高中英语 3.3练习课件 牛津译林版必修1 (湖南专版)

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1、Section Task & Project.单词记忆单词记忆用用Task & Project中的中的单词填空填空1We need_(能量能量)to live.【答案答案】energy2The mail arrives_(定定时)at eight every morning.【答案答案】 regularly3The king_(控制控制)the country for over 50 years.【答案答案】 controlled4Her opinion_(重要重要)because of her experience.【答案答案】 counts5I cant_(精神集中精神集中)on my s

2、tudies with all that noise going on.【答案答案】 concentrate6The_(失去失去)of his wife was a great blow to him.【答案答案】 loss7I dont doubt your_(能力能力)to do the work.【答案答案】 ability8He owed (欠欠) me $ 100 but could pay only half that a_.【答案答案】 amount9Different countries have different social s_.【答案答案】 systems10He i

3、s c_to have invented the first computer.【答案答案】 considered.句子翻译句子翻译将下列句子翻译成汉语将下列句子翻译成汉语11Healthy eating along with regular exercise is the only way to become fit._【答案答案】 健康的健康的饮食食习惯加上加上经常常锻炼是保是保证健康的唯一途径。健康的唯一途径。12Water helps keep your system clean._【答案答案】 水有利于保持身体内部系水有利于保持身体内部系统的清的清洁。13Walking and ri

4、ding your bike count,and so do school sports._【答案答案】 行走和行走和骑自行自行车就算,在学校里就算,在学校里进行的体育活行的体育活动也算。也算。14As a matter of fact,loss of sleep can make you look tired,and even cause you to put on weight._【答案答案】 事事实上,失眠会使你面容疲倦,甚至身体上,失眠会使你面容疲倦,甚至身体发胖。胖。15If you follow the suggestions above,you will look and fee

5、l much better in no time at all!_【答案答案】 如果你遵守以上建如果你遵守以上建议,用不了多久你就会气色好,感,用不了多久你就会气色好,感觉棒!棒!One of your friends is thinking of joining a gym.你的一位朋友正考你的一位朋友正考虑加入一个健身加入一个健身组织。think of考考虑;想起;想起Seeing the picture,I thought of my childhood.看到看到这张照片,我想起童年照片,我想起童年时代。代。think highly of看重;器重看重;器重think about考考虑,

6、关心,关心think well/much of.认为好;好;对评价高价高think ill/poorly/not much/little of.认为不好;不好;对评价不高价不高think of.as把把当做当做think over仔仔细考考虑think nothing of不把不把当回事;当回事;对等等闲视之之We all think highly of her.我我们都很看重她。都很看重她。He thinks nothing of walking four miles to work and back every day.他不把每天步行四英里上下班当回事。他不把每天步行四英里上下班当回事。1

7、.His work was_by his boss.Ahigh thoughtBhigh thought ofCgood thought Dwell thought of【答案答案】DHe is trying to find a gym membership he can afford.他正在他正在设法法找一个他能找一个他能负担得起的健身俱担得起的健身俱乐部。部。afford vt.买得起;得起;负担得起;抽得出;提供担得起;抽得出;提供He is able to afford a new car.他能他能买得起一得起一辆新汽新汽车。We cant afford a minute.我我们一分一

8、分钟也抽不出来。也抽不出来。afford常与常与can,could或或be able to连用,后接名用,后接名词、代、代词、不定式作、不定式作宾语。Now were able to afford (to buy) woolen clothing.现在我在我们能能买得起毛料衣服了。得起毛料衣服了。2.Id love to go on voyage to Tahiti with Robin,but I doubt if we could_something like that.Aafford BofferCpermit Dreceive【解析解析】考查动词词义辨析。考查动词词义辨析。afford

9、表示表示“提供,承担得起提供,承担得起费用费用”等。等。【答案答案】AWe have some of the best equipment of any gym in the world,with 3,000 square metres of equipment and 35 classes every week,including yoga,aerobics and swimming.我我们有全球任何健身有全球任何健身馆所所拥有的最好的健身器材,有的最好的健身器材,拥有有3 000平方米的平方米的场地,每周有地,每周有35节课,其中包括瑜珈、健身操和游泳,其中包括瑜珈、健身操和游泳课。equ

