2019版高考英语大一轮复习 结构法记词-21课件.ppt

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1、结构法记词-2101010202高考词汇精讲高考词汇精讲sacred串记 | safe串记 | salt串记 satisfy串记 | scene串记 | science串记 sea串记 | second串记 | secret串记 secure串记 | sense串记 | serve串记shade串记 | shame串记 | sharp串记| shave串记 | shine串记 | short串记 |shoot串记 side串记 | sight串记 | sign串记高考词汇精练高考词汇精练I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式 II. 写出单词的正确含义III. 单词活用IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填

2、空V. 介词填空VI. 单句写作高考词汇精讲sacred串记 sacred/se/sekrkrd/d/例例 visit a sacred placesacrifice/skr/skrfafas/s/记记sacrifice神圣做神圣做做神做神圣的事圣的事牺牲牺牲例例 sacrifice oneselfadj.神圣的神圣的n./v.牺牲牺牲safe串记 safe/se/sef/f/例例 transfer to a safe placesafety/se/seftft/ /记记 safety安全名词后缀安全名词后缀例例care about personal safety on the wayadj.

3、安全的安全的n.(个人个人)安全安全save/se/sev/v/例例save a childs life,save a lot of timevt.拯救;节省拯救;节省salt串记 salt/s/slt/lt/例例 add a little salt to the soupsalty/s/sltlt/ /记记 salty盐多的盐多的例例 a little too saltyn.盐盐adj.咸的咸的satisfy串记 satisfy/st/stsfasfa/ /记记 satisfy满意使满意使例例 be satisfied with the resultsatisfaction/ /ststsf

4、ksfkn/n/记记satisf(y)action使满意后缀使满意后缀满意满意例例 have a sense of satisfactionvt.使满意,使满足使满意,使满足n.满意满意satisfactory/ /ststsfktsfktr r/ /记记 satisf(y)actory使满意的使满意的例例 get a satisfactory answeradj.满意的满意的scene串记 scene/si/sin/n/例例 a charming scenescenery/si/sin nr r/ /记记 scenery风景名词后缀风景名词后缀例例 rare sceneryn.风景;场景风景

5、;场景n.自然风光,风景自然风光,风景science串记 science/sa/sans/ns/记记science知道后缀知道后缀知道知道事物的规律事物的规律科学科学例例 social sciencesscientific/ /sasantntf fk/k/记记 scien(ce)tific科学的科学的例例make scientific experiments on micescientist/sa/santntst/st/记记 scientist科学专门家科学专门家例例 cultivate young scientistsconscience/k/kn nns/ns/记记conscience

6、共同科学共同科学都都讲讲科学就讲良心科学就讲良心例例 a clear consciencen.科学科学adj.科学的科学的n.科学家科学家n.良心良心sea串记 sea/si/si/ /例例 go fishing in the seaseagull/si/si l/l/记记 seagull海鸥海鸥例例a million seagulls on the beachseal/si/sil/l/记记 seal海站立的海豹海站立的海豹例例 a fat sealn.海海n.海鸥海鸥n.海豹海豹sea串记 seashell/si/sil/l/记记 seashell海贝壳海贝壳例例 sell seashel

7、lsseaside/si/sisasad/d/记记 seaside海边海边例例 a seaside villageseaweed/si/siwiwid/d/记记 seaweed海杂草海杂草例例 cut seaweedn.海贝海贝n.海边海边n.海草,海藻海草,海藻second串记 second/sek/seknd/nd/例例win the second place,wait a secondsecondary/sek/sekndndr r/ /记记secondary第二的第二的次要次要的的例例 a secondary schooladj./num.第二第二 n.秒秒adj.次要的;中等的次要的

8、;中等的secret串记 secret/si/sikrkrt/t/例例 keep a secretsecretary/sekr/sekrtrtr/ /记记secretary秘密人秘密人管秘密管秘密的人的人秘书秘书例例 a flexible secretaryn.秘密秘密n.秘书秘书secure串记 secure/s/skjkj/ /例例 a secure castlesecurity/s/skjkjr rt t/ /记记 secur(e)ity安全名词后缀安全名词后缀例例 the Public Security Bureauadj.安全的安全的 vt.稳固稳固n.(公众公众)安全安全sense

9、串记 sense/sens/sens/例例have a sense of honour/ humour/ achievementsensitive/sens/senst tv/v/记记 sens(e)itive感觉的感觉的例例 be sensitive to coloursn.感觉;道理感觉;道理adj.敏感的敏感的serve串记 serve/s/sv/v/例例serve the students heart and soulservice/s/sv vs/s/例例 quality servicevt.服务服务n.服务服务servant/s/sv vnt/nt/记记 serv(e)ant服务人

