反意疑问句 (2)

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《反意疑问句 (2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《反意疑问句 (2)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 反义疑问句的用法!反义疑问句的用法!即附加疑问句。它表示提问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方证实。反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句,两部分的人称时态应保持一致。1陈述部分肯定式,疑问部分否定式?2陈述部分否定式,疑问部分肯定式?They work hard, dont they?She was ill yesterday, wasnt she?You didnt go, did you?He cant ride a bike, can he?二、特殊的句型请注意以下句型的反义疑问句的用法:1当陈述部分的主语是I , everyone, everything

2、, nobody 时,后面的疑问句应表示为:I am a student, arent I ?Everyone is in the classroom, arent they? (基本不用单数)Everything begins to grow in spring, doesnt it?Nobody will go, will they?2. 当陈述部分有never,seldom, hardly,few,little,nothing 等否定词时,后面的疑问句则为肯定形式: There are few apples in the basket, are there?He can hardly s

3、wim, can he?They seldom come late, do they?3. 当陈述部分是I think 加从句时,疑问句应和从句的人称时态保持一致。I think chickens can swim, cant they?I think Lucy is a good girl, isnt she?I didnt think he was happy, was he?4. 陈述部分有had better 时,疑问句应用hadnt开头:Youd better get up early, hadnt you?5.当陈述部分是祈使句时,疑问句要根据语气来表达Lets go out fo

4、r a walk, shall we? (当开头是Lets时,一定要用shall we。Let us也不行)Let us go out for a walk, will you?Turn on the radio, will you?6.反意疑问句的回答用yes, no, 但是,回答意思相反,当陈述部分是否定形式时,回答要尊重事实。如:They dont work hard, do they? 他们不太努力工作,是吗?Yes, they do. 不,他们工作努力。/No, they dont. 对, 他们工作不努力。7.当陈述部分含有否定意思的词是unhappy,dislike,unfriendly等含有否定词缀的派生词时,疑问部分要用否定形式。如:He looks unhappy,doesnt he?他看上去不高兴,不是吗?The girl dislike history,doesnt she?这女孩不喜欢历史,不是吗



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