10、ipment nU 设备,装,装备equip v装装备,配,配备A computer is a common piece of office equipment.电脑是一种很普通的是一种很普通的办公公设备。equip.with给配配备be equipped with被装被装备有有furnish.with给提供提供be furnished with被提供被提供provide sb.with sth.给某人提供某物某人提供某物provide sth.for sb.把某物提供把某物提供给某人某人supply sb.with sth.给某人提供某物某人提供某物supply sth.to sb.提供某物

11、提供某物给某人某人主主动向某人提供某物向某人提供某物She offered me a cup of coffee.(She offered a cup of coffee to me.)她她给我倒了杯咖啡。我倒了杯咖啡。3.Our school bought_for the lab.Amany equipment Ba lot of equipmentsCa lot of equipment Dmany equipments【解析解析】equipment为不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不能用为不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不能用a/an或或many等修饰。等修饰。【答案答案】CQuick!Join

12、 us now and make the most of this special offer!现在快在快点加入我点加入我们!抓住!抓住这次次优惠的好惠的好时机!机!make the most ofmake the most use of充分利用充分利用We should make the most of our spare time to learn English.我我们应该充分利用我充分利用我们的的业余余时间学英学英语。Every chance must be made full use of to improve your ability.应该充分利用每一次机会来提高你的能力。充分利用

13、每一次机会来提高你的能力。make use ofuse利用,使用利用,使用make good use of合理利用合理利用make full use of充分利用充分利用make the best (use) of充分利用充分利用make little use of几乎不利用;不充分利用几乎不利用;不充分利用We should make full use of our natural materials.我我们应充分利用自然充分利用自然资源。源。4.In both work and study we ought to_our time.Amake the most of Bmake most

14、ofCmake best of Dmake an use of【解析解析】句意为句意为“无论工作或学习,我们都应尽量利用时间无论工作或学习,我们都应尽量利用时间”。make the most of为固定用法。为固定用法。【答案答案】AWhat do you get for free?你能无?你能无偿得到什么?得到什么?for free免免费地,无地,无偿地地All the children in our school can get textbooks for free.我我们学校所有孩子都能免学校所有孩子都能免费获取取课本。本。set sb.free使某人使某人获得自由得自由free fro

15、m/of摆脱脱,不受,不受,免于,免于,无,无的。的。(一般而言,一般而言,from和和of可互可互换,但在,但在free of charge/cost中,只可中,只可用用of)The old lady is never free from pain.那个老太太一直没那个老太太一直没摆脱痛苦。脱痛苦。5.I have no desire other than to lead a quiet life,_from anxiety.Aabsent BseparateCfree Dshort【解析解析】考查考查free from搭配。搭配。absent from缺席,不在;缺席,不在;separat

16、e from和和分离开,和分离开,和分散;分散;short不和不和from搭配;搭配;free from无无的,的,免于免于,摆脱,摆脱。句意为:我没有其他愿望,只想无忧无虑地过平。句意为:我没有其他愿望,只想无忧无虑地过平静的生活。根据句意,静的生活。根据句意,C项合适。项合适。【答案答案】CIf you need to write down information quickly,it is important that you make your notes as brief as possible.如果你需要快速如果你需要快速记录信息,把笔信息,把笔记尽可能地尽可能地记得得简短是很重要

17、的。短是很重要的。note n笔笔记;便条;便条;钞票,票,纸币;注;注释;音符,音;音符,音调She sat quietly in the corner,taking notes carefully.她静静地坐在角落里她静静地坐在角落里认真真记笔笔记。Alice took out a tenpound note.艾艾丽斯拿出了一斯拿出了一张10英英镑的的纸币。You can refer to the notes to the text.你可以参你可以参阅本本课文的注文的注释。She has a good voice but has trouble hitting the high notes

