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1、13. Roman adj.14. god n.15. diameter n. 16. storm n.17. gravity n.18. weigh v. 19. generally adv.20. journey n.21. limit v. / n.22. excitement n.23. launch v.24. beyond prep.1. display v.2. screen n.3. alien n.4. outer space 5. describe v.6. astronaut n.7. admire v.8. master v. / n.9. dancer n.10. r

2、ealize v.11. universe n.12. solar syetem导导1. 显显示;示;显显露露 v.2. 屏幕;屏幕;银银屏屏 n.3. 外星人外星人 n.4. 外外层层空空间间 5. 描述;形容描述;形容 v.6. 宇航宇航员员 n.7. 钦钦佩;羡慕佩;羡慕 v.8. 掌握掌握 v. 主人主人 n. 9. 跳舞者跳舞者 n.10. 意意识识到;到;实现实现 v.11. 宇宙宇宙 n.12. 太阳系太阳系13. 古古罗马罗马的的 adj.14. 上帝;神上帝;神 n.15. 直径直径 n. 16. 风风暴;暴暴;暴风风雨雨 n.17. 重力;引力重力;引力 n.18. 重,有

3、重,有.重重 v. 19. 一般地;通常一般地;通常 n.20.(长长途途)旅行旅行 n.21.限制;限定限制;限定 v. / n.22.激激动动 n.23.发发射;射;发发行行 v.24.超出;除超出;除.之外之外 prep.词型转换词型转换1. excite v. _adj.(人人) _adj.(物物) _n.2. 重重 v. _n._3. Roman _(adj.意思意思) _(n.意思意思)4. dance v. _n.excitedexcitingexcitementweighweight罗马的罗马的罗马人罗马人dancer补全对话:补全对话:K:Hi,Maria! A wonder

4、ful movie _(将要上演将要上演) tonight _?M: Great! _?(它是关于什么的它是关于什么的)K: Its about _ (太空生活太空生活).M: _. (听起来太兴奋了听起来太兴奋了)K: Yes. All the people travel _ (乘宇宙飞船乘宇宙飞船) in the movie, and they can visit planets like Mars.M: Really? Kangkang, do you think people will _(住在火星上住在火星上) in the future.K: Yes, I think we wil

5、l _(住在太空住在太空) _(将来有一天将来有一天). Houses, schools and hospitals _ (将会被建造将会被建造) _(在火星上在火星上). We _ (将能够去将能够去做做) anything that _ (可以被做可以被做) _(在地在地球上球上).M: _(多么有趣呀!多么有趣呀!) _ ( 我等不及了我等不及了). Will be shownShall we go to watch it?Whats it aboutlife in spaceThat sounds excitingby spaceshiplive on Marslive in spac

6、eone daywill be builton Marswill be able to can be done on the earthWhat funI can t wait1. 将能够做某事将能够做某事2. 实现某人的梦想实现某人的梦想3. 以以命名命名4. 有有距离距离5. 为了做某事为了做某事6. 迫不及待做某事迫不及待做某事 情不自禁做某事情不自禁做某事 不能忍受做某事不能忍受做某事7. 参加参加 加入加入8. 一些新的东西一些新的东西9.羡慕某人(为羡慕某人(为)导导will be able to do sth.realize ones dream /make ones dream

7、 come truebe named afterat a distance ofin order to do sth.cant wait to do sth.cant help doing sth.cant stand doing sth.take part insomething newjoinadmire sb. for 9. 你长大了想当什么?你长大了想当什么? 我想当一名科学家。我想当一名科学家。10.Prefer的的4种用法种用法11.我们的梦想将会实现。我们的梦想将会实现。14. _? He has a big nose and a small mouth. _? He is ki

8、nd.15.三倍长三倍长 三分之二长三分之二长 百分之十长百分之十长What are you going to be when you grow up? I want to be a scientist.prefer doing sth.Our dream will come true.What does he look like?three times as long as prefer A to Bprefer doing sth. to doing sth.prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.Our dream will be realized.Wh

9、at is he like?two thirds as long as 10 percent as long as 16. 干某事花费某人多长时间干某事花费某人多长时间17.自从干某事到现在已经多长时间了自从干某事到现在已经多长时间了18.相当坏相当坏19. 多么长的一段时间呀!多么长的一段时间呀! It takes sb. st. to do sth. spend st. in doing sth.It has been +时间段时间段+since+一般过去式从句一般过去式从句quite badWhat a long time! spend st. on sth.It is +时间段时间段+

