九年级英语全册 周周清1(Unit 1)课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、检测内容:Unit 1一、单项选择。(102分20分)( )1.Please dont tell _ secret to anyone else,Lisa.Dont worry.I wont tell anyone about it.Aa Ban Cthe D/( )2. _ does she study English? _ working with a group.AHow;By BHow;InCHow often;For DWhat;AtCA( )3.Jimmy is very helpful. _ I stay with him,_I like him.AThe more;the mo

2、st BThe most;the mostCThe more;the more DThe most;the more( )4.We all know that travel can _ our knowledge of the world.Adiscover Bdevelop Cincrease DreviewCC( )5.Why not listen to BBC news to improve your listening skills?Its _ difficult for me _ follow.Atoo;to Bso;thatCsuch;that Dso;too( )6.I thin

3、k students should learn to spend their time _ .I agree with you.Aloudly BwiselyCheavily DquicklyAB( )7.What did Tina say?Sorry,I didnt _ what she said.Apay attention to Bget on withChold on to Dlook forward to( )8.I havent got a partner _Maybe you can ask John for help.Awork with Bto workCworking wi

4、th Dto work withAD( )9.Physics _ much easier for me since Mrs.Yang began to teach us.Ahave been Bhas been Cwas Dwere( )10.Li Ming,can you pass the final examination tomorrow?No problem. _ AIts very hard. BI will fail.CIts a piece of cake. DI cant pass it.BC二、完形填空。(102分20分)Reading is very useful for

5、English learners.When youre learning English,listening,speaking and writing are very_11_,but reading is also very helpful.When you read,you can both learn some new words and learn_12_them.When you read, it gives you a good _13_for writing.Read something at your right level.Read something that you ca

6、n more or less understand.If you need to stop every three words to use a dictionary, its not_14_for you.Try to increase the number of your words.If there are 4 or 5 new words on a page,try to_15_their meanings.Then_16_in a dictionary after reading and write them on your notebook.Try to_17_them.Try t

7、o read regularly.Reading for 15 minutes every day is_18_than two hours every Sunday.Fix a time to read.For example,you could read for 15 minutes_19_you go to bed or at lunch time.Read what interests you.Choose a book or a magazine that you like.You can also read newspapers, for example, 21st Century

8、.There is always_20_in it.( )11.A.difficult BboringCuseless Dimportant( )12.A.where to find Bwho to chooseChow to use Dwhat to understand( )13.A.example Bidea Cmeaning Dhabit( )14.A.comfortable BrightChealthy Dkind( )15.A.guess Bread Csearch DkeepD CABA( )16.A.look up them Blook them upClook up it D

9、look it up( )17.A.forget BcatchCremember Dleave( )18.A.more Bless Cworse Dbetter( )19.A.after Bbefore Cwhen Duntil( )20.A.anything interesting Binteresting anythingCsomething interestingDinteresting somethingBCDBC三、阅读理解。(52分10分)Here are five points you can follow to improve your English,and the firs

10、t point is the most important.Its your duty to achieve your aims!Studying English is your own duty.It is not the duty of your teacher or your parents.You must take an active part in your English classes!Get a teacher or attend a class!Its a little difficult to study English alone.Also,its difficult

11、to learn how to speak English if you dont have an English teacher or someone else to talk with.Work as hard as possible!You need to practise speaking often.You should do all of your homework,study vocabulary lists outside class,and check the homework in time.Keep studying!Dont stop for a long time e

12、ven during a summer holiday!To make good progress,you should study at least 5 hours each week.Make English your hobby and have fun!You can improve your English through other activities.Readingchoose some English books that you can read.English songschoose your favourite English songs and sing them a

13、gain and again.DVDsmany films are in English with subtitles in your own language.Traveltravelling in Englishspeaking countries can help you with your English.( )21.Point _ is more important than any other point.A1 B2 C4 D5( )22.According to the writer,an English learner should study _ every week to

