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1、新概念英语第1册99-100课教案Review C 名词所有格练习名词所有格练习1.This picture is more beautiful than _ .A.my father B.my fathers2.The news _ interesting . A. is B. am C.are 3.March 8th_ Day. A. Womans B. Womens C. Womens4.September 10 is_ Day A,Teachers B.Teachers C.TeachersBABC名词所有格练习名词所有格练习5.This desk is _ A.Joan and Mi

2、ke B. Joan and Mike s C. Joans and Mikes 6.Mary is a _ A. Toms friend B.Tom friend C. friend of Toms D. friend of TomBC根据汉语填空。根据汉语填空。1.He is a good friend of _(我的我的).2.My daughter is as tall as_(她的她的)father.3.Let _(我们我们)help _(你你)with _(你的你的)English.4.Their classroom is bigger than _(我们的我们的).5.The m

3、an fell off his bike and hurt_(他自己他自己). mine her us you your ours himself us you ListeningListen the video and then answer the following question. Must Andy go to see the doctor? No. He cant move ,so the doctor must come and see him .单词学习单词学习ow int. 哎呦slip(slipped, slipped) v. 滑到,滑了一脚fall(fell, fall

4、en) v. 落下,跌倒; n. 秋天downstairs adv. 下楼 hurt(hurt, hurt) v. 伤, 伤害, 疼痛back n. 背stand up 起立,站起来help v. 帮助at once 立即sure adj. 一定的,确信的X-ray n. X光透视slip1)v. 滑倒,滑了一跤在泥泞中滑到 Slip in the mud在楼梯上滑倒 slip on the stairs我在结冰的路上滑倒了,伤了脚踝。I slipped on the icy road and hurt my ankle. 2)v. 滑落钢笔从我的手中滑落。The pen slipped fr

5、om my hand. slip away/ off 不辞而别Fall (fell, fallen)1)v.落下,跌倒She fell into the river yesterday.Leaves fall in fall(autumn).秋天叶子都落了 .2) v. 下降The temperature will fall tomorrow.The petrol price has fallen. 油价己经跌下去了。 fall across 偶然碰到,与 邂逅 fall asleep 入睡 fall in love with 爱上某人downstairs adv. 楼下 反义词upstair

6、s-go downstairs 下楼去 -be downstairs 在楼下hurt1) v. 伤 他的女儿从自行车上捽了下来,伤到了背部。His daughter fell off the bike and hurt her back. 2)v. 伤害感情 I feel hurt. 我感到受到了伤害。(尤指思想、心灵)3)v. 疼痛 Does it hurt? 痛吗?back 1) n. 背,背部 My back hurts.我的背部痛2)n. 背面 the back of the hand 手背 the back of the paper纸的背面3)n. 后面,后部 at the back

7、 of 4)adv. 在后,向后 stand back 向后站5)adv.回原处 go back to 回到 put these books backstand up stand up 站立,站起来站立,站起来 sit down 坐下 stand on ones head 倒立 stand on ones own feet独立,自食其力,不依赖别人 stand behind 做的后盾,支持I will stand behind you all the time.我将一直支持你。help1)v. 帮助 help sb out 帮助某人解决难题, 摆脱困境eg.I dont know how to

8、 do this work. Please help me. help sb with sth eg.Can you help me with English? 你能帮我学英语吗?2)n. 帮助 eg.I hope that I can be any help for you. 希望我能对你有所帮助。sure adj. 一定的,确信的Are you sure of it? 你能肯定吗? Do you feel sure about it? 你对它有把握吗?I am sure that he will come. 我肯定他会来。be sure and (口)千万要,一定要 Be sure and

