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《高中英语 Uint3 Inventors and Inventions words and expressions课件 新人教版选修8.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Uint3 Inventors and Inventions words and expressions课件 新人教版选修8.ppt(44页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1. (adj.) 实际的实际的, 实践实践的的2. (adj.)稳定的稳定的,安定的安定的3 (vt.& vi.) 辨别辨别,显显示示的差别的差别4 (n.) (工业工业)产品产品5 (vt.& n) 联系联系;同伴同伴practicalstabledistinguishproductassociate6. (adj.& n.)当前的当前的,现在的现在的;(水或气水或气)流流7 (n.&vt.)小圆点小圆点;以小圆点标出以小圆点标出8 (adj.)突然的突然的, 意外的意外的9 (adj.)方便的方便的, 就近的就近的10 (n.) 预料预料,期待期待,期望期望11 (vt.) 监控监控cu

2、rrent dotabruptconvenient expectationmonitor12 (adj.)被动的被动的, 消极的消极的13 (n.)(评判的评判的)标准标准, 尺尺度度14 (adj.) 有效的,确凿有效的,确凿的的15 (n.& vt.)文件文件,档案档案;将将归归档档16. (vt.& n.) 轻敲轻敲, 轻拍轻拍, 水龙水龙头头 17 (vt.) 忍受忍受, 忍耐,负担忍耐,负担 18 (n.) 稻草,麦秆,吸管稻草,麦秆,吸管criterion validfiletapbearstrawpassive一一 单词记忆单词记忆1. The device was protec

3、ted by _ (专利专利).2. They asked her to be _ (仁慈的仁慈的) to the prisoners.3. The teacher asked us not to be _ (消极的消极的) in class.4. Success in money making is not always a good _ (标标准准) of real success in life.patentmercifulpassivecriterion5.Its _ (极冷的极冷的) in here!freezing二二 词汇拓展词汇拓展1. _ vt.&vi. 显示显示的差的差别;

4、使别;使有所不同;辨别有所不同;辨别 _ adj. 卓著的;著名卓著的;著名的;高贵的的;高贵的2. _ adj. 突然的;意外的突然的;意外的 _ adv. 突然地;唐突地突然地;唐突地distinguishdistinguishedabruptabruptly3. _ adj. 便利的便利的; 就近的就近的 _ n. 方便方便 _ adv. 便利地便利地4. _ n. 预料;期待;期望预料;期待;期望 _ vt.期待;预期;盼望期待;预期;盼望5. _ n. 金属丝;电线金属丝;电线 _ adj. 无线的无线的convenientconvenienceconvenientlyexpecta

5、tionexpectwirewireless6. _n. (水或气水或气)流流;adj.当前的当前的 _ adv. 普遍地;通常地普遍地;通常地 7. _adj. 稳定的;安定的稳定的;安定的 _n. 稳定性稳定性8. _ vt. 联系;联系;n.同伴;伙伴同伴;伙伴 _ n. 联系;协会联系;协会9. _ adj. 实际的;实践的;实际的;实践的; _ adv. 实际上;事实上实际上;事实上currentcurrentlystablestabilityassociateassociationpracticalpracticallyEXAMPLE: n. adj. convenience co

6、nvenient; independence independent (textbook P23 ex1.)In groups make word pairs with the same suffix. Add more of your own. n.adj.cubebasefancymercystaincarecautionpoisioncubicbasicfancifulmercifulstainlesscarelesscautiouspoisonousv.n.expectrelaxproducereduceidentifysatisfyexpectationrelaxationprodu

7、ctionreductionidentificationsatisfactionadj. v.stronglongfreezingdisappointingdisappointstrengthenlengthenfreeze1 1. .给给打电话打电话2 2. .有时,偶尔有时,偶尔3 3. .着手做某事着手做某事4 4. .万一,以免万一,以免5 5. .交通堵塞交通堵塞6 6. .开始做开始做7 7. .事实上事实上8 8. .别挂断别挂断, ,紧紧抓住紧紧抓住, ,call upnow and thenset about doing sth.in casetraffic jamset o

8、ut to doin truthhang on9 9. .发生故障发生故障, ,次序颠倒次序颠倒1010. .接通电话,通过,接通电话,通过,1 11.1.挂断电话挂断电话1 12.2.就就情况而言情况而言1 13.3.想出想出, ,提出提出, ,拿出拿出1 14.4.表现自己,表现突出表现自己,表现突出1 15 5将手伸入将手伸入中,潜心于中,潜心于out of orderget throughring offin the case ofdistinguish oneself dive intocome up with用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空call up

