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1、句子翻句子翻译(根据括号里的提示翻(根据括号里的提示翻译句子)句子)1.我相信,成功属于那些勤我相信,成功属于那些勤奋且且坚持的人。持的人。 (It is my belief that)It is my belief that success belongs to those with diligence and perseverance.2. 是是时候采取措施解决候采取措施解决这个个问题了。(了。(It is high time that; 被被动语态)It is high time that measures should be taken to solve this problem.3.

2、 正是决心和毅力成就了今天的正是决心和毅力成就了今天的Peter. (强强调句型;句型;make sb what he is today)It is determination and perseverance that make Peter what he is today.4. 只有通只有通过多多读多写你才有可能学好英多写你才有可能学好英语。(Only by doing)Only by reading and writing more can you learn English well.5. 所有的所有的问题都回答完都回答完毕,Lily 开开心心地开开心心地回家了。(回家了。(with

3、复合复合结构做状构做状语)With all the questions answered, Lily went home happily.1. Nothing is more difficult than English.2. No one is as intelligent as me in my class.3. The students combined against the teacher. 4. Julie told us Hai Dong Middle school is widely admired for its excellent teaching. 1.What a be

4、autiful writing it is!2.I dont like students times, which is so hard.(BY Xiao Liu)1.Julie had Jack (stand) for half an hour, because he had his English book (steal). He wants to escape (punish). However, she wont have him (treat) English like that.2.只有在受了只有在受了惩罚后,他才意后,他才意识到自己到自己错了。了。3.有那么多的同学在帮助他,他会

5、好起来的。有那么多的同学在帮助他,他会好起来的。4.正是同学正是同学们的帮助的帮助让我取得了我取得了进步。步。standing stolen being punished treating Round 01 (2014.11.25)1.只有在大城市里才能只有在大城市里才能买到自己想到自己想要的。要的。2. 他的鼓励使我克服了学他的鼓励使我克服了学习中的困中的困难。3. 我们如此的忙,以致于我们没有我们如此的忙,以致于我们没有时间参加体育活动。(时间参加体育活动。(So that.)英语造句练习英语造句练习11. 我们如此的忙,以致于我们没有时间参加体育活动。我们如此的忙,以致于我们没有时间参加

6、体育活动。(So that.)2. 同学们之间互相帮助,这增进了我们的友谊。同学们之间互相帮助,这增进了我们的友谊。(.which./promote/strengthen)3. 只有尽可能多练习,你才能在英语学习上取得进步。只有尽可能多练习,你才能在英语学习上取得进步。(Only if., .make progress in.)4. 为了创造一个良好的生活环境,我们要不遗余力地保为了创造一个良好的生活环境,我们要不遗余力地保护自然。(护自然。(spare no efforts to do)5. 我们要建议的是我们应该和睦相处,创设一个良好的我们要建议的是我们应该和睦相处,创设一个良好的学习环境

7、。(学习环境。(be in harmony with./ atmosphere/ what.is that.)6.只有用这种方式,我们才能充满活力,开辟一个美好而多彩的未来。7.考虑到你的健康问题,我认为积极参加体育锻炼是个好办法。(take.into consideration)8.至于这次活动,我的观点是我们应该号召学生们积极参加。(As for./ My opinion is that)9. 看到一个老妇人上车后,他站了起来,把座位让给了她。10. 我们一致认为我们应该为祖国建设做出贡献。(It is generally agreed that) 11.随着社会的发展,越来越多的游客意识

8、到了保护环境随着社会的发展,越来越多的游客意识到了保护环境的重要性。的重要性。 12. 在以前,人们坐公共汽车去上班非常普遍。(在以前,人们坐公共汽车去上班非常普遍。(It is common that.) 13. 人们一致认为我们应该保护环境。人们一致认为我们应该保护环境。(It is generally agreed that) 14. 只有越来越多的人保护环境的话,我们才会拥有一个只有越来越多的人保护环境的话,我们才会拥有一个更幸福更健康的生活。(更幸福更健康的生活。(Only if can we.)15. 让我们投身于保护环境中去吧,作为高三的学生,这是我们的责任。 16.在学习英语的