9、 take the medicine.一定要吃药。feel sure of oneself 有自信心She always feels sure of herself.她总是很自信。一、宾语从句的概念一、宾语从句的概念 宾宾语语从从句句即即句句子子作作宾宾语语,而而不不再再是是一一个个词或短语作宾语。词或短语作宾语。I like my teacher.(名词作宾语(名词作宾语)I know him .(代词作宾语)(代词作宾语)I know Mr Li teaches English. (句句子子作作宾宾语)语)包含宾语从句的句子结构:主句+连接词(引导词)+宾语从句二、宾语从句三要素二、宾语从

10、句三要素连连 接接 词词时时 态态语语 序序(一)连接词(一)连接词-1.that2.whether/if3.连接代词who whom whose what which4. 连接副词when why where how。注:that 在句中无词汇意义,在从句中不能充当成分,在口语当中往往省略e.g. 1.I hear (that) _. (一小时后他一小时后他会回来)会回来)2.He said (that) _. (他非常想念他非常想念我们)我们)3.The teacher told us (that) _. (地球围着太阳转)地球围着太阳转) he will be back in an ho

11、ur he missed us very much the earth moves around the sun注意:当从句是客观真理的时候,无论主句什么时态,从注意:当从句是客观真理的时候,无论主句什么时态,从句一律用一般现在时句一律用一般现在时由从属连词由从属连词whether, if 引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句e.g. 1. Ask him _. (他是否能来)他是否能来)2. I dont know _.(是否要下雨)是否要下雨) whether (if) he can come whether it is going to rain or not当句末为当句末为or not时,引导

12、词只能用时,引导词只能用whether而不能用而不能用if.If与与whether的区别的区别1.I dont know _ he will come or not.2.I dont care of _ he is handsome.3.He wondered _ to stay here the next week.4._ he will come is not decided. 与与or not 连用只能用连用只能用whether介词后只能用介词后只能用whether与与to do 不定式连用只能用不定式连用只能用whether作主语只能用作主语只能用whether由连接代词由连接代词wh

13、at, whom, whose, which, what及连接及连接副词副词 when, where, how, why引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句when well have a meetingwhere he ishow I can get to the stationwhy the train is latewho could answer the question1. He asked _. (谁能回答这个问题)谁能回答这个问题)2. Do you know_. (他们在等谁)他们在等谁)3. Please tell me _. (我们什么时候开会)我们什么时候开会)4. Can yo

14、u tell me _. (他在哪儿)他在哪儿)5. Could you tell me _. (我该怎么去车站)我该怎么去车站)6. Would you tell me _(为什么火车迟到了)为什么火车迟到了) whom they are waiting for宾语从句还可以由when,where,what,why,how以及if和whether来引导,而它们在句中不能省略,且宾语从句通常都应以陈述句的形式出现。主语 +be adj./v. +if + 陈述句主语 +be adj./v. +特殊疑问词 +陈述句我想知道你上周是否去了伦敦。I want to know if you went

15、to London last week.我不知道你在说什么。I dont know what you are talking about.(二)语序:陈述句语序(二)语序:陈述句语序 即:陈述句结构(主即:陈述句结构(主+谓谓+其他成分)其他成分)将下列句子换成陈述句语序 1.Is there a bank near here?2.Are they doing homework? (三)时态三)时态( (时态一致性)时态一致性)1. 如如果果主主句句的的时时态态是是一一般般现现在在时时,宾宾语语从从 句句的的时时态态根根据据具体情况来确定,可以是具体情况来确定,可以是_时态时态。I dont

16、think (that) you are right.Please tell us where well go fishing tomorrow.Do you know when Mr. Smith moved here?任任 何何2. 如如果果主主句句的的时时态态是是一一般般过过去去时时,宾宾语语从从句句只只能能用用相相应应的的_时时态态(一一般般过过去去时时, 过过去去进进行行时时, 过过去去 将将 来来 时时 , 过过 去去 完完 成成 时时 ) 。 例例 如如 :He told me that he was born in Beijing in 1992.He said that he