9、/ set out to (do)/ hang on/ out of order1. I wont _ my brother unless something unexpected happens. 2.Please _. I will go and get her. 3. Our freezer is _ again. Wed better buy a new one instead of repairing it. 4. The police _ investigate the cause of the fire.call uphang onout of orderset out tono

10、w and then / dive into /get through / ring off5. She_ her bag and took out a few coins. 6. The line is engaged; I cannot _ to his office. 7. I must _ now because I will go to a meeting. 8._ , I visit my grandpa and grandma in the country.dived intoget throughring offNow and thenLearn by yourselves新课

11、标新课标P39-1. call up 2. now and then3. distinguish 4. set about5. abruptly 6. convenient7. caution 8. expectation9. press/seize 10. claim(11. get through)1.call up意为:意为:_; (P39) _。1) call up后的宾语如果是代词,后的宾语如果是代词,则该代词应置于则该代词应置于call与与up之间;之间;如果是具体的人或事物,则置于如果是具体的人或事物,则置于call与与up之间或之间或up之后皆可。之后皆可。给给打电话打电话使想

12、起往事使想起往事2) 与打电话有关的短语:与打电话有关的短语:ring/call back 回复电话回复电话ring off 挂断电话挂断电话give sb.a ring 给某人打电话给某人打电话sb.be wanted on the phone 有某人的电话有某人的电话answer the phone 接电话接电话hang/hold on 不挂断电话不挂断电话新课标新课标P39 ex1. 即景活用即景活用3. distinguish P39 ex3.即学即用即学即用1)你应学会明辨是非。)你应学会明辨是非。 You should learn to _ _ right_wrong.2)这对孪生

13、儿长得很像)这对孪生儿长得很像, 没有人能没有人能分辨得出哪个是哪个。分辨得出哪个是哪个。The twins are so alike that no one _ _ one _ the other.3)我弄不清)我弄不清“above all”和和“first of all” 用法的不同。用法的不同。 I_the difference _the usages of “above all” and “first of all”.betweenandcan distinguishfromcant tellbetweendistinguish 4.set about set about意为:意为:

14、_,着手,着手,其中,其中about是介是介词,后接词,后接_、代词或、代词或 _新课标新课标P39 ex4. 即景活用即景活用 动名词动名词开始开始名词名词(1) Lets _ my personal feeling for now.(2) I_ what my teacher said yesterday.(3)The girl attendant has_ cleaning the room.(4)A fund will be _ for the dead mens families.(5)A gang of boys were _ fireworks in the street.set

15、 asideset downset aboutset upsetting off6.convenientconvenience n.方便,便利;适宜;省事方便,便利;适宜;省事新课标新课标P39ex6.即景活用即景活用附近的附近的adj.方便的方便的便利的便利的convenient作表语时作表语时, 不能不能用用表示人的名词或代词作主表示人的名词或代词作主语,语,也不能用也不能用 It is convenient of sb. to do sth.只能用只能用 It is convenient for sb. to do sth.1)在你方便的时候,请来接我。)在你方便的时候,请来接我。Com

16、e by to pick me up _ .2)你明天开始工作方便吗?)你明天开始工作方便吗?Will _ start work tomorrow?3)你会发现这种食物既快又方)你会发现这种食物既快又方便准备。便准备。Youll find these meals quick and_.at your convenienceit be convenient for you toconvenient to prepare11. get through1) He got through his business as quickly as he could. 完成完成2) We were all d

17、elighted when we heard you had got through your exam. 及格,通及格,通过3) The government managed to get the new law through. 使使.通通过4) Her father has been trying to get it through to her that she must work harder if she wants to pass the exam. 让让.明明白白get through设法联系上;打通电话;设法联系上;打通电话;完成完成,通过;使某人理解通过;使某人理解get

18、across 被理解;使人了被理解;使人了解解get down to 认真地静下心认真地静下心来来(to为介词)为介词)get over 克服克服get on 进展,进步进展,进步get in 收获收获get around/round 到处走动;传播出去到处走动;传播出去go through 检查;经历pass through从从中穿中穿过;走;走过中中look through 浏览;仔;仔细查看看see through 看穿,看穿,识破破live through活活过(一段(一段时间););经过后仍然活着后仍然活着break through 突破突破(障碍障碍)1) 陈老老师正在仔正在仔细检

19、查学生学生们的的论文。文。 2) 我我试图给女朋友打女朋友打电话,可是,可是打不通。打不通。3) 你的意思并未真正被你的意思并未真正被别人理解。人理解。Ms.Chen is going through the studentspapers.I tried to ring my girlfriend but Icouldnt get through.Your meaning didnt really get across.基础检测基础检测【例例1】I tried phoning her office,but I couldnt .全国全国高考)高考) A.get alongB.get on C.

