上星星期期借借给我我的的那那类书。This is the same book that he lent me last week. 这是他上星期借是他上星期借给我的我的那本那本书。 类型型主要用法主要用法 典句例示典句例示 such/so. . . as与与such/so. . . that such/so. . . as(定定语从句)从句)像像那那样such/so. . . that(状状语从从句)如此句)如此以至于以至于 This is such an easy questio

55、n as I can answer. This is such an easy question that I can answer it. 类型型主要用法主要用法 典句例示典句例示 as与与which as引引导的非限制性定的非限制性定语从从句既可以放在主句前,也句既可以放在主句前,也可以放在主句后,有可以放在主句后,有时还可插入主句中。可插入主句中。which引引导的非限制性定的非限制性定语从句通从句通常放在主句之后。常放在主句之后。 as意意为“正如正如”,后面,后面的的谓语动词多是多是see, know, expect, say, mention, report等;等;which意意为

56、“这一点一点”。 Avatar is a very successful film, as is known to all. As we all know, Taiwan belongs to China. The sports meeting was put off, which astonished us. 表表3介介词+关系代关系代词结构构 典句例示典句例示 名(代)名(代)词+介介词+关关系代系代词(which/whom)The river, the banks of which are covered with trees, flows to the sea.数数词或形容或形容词最高

57、最高级+of+关系代关系代词(which/whom) He has ten cousins, three of whom are clever. He has ten cousins, the youngest of whom is very handsome. 结构构 典句例示典句例示 介介词(短(短语)+关系代关系代词(which/whom) We are looking for the person to whom the book belongs. He lived in a big house, in front of which stood a tall tree. 介介词+whi

58、ch/whose+名名词 He is the man from whose house the pictures were stolen. She suffered from illness, in which case her husband had to stay at home. 特特别别提提醒醒1. from where为“介介词+关系关系副副词”结构,但也可以引构,但也可以引导定定语从句。从句。2. 介介词+which有有时可与相可与相应的关系副的关系副词互互换。3. “介介词+关系代关系代词”结构中介构中介词的确定遵循以下原的确定遵循以下原则:(1)根据从句中的)根据从句中的谓语动

59、词与先行与先行词的的习惯搭配。搭配。(2)根据介)根据介词与先行与先行词的的习惯搭配。搭配。 He stood near the window, from where he could see the whole garden. This is the school in which (where) he studied two years ago. The reason for which (why) he was late was that he got up late. In the dark street, there wasnt a single person to whom she

60、 could turn for help. This is the girl from whom I learned the news. 表表4特殊定特殊定语从句从句类型类型典句例示典句例示分割式定分割式定语从句(先行从句(先行词与关与关系代(副)系代(副)词分隔)分隔) I was the only person in my office that was invited to the important ball. 插入式定插入式定语从句(关系代从句(关系代词与与从句中插入一个句子)从句中插入一个句子) He made another great discovery, which I th

61、ink is very important to science. 省略式定省略式定语从句(介从句(介词+关系关系代代词+不定式)不定式) The beggar has no money with which to buy food. 特特别别提提醒醒1. 当引当引导定定语从句的关系代从句的关系代词在从句在从句中作主中作主语时,那么定,那么定语从句中的从句中的谓语动词在人称、数的方面,在人称、数的方面,应该与先行与先行词保持一致。保持一致。(1)one of +复数名复数名词+关系代关系代词+动词复数形式复数形式(2)the only/very one of+复数名复数名词+关系关系代代词+动

62、词单数形式数形式(3)当关系代当关系代词as与与which引引导非限制性非限制性定定语从句,修从句,修饰主句内容并作主主句内容并作主语时,从句的从句的谓语动词用用单数形式。数形式。2. 定定语从句中的倒装从句中的倒装现象象在定在定语从句中有从句中有时会出会出现完全倒装完全倒装语序。序。这种种语序常序常见于以于以where或或“介介词+which”所引所引导的定的定语从句中。从句中。 The Great Wall is one of the world-famous buildings that draw lots of visitors. The Great Wall is the only

63、one of the buildings on the earth that is seen from the moon. Great changes have taken place in China, as is known to all. That is our school, in front of which lies a large wheat field. 12012潍坊坊模模拟The new computer, _ he loves a lot, breaks down frequentlyAwhichBwhatCthatDone【解解析析】选选A。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句