17、 would go back to the U.S. soon. 过去过去3. 如如果果宾宾语语从从句句所所陈陈述述的的是是客客观观真真理理,即即使使主主句句用用了了过过去去时时,从句仍用从句仍用 _ 时态。例如:时态。例如: The teacher said that the earth moves around the sun.一般现在一般现在三 、宾语从句与简单句的转换(一)当宾语从句的主语和主句的主语相同,且主句的谓语动词是hope, wish, decide, agree, choose 等时,从句可简化为不定式结构。 eg: (1)I hope that I can receive

18、 your e-mail. I hope to receive your e-mail_.(二)当宾语从句的主语和主句的主语相同,且主句的谓语动词是know, remember, forget, learn 等时,从句可简化为“疑问词+不定式”结构。 eg: (2) She doesnt know what she should do next. She doesnt know_.(三)当主句的谓语动词是ask, tell, show, teach 等时,从句可简化为“疑问词+不定式”结构。 eg: (3) Will you please show me how I can work it o

19、ut? Will you please show me _.(四)当直接引语为祈使句,变为间接引语时,用ask/tell/orderSb. (not) to do sth 结构。 eg: (4)A: Please be quiet. B: What did Bill say? A: He asked us to be quiet.what to do nexthow to work it out四、否定转移 在含有宾语从句的主从复合句中,当主句的主语为第一人称,谓语动词是think, believe, guess, suppose等时,要将从句的否定词转移到主句中,即主句的谓语动词用否定式,宾

20、语从句的谓语动词用肯定式。 eg: (5)I dont think he will come with you.注意:这种句子在其后接附加问句时,要特别小心。 eg: (6) I dont believe he has finished the work, _? (7) He knew why Jim wasnt at school , _? 解解解解析析析析:例例例例6 6 6 6,当当当当主主主主句句句句的的的的主主主主语语语语为为为为第第第第一一一一人人人人称称称称时时时时,附附附附加加加加问问问问句句句句的的的的主语由宾主语由宾主语由宾主语由宾 语从句的主语充当。语从句的主语充当。语从

21、句的主语充当。语从句的主语充当。 例例例例7 7 7 7,如如如如果果果果主主主主句句句句的的的的主主主主语语语语非非非非第第第第一一一一人人人人称称称称时时时时,则则则则附附附附加加加加问问问问句的主语由主句的主语充当。句的主语由主句的主语充当。句的主语由主句的主语充当。句的主语由主句的主语充当。has hedidnt he宾宾语语从从句句小小结结一一. .结构结构1. 1. 当陈述句作宾语从句时当陈述句作宾语从句时, , 结构结构: :主句主句+that + +that + 主语主语 + +谓语部分谓语部分2. 2. 当当一一般般疑疑问问句句作作宾宾语语从从句句时时, ,结结构构: :主主

22、句句+ + if(whether) if(whether) + +主主语语 + +谓谓语语部部分分3.3.当当 特殊疑问句作宾语从句时特殊疑问句作宾语从句时, ,结构结构: :主句主句+ +特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+ +主语主语 + +谓语部分谓语部分二主从时态关系二主从时态关系 主句主句 从句从句一般现在时一般现在时 一般过去时一般过去时 3.( (特殊特殊):):任何时态任何时态 ( (客观、自然现象客观、自然现象) )三三. .语序:陈述语序语序:陈述语序时态不变时态不变时态相应变化时态相应变化 一般现在时一般现在时 巧学宾语从句口诀:巧学宾语从句口诀:宾语从句三注意,时态、语序、引导词。宾



25、thatC.whyD.if6Doyouknow_Mr.Blacksaddressis?HemayliveatNO.18orNo.19ofBridge Street.Imnotsureof_.A.where,whichB.where,whatC.what,whichD.what,whereBBAC7Thereisnotmuchdifferencebetweenthetwo.Ireallydontknow_.A.whatshouldIchooseB.whichIshouldchooseC.whichshouldIchooseD.whatIshouldchoose类型二:宾语从句的语序陈述句语序1D






