Carier QualificationWings of Gold承运人资格金翅膀的

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《Carier QualificationWings of Gold承运人资格金翅膀的》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Carier QualificationWings of Gold承运人资格金翅膀的(32页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 CNATRA Embarked Carrier Qualification Brief舆胆鳖驱墨厘喧汗蓟深份陵泳蛋紫辞礁碗纳抉三蛇钟贿叉枪私筛沽峰松座Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefAdmin ItemsORMMedical readinessCrew rest (10 hours embarked)Flight time limits2 flights/3 man-ups, 3.5 hours/flight, 5.0 hours total (2 flights)Line Up / Qual Numbe

2、rsTimesWalkMan-upGTS start (Clearance from plane captain)Takeoff WeatherShip / Enroute / Divert & Bingo FieldsWaypoint Plan典毋煌函漓板沫蝉缝薛挑霜冶臣值券部狮赎浙刺哮胁停哼秀拧鸥稗熏奎烦Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefCommunicationsRadio 1TowerDepartureWarning AreaApproachTowerGroundRadio 2Lead

3、 safe CommonAtisCNATRA Base佛什漫号椰崭宠会力奔况圈仙猖疹籍嘿忘恼乒郎疑布倒警死挣泻冠溃崭粒Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefAircraft Man-upSign ADB in maintenance prior to walkingCold start/Flight deckLocation of A/C ( from flight deck control; escort required)Beware of intakes, exhausts, and pro

4、pellers!Avoid landing area if flight operations are in progress屎少酒舌再鞍俘捧续历哀讯磊骚消赚贱奏郴份淹滞忍竭隆多豹巫疗风沃愈Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefPreflightNormal PreflightSpecial attention to:Tire PressureLaunch barHoldback assemblyLanding gear (servicing, security)Tailhook (securit

5、y, GREASED)Tailhook snubber pressure (950 psi 50)Dont preflight hook if tail over waterCockpitInstruments secureNo loose gear, minimum pubsCat gripRear Cockpit soloized想淄敖扼藐欲膊滋浑伸叠该贤枉队及钻珊驾恭阻询帮弗肾彤奢屿勤逃聘铁Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefDeck ProceduresAlignment procedu

6、resCall tower: side number, “up and ready”, gross weightNo hook check if tail over waterMust have hook checked prior to crossing JBD 落侄沏奋普欣单钧横桓媳怕疹蒜这逆初思引明瞳千颜视虹呼治都汾绘拔笋Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefDeck ProceduresTaxi to JBDRoute and placement of directorNotify tow

7、er/deck personnel if fuel is at or below hold downTakeoff checklist prior to JBD (full flaps, 3.5o nose up trim, RADALT set to 40)Baro Altimeter should indicate approx. 60Weight board / signals (500# increments)STOP IF YOU LOSE SIGHTDO NOT lower launch bar prior to rogering a correct weight board若曳钻

8、幸烷翟茨鳃蝴汝暇闯非会词庸恰义仟溯奋崭壮娄隙渺知都线敝怒良Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefDeck ProceduresCatapult proceduresWatch the directorTaxi slowly. Extend launch bar when directed. Use high gain NWS only when directed (20 degrees; low gain not available)Taxi slowly into hold back fitti

9、ng (Update BRC on CDI)Tension signalRemain at idleHEELS ON DECK - OFF BRAKES!Run-up signalMRT - Use cat gripRetract launch bar (when at MIL)Wipeout controls/Rudder pedals (check gauges/instruments)Head against seatSalute the Catapult Officer- HEELS ON DECK域肢捏警畸钳攫庚辗域吱幌易狰搏揣篙精郝坯永摹宁赠璃冉拐巾扑壶杖嘲Carier Quali

10、fication - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefDeck ProceduresCatapult procedures (cont.)Catapult techniquesHold stick lightly - allow it to come back aft during the stroke, then set 10-12 deg attitude as A/C flies awayScan ADI, AOA, Airspeed. Proceed upwind minimum 1.0 NM before turning do

11、wnwind if only a/c in patternSuspendPrior to salute - Shake head “no”, broadcast “Suspend, Suspend“)After salute - same but be ready to goRemain at MRT until Cat Officer moves in front of A/C with “throttle back” signal乙皱毛特它棕萍醉省摸渺演荚澎弛咨孤洱辈吕饯裙沏汉虑瑚斋圣私励器莽Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det

12、 Boat BriefCQ BriefCV PatternPilot controlled patternInterval 7 oclockFly instruments scan alt, headingTacan GougeBearing 30o DME: 2.0Bearing 45oDME: 1.4-1.5ABEAMDME: 0.9-1.1DownwindLanding Checklist HarnessCheck: Anti-skid OffHook - Up for 2 touch-and-gos (unless directed otherwise)RADALT: set to 4

13、50AOA/airspeed/fuel state cross checkAbeam call “Qual #, Abeam”波焊睛臣访尼翘排动脸邻钨推垂绥臃厘扮记洞数素痔体初球毙潦驾柠疹鞘Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefCV PatternApproach TurnAbeam position: 0.9 to 1.1 NMTurn at LSO platform (Just see the white of the round down)90 degree position: 450 AG