18、.她嗓子很好,但唱高音却有她嗓子很好,但唱高音却有问题。take/make notes记笔笔记take/make a note ofwrite down写下,写下,记下下take note/notice ofpay attention to注意,留心注意,留心He took notes carefully in class.课堂上他堂上他认真做笔真做笔记。另外,另外,it在句中常作形式主在句中常作形式主语,真正的主,真正的主语为后面的后面的that从句。从句。It is impossible to learn a language well in one week.在一周内学好一在一周内学好一

19、门语言是不可能的。言是不可能的。It is difficult for me to master English grammar.掌握英掌握英语语法法对我来我来说是困是困难的。的。6.He didnt make_clear when and where the meeting would be held.Athis BthatCit Dthese【解析解析】句意为句意为“他没有把何时何地召开会议搞清楚他没有把何时何地召开会议搞清楚”。句中。句中when and where the meeting would be held为为make的真正宾语,的真正宾语,it为形式宾语,为形式宾语,clea

20、r为宾补。为宾补。【答案答案】CMy friends laugh at me a lot and call me names,just because Im different from them.我的朋友常嘲笑我、辱我的朋友常嘲笑我、辱骂我,我,仅仅是因是因为我与他我与他们不一不一样。call sb.names辱辱骂某人某人I wont allow anyone to call you names.我不允我不允许任何人辱任何人辱骂你。你。与与name有关的短有关的短语:name.after以以名字命名名字命名name sb.for提名某人担任提名某人担任(某某职务)know sb.by na

21、me仅仅知道某人的名字知道某人的名字worth (worthy of) the name名副其名副其实的的in the name of凭凭的的权威;以威;以的名的名义Our school is named after a heros name.我校是以英雄的名字命名的。我校是以英雄的名字命名的。 另外,另外,laugh at sb.嘲笑某人嘲笑某人play a joke/jokes on sb.开某人的玩笑开某人的玩笑play a trick/tricks on sb.捉弄某人捉弄某人make fun of sb.取笑某人取笑某人It is wrong to laugh at others.嘲

22、笑嘲笑别人是不人是不对的。的。7.Do you know the woman_her baby Jack?Yes,but I only know her_name.Anamed;by Bnamed;withCnaming;by Dnaming;with【解析解析】name sb.给某人取名,给某人取名,woman与与name之间是主动关系;之间是主动关系;know sb.by name为固定结构。为固定结构。【答案答案】CMy mum tries to cheer me up.我我妈妈设法法让我振作起来。我振作起来。cheer up(使使)高高兴起来,起来,(使使)振作起来振作起来Cheer

23、up!The news isnt too bad.不要不要发愁啦!愁啦!这消息消息还是不是不错的嘛。的嘛。cheer for为欢呼呼cheer over the victory为胜利利欢呼呼cheer the runners on为赛跑者喊加油跑者喊加油The audience cheered for his successful goal.观众众为他的成功他的成功进球而球而欢呼。呼。8.The good news _everybody present.Acheered up Blet downCmake up Dturned down【解析解析】cheer up使使高兴,其他选项不符合题意。

24、高兴,其他选项不符合题意。【答案答案】ABut,the good news is that you can feel better,look better and have more energy if you eat the right food and exercise regularly.但好消息是,如果你合理但好消息是,如果你合理饮食并食并经常常锻炼,就可以感,就可以感觉更好,气色也好,精力也越更好,气色也好,精力也越发充沛。充沛。regularly adv.有有规律地;定期地;均匀地律地;定期地;均匀地The club meets regularly once a fortnight

25、.俱俱乐部每两个星期开一次例会。部每两个星期开一次例会。regular adj有有规律的,固定的律的,固定的(反反义词为irregular adj.没有没有规律的,不律的,不规则的的)regular figure匀称的身材匀称的身材a regular figure老老顾客客regular flight固定航班固定航班Regular exercise contributes to better health.有有规律的律的锻炼促使身体更健康。促使身体更健康。9.单词拼写拼写To keep healthy,you must exercise r_.【答案答案】regularlyHealthy ea