31、idheCdidIDdidntICBAA4Ifind_importantthatwepracticeEnglisheveryday.A.itB.thisC.thatD.what5Youcantimagine_whentheyreceivedthenicegift.A.howtheywereexcitedB.howexcitedtheywereC.howexcitedweretheyD.theywerehowexcitedAB1.The radio says it _ cloudy tomorrow. (be)2.The headmaster hopes everything _ well. (

32、go)3.Tom says that they _ (play) basketball at six oclock yesterday evening. 4.I hear he _ (return) it already. 5.He said that they _ members of the Party since 1948. (be)6.He asked what they _ at eight last night. (do)7.The teacher told his class that light _ faster than sound. (travel)8.I think yo

33、u _ about the relay race now. (talk)9.I didnt know whom the letters _ from. (be) will be goes were playing has returned had been travels are talking were were doing10. I didnt know what time he _ the letter. (write)11. Miss Wang told me that the earth _(move) round the earth. 12. Could you tell me w

34、ho _ away the book already? (take)13. Ling Feng told me he _ to several times. (be)14. Our teacher told us in class the sun _ in the east. (rise)15. Can you tell me what they _ yesterday? (do) wrote moves has taken has been risesdid将下列句子合并为一句将下列句子合并为一句: :1. Where do they stop on the way? I asked. 2.

35、 What will you say at the meeting? Could you tell me?3. Do they like to make friends with us? He asked. 4. “ I am doing my homework.” He said. 5. “I will come back.” Tom said. I asked where they stopped on the way.Could you tell me what you will sayat the meeting?He asked if they liked to make frien

36、ds with them.He said that he was doing his homework.Tom said that he would come back.6. “Is he doing his homework?” Jim asked. 7. “When will he come back?” Tom asked. 8. “How can I get to the station?” Could you tell me?9. “Why is the train late?” Would you tell me?10. “Where is Tom?” They asked. To

37、m asked when he would come back.Could you tell me how I can get to the station?Would you tell me why the train is late?They asked where Tom was. Jim asked if he was doing his homework.ANDY: Ow!LUCY:Whats the matter, Andy? ANDY:I slipped and fell downstairs.ANDY: Ow!Whats the matter? =Whats wrong? =W

38、hat happened? downstairs是副词,修饰fellLUCY: Have you hurt yourself?ANDY: Yes, I have. I think that Ive hurt my back.Yes, I have. I think that Ive hurt my back.I think 后面接宾语从句(省略了that)Ive hurt my back. 做think的宾语。我想她己经上床睡觉了。I think that she has already gone to bed. 他认为他是正确的。He thinks that he is right.hurt

39、做及物动词时,意为“伤到”;做不及物动词时,意为“疼”。他抬那个很重的箱子的时候伤到了腰,现在他腰疼。He hurt his waist when he lifted that heavy box. Now his waist hurts.LUCY: Try and stand up. Can you stand up?Here.Let me help you.and 连接两个动词try to do 尽力,设法做 我设法把他找出来I try to find him out. 你应该尽力帮助她。You should try to help her. try doing 试着 他试着把真相告诉他的

40、妈妈。He tries telling his mother the truth.Let sb do sth 让某人做某事 放 开他,让他走。Let him go. ANDY: Im sorry, Lucy.Im afraid that I cant get up.Im afraid that I will be late.恐怕明天会下雨。Im afraid (that) it will rain tomorrow.get up =stand up 站起来LUCY: I think that the doctor had better see you. Ill phone Dr.Carter.