64、句意意:他他非非常常喜喜爱爱的的新新电电脑脑频频繁繁出故障。出故障。which 用来指代用来指代the new computer并在从句中作宾语。并在从句中作宾语。2. 2012厦厦门模模拟Absorbed in his work, he has very little time _ he can spend accompanying his family. A. when B. in whichC. at which D. that【解解析析】选选D。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:他他一一心心扑扑在在工工作作上上很很少少有有时时间间陪陪伴伴家家人人。that指指代代very littl

65、e time并并在在定定语语从从句句中中作作spend的宾语。的宾语。3. 2012宝宝鸡模模拟The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _ he could see _ was going on inside the houseAwhich; what Bthrough which; whatCthrough that; what Dwhat; that【解解析析】选选B。考考查查定定语语从从句句和和名名词词性性从从句句。句句意意:那那个个聪聪明明的的男男孩孩在在墙墙上上凿凿了了一一个个洞洞,通通过过这这个个洞洞可可以以看看到到屋屋里里发发生生了了什什么

66、么事事。根根据据先先行行词词和和句句意意可可知知应应用用介介词词through, 介介词词+关关系系代代词词引引导导的的定定语语从从句句用用which而而不不用用that。第第二二个个空空所所在在句句子子在在及及物物动动词词see后后为为宾宾语语从从句句,从从句句中中缺缺少少主主语语用用what,that引引导导名名词词性性从句时不充当句子成分。从句时不充当句子成分。4. The reason _ he was late was _ he had to send his grandma to hospitalAthat; whyBwhy; becauseCwhy; thatDthat; bec

67、ause【解解析析】选选C。考考查查定定语语从从句句和和名名词词性性从从句句。句句意意:他他迟迟到到的的原原因因是是送送奶奶奶奶去去医医院院。The reason 为为先先行行词词,定定语语从从句句中中缺缺少少状状语语,故故用用why。The reason why. . . is/was that. . . 为为固固定定句句式式,意为:意为:的理由是的理由是。5. It is said that many kids are worried about the year 2012, _ , they think the earth will be destroyed by disasters.

68、A. where B. asC. when D. which【解解析析】选选C。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:据据说说许许多多孩孩子子担担心心2012年年,他他们们认认为为那那时时灾灾难难会会毁毁掉掉地地球球。when引引导导非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句,并在从句中作时间状语。并在从句中作时间状语。6. Not far from the club, there was a garden, _ owner sat in it playing bridge with his children every afternoonAwhoseBitsCwhichDthat【解解析析】选选A。考考

69、查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:离离俱俱乐乐部部不不远远处处,有有一一个个花花园园,每每天天下下午午花花园园的的主主人人坐坐在在那那儿儿和和孩孩子子们们玩玩桥桥牌牌。whose引引导导的的非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句,补补充充说说明明花花园园的的情情况况,whose在在定定语语从从句中作定语修饰名词句中作定语修饰名词owner。7. Mount Wuyi is such an attractive place of interest _ everyone likes to visit. A. thatB. asC. whichD. what【解解析析】选选B。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句

70、意意:武武夷夷山山是是一一个个大大家家都都喜喜欢欢参参观观的的吸吸引引人人的的名名胜胜。such. . . as像像那那样样,引引导导定定语语从从句句,as在在从从句句中中作作宾宾语语,such. . . that. . . 如如此此以以至至于于,引引导导结结果果状语从句。状语从句。that不在状语从句中作句子成分,故选不在状语从句中作句子成分,故选B。8. 2012杭杭州州模模拟Jack took part in the speech contest and, _ is more surprising, won the first place. A. thatB. whatC. whichD

71、. it【解解析析】选选C。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:杰杰克克参参加加了了演演讲讲比比赛赛,更更令令人人吃吃惊惊的的是是,获获得得了了第第一一名名。四四个个选选项项中中只只有有which可可以以引引导导非限制性定语从句。非限制性定语从句。9. Nowadays teenagers like to go to fast food restaurants, _ as the name says, eating doesnt take much time. A. whichB. sinceC. whereD. what【解解析析】选选C。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:现现如如今今青青

72、少少年年喜喜欢欢去去快快餐餐店店,正正如如它它的的名名字字所所言言,在在那那儿儿吃吃饭饭花花不不了了多多少少时时间间。where在在定语从句中作地点状语,其先行词为定语从句中作地点状语,其先行词为fast food restaurants。10. 2012巢巢湖湖模模拟Many young people just cant live without the Internet, _ they depend on for whatever information they need. AwhichBwhenCwhereDwhat 【解解析析】选选A。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:许许多多年年

