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1、九年级英语全册口译精练Unit1Howcanwebecomegoodlearners5课件(新版)人教新目标版This information comes from Yang Xuehuiat Shili middle school in Xihe, Gansu.作者作者认为每个人的学每个人的学习能力与生俱能力与生俱来的来的吗?Does the writer think that everyone is born with the ability to learn well? 你你赞同同吗?为什么?什么? Do you agree? Why? 我我赞同。每个人生来都具有学同。每个人生来都具有学

2、习能能力。力。Yes, I do. Everyone is born with the ability to learn well. 为什么把需要学的什么把需要学的东西与感西与感兴趣的趣的东西西结合起来是个好方法呢?合起来是个好方法呢?Why is it a good idea to connect something you need to learn with something you are interested in?原因是如果你原因是如果你对某事感某事感兴趣,趣, The reason is that if you are interested in something, 你的大你

3、的大脑更加活更加活跃, your brain is more active,更容易更容易长时间专注于它,注于它,and it is easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time,你也不会感到你也不会感到厌烦。 you will also not get bored. 习语“要么常用,要么要么常用,要么废弃弃”和和“熟能熟能生巧生巧”的用意是什么?的用意是什么?What do the sayings “Use it or lose it” and “Practice makes perfect” mean?“要么常用,要么要么常用,要

4、么废弃弃”指:指:“Use it or lose it” means, 如果你放弃做某事,如果你放弃做某事,if you stop doing something, 你将会你将会遗忘做事的方法。忘做事的方法。you will forget how to do it. “熟能生巧熟能生巧”指,指, “Practice makes perfect.” means,如果你反复做某事,如果你反复做某事,if you do something again and again, 你就会熟你就会熟练地做事。地做事。you will become very good at it.好学者是从好学者是从错误中学中

5、学习呢,呢,Do good learners learn from mistakes, 还是他是他们担心出担心出错呢?呢?or are they afraid of making mistakes?他他们坚持多次持多次尝试并从自己所犯的并从自己所犯的错误中学中学习,They keep trying many times and learning from their mistakes, 他他们不怕犯不怕犯错误。they are not afraid of making mistakes.你有几种学你有几种学习技能?技能?What study skills do you have?发展技能靠画思

6、展技能靠画思维图记笔笔记。Develop skills by drawing mind maps and by taking notes. 通通过每天反复朗每天反复朗读课文和笔文和笔记来复来复习。Review by reading the texts and notes every day.你同意学你同意学习是是终身旅程身旅程吗?为何?何?Do you agree that learning is a lifelong journey? Why?我我赞同,是因同,是因为每天会每天会带来新来新鲜的的东西。西。Yes, I agree. This is because every day brin

7、gs something new. 你学到手的一切你学到手的一切东西会成西会成为你的一你的一部分,部分,还能改能改变你你发展你的未来。展你的未来。Everything you learn becomes a part of you, and can change you and develop your future.学英学英语有三种好方法。有三种好方法。 There are 3 good ways to learn English. 一种是一种是对你所学内容感你所学内容感兴趣,趣, One way is being interested in what you are learning,如果

8、你如果你对某事感某事感兴趣,趣, If you are interested in something, 你的大你的大脑就会更加活就会更加活跃, your brain will be more active,你就会更加全身心地你就会更加全身心地专注它。注它。and you will be more focused. 如果你喜如果你喜爱口口语,If you like speaking English,我我认为你你应该通通过模仿每模仿每单元的听元的听力材料来力材料来练口口语;I think you should practice speaking it by imitating to listen

9、ing material in each unit. 如果照如果照这样坚持做的持做的话,If you keep on doing this, 你就能提高自己的口你就能提高自己的口语。you will be able to improve your spoken English.反复口反复口译英英语信件日信件日记课文也是一文也是一种很好的方法,种很好的方法, It is a good idea to interpret letters and diaries and texts over and over, 他他们能帮你学会大量短能帮你学会大量短语和和习语的的用法技巧,用法技巧, they ca

10、n help you learn how to use lots of new phrases and idioms. 你可以通你可以通过口口译汉文尽力培养自己文尽力培养自己的英的英语思思维, You try to develop your English thinking by interpreting translations, 还会提高你的口会提高你的口语技能。技能。and improve your spoken English skill.我希望我希望这些方法会些方法会对你很你很见效。效。 I hope these ways will work well for you.Good habits achieve beautiful life.Try to be your best.



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