14、make good progress.Aabout two hours Bat least four hoursCat least five hours Dmore than seven hoursAC( )23.The underlined word “subtitles”means “ _ ”in Chinese.A情节 B字幕 C画面 D人物( )24.Which of the following activities is NOT mentioned in the passage?AReading English books.BSinging English songs.CWatchi

15、ng English films.DWriting emails in English.BD( )25.The passage above is mainly about _Ahow to improve EnglishBwhy we need to learn EnglishChow to study English for pleasureDhow we can sing English songs wellA四、任务型阅读。(53分15分)How can you think in English?I think the best way is to practice as what a

16、football player does every day.During the practice,the football players pass the ball to his teammates over again,so they wont have to think about passing the ball in the game,they will just do it.You can train yourself to think in English in this way.The first step is to think of the words that you

17、 use daily,simple everyday words like book,shoe or tree.For example,whenever you see a “book”you should think of it in English _in your mother language.After you have learned to_think of words in English,youd better go on to the next stepthinking of sentences in English.instead of听是学英语的一个非常有用的方法。Lis

18、ten first and dont care too much about whether you fully understand what youre hearing.Try to say what you hear as much as possible.The more you listen,the better you learn.After you reach a higher level,start having conversations with yourself in English.This will lead you to think in English.根据短文内

19、容,按要求完成下列任务。26在句的空白处分别填入适当的词,使句意完整、上下文通顺。27将句译成中文。用英语学会思考单词后,你最好继续下一步用英语思考句子。 28将句译成英文。Listening is a very useful way to learn English. 29在在文文中中找找出出与与“If you listen more,youll learn better.”意意思思相相近近的的句子。句子。The more you listen,the better you learn. 30写出或在文中找出最能表达文章大意的句子。写出或在文中找出最能表达文章大意的句子。How can yo

20、u think in English? 五、根据汉语完成句子。(52分10分)31成功的学习者都有一些共同的好习惯。The _ learners have some good habits _32学习语言的时候,你不能害怕犯错误。When learning a language,you cant _making mistakes.successfulin commonbe afraid of33大声朗读可以帮你培养语感。_ can help you develop a sense of language.34我第一次到成都,就喜欢上了这个城市。I _with Chengdu when I ca

21、me to the city for the first time.35你可以向警察求助。You can _ the policeman _Reading aloudfell in loveaskfor help六、从方框内选词并用其适当形式填空。(101分10分)connect,make,lifelong,depend,practice,wise,interest,born,find,attentionEveryone is 36. _with the ability to learn.But whether or not you can do this well 37._ on your

22、learning habits.Research shows that successful learners have some good habits in common.born depends Studies show that if you are 38. _in something,your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay 39. _to it for a long time.Good learners often 40. _what they need to learn with somethin

23、g interesting.They will keep 41. _what they have learned,and they arent afraid of 42. _mistakes.interestedattentionconnectpracticingmakingGood learners often ask questions during or after class.They even ask each other and try 43._out the answers.Knowledge comes from questioning.Learning is a 44. _

24、journey because every day brings something new.Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and change you,so learn 45. _and learn well.to findlifelongwisely七、书面表达。(15分)假如你们学校英语学习兴趣小组组织大家就英语学习方法进行讨论,下面的表格是你所在小组的讨论结果。请你根据表格中的内容写一篇发言稿,介绍一下你们组的学习方法或经验。听听英语歌曲,看英语电影说加入英语俱乐部,练习口语;日常生活中用英语交流读读英文报纸、杂志写写英

25、语日记其他自己的方法要求:1.根据提示可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;2词数:80100词(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。Dear Friends,The best way to learn English is to use it often.We try our best to use it in daily life,such as listening to English songs and watching English movies.Joining the English club is also a good way to practice spoken English.And we often talk with friends in English in our daily life.We also read English newspapers and magazines and keep an English diary every day.As for myself,I often write English letters or emails to my pen pals who live in foreign countries.Thank you for listening!



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