73、轻轻人人离离开开网网络络就就不不能能活活,他他们们依依靠靠网网络络获获得得需需要要的的任任何何信信息息。which引引导导非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句并并在在从从句句中中作作depend on的的宾宾语语,其其先先行行词词为为the Internet。11. 2012福福 州州 模模 拟 Thompson had two strategies, disappointingly, _ seems to have worked very well. A. both of whichB. neither of whichC. none of whichD. all of which【解解析析】选

74、选B。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:汤汤普普森森有有两两种种策策略略,令令人人失失望望的的是是,好好像像没没有有一一种种策策略略奏奏效效。由由two strategies排排除除选选项项C和和D,根根据据副副词词disappointingly和和从从句句中中谓谓语语动动词词的的形形式式可可排排除除A,故选,故选B。12. What does the notice say? All the storytellers should meet at the same hall _ won the first three prizes. A. whatB. asC. whoD. which【解解

75、析析】选选C。考考查查定定语语从从句句。答答句句句句意意:凡凡是是获获得得前前三三名名的的故故事事演演讲讲人人到到同同一一个个大大厅厅集集合合。本本句句是是分分割割式式定定语语从从句句,从从句句“_ won the first three prizes”缺缺少少主主语语,先先行行词词:All the storytellers”指人,所以用关系代词指人,所以用关系代词who或或that, 且不能省略。且不能省略。 13. 2012沈沈阳阳模模拟In Australia, surfing is a popular sport among young people _ they can seek e

76、xcitement and adventure. A. thatB. whichC. whereD. how【解解析析】选选C。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:在在澳澳大大利利亚亚,冲冲浪浪是是在在年年轻轻人人中中流流行行的的运运动动,在在这这个个运运动动中中他他们们追追求求刺刺激激和和冒冒险险。本本题题的的先先行行词词是是sport, 在在从从句句中中充充当当状状语语,因因此此选选择择where, 相相当当于于in which。14. 2012北北京京模模拟The newspaper is owned by a foreign company, _ boss is Sir James B

77、ex. A. whenB. whereC. whichD. whose【解解析析】选选D。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:这这家家报报纸纸由由一一家家外外国国公公司司所所拥拥有有,它它的的老老板板是是James Bex先先生生。whose 在在句句中中引引导导定定语语从从句,修饰先行词句,修饰先行词a foreign company并在从句中作并在从句中作boss的定语。的定语。15. 2012太太原原模模拟Car control is a subject _ Beijingers have argued for a long time. A. whichB. thatC. with wh

78、ichD. about which【解解析析】选选D。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:控控制制车车的的数数量量是是北北京京人人议议论论了了很很久久的的话话题题。该该句句中中先先行行词词为为a subject, 在在从从句句中中作作argue 后后面面的的宾宾语语,同同时时表表示示“议议论论”应应该该用用argue about sth. , 所所以空处应选以空处应选D。16. 2012西西安安模模拟Fayes fondest memory is of last year, _ the club gave a tea party for her birthday. A. thatB. whic

79、hC. whereD. when【解解析析】选选D。考考查查定定语语从从句句。定定语语从从句句题题的的解解题题关关键键是是在在主主句句中中找找出出先先行行词词,然然后后把把先先行行词词“代代入入”从从句句中中,判判断断其其在在从从句句中中所所作作的的句句子子成成分分,此此处处先先行行词词为为last year, 在在定定语语从从句句中中作作时时间状语,应该用关系副词间状语,应该用关系副词when, 故选故选D。17. The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things, _

80、 is often the case in other countries. A. whatB. asC. soD. that【解解析析】选选B。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:英英国国人人对对不不同同的的文文化化和和做做事事情情的的其其他他方方式式不不太太熟熟悉悉,别别的的国国家家也也是是这这样样。as在在这这里里引引导导非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句,as代代指指前前面面整整个个句句子子的的内内容容,而而且且as在在从从句中作主语。句中作主语。18. The settlement is home to nearly 1, 000 people, many of _ left their village homes for a better life in the city. A. whomB. whichC. themD. those【解解析析】选选A。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:这这个个定定居居点点住住有有近近1, 000人人,他他们们中中的的许许多多人人离离开开农农村村去去城城市市追追求求更更好好的的生生活活。whom 引导定语从句,并在从句中作介词引导定语从句,并在从句中作介词of的宾语,其先行词为的宾语,其先行词为people。



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