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1、状语从句状语从句 What are “ Adverbial Clauses”? 在主从复合句中修饰主语中的在主从复合句中修饰主语中的动词、动词、 形容词、副词等的从句叫做形容词、副词等的从句叫做 “状语从句状语从句”。分类如下:。分类如下:1状语从句状语从句1. 时间时间状语从句状语从句2. 地点地点状语从句状语从句3. 原因原因状语从句状语从句4. 条件条件状语从句状语从句5. 让步让步状语从句状语从句6. 目的目的状语从句状语从句7. 结果结果状语从句状语从句8. 方式方式状语从句状语从句9. 比较比较状语从句状语从句21) 常用连词如下:常用连词如下:as, when, while, b

2、efore, till / until, not till / until, since, after等。等。1. 时间时间状语从句状语从句e.g. I wont know where he is until I get a letter from him.2) 一些表示时间的一些表示时间的名词词组名词词组也可引导也可引导时间状语从句。如:时间状语从句。如:the moment, the minute, the day, the year, next time, every time 等。等。3e.g. The moment he comes, I will tell him.3) as so

3、on as, immediately, directly, instantly 等也可引导状等也可引导状语从句。表示语从句。表示“一一就就”。4) a. hardly when b. scarcely when / before c. no sooner than 都相当于都相当于as soon as,用以引导时,用以引导时间状语从句。注意:当间状语从句。注意:当 hardly, scarcely及及no sooner位于句首时位于句首时,从句中从句中的主谓要倒装。的主谓要倒装。4e.g. No sooner had she gone than it happened.1. I was so

4、familiar with him that I recognized his voice _ I picked up the phone.A. while B. afterB.C. In case D. the minuteC.2. How long do you think it will take _ our product becomes popular with the consumers?D. when B. untilE.C. before D. since53. _ the day went on, the weather got worse.A.With B. since C

5、. As D. WhileB.4. He was halfway through his meal _ a familiar voice came to his ears.C.why B. where C. when D. whileD.5. Hardly _ into the village _ it began to rain.E.we had got; when B. we got; thanF.C. had we got; when D. did we get; than62. 地点地点状语从句状语从句地点状语从句用连接副词地点状语从句用连接副词 where或或wherever (在任

6、何地方在任何地方) 引导。引导。e.g. a. Just stay where you are. b. Wherever you go, Ill be right here waiting for you.71.When he reads a book, his habit is to make a mark _ the meaning is unclear to him.A. there B. wherever C. the place D. in which2. If you are travelling _ the customs are totally different from y

7、our own, you may feel a cultural shock.A. in the place B. whichC. in which D. where83. 原因原因状语从句状语从句原因状语从句表示主句中的某一动作原因状语从句表示主句中的某一动作或状态所发生的原因。引导这种从句或状态所发生的原因。引导这种从句 常用的连接词是:常用的连接词是:because, since, as, for, now that 及及 considering等。等。e.g. He didnt come to school because he was ill.c.f. He might be ill

8、, for he didnt come to school.表示表示“直接直接”原因。原因。表示表示“间接的推断间接的推断”原因原因.不可出现在句首。不可出现在句首。91.Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada, _ this was a memory she especially treasured.A. as B. if C. when D. where2. Some people believe that _ oil is running out, the fate of the moto

9、r industry is uncertain.A. / B. though C. for D. since104. 条件条件状语从句状语从句 条件状语从句表示主句中的某一条件状语从句表示主句中的某一动作或状态是在什么情况或条件下发动作或状态是在什么情况或条件下发生的。条件状语从句中通常用一般现生的。条件状语从句中通常用一般现在时表示将来。在时表示将来。条件状语从句由从属连词引导:条件状语从句由从属连词引导:if, unless (除非除非), as / so long as (只要只要), on condition (只要只要), in case (假使假使) , providing / p

10、rovided (that) 等。等。e.g. a. Well come over to see you on Saturday if we have time.11b. We should serve the people as / so long as we live.1. We will be able to get there on time, _ our car doesnt break down on the road.A. as soon as B. as far asB.C. as long as D. as well asC.2. In time of serious acc

