高中英语 系动词公开课课件 牛津版选修7

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1、连系动词及其用法连系动词及其用法 I am a teacher from DaiTou High School. Today ,I feel so honoured and excited to have the lesson for you . It seems that you are exceited ,too. Actually, I graduated from here. Today when I come back ,I find that our school remains beautiful as before. When I was studying here , I w

2、anted to turn teacher in the future. Fortunately ,my dream has come true . So I think all of you here can realize your dream.Find the linking verbs here _Notional verbs( (实义动词实义动词) 1. What is a linking verb? 他正看着他正看着这幅幅图。这幅画看上去很美。幅画看上去很美。. .这听起来是个好主意听起来是个好主意. .请按按铃喊他喊他们进来。来。他他经常在常在电视上出上出现,他看起来似乎很,他看

3、起来似乎很年年轻(appear)(appear)。Translation:He often appears on TV, he appears youngHe is looking at the picture. It looks nice.It sounds a good idea. Please sound the bell and ask them to come in.连连系系动动词词(即即系系动动词词)本本身身有有一一定定的的词词义义,不不能能单单独独作作谓谓语语,后后面面必必须须与与表表语语连连用用。说说明明主主语语的的状状态态,性性质质,特特征征或或身身份份。表表语语通通常常由由

4、名名词词、形形容容词词,分分词词或或介介词词短短语语等等充充当当,说说 明明 主主 语语 是是 什什 么么 或或 怎怎 么么 样样 。 系动词与实义动词的区别系动词与实义动词的区别实义动词包括及物动词和不及物动词实义动词包括及物动词和不及物动词可单独做谓语,主要说明主语的可单独做谓语,主要说明主语的行为或者行为或者动作动作。系动词分类系动词分类 系系动动词词的的分分类类 感官系动词感官系动词(sound,look,taste,smell,feelsound,look,taste,smell,feel) ) 动态系动词动态系动词(get,fall,grow,turn,go,become(get,

5、fall,grow,turn,go,become) ) 状态系动词状态系动词(be,seem,appear,keep,remain,be,seem,appear,keep,remain,stay,prove,turnstay,prove,turn out) out)2.2.系动词的固定搭配系动词的固定搭配1.When we_up, were going to helpbuild up our country.2.Her face _red.3.The meat_bad. 5.The machine _out of order.6. My father was so tired that he

6、_ asleep quickly.7. He has _an excellent actor. = He has _ excellent actor.8. My son _6 in July.9. He _ paid for teaching others.10. I saw that the garden had _wild growturnedwent got fellcome, get, fall, grow, turn, go, become,runbecometurnedturnedgetsrun状态变化系动词状态变化系动词状态变化系动状态变化系动词词用法用法习惯搭配习惯搭配go t

7、urn表表 “颜色颜色,职业职业,年龄年龄,时间时间”等等1. 接接单数名词单数名词时时,单数名词前单数名词前不接冠词不接冠词 grow表表成长成长,发展发展中的变化中的变化strong, tall, thick, healthy etc.fall表由表由动态到静态动态到静态的转变的转变ill, sick, silent, asleep e表事物的发展转向好的状态表事物的发展转向好的状态true, alive etc.run表发展的状态不是人们所希望表发展的状态不是人们所希望的的dry, short, wild etc.get become常用来指人或物的状态的变化常用来指人或物的状态的变化b

8、ecome 接名词时接名词时,名词前名词前接冠词接冠词,get hurt, get paid多指多指朝坏朝坏的方面变化的方面变化,wrong, bad, mad, hungry, blind etc.1. 1. 饿了饿了2. 2. 他的脸变的苍白他的脸变的苍白3. 3. 生病生病4. 4. 肉坏了肉坏了5. 5. 他成为了一名医生(他成为了一名医生(2 2种)种)6. 6. 我今年我今年1818了了7. 7. 长高长高8. 8. 花园荒芜了花园荒芜了9 9 梦想成真梦想成真10.10.这河干枯了这河干枯了3.3.既可以做系动词又可以做实义动词的重既可以做系动词又可以做实义动词的重点动词点动词1

9、. 感官感官动词feel, taste, sound, look, smell1. I _ the table and the table _cold.2. The flowers _ sweet in the garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.3. _so delicious, the food in this market was sold out soon.feltsmellingTastingfelt 2.prove1.His courage was proved in the battle.2.He proved

10、(to be) brave in the battle. A_? 你能向我证实它吗?你能向我证实它吗? B B_ ._ . 这个理论结果证明是对的。这个理论结果证明是对的。 Can you prove it to meThe theory proves right结果证明是,最终显现为,系结果证明是,最终显现为,系动词动词证明,证实,实义动词证明,证实,实义动词= He turned out (to be) brave.他在这场战斗中证明了他的勇气。他在这场战斗中证明了他的勇气。结果表明他在战争中是勇敢的结果表明他在战争中是勇敢的。2.REMAIN1. 十年后,我仍然是个老十年后,我仍然是个老

11、师。2. 在在3月份,天气依然很冷月份,天气依然很冷3. When I returned, she remained _(sit) / _(seat) there.4. Much work _ _ _ _.(有待去完成)有待去完成)5. 是否他会成功是否他会成功还有待有待观察。察。After ten years ,I remained a teacher.In March, the weather remained cold.sittingseatedremains to be doneIt remains to be seen/observed whether he will succeed

12、3. seem,appear, look “看起来像看起来像” 1. 他看起来对我很友好。他看起来对我很友好。 2. 他们看上去已经误解我了。他们看上去已经误解我了。3. 他看起来正在看电视他看起来正在看电视= It seems /appears that he is friendly to us.It seemed/appeared that they had misunderstood me.It seems/appears that he is watcing TV.He seems/appears to be friendly to us.They seemed/appeared to

13、 have misunderstood me.He seems/appears to be watching TV. 1. 他看起来对我很友好。他看起来对我很友好。 2. 他们看上去已经误解我了。他们看上去已经误解我了。3. 他看起来正在看电视他看起来正在看电视1. Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears _ everything. A. to tell B. to be told C. to have been told D. to be tellingUse the following linking verbs to make up a short passage. sound, seem, remain, prove, turn,Last night, I was stduying at home.suddengly ,I heard someone knocking at the door



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