10、since+一般过去式从句一般过去式从句20. 偶然地偶然地21.搜索搜索22.更糟糕的是更糟糕的是23. 价值价值 值得做值得做24.另外两个人另外两个人25. 住在太空里住在太空里 住在火星上住在火星上 乘坐太空飞船乘坐太空飞船26.(将来)某一天(将来)某一天27. 靠近靠近 by chancesearch for.whats worsebe worth.be worth doinganother two people/ two more peoplelive in spacelive on Marsby spaceshipsome day / one daybe close to28.

11、 There be 句型的一般现在时句型的一般现在时 There be 句型的一般过去时句型的一般过去时 There be 句型的现在完成时句型的现在完成时29.其他的其他的_ 其他的(人或物)其他的(人或物)_ 两个中的另一个两个中的另一个_又一个;另一个又一个;另一个_30.孤独的孤独的_ 一个人;独自一个人;独自 _31.在某人的帮助下在某人的帮助下32.把把分成分成There is/are otherlonelyThere was/were There have/has been othersthe otheranotheralonewith the help with sb.with

12、 ones helpdivideinto( )1.-I hope to visit other planets _Mars_ spaceship. - Sounds interesting. A. on; by B. like; by C. as; in D. by; like( ) 2.-You will be famous_ if you keep on working hard. -Thank you. A. some days B. the day C. a day D. one day( ) 3.Ann prefers listening to music to_tennis. Sh

13、e thinks it is more relaxing. A. playing B. plays C. play D. played( ) 4.-I believe my wish will be_. - So do I. A. found B. grown C. realized D. caught( ) 5.-These books_over 20 kilos. I cant carry them. -Dont worry. I can help you. A. weigh B.weight C.heavy D.fat练练B DBCA( ) 6.-Did you see the acci

14、dent happen with your own eyes? -Three. I borrowed one yesterday and_two this morning. A. other B.the others C. another D. others( )7.If we get up early, we _ go to school on time.A.are able toB.will be able toC.is able to D.have been able to( ) 8.How far is your home to school? Its _ about 10 kilom

15、eters.A.at a distance of B. at first C.at times D.at once( ) 9. My sister hardly ever eats junk food_ keep healthy. A. so that B. in order to C. in order that D. for( ) 10. Be quiet ! I have_ to tell you. A. anything important B. important something C. something important D. important anythingBBABC

16、Yesterday I went shopping. It_1_ me half an hour _2_there.There were so many things in the shops. At last, I bought a beautifulcoat. On my way home, I_3_ to meet an old friend of_4_. It_5_ two years_6_ I met her last time. We talked_7_. Itwas mainly _8_ our dreams in the future. She has a good job n

17、ow,and her life is three times as_9_as the life four years ago. Butshe wants to have a change. She likes children all the time and shewants to be a teacher in the near future. I wish her dream will_10_.since take about be for get and happen well but happy IPractice练练1. took 2.to get 3.happened 4. mi

18、ne 5.has been6. since 7.happily 8.about 9.good 10.be realizedGrammar 被动语态结构:_ 一般现在时的被动语态:一般现在时的被动语态: 一般过去时的被动语态:一般过去时的被动语态: 一般过去时的被动语态:一般过去时的被动语态: 现在完成时的被动语态:现在完成时的被动语态: 含有情态动词的被动语态:含有情态动词的被动语态: am / is / are + V.的过去分词的过去分词be + V.的过去分词的过去分词was / were + V.的过去分词的过去分词have / has been + V.的过去分词的过去分词情态动词情

19、态动词 + be + V.的过去分词的过去分词will be + V.的过去分词的过去分词导导( )1. -These bananas look different and they are sweet. -Right. They _ here from Taiwan yesterday. A. was brought B. were brought C. bring D. are brought ( )2. -Mom, may I go out to play football this afternoon? -You can, if your homework _. A. is finis

20、hed B. will finish C. has finished D. will be finished ( )3. A talk on development in science _ next week. A. is given B. was given C. has given D. will be given ( )4. This kind of desk _ of wood. A. is making B. made C. is made D. makes ( )5. The doctor looked over Peter carefully after he _ to the hospital . A. takes B. is taken C. took D. was taken BADCD



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