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1、课程考核论文题目试分析中国文化对领导方式的影响要求字数不少于3000,不多于5000。双面打印。正文中和最后的文献列表请参照APA格式(http:/提交日期不晚于2014-12-25 中午12点文化比较中的中国文化特征“我们.”Vs.“他们”为什么要进行文化比较为什么要进行文化比较?Alexis de Tocqueville:“Without comparisons, the mind doesnt know how to proceed.” “不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中”文化如何影响和塑造我们的行为

2、?价值系统思维系统意义系统价值系统:个人主义 vs. 集体主义个人主义Self-centered, focus on personal goals, unique集体主义Group-centered, focus on collective goals, conformity你如何解释蓝色鱼的意愿呢?(Morris & Peng, 1994)笔的笔的选择选择思维的系统: 辩证思维vs. 分析式思维辩证思维:Change, connection, holistic, contradiction塞翁失马焉知非福分析式思维:Linear, non-contradiction中间这个朋友有多高兴? 相

3、对判断绝对判断那个图可与牛配对? A 还是 B?AB你怎么预测趋势你怎么预测趋势? (Ji et al., 2001)意义系统:红上绿下?环境线索2021Stuy 1a :Prediction on Economy Situation Participants:157 Hong Kong students127 Mainland Chinese studentsMaterials and procedurebrief description about the economy situation of 2011 was presented in two conditions (red vs.

4、green)The participants were asked to make predictions how likely the economy growth rate of 2012 would be: better than 2011( )% worse than 2011( )% as same as 2011 ( )%22ResultsFor prediction on the growth:Interaction effect significant, F(1, 280) = 10.79, p .05: Mainland Chinese (57.94%, red; 48.73

5、%, green)Hong Kong people (50.23%, green; 41.24%, red)23Hong Kong peopleMainland Chinese30.00%35.00%40.00%45.00%50.00%55.00%60.00%redStudy 1b:Prediction on Consumption Trend ParticipantsThe same as Study 1a24Results25Study 2 IATParticipants74 Mainland Chinese students (38 females)64 Hong Kong Studen

6、ts (44 females)IAT materials262728ResultsMainland Chinese: compatible vs. incompatible:t70 = 2.50, p .05 Hong Kong people: compatible vs. incompatible: t63 = -2.09, p .05 29Study 3:Prediction on the Outcomes of Social Life Meier & Robinson (2004): up and down were associated with good and bad, respe

7、ctively.30Participants148 Mainland Chinese students188 Hong Kong StudentsMaterials:Li Jie took an examination with a fierce competition. Please predict the probability that: (i) He will pass the examination ( )%, and (ii) He will fail in the examination ( )%.Zhang Hai was affected by a kind of rare

8、disease and the situation was very serious. Please predict the probability that: (i) He will be cured ( )%, and (ii) He will die ( )%.Li Li and Chen Gang have been dating each other for one year. They had a serious quarrel last week. Please predict the probability that: (i) They will marry ( )%, and

9、 (ii) They will break up ( )%.31Results32权威 (authoritarianism)孝道 (filial piety)不同视角的领导理论领导特质理论胜任力才智、首创精神、督察能力、自信心、决断力、成熟度领导权变理论情境型领导成员关系、任务机构、和职位权力任务取向的领导在领导者-成员关系较好、任务结构比较高和职位权力比较强的情境会取得比较好的工作绩效;关系取向的领导则会在中等条件下取得较好的工作绩效。领导者-成员交换理论领导者往往与下属中少部分人建立特殊关系,这些个体就成为内群体成员,受到重视,信任得到更多关照,而其他人则成为圈外人士。魅力型领导愿景鼓励工具型领导结构化控制一致性回报家长式领导台湾学者郑伯埙表现在人格中的包含强烈的纪律性和权威、包含父亲般的仁慈和德行的领导方式。威权、仁慈和德行



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