41、had better do sth 最好她最好给她的妈妈打个 。Shed better call her mother now.phone the doctor = call the doctor 给医生打 LUCY: The doctor says that he will come at once. Im sure that you need an X-ray, Andy.at once 马上,立刻 = immediately = right away,常用于一般将来时。=Im sure (that) the doctor needs to X-ray your back. 明天我要去做一

42、个颈部的X光透视。I will X-ray my neck tomorrow.Keystructure1.I slipped and fell downstairs.2.Have you hurt yourself?3.I think that Ive hurt my back.4.Im afraid that I cant get up.5.I think that the doctor had better see you.6.The doctor says that he will come at once.直接引语和间接引语直接引语和间接引语一、概念直接引语是直接引述别人的话。前后要加

43、引号。间接引语是用自己的话转述别人的话。多数情况下构成宾语从句,且不用引号。She says, “Ill never forget the moment.” 她说:“我将永远不会忘记此刻。”(直接引语)She says that shell never forget the moment. 她说她将永远不会忘记此刻。(间接引语)二、直接引语如何变为间接引语二、直接引语如何变为间接引语(一) 句式的变化1. 直接引语如果是陈述句,变为间接引语时,要变为用连词that引导的宾语从句(that在口语中常省略)He said, “I want to be an actor.” He said (tha

44、t) he wanted to be an actor.The doctor said, “You should drink plenty of water.” The doctor told me that I should drink plenty of water.(一)句式的变化(一)句式的变化2. 直接引语如果是疑问句,变为间接引语时,要改为陈述句语序(主语在谓语前)1) 直接引语如果是一般疑问句或反义疑问句,变为间接引语时,要变为whether或if引导的宾语从句。“Can you swim?” he asked me. He asked me if/ whether I coul

45、d swim.He said to me, “You are interested in computer games, arent you? ” He asked me if/whether I was interested in computer games.2) 直接引语如果是特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时,连接词要用直接引语中的疑问词。“What can I do for you?” he asked me. He asked me what he could do for me.(一)句式的变化(一)句式的变化3. 直接引语如果是祈使句,通常变成tell/ ask/ order sb.

46、(not) to do sth. 的结构。“Please open the window,” the teacher said to me. The teacher asked me to open the window.(二二)人称的变化人称的变化把直接引语变为间接引语时,要根据意思改变人称。通常遵循“一随主,二随宾,三不变”的原则。“一主”是指直接引语中的第一人称代词在间接引语中应与引述部分主句的主语一致的人称一致。“二宾”是指直接引语中的第二人称代词在间接引语中应与引述部分的宾语人称一致。“三不变”是指直接引语中的第三人称在间接引语中保持不变。(三三)时态的变化时态的变化但凡事都有例外,

47、下列情况直接引语变为间接引语,其时态不变:1. 当直接引语表示客观事实或普遍真理时,变为间接引语,时态不变。The teacher said, “The earth goes round the sun.” The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun.2. 当直接引语中有具体的一般过去时间作状语时,变为间接引语时,时态不变。She said, “I was born in 1990.” She said that she was born in 1990.(四四)指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词

48、的变化e.g. He said, “Im listening to music now” He said that he was listening to music then1. (2009陕西) Can you tell me _ your parents at home? I often wash clothes and sweep the floor. A. how will you help B. how you help C. how you will help D. how do you help2. (2009广东)Our teacher told us the sun _in

49、 the east. A. rise B. rose C. rising D. rises3.“When will you leave Athens?” Peter asked me. _.过关过关霍尔先生:几天前我把一只手提箱忘在开往伦敦的火车上了。服 务 员:先生,您能描述一下它是什么样子的吗?霍尔先生:是只蓝色的小箱子,上面有拉链。箱把上有一标签,上面写着我的姓名和住址。服 务 员:这箱子是您的吗?霍尔先生:不,那不是我的。服 务 员:这只是不是?这只箱子有张标签。霍尔先生:让我看看。服 务 员:您的姓名和住址?霍尔先生:大卫.霍尔,大桥街83号。服 务 员:那就对了。D.N.霍尔,大桥街83号。服 务 员:请付3英镑50便士。霍尔先生:给您。服 务 员:谢谢您。霍尔先生:嗨!服 务 员:怎么回事?霍尔先生:这箱子不是我的!您给错了!



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