26、ting along with regular exercise is the only way to become fit.健康健康饮食和食和规律律锻炼是是获取健康的唯一方式。取健康的唯一方式。主主语后面有后面有along with词组时,其,其谓语动词的的单复数不受其影响。复数不受其影响。The rock singer,along with his boyguard,was rushed away from the theatre.这位位摇滚歌星被他的保歌星被他的保镖保保护着迅速跑出了着迅速跑出了剧院。院。具有同具有同样用法的用法的词组还有:有:with,together with,lik

27、e,as well as,rather than,except,but,besides,including等。等。No one but your parents was there then.除了你的父母,当除了你的父母,当时那里没人。那里没人。10.Email,as well as telephone,_an important role in daily communication.Aplay BplayedCplays Dare playing【答案答案】CDiets just dont work in the long term,yet 19% of the teenagers say

28、 they have tried dieting and skipping meals to control their weight!从从长远角度角度讲,节食不起作用。然而有食不起作用。然而有19%的青少年的青少年说他他们试过节食和每天只吃两餐或一餐来控制自己的体重!食和每天只吃两餐或一餐来控制自己的体重!control vt.& n控制控制He was very angry,but he managed to control himself.他很生气,但他他很生气,但他设法控制住了自己。法控制住了自己。The machine is controlled by a computer.这台机器

29、由一台台机器由一台电脑控制。控制。in control (of)支配,控制支配,控制out of control失去控制失去控制in/under the control of在在的管的管辖下,在下,在的控制下的控制下take/gain control of控制控制,管,管辖lose control of oneself失去控制,不能自制失去控制,不能自制beyond control无法控制无法控制The fire was under control.火火势已得到控制。已得到控制。另外,另外,in the long/short term从从长远/短期来看短期来看in terms of在在方面,根

30、据方面,根据These measures will threaten some peoples present interests;but in the long term,they will do good to our society.这些措施将威些措施将威胁到一些人的当前利益;但从到一些人的当前利益;但从长远来看,它来看,它们将会将会对我我们的社会有利。的社会有利。11.(2006年湖南卷年湖南卷)_achievement,last weeks ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low,though not failing,grad

31、e.AIn terms of BIn case ofCAs a result of DIn face of【答案答案】AIf you take in the correct number of calories and exercise regularly,you will lose weight,keep fit,and feel great.如果你吸收正确数量的卡路里,如果你吸收正确数量的卡路里,有有规律地律地锻炼身体,你就会减身体,你就会减轻体重,保持健康,感体重,保持健康,感觉良好。良好。take in领悟;吸入悟;吸入(空气等空气等);留;留(某人某人)住宿;欺住宿;欺骗,蒙,蒙骗(

32、常用于被常用于被动语态);包括;包括I cannot take in why you are angry.我无法理解你我无法理解你为什么生气。什么生气。I always try to take in a deep breath.我我总试着深吸气。着深吸气。The salesmen have taken in the old people and made them buy their poor quality goods.那些推那些推销员欺欺骗老人,老人,让他他们购买低品低品质的的货物。物。take away拿去,取走拿去,取走take back收回,取回收回,取回take down拿下,取下

33、;拿下,取下;记录下下take hold of抓住,捉住抓住,捉住take out取出取出take off脱去脱去(衣、帽、鞋等衣、帽、鞋等);飞机起机起飞take part in参与,参加参与,参加take up拿起;从事,开始;占拿起;从事,开始;占时间/空空间等等The large desk takes up too much room.大写字台占的地方太大。大写字台占的地方太大。12.(2007年年辽宁卷宁卷)Dont be_by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.Ataken off Btaken outCtaken

34、 away Dtaken in【解析解析】本句句意为:不要被那些给你许诺让你迅速减肥的产品所本句句意为:不要被那些给你许诺让你迅速减肥的产品所蒙骗。蒙骗。take in表示表示“欺骗欺骗”;take off脱去脱去(衣,帽,鞋等衣,帽,鞋等),飞机起飞;,飞机起飞;take out取出;取出;take away拿去,取走,均不符合句意,故正确答案为拿去,取走,均不符合句意,故正确答案为D项。项。【答案答案】DTeenage girls need about 2,200 calories a day and boys need a bit more.十几十几岁的女孩每天需要大的女孩每天需要大约2