20、get toD.get through 解析解析 句意为:我试着给她办公室句意为:我试着给她办公室打电话,但打不通。打电话,但打不通。get along进展;进展;get on上车;上车;get to 到达,均不合题到达,均不合题意;意;get through通过,接通电通过,接通电 话,符合题意。话,符合题意。D【例例2】Would it be for you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport? (山东高考)(山东高考) A.freeB.vacant C.handyD.convenient 解析解析 句意为:句意为

21、:4点钟你来接我再点钟你来接我再送我去机场方便吗?送我去机场方便吗?free自由的;自由的;vacant未被占用的;未被占用的;handy 手边的,手边的,附近的;附近的;convenient便利的,方便便利的,方便的。的。D【例例3】It is important to between the rules of grammar and the conventions of written language. A.determineB.identify C.exploreD.distinguish解析解析 determine决定,决心;决定,决心;identify确定;辨别;有确定事实确定;辨

22、别;有确定事实或身份之意;或身份之意;explore探索,探索, 探究;探究;distinguish区别,区别,distinguish between.and.= distinguish . from . 区别区别与与D【例例4】What time are they planning to _ on the journey round the world? Tomorrow,I guess. A.set down B.set aside C.set off D.set up 解析解析 set off出出发;set down放放下;下;set aside放到一放到一边;收拾;收拾起来。起来。C【

23、例例5】You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of . A.dateB.shape C.orderD.balance 解析解析 out of shape是是“变形变形”的的意思,根据前面意思,根据前面“你坐在我的帽你坐在我的帽子上子上”可判断出帽子是可判断出帽子是“变形变形”了了.out of date过时过时;out of order混乱混乱;out of balance失衡。失衡。B【例例6】To add to the festive atmosphere,the park with some grand light

24、s during some special festivals. A. dots B. will be dotted C. are dotted D. have dotted 解析解析 意意为:为了增添了增添节日气氛日气氛,公园将在一些特公园将在一些特别节日用一些豪日用一些豪华大灯点大灯点缀。由句意可知要用一。由句意可知要用一般将来般将来时,而公园是被点而公园是被点缀,所,所以用被以用被动语态.故答案故答案为B项。B【例例7】We all write_ , even when there is not much to say. A.now and then B.by and by C.step

25、 by stepD.more or less8.The law is made to protect the _ by punishing the guilty. A.richB.evil C.innocentD.chronic解析解析 innocent表示表示“清白的,清白的,无辜的无辜的”和后面的和后面的punishing the guilty意意义相反相反AC【例例9】Her father objected to her_ with men older than herself. A.agreementB.association C.chargeD.move 解析解析 句意句意为:她的父

26、:她的父亲反反对她她跟比她年跟比她年纪大的男人交往。大的男人交往。association表示表示“联系系, 结交交, 交交往往”, 符合符合语意要求。意要求。B【例例10】If it is quite _ to you,I will visit you next Tuesday. A.convenientB.fair C.easy D.comfortable 解析解析 be convenient to/for sb.对某人来某人来说方便。句意方便。句意为:如果:如果对你来你来说方便的方便的话,我将在下星期,我将在下星期二拜二拜访你。你。15.15.A返回textbook P23 ex3Comp

27、lete the passage using the correct form of the words or phrase below. file abruptly valid product seize perfume criterion set about When I first applied for a patent I was very puzzled by the _. I had produced a new type of lily. I was amazed when my application was _ refused. The patent officer dea

28、ling with my _ explained to me that a new plant variety is not a _ invention as it is a result of adjusting growth scientifically. criterianabruptlyfilevalidHowever, she suggested that I should produce a _ from my new lily. With her encouragement, I decided to _ the opportunity to make a real invention, so I _ my studies on developing my _, for which I hope I will succeed in applying for a patent. set about seizeperfumeproduct



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