11、idents, _ we know some basic things about first aid, we can save lives.D. whether B. untilE.C. if D. unless123. _ you have tried it, you cant imagine how pleasant it is.A. Unless B. BecauseC. Although D. When4. The official soon realized that, _, things would get worse.unless dealt with properlyif n

12、ot properly dealing with itunless properly dealt withif dealt not properly with135. 让步让步状语从句状语从句在复合句中表示让步概念的状语从句在复合句中表示让步概念的状语从句被称为让步状语从句。通常由下列词被称为让步状语从句。通常由下列词语引导:语引导:though, although, even if, even though, while, no matter who/ , however 等。等。由由wh-词词 + ever构成的连接代词或连接构成的连接代词或连接副词也可以引导让步状语从句。副词也可以引导让

13、步状语从句。14让步状语从句可以位于主句前、后,让步状语从句可以位于主句前、后,有时插在主句中间。有时插在主句中间。e.g. a. I will go, whatever he may say. b. Their tent, though (it was) light as a feather, remained firm.c. Though / Although he was old, he worked hard. = He was old but he worked hard.注意一个典型的中国错误:注意一个典型的中国错误: though / although 切不可与切不可与but连用

14、。连用。151._ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.A.While B. since B.C. Before D. UnlessC.2. The workers are determined to go through with their railway project, _ the expenses have risen.D.as long as B. even thoughE.C. now that D. as though163. _, he knows more than other chi

15、ldren of his age.A. However young child he isB. Child as he isC. No matter how young child isD. What a young child he is4. I really want the match, however much _.A. does it cost B. costs itC. will it cost D. it costs175. _ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.A.For n

16、ow B. Now thatB.C. By now D. untilC.6. _, the idea off having to work under a woman defeated him.D.Wanting the job very muchE.Although wanting the job badlyF.Though he wanted the job very muchG.He wanted the job badly186. 目的目的状语从句状语从句引导目的状语从句的连词引导目的状语从句的连词:in order that 用于正式文体中,所引用于正式文体中,所引从句可于主句前或后

17、。从句可于主句前或后。so thata. 较常用,一般用于主句后较常用,一般用于主句后,有时可分开,有时可分开,so 有时可省有时可省; 从句中从句中要有情态动词要有情态动词,否则,否则, 就成为下一种句型:就成为下一种句型:b. 无无情态动词则引导情态动词则引导结果状结果状语语从句。从句。for fear that; in case; lest (以免以免)等。等。19e.g. a. Well sit nearer the front so we can hear better. b. I shall write it down lest I should forget. 注意:注意:当从句

18、与主句的主语一致时,可当从句与主句的主语一致时,可用用so as to do 或或 in order to do e.g. He ran fast so that he might arrive there before ten oclock. He ran fast so as to arrive there before ten oclock.207. 结果结果状语从句状语从句结果结果状语从句常位于主句之后,由状语从句常位于主句之后,由so, so that, such that; so that 等引导。等引导。e.g. a. So quickly did he run that I c

19、ouldnt catch up with him. b. The bus broke down so that we had to walk home. c. He got to the station finally, only to find the train had left.218. 方式方式状语从句状语从句描述主句动作进行方式的状语被称描述主句动作进行方式的状语被称为方式状语。通常用下列词语引导:为方式状语。通常用下列词语引导:as, just as, as if, as though, according to 等。等。e.g. a. We must do as the Part

20、y tells us. b. Leave the things as they are. c. Most plants need sunlight just as they need water. d. It sounds as if it is raining.229. 比较比较状语从句状语从句比较状语从句常由下列词语引导:比较状语从句常由下列词语引导: as as, not so / as as, morethan, less than, the more + adj. / adv., the more + adj. / adv.e.g. a. He is not so / as heal

21、thy as his brother. b. They jumped up and down as hard as they could. c. John is less clever than Peter.231.Roses need special care _ they can live through winter.A.because B. so thatB.C. even if D. asC.2. If things are left _ they are, the problems will never be settled, Im afraid.D.how B. as C. what D. where243. Careful surveys have pointed out that as many as 50 percent of the patients do not take drugs _ directed.A.like B. so C. which D. asB.4. I dare not go there _ my parents will see me.C.in case of B. for fear ofD.C. in order that D. for fear that25Thank you!26



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