35、 200卡路里,男孩需要的要稍多一些。卡路里,男孩需要的要稍多一些。a bit有点儿,稍微有点儿,稍微It was a bit green.它有点生。它有点生。We need a bit more time.我我们还需要一点需要一点时间。Could you turn the radio down a bit,please?请您把收音机的音量稍微您把收音机的音量稍微调低一点好低一点好吗?a bit与与a little用法比用法比较:(1)两者均可修两者均可修饰形容形容词、副、副词的原的原级或比或比较级,也可修,也可修饰动词。(2)a little可直接修可直接修饰名名词,a bit修修饰名名词时

36、后面需后面需带of。(3)not a bitnot at all一点也不一点也不not a littlevery (much)很,非常很,非常I slept a bit/a little last night.昨晚我只睡了一会儿。昨晚我只睡了一会儿。There is a little water left.There is a bit of water left.For lunch I had a little bread.午午饭我只吃了一点面包。我只吃了一点面包。I felt a little/a bit tired after a long walk.走了很走了很远的路后,我感到有点累。的

37、路后,我感到有点累。13.Are you feeling tired after the game?_.In fact,I can join in another one.ANot a little BNot a bitCNot one little DNot one bit of【答案答案】BWalking and riding your bike count,and so do school sports.漫步漫步和和骑车有效,有效,进行校内体育活行校内体育活动也有效。也有效。表示前面的一件事也适合于后面的情况表示前面的一件事也适合于后面的情况时可以用可以用neither/nor/so引起

38、引起一个倒装来表示。一个倒装来表示。neither/nor用于否定的情况,意用于否定的情况,意为“也不也不”;so用于肯定的情况,意用于肯定的情况,意为“也是如此也是如此”。Im a teacher,and so is my husband.我是个教我是个教师,我丈夫也是。,我丈夫也是。He has finished his homework,and so have I.他完成了作他完成了作业,我也完成了。,我也完成了。If you go to school early tomorrow,so shall I.如果明天你上学早,我也早去。如果明天你上学早,我也早去。I dislike coff

39、ee.我不喜我不喜欢咖啡。咖啡。So does she.她也不喜她也不喜欢。如果表示前面两件或两件以上的事也适合于另一人或物如果表示前面两件或两件以上的事也适合于另一人或物时,则需需要用要用So it is/was with.或或It is/was the same with.。Mary was born in Australia and she lived in the United States.So it was with Jane.玛丽在澳大利在澳大利亚出生,在美国居住。出生,在美国居住。简也是。也是。I like English but I cant study it well.我喜

40、我喜欢英英语但学不好。但学不好。So it is with my brother.我弟弟也是。我弟弟也是。14.Mary never does any reading in the evening,_.Aso does John BJohn does tooCJohn doesnt too Dnor does John【解析解析】“nor倒装句倒装句”表示表示“也不也不”。在否定句中不能用。在否定句中不能用too,所以选项,所以选项C是错误的。是错误的。【答案答案】DOften,teenagers give up sport,saying they have no time left afte

41、r their studies.很多情况下,青少年很多情况下,青少年们通常放弃了体育活通常放弃了体育活动,说什么学什么学习结束之后束之后就没有就没有时间了。了。give up让出;放弃;戒掉出;放弃;戒掉The girl gave up halfway.这个女孩中途退出。个女孩中途退出。I wish I could give up drinking.我真希望自己能戒酒。我真希望自己能戒酒。give away泄露;泄露;赠送送give back送送还,恢复,恢复give in上交;投降,屈服上交;投降,屈服give off放出,放出,释放放give oneself up自首,投降,投案自首,投降