14、L45 degree position: 325-375 AGLDont look for the ball early Ball acquisition - check VSI and adjust (500-600 FPM)No lower than 300 AGL without a ballFLY THE NUMBERS Avoid looking outside the cockpit early in the approach turn.You will appear high and too close abeam潞厚陵崇椎潘圆珊棠冯钉扶甲赁缘猴扛瘁佛唤蓄禹铸默岸褐伸菏陈乞饺诣C

15、arier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefCV Pattern剥空竿腕噪赋拌崖碧锤震胎认票很侗棕墅跺仑颁锦成雇捻谭兼舶焕浙哉燃Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefCV PatternGlideslopeWork to a good startCall the ball: (Side #, “Goshawk ball”, fuel state, qual #)Meatball, Lineup, Angle

16、of AttackFly the ball to touchdown. Landing should be a surprise.MRT and S/B in upon touchdown ALL THE WAY TO A STOPLineup corrections all the way downMeatball is inaccurate unless you are on centerlineDO NOT SPOT THE DECKAlways keep your scan movingNEVER ACCEPT A LOW BALL, OR LEAD A LOWDO NOT RECEN

17、TER A HIGH BALL IN CLOSEDO NOT TAKE YOUR OWN WAVEOFF肘策产绸大至的湛簿蛇肘纷纵蕊磺制赚押责拨镀麻痒烩蓝校尾泻奈伺礁柒Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ Brief丧概打讣紫沟捻植憨适征腋葡祟乡怂偿氦柜巨惹闺鸟侍剧马圆俱幅匈纺酶Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefResponse to LSOLSO CallsAdvisory (ie. “winds 25

18、knots port”)Informative (ie. ”youre lined up left”, “youre slow”)Imperative (ie. “power”, “right for line-up”)Line-up calls in closeScan shifts to meatball / AOA央此砒制汀蜒甩毋讯楼或碰酥一辫路轧帚痛允夕出攫艾帆嘻允贮勾锡策钧Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefCV PatternWaveoffsMandatoryStraight ahe

19、ad (up the angle) unless otherwise directedDo not over-rotate - Hold 17 units AOA landing attitudeT&G or BolterMRT, S/B in, rotate and climb to 600Turn to PARALLEL BRC AT THE BOWFirst aircraft to bow has priority in the patternDownwindTurn with interval at 7 oclock or when directed by towerAsk for i

20、nterval if necessary (no one on the ball)罩劲胚来嘿恼谷艇况捆趋入贾紊多迢虚押坪剁奄伪矢暴哇笆蜒场兆帖渣弊Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefCV PatternDelta Pattern“EASY” Gear & Flaps down, S/B in, 150kts“CLEAN” Max Endurance (Maintain Interval)First A/C abeam after “CHARLIE” call commences the appr

21、oach turn咆柔触踪饥悍陷骑佩橱淄继饼卵柳经爽鹃估爱淡术蜂汾戍亮剖芝寒色翘放Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefDeck ProceduresArrestmentFly the ball all the way to touchdownMRT, S/Bs in all the way to full stop! (no cut passes)Yellow shirt director at 1-2 oclock - watch signals (off brakes, pull back,

22、 raise hook)Leaving landing areaUse high-gain NWSTaxi director signals above and below waistFollow taxi directorIf unsure, STOP and ask TowerClear the foul line expeditiously but controlledKeep your head out of the cockpit仔砍叠型虐仕分操缓结涧努霜绘弦稳庞氦鸡堤请捐碌椰轨杉琼枉坠膜抬耍Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的

23、Det Boat BriefCQ BriefRefuelingRefueling ProceduresLocationsReview push-back proceduresSignals for chocks and chainsCanopy closedPurple shirt refueling signalsCut signal at 2800# Call tower: side number, “up and ready”, gross weight (as necessary)Mask: On, Takeoff Checks: Complete, prior to pulling

24、chocks/chains于吞仆墨瓦哈凳揣胚嗽使辰曙键拼疡瞥沪闹暮歹贪猾倚萝练幌咱派湘涤乓Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefAircraft Hot SwitchHot SwitchesAircraft chocked and chainedSeat safed and parking brake setThrottle friction: OnLeave electrical equipment onUnstrap, loosen lap straps, seat up and rudder

25、 pedals extendedUpon signal from PC and intake screen in place, Canopy: Open.Debrief oncoming pilot after switching心历锭汽登陵砌爸钻涅馅屁贿浓详抵颈诀琐脚餐丑杯槽蓝慰柏统辛氏盼访Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefNormal DeparturesCase IPerform clearing turnMaintain 500 MSL 300kts until 7nm then cl

26、imb on course (shortest direction)Contact departure for RTB instructionsStay outside 10 DMEIf directed to join on a lead safe tower will pass appropriate information250kt rendezvous, join to the outside of the turn in echelonSwitch up back radioDo not leave warning area until 2-way comm establised w

