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1、中考英语复习中考英语复习情景交际情景交际 大化县第三中学 黄兰述一、常用交际句型一、常用交际句型1.1.购物购物Can I help you?Can I help you?What can I do for you?What can I do for you?Yes,please.IwantYes,please.Iwant/I/Id dlikelike/Imlookingfor How much is it/are they?How much is it/are they?How much does it/do they How much does it/do they cost? cost?

2、 How many/much do you How many/much do you want? want? What size/color do you What size/color do you want? want? Can I try it on?Can I try it on?I Ill take it/them. ll take it/them. 2.2.看病看病WhatWhats your trouble? s your trouble? WhatWhats the matter with you?s the matter with you?WhatWhats wrong wi

3、th you?s wrong with you?I donI dont feel very well. t feel very well. I Ive a bad cold.ve a bad cold.ThereissomethingwrongwithHow long have you been like this?How long have you been like this?DonDont worry. Nothing serious.t worry. Nothing serious.Take this medicine three times a Take this medicine

4、three times a day.day. Have a good rest. Have a good rest.3.打电话打电话Hello! May/Can/Could I speak toHello! May/Can/Could I speak to? This isThis is Who Whos that ? s that ? Hold on, please.Hold on, please.Hold on for a moment, please.Hold on for a moment, please.Can I take a message for you?Can I take

5、a message for you?May I leave a message?May I leave a message?ItIts very kind of you.s very kind of you.Thank you very much.Thank you very much.4.请求帮助及提供帮助请求帮助及提供帮助Can/MayIhelpyou?WhatcanIdoforyou?Could you please give me Could you please give me a hand? a hand?Could you help me?Could you help me?Ye

6、s, I can./Yes ,sure.Yes, I can./Yes ,sure.Let me do it for you.Let me do it for you.Thanks for your help.Thanks for your help.Yes, please.Yes, please. No, thanks. No, thanks. Its very kind of you. Its very kind of you. 5.邀请和应答邀请和应答 Would you like to Would you like to ? ? Yes, Id love/like to. Yes, I

7、d love/like to.二二、中考常考的内容、中考常考的内容(一一)购物购物(二二)看病看病(三三)打电话打电话(四四)请求帮助及提供帮助请求帮助及提供帮助(五五)邀请和应答邀请和应答(六六)几种功能话题的组合几种功能话题的组合三、中考常考的题型三、中考常考的题型(一一)单项选择题单项选择题(二二)选择句子补全对话题选择句子补全对话题(三三)补全对话填空题(填补全对话填空题(填词、短语或句子完成对话)词、短语或句子完成对话)四、专项练习四、专项练习(一一)单项选择单项选择(1)Youlookveryniceintheblueskirt._.A.DontsaysoB.IdontmindC.

8、Thankyou(2)_?ItsveryhotAHowistheweatherinNanningBItsafineday,isntitCWhatbadweatherCAA:WhatcanIdoforyou?B:1_A:Whatsizedoyouwant?B:2_A:Whatcolordoyoulike?B:3_A:Whichdoyoulikebetter,thewoolenonesorthecottonones?B:4_A:Whataboutthisone?B:5_A:Eighty-fiveyuan.B:Hmm.Thatscheap.Illtakeit. CA.Ilikeblue.B.Oh,i

9、tsgreat.Howmuchdoesitcost?C.Idlikeasweaterformyself.D.Size“M”.E.Hmm.Thatscheap.Illtakeit.F.Illhavealookatthecottonones.G.Thatsagoodidea. DAFB( (二二) )从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。五、答题步骤与技巧五、答题步骤与技巧(一)略读对话内容 快速阅读对话,了解对话的大概内容,判断对话所设的情景。(二)捕捉信息内容填空 根据上下文、固定结构、习惯用法来填答案。(三)检查答案 再通读对话一遍, 看对话是否通顺连贯( (三三)

10、)根据对话内容,每空填一词补全对话根据对话内容,每空填一词补全对话Mike: Hello, may I speak to Mary , please ?Mike: Hello, may I speak to Mary , please ?Mary: Speaking. 1Mary: Speaking. 1 _ that ? that ?Mike: Oh, this is Mike speaking. Are you free tomorrow?Mike: Oh, this is Mike speaking. Are you free tomorrow?Mary: Yes. 2_ ?Mary:

11、Yes. 2_ ?Mike: IMike: Im going to the city library tomorrow . Would youm going to the city library tomorrow . Would you like to go with me ? like to go with me ?Mary: Yes, 3_ _ _ . ButMary: Yes, 3_ _ _ . But4_ and _ 4_ and _ shall we meet ? shall we meet ?Mike: We shall meet at the library gate at 9

12、:30 . Mike: We shall meet at the library gate at 9:30 . Mary: 5_ _ is it ?Mary: 5_ _ is it ?Mike: ItMike: Its about 1000 meters away from your home .s about 1000 meters away from your home .Mary: Oh ,thatMary: Oh ,thats quite a long way .s quite a long way .Mike: Yes ,youMike: Yes ,youd better 6_ _

13、_d better 6_ _ _Mary: Which bus should I take ?Mary: Which bus should I take ?Mike: You can take the No.9 bus .ItMike: You can take the No.9 bus .Itll take you there .ll take you there .Mary:7 _ _does it take me to get there?Mary:7 _ _does it take me to get there?Mike: About fifteen minutes.Mike: Ab

14、out fifteen minutes.Mary: Thanks for asking me .Mary: Thanks for asking me .Mike: 8Mike: 8_ _ _WhosWhyId love towhenwhereHow fartake a busHow longYoure welcome六、复习小结六、复习小结(一)常用交际句型(一)常用交际句型 (二)中考常考的内容(二)中考常考的内容 (三)中考常考的题型(三)中考常考的题型 1 1、单项选择题、单项选择题 2 2、选择句子补全对话题选择句子补全对话题 3 3、补全对话填空题(填词、短语或句子完成对话)补全对话填空题(填词、短语或句子完成对话)(四)答题步骤与技巧(四)答题步骤与技巧 1 1、略读对话内容略读对话内容 2 2、捕捉信息内容填空捕捉信息内容填空 3 3、检查答案检查答案 购物购物 看病看病打电话打电话 请求帮助及提供帮助请求帮助及提供帮助 邀请和应答邀请和应答购物购物看病看病打电话打电话请求帮助及提供帮助请求帮助及提供帮助邀请和应答邀请和应答 几种功能话题的组合几种功能话题的组合Thankyouverymuch.



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