42、,投案give out分分发,放出;用完,耗尽,放出;用完,耗尽give rise to引起,使引起,使发生;造成生;造成give way to给让路路/让步;被步;被代替代替The teacher gave out the exam papers.老老师发了了试卷。卷。15.Mary told me she would_computer studies.Really?Ill try my best to ask her to_such a foolish idea.Apick up;give up Bput away;give upCgive up;put away Dgive up;pic

43、k up【解析解析】give up放弃;放弃;put away收拾起来,存起来,打消收拾起来,存起来,打消(念头等念头等)。【答案答案】CMany teenagers are surprised to learn.and increase your ability to concentrate when you study.但很多青少年吃惊地但很多青少年吃惊地发现增增强学学习时的注意力。的注意力。concentrate vi.集中;集中;vt.集中;全神集中;全神贯注于注于He cant concentrate when the teacher is lecturing.老老师讲课时他不能集中

44、注意力。他不能集中注意力。concentrate ones mind/attention on/upon.将精力集中于将精力集中于concentration n专心,心,专注,集中注,集中Youll solve the problem if you concentrate upon it.如果你全神如果你全神贯注,就能解决注,就能解决这个个问题。16.When walking on a tightrope (绷紧的的绳索或索或钢丝),you should_on the way your body moves.Acontribute BdevoteCdevelop Dconcentrate【解析

45、解析】固定搭配固定搭配concentrate on专心于专心于,集中注意力于,集中注意力于。【答案答案】DA good amount of sleep every night is also important for your health.每天晚上足每天晚上足够的睡眠的睡眠对你的健康也很重要。你的健康也很重要。a good amount of许多,大量,修多,大量,修饰不可数名不可数名词。a good amount of money一大笔一大笔钱The amount of money collected came to 200,000 yuan.所筹集的所筹集的钱数数总计20万元。万元。1

46、7.I know a_of the students are rich,but I really dont know the_of money each has.Anumber;number Bamount;amountCnumber;amount Damount;number【解析解析】a number of许多,大量许多,大量(接复数名词接复数名词);the amount of的数量的数量(后接不可数名词后接不可数名词);the number of的数量的数量(后后接可数名词复数接可数名词复数)。【答案答案】CAs a matter of fact,loss of sleep can ma

47、ke you look tired,and even cause you to put on weight.事事实上,失眠会使你面容疲倦,甚至身体上,失眠会使你面容疲倦,甚至身体发胖。胖。as a matter of factin fact事事实上上put on/gain weight增加体重,增加体重,长胖胖Hes put on a lot of weight since he gave up smoking.他戒烟后体重增加了他戒烟后体重增加了许多。多。take off/lose weight减减轻体重,体重,变苗条苗条She eats less in order to lose weig

48、ht.为了减肥,她减少了减肥,她减少饭量。量。18.单词拼写拼写The fat man is trying a new way of taking off w_.【答案答案】weightIf you follow the suggestions above,you will look and feel much better in no time at all!如果你听从以上建如果你听从以上建议,你很快就会感,你很快就会感觉好多了!好多了!suggestion n提提议,建,建议It is his suggestion that we start at once.他建他建议我我们立刻出立刻出发

49、。He turned down my suggestion,which made me a bit angry.他拒他拒绝了我的提了我的提议,这使我有点不高使我有点不高兴。suggest vt.建建议,暗示,暗示suggest doing sth.建建议做某事做某事suggest sb./sb.s doing sth.建建议某人做某事某人做某事suggest that.建建议/暗示暗示suggest to sb.that.建建议某人某人We all suggest that a lab (should) be built.我我们都建都建议建一个建一个实验室。室。(1)suggestion n建

50、建议;与其有关的主;与其有关的主语从句、表从句、表语从句和同位从句和同位语从句也要用虚从句也要用虚拟语气,即气,即谓语动词用用should do形式,形式,should可以省略。可以省略。(2)suggest作作“建建议”讲时,其后的,其后的宾语从句用从句用should do,should可省略;作可省略;作“暗示,表明暗示,表明”讲时,其后的,其后的宾语从句用从句用陈述述语气。气。19.The manager suggested an earlier date_the meeting.Aon BforCabout Dwith【解析解析】句意为句意为“经理提议了一个更早的开会日期经理提议了一个

