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1、Unit 71.那位男销售员说服我们购买了他的产品。(persuade sb. to do sth.)The salesman persuaded us to buy his product.2. 我每月的总收入多达五千元。(as much as)My total income reaches as much as 5,000 yuan per month.3. 我相信你一定会成功的。(make it)I believe you are sure to make it.4. 我们班总共有五十八个学生,其中二十三个是女生。(of whom)There are 58 students in all

2、 in our class, 23 of whom are girls.5. 由于公司发展过快而陷入困境。(get into trouble)As the company developed too quickly, it got into trouble.6.他的辩解听起来言之有理. (sound + adj)His excuse sounds reasonable.7.你查明了是否还有去北京的飞机票吗? (find out)Have you found out whether there are any plane tickets to Beijing?8.不准他出席该会议。(ban sb

3、. from doing sth.)He was banned from attending the meeting.9. 对你的开支做一纪录。 (keep a record of)Keep a record of how much you spend.10.一方面我想出去吃饭,但另一方面我又想尽力节约钱。(on the one hand, on the other hand)On one hand, Id like to eat out, but on the other hand I want to try to save money.11. 如果我们想去北京的话,又有什么能够阻止我们去那

4、里呢?(stopfrom)What can stop us from going there if we want to go to Beijing?12.我们现在的困难比以前少了一些。(lessthan)We have less trouble / difficulty now than we had before.13.如果你不注意的话,你就会有麻烦。(watch out)You will be in trouble in you dont watch out.14.他们制造的小车和长春制造的一样好。(asas)The cars they made are as good as those

5、 made in Changchun.15. 牵马到水边易,逼马饮水难。(make sb. do sth.)You can take a horse to water, but you cant make him drink.16.不要把玻璃杯放在桌子的边缘。(on the edge of)Dont put the glass on the edge of the table.17.那老人经常把他的马系在他家房子旁边的大树上。(tieto)The old man often ties his horse to the big tree beside his house.18.他们决定尽快结束这

6、场讨论。(bringto a conclusion)The decided to bring the discussion to a conclusion as soon as possible.19.我希望我的朋友没有发生任何事情。(happen to)I hope nothing has happened to my friend. Unit 81. 杰克在很多方面和他的弟弟不同。(differ from)Jack differs from his brother in many ways.2. 我们需要现在就处理这个问题。(right now)We need to deal with t

7、his problem right now.3. 这件事对于你,对于我都是很重要的。(as well as)It is important to you as well as to me.4. 在昨天的交通事故中,至少有80人受伤,包括5名警察。 (including)At least 80 people were injured, including 5 policemen in yesterdays traffic accident.5.那位老人在60岁的时候开始学习俄语。(take up)At the age of 60, the old man took up the study of

8、 Russian.6.他答应帮助我学习英语的,但是当他发觉我英语很差时,他就打退堂鼓了。(back out)He had promised to help me with my English, but he backed out when he found my English was too poor.7. 在这个地区,有很多小城镇值得参观。(be worth doing)A lot of small towns in the area are worth visiting.8. 在办公室工作时,我无法忍受别人在我周围吸烟。(cant stand)I cant stand others s

9、moking around me when Im working in the office.9. 他紧张得答不上来。(tooto)He was too nervous to reply.10. 在过去,意大利人喜欢与中国人做生意。(do trade with)In the past, Italians would like to do trade with the Chinese.11. 他们经常被领导所说的话弄糊涂。(be confused by)They were often confused by what their leader said.12.那个女孩在解物理习题方面有很大困难.

10、 (have difficulty in doing sth.) The girl has much difficulty (in) working out physics problems.13. 这些印刷机器老是出毛病。(break down)These printing machines are always breaking down.14,他将把他的计划继续进行下去。(carry on)He will carry on with his plan.15. 他本次考试英语没有及格。 (fail to do sth.)He failed the English exam. He fail

11、ed to arrive. Unit 9 1. 我怎样才能使你相信我的诚实呢?(persuade of)How can I persuade you of my honesty?2. 她总是很担心丈夫在公路上驾车。(be worried about)She has always been worried about her husbands driving on the highway.3. 到目前为止,我们已经上完了3个模块。(so far)We have covered/ learned three modules so far.4. 我好些天没有见到她了。 I havent seen h

12、er for many days.5. 你到哪里去了?这些天一直在干什么呀?Where have you been? What have you been doing these days?6.你愿意依靠我来帮助你学习英语吗? (rely on)Would you rely on me to help you with your English?7. 昨天下午当我朝站台跑去时,火车正好要驶出车站。 (run on to, pull out)As I run on to the platform yesterday afternoon, the train was just pulling ou

13、t of the station.8. 他是一个我们大家应当学习的人。 (定语从句)He is a man whom we should all learn from.9. 自从1997年我上小学以来我就一直在学英语I have been learning English since I went to primary school in 1997.10.天看来要下雨了。 (be likely to)It is likely to rain.11.昨晚半夜他回到家时又冷又饿又疲倦,并且全身都湿透了。(形容词短语作伴随壮语)He got home at mid-night yesterday, cold, hungry, tired and wet through.12. 格林先生很富裕,它能够买得起昂贵的车。(afford to do sth.)Mr. Green is very rich and can afford to buy an expensive car.13. 我和我的舍友相处得挺好。(get on well with)I get on well with my roommates.14. 如果我打算走的话,什么也阻挡不住。(mean)If I mean to go, nothing is going to stop me.



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