9、时候,你最好不要听收音机。在学习英语的时候,你最好不要听收音机。(Doing.) 17.通过比较以前和现在,我感觉到社会巨大的变化这通过比较以前和现在,我感觉到社会巨大的变化这使我非常骄傲使我非常骄傲 (Doing) 18. 毫无疑问,保护环境是我们每个人的职责。(毫无疑问,保护环境是我们每个人的职责。(There is no doubt that) 19. 我认为,没有比保护环境更重要的了。我认为,没有比保护环境更重要的了。(Nothing is + 比较级比较级+to do) 20. 我要养成读书的习惯,这对我的学习有好影响我要养成读书的习惯,这对我的学习有好影响(develop/form

10、/get into the habit of./have a good habit of)英语造句练习2:1.一些人更喜欢吃小食品而不是吃饭。2. 毫无疑问不吃早饭对我们的健康有害。3.我们应该吃各种各样的食物而不是只吃我们喜欢吃的东西。4.只有用这种方式,我们才能保持健康5.我们必须不遗余力地采取措施保持一个良好的习惯。6.我相信我们会充满精神的去完成学习任务。我相信我们会充满精神的去完成学习任务。7.提高学习的关键是拥有一个健康的体魄。提高学习的关键是拥有一个健康的体魄。8. 我相信一个光明的未来在等待着我们。我相信一个光明的未来在等待着我们。9.没有比保持健康更重要的了为了更好的学习。没

11、有比保持健康更重要的了为了更好的学习。10. Be addicted to sth/doing sth11.改善我们的饮食质量不仅是我们健康的方式,而且使我们充满活力。Improving the quality of our diet is not only a good way to make us healthy but also makes us full of energy.12.对健康的渴望是无穷无尽。The desire for health is universal.13.不必说我们的政府正在改善生活条件 It goes without saying that our gover

12、nment is improving the living condition.14.普遍认为只有这样做才能筑建一个完美的家园。 Its generally convinced that onlyin this way,can we build a perfect environment.15.对知识的渴望是无穷无尽的。The desire for knowledge is universal16.越来越多的人意识到这个问题是多么的严重 Now more and more people have come to realize how serious the problem is.17.有效的

13、措施必须被政府实施来解决污染的问题。Effective measures should be taken immediately by the government to fight against pollution.18. 孩子们沉迷于电脑引起了广泛的关注。There is a widespread concern over the issue that children are addicted to the computer.19.面对孩子上不起学的问题,政府已采取一系列措施来解决。Confronted with the problem that the childrencant af

14、ford to go to schools, our government has taken a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.20.水对一切活动都十分重要。Water is fundamental to doing all the activities.21. 为了保护环境,我们不仅要多种树,而且要养成良好的生活习惯,这是非常有意义的。In order to protect environment, not onlyshould we plant trees, but also we should pick

15、up a good habit of living, which is of significance. 22. 你只有尽可能多的说英语,你才能提高说英语的能力。Only if you speak English as much as possible, can you improve your ability to speak English.23. 只有用这种方法,我们才能开阔眼界,这对我们的学习有好处。Only in this way, can we broaden our horizons, which is beneficial to our study.24. 他是如此的热心,以至

16、于他总是帮助别人。So warm-hearted is he that he always helps others.25. 尽管他非常累,但是他还是竭尽全力地完成了剩余的任务。Exhausted as he was, he spared no efforts to finish the rest of the task.英语造句练习3:1. 我最关心的事情是我如何能通过这次考试。What I am concerned about most is how I can pass the exam.2. 他是如此的耐心以至于我最终理解了这个问题。 So patient was he that I

17、understood the question eventually.3.我的建议是我们应该不遗余力地帮助这个老人。What I suggest is that we should spare no efforts to help the old man.My suggestion is that we should spare no efforts to help the old man.4. 尽管我很累,但我为我所做的感到骄傲。 Exhausted as I was/felt, I was proud of what I had done.5.正如我们所知,适当的休息对我们的身体健康是至关

18、重要的。As is known to us, a proper rest is essential/fundamental to our health.6. 下课后,我们应该利用十分钟休息,这使我充满精力。After class, we should take advantage of ten-minute break to have a rest, which can makes us full of energy.7.享受丰富多彩的校园生活,我感到非常幸福。 Enjoying the colorful school life, we feel very happy.8. 被他的话深深感动了