51、更早的开会日期”。“的日期的日期”用用date for sth.来表示。来表示。【答案答案】B.be sure to check your figures and compare them with the numbers and percentages given in the magazine article.务必要核必要核实一下你的数据,并把你的数据与一下你的数据,并把你的数据与杂志文章中的数据和志文章中的数据和百分比百分比进行比行比较。compare v& n比比较,比做,比做,对照照compare.with/to.将将与与做比做比较;对照照compared.to.把把比做比做;说像像

52、Someone has compared death to long sleep.有人把死亡比做有人把死亡比做长眠。眠。Her parents like to compare her with her twin sister.(有有时可用可用to代代with,但不如,但不如with常用常用)她父母喜她父母喜欢把她与她的把她与她的孪生妹妹相比生妹妹相比较。compared to/with.常被看做是固定常被看做是固定结构,作状构,作状语。Compared with/to her mother,she is tall.和她和她妈妈比起来,她算高的了。比起来,她算高的了。20.(2006年湖南卷年湖

53、南卷)_with the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean doesnt seem big at all.ACompare BWhen comparingCComparing DWhen compared【解析解析】the biggest ocean与与compare存在逻辑上的被动关系,存在逻辑上的被动关系,须用过去分词短语作状语,其前的须用过去分词短语作状语,其前的when用来突出时间意味。用来突出时间意味。【答案答案】D21(2009年重年重庆卷卷)Michaels new house is like a huge palace,_wit

54、h his old one.Acomparing BcomparesCto compare Dcompared【解析解析】句意为:和旧房子相比,句意为:和旧房子相比,Michael的新房子就像一座巨大的新房子就像一座巨大的宫殿。的宫殿。compare与逻辑主语与逻辑主语Michaels new house之间构成被动关之间构成被动关系。系。【答案答案】D.短文填空短文填空用下列适当用下列适当词或短或短语的正确形式填空的正确形式填空side effect;take in;work out;a right amount of;follow ones advice;as you are;skip m

55、eals;do research on;lead to;be ashamed ofNowadays,more and more teenagers,especially girls,care too much about their figures.Most girls wish to have a slim figure just as their favorite stars.Today,Professor Smith,who has been 1._teenagershealth for many years,has talked about the problem.Lets 2._.D

56、ont worry about your figure.You neednt lose weight if you are not overweight.You look great 3._.Its bad for your health if you 4._often,because you need enough energy to grow.You should have balanced diet including 5._meat,fish and enough vegetables and fruit.Dont eat junk food.If you 6._more fat an

57、d sugar than your body needs,the result is that you will put on weight.Dont 7._your figure if you are a little overweight.Never try taking weightloss pills,for they have 8._and will damage your health.Spend at least 40 minutes to 9._every day.Remember:Good lifestyle 10._good health.【答案答案】1.doing res

58、earch on2.follow his advice3.as you are4.skip meals5.a right amount of6.take in7.be ashamed of8.side effects9.work out10.leads to.句子翻译句子翻译11他似乎不适合那个他似乎不适合那个职位。位。(be fit for)_【答案答案】He doesnt seem to be fit for that post.12老老师答答应我他会随我他会随时向我提供帮助。向我提供帮助。(offer;at any moment)_【答案答案】 My teacher promised m

59、e that he was ready to offer his help at any moment.13我我认为车价太高,但从价太高,但从长远看,是看,是值得得买的。的。(in the long term)_【答案答案】 I think the price of the car is too high,but in the long term,its worth buying.14我我们应充分利用充分利用现有的有的资源。源。(make the most of)_【答案答案】 We should make the most of the resources we have at present.15他失去了所有的他失去了所有的财产,而且朋友,而且朋友们都离开了他。都离开了他。(whats more)_【答案答案】 He lost all his possession;whats more,all his friends left him. 练规范、练技能、练速度



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