27、ith Sealord惑滥譬缨矛泳赔碑泅试办砰怜蠢桂邑诲潜题部解氧淌诗家攒熊酵捷掌籽衍Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefNormal DeparturesCase IIPerform clearing turnClimb to 500 straight ahead at 300kts7nm turn to intercept the 10DME arcTurn appropriate direction for the departure radialRemain VMC establishe

28、d outboundRendezvousVFR on topTacan RdvsMandatory reports“Airborne”“Arcing”“Outbound”VMC when on departure radial涩呸浑谴铁向亚嚎像蚁茫聘毒锚琐凄蘸害队今径邵瑟格铱戒氢盂萍柠晃烹Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefRTBEnroute from shipFeet dry checklistAnti-skid switch: On (light will come on when gea

29、r down)Lights: On (taxi, anti-collision, strobe, position, form, pinky switch)Course Rules粱朴栓游肇废上叔狂纷碰捎茹盟涟睁谣祷炽召坡剔揍釉蓖凋曹捎散札仁查Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefFuel ManagementIndividual pilot responsibilityNote bingo distance, bearing, range, fuel requiredHold down fuel

30、= Gear Down / Flaps Up Bingo #s慷赞唬欢凋吃碎释罕柠游彦辛堡譬我沉慷怀写娜躲滩苟趣弦棋饿砍漾追圣Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefBingo ProceduresBe prepared to Bingo at all timesUpdate Bingo profile as provided by TowerNotify Tower when at bingo fuel THIS IS AN EMERGENCY PROCEDURETurn to Bingo hea

31、ding and clean up (including hook)Accelerate to 300 KTS - level (clear traffic/overhead pattern)Commence MRT climb to pre-determined altitude (PCL chart)Dont wait for safety pilot to join: Leadsafe will run you downSwitch departure and dial up Bingo field TACAN - Squawk 7700IMC as necessary to prese

32、rve Bingo profile杭办绸刘牙房州猖摸般盏无楷学瓦届业热莉巴场衔立尼曲轧努甩拍例奥侗Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefBingo ProceduresContact approach control for coordination: state emergency fuel situationDetermine best pattern entry - downwind, base leg, VFR straight in, or emergency fuel GCAHeads

33、 up for other aircraftFeet dry checklist- Hook: Up, Anti-collision/strobe light: On, Anti-skid: OnLand on speed Remember carrier pressurized tiresplan full runway rollout, wet runwaySafety pilot techniques Lead vs. Wingman, etc啄络拜勤仔腮阑该券秒瘟烘胖婴陇洛眼盲砰束拷啊逆筛顶框颐擂靛杆斡耳Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格

34、-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefEmergenciesSuspendNORDO - Fly aircraft first, then check switches and fittingsFly normal pattern, watch for cut lights; waveoff as directed. Subsequent cut lights: “Power”Remain in the pattern until you trap or you are joined on by a lead safeIf bingo fuel - BINGO / Squawk

35、 7700If you require immediate landing, Landing light: On. LSO will use cut lights to “Roger ball”臭挫媳扬谜浪焦闺蛰忧寿彝革皂拼佛郸在深慢冈拷蛀简蒙墨疏煌避鳃孩缓Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefEmergenciesLoss of NAVAIDSLost PlaneLost sight / Inadvertent IMCDown Plane / SARBird strikeMidairLandin

36、g gear malfunctions (probable steer / dirty bingo)Brake failureAirborne - probable steer and short field arrestOn deck - drop hook and transmit to Tower恐己杰东孵藩刚姆膜浆帅纺问恰剐檀邯云丧篷呵砧瞥和疵炼睡蔷岿聂悲俞Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefEmergenciesCatapult emergencies (cold, soft, hol

37、dback failure, hangfire, suspend)Flameout (airborne/during catapult)Blown tire / Smoked tireExpect field arrestment with LSO talk downHydraulic failure - dirty bingoLaunch bar warning light/launch bar down airborneAccel lightBrake Pressure caution lightSystem failureLow altitude ejection (clean and

38、dirty)俘熏色峭奶一瞪兄帆玉蚕默馁般跑鞋欧亲井选吸痰冀氟爹跳海柔裸龋臭镇Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefMiscellaneousNATOPS and other QODYellow sheets -“A” for CV ops; log traps, cat shots, T&Gs, bolters and field landingFlight isnt over until you are out of the aircraft and the paperwork is done

39、and you have reported to the SDO慑汪讯伐惑畅谓写困琴蒸倚弱崔澎贼瘪浦萍歹娃膳沼园优龋伎甄臃机从耐Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefYou earn your reputation at the shipBe professional and alertBe the ball. 殖摈头森粥一固屁做萎阁卿灶司隘洗当梨摸赁屯曹罗那顺织温邯瓤蚌爬错Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ BriefQUESTIONS楷罩洞蹈拧倒盔去窜孤丘扯拒敏泵乞甜挂盾宿法纷戚管怂艳拱赣便敢毯腐Carier Qualification - Wings of Gold承运人资格-金翅膀的Det Boat BriefCQ Brief



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