19、,我禁不住哭了起来。Moved by what he said, I couldnt help crying.9. 写完作业后,我经常读书,这使我身心放松。Having finishing my homework, I alwaysread some books, by which I feel relaxed.10.只有经过仔细地思考,我才能决定下一步做什么。Only if I think it over, can I decide what I should do next.11.水对于一切生物都是至关重要的。Water is fundamental to all the living t

20、hings.12.水是一切活动的基础。Water is essential to all the activities.13.水不仅仅对于我们人类是重要的,而且对于地球的所有生物都是至关重要的。Not only is water of great importance to human being but also it is essential to all the living things on the earth.14.目前,对于浪费水的问题引起普遍关注,这正在影响我们的发展。Recently, there is a widespread concern over the issue

21、of wasting water, whichis having a bad effect on our future development.15.珍惜水就是珍惜生命,只有当我们更加关注水的保护。Valuing water means valuing life. Only if we pay more attention to water, can we have a happy life.16.毫无疑问的是水在日常生活中起着重要的作用。There is no doubt that water is playing anessential role in our daily life.17.

22、使我们感到高兴的是越来越多的政府正在采取各种措施来解决这个问题。What makes us delighted is that more and more governments are taking a variety of measures to cope with the questions18. 面对这个问题,全世界的政府正在不遗余力的解决这个问题。Confronted with the question, the governments all over the world aresparing no efforts to solve the question.19. 人们浪费水,导

23、致了水缺乏,这正在危及我们的生活。People waste water, leading to the shortage of water, which endangers our life.20. 总之,水资源是我们的生命。我们别无选择只能拯救水资源。To sum up, water resource is our life. We have no choice but to save water.21.正如我们所知,水对于我们来说就如太阳对于生物一样。22. 不可否认的是水不仅对于万物是重要的而且在我们日常生活中也是很重要的。21. 正如我们所知,水对于我们来说就如太阳对于万物一样。As

24、is known to us, water is to us what the sun is to living things.22. 不可否认的是水不仅对于万物是重要的而且在我们日常生活中也是很重要的。 There is no denying that not only is water important for living things but also it is essential in our daily life 造句练习造句练习41.一些学生种树一些学生种树 一些学生浇水一些学生浇水. Some students were planting trees while some

25、students were watering trees.2.当我们表演完节目后当我们表演完节目后, 人们给了我们热烈的掌声人们给了我们热烈的掌声. Having put on the performance, we were given a big hand by them.3.我们一爬到山顶我们一爬到山顶, 就立刻着手种树就立刻着手种树. The moment we climbed the top of the hill, we set about planting trees.4.自我们相遇以来已过去一年自我们相遇以来已过去一年. It is a year since we met ea

26、ch other last time.5.一个月之后你就要来我校参观了一个月之后你就要来我校参观了. It will be a month before you pay a visit to my school.6.自我们学校举行运动会以来以过去一个月自我们学校举行运动会以来以过去一个月. It is a month since a sport meeting was held in my school.7.为了提高学生环保意识为了提高学生环保意识, 我班决定组织一次我班决定组织一次种树活动种树活动.In order that we can improve the awareness ofpr

27、otecting environment, we are determinedto organize an activity of planting trees.8.保护环境是如此的重要保护环境是如此的重要,以致于每位同学都积极参加学校组织的种以致于每位同学都积极参加学校组织的种树活动树活动.So important was protecting environmentthat every student took an active part in theactivity of planting trees.9.这项活动是如此有意义这项活动是如此有意义, 每位同学都收获很每位同学都收获很大大

28、.So significant was the activity that everyonebenefited a lot from it.10.尽管我们很累尽管我们很累,但我们为我们所做的感到但我们为我们所做的感到傲傲.Exhausted as we were, we were reallyproud of what we had done .11.我们以一首歌结束了我们的晚会我们以一首歌结束了我们的晚会, 又累又又累又兴奋兴奋.Exhausted but excited, we ended up theparty with a nice song.12.我校正在举行英语演讲比赛我校正在举行英语演讲比赛, 使得我校充使得我校充溢着享受英语的氛围溢着享受英语的氛围. An English speech contest is being held in myschool now, making my school full of anatmosphere of enjoying English.1.那是他第一次问英语问题。2.问问题的时候,他总是很紧张。(when 非谓语)3.我想知道那是不是因为他



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