10、服务人例例 a public servantn.仆人仆人shade串记 shade/ /e ed/d/例例rest in the shade under a big treeshadow/dd/ /例例 a slim shadow on the groundn.阴凉处,树荫阴凉处,树荫n.影子,阴影影子,阴影shame串记 shame/ /e em/m/例例 feel shame at sthshameful/e emfl/mfl/记记 shameful羞耻充满的羞耻充满的例例 do a shameful thingn.羞愧;羞耻羞愧;羞耻adj.羞耻的羞耻的ashamed/ / e emd/

11、md/记记 ashameed在羞耻的在羞耻的例例 be ashamed of sthadj.感到羞耻的感到羞耻的sharp串记 sharp/ / p/p/例例 sharp eyessharpen/ p pn/n/记记 sharpen尖锐使尖锐使例例 sharpen a knifesharpener/ p pn n/ /记记 sharpener磨尖东西磨尖东西例例 use a sharpeneradj.尖锐的,锋利的;尖锐的,锋利的;敏锐的敏锐的vt.磨尖,磨磨尖,磨(锋利锋利)n.转笔刀转笔刀shave串记 shave/ /e ev/v/例例 shave beardshaver/e ev v/

12、 /记记 shav(e)er剃东西剃东西例例 buy a Philips shavervt.剃剃n.剃须刀剃须刀shine串记 shine/ /a an/n/例例shine brightly on the ground关关sunshineshiny/a an n/ /记记 shin(e)y光亮的光亮的例例 shiny black hairv.照耀照耀adj.光亮的光亮的short串记 short/ /t/t/例例 a short distanceshorts/ /ts/ts/例例 a pair of soft cotton shortsshorting/tktkm m/ /记记 shortin

13、g短来短来短处短处例例 overe shortingsshortly/tltl/ /记记 shortly短短地短短地例例The boss will be with you shortly.adj.短的;矮的短的;矮的n.短裤短裤n.短处,缺点短处,缺点adv.很快,一会儿很快,一会儿shoot串记 shoot/ /u ut/t/例例 shoot at a targetshot/ /t/t/例例 fire three shotsv.射击;射死射击;射死n.射击;枪声射击;枪声side串记 side/sa/sad/d/例例 on the right sideaside/ /sasad/d/记记 a

14、side在边在边例例put aside a troublesome problemn.边边adv.在一边;向旁边在一边;向旁边alongside/ /llsasad/d/记记 alongside沿着边沿着边例例 alongside the railwayadv.在旁边在旁边prep.沿着沿着 的边的边side串记 outside/a/atsatsad/d/记记 outside外边外边例例 outside the teaching buildingsideway/sa/sadwedwe/ /记记 sideway边路边路例例pedestrians on the sideway 同同sidewalk

15、n.外边外边 prep.在在 外边外边n.小路,人行道小路,人行道sideways/sa/sadwedwez/z/记记 sideways边路边路例例 push a car sidewaysadv.向一旁,向侧面地向一旁,向侧面地sight串记 sight/sa/sat/t/例例 fall in love at the first sightsightseeing/sa/satsitsi/ /记记 sightseeing风景看风景看例例 have a sightseeing toureyesight/a/asasat/t/记记 eyesight眼睛视力眼睛视力例例 poor eyesightn.

16、视力;望见;风景视力;望见;风景n.观光观光n.视力视力sign串记 sign/sa/san/n/例例 sign your name at the bottomsignal/s/snnl/l/记记 signal符号名词后缀符号名词后缀例例 fire three shots as signalsignature/s/snnt t/ /记记 signature签字名词后缀签字名词后缀例例 identify sbs signaturedesign/d/dzazan/n/记记design加强符号加强符号用符用符号来号来“设计设计”例例 design a stadiumn.符号,标识符号,标识 vt.签

17、字签字n.信号,暗号信号,暗号n.签字,签名签字,签名v./n.设计设计I. I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式根据提示写出单词的正确形式1_ adj.安全的安全的2_ n.(个人个人)安全安全3_ adj.咸的咸的4_ vt.使满意,使满足使满意,使满足5_ n.满意满意6_ n.科学科学7_ adj.科学的科学的8_ n.秘密秘密9_ n.感觉;道理感觉;道理10_ adj.敏感的敏感的11_ vt.服务服务12_ n.服务服务13_ n.羞愧;羞耻羞愧;羞耻14_ adj.尖锐的,锋利的,敏锐尖锐的,锋利的,敏锐的的15_ n.短处,缺点短处,缺点16_ adv.很快,一会儿很快,一会儿s

18、afesafetysaltysatisfysatisfactionsciencescientificsecretsense sensitive serve service shame sharpshortingshortlyI. I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式根据提示写出单词的正确形式17_ v.射击;射死射击;射死18_ n.射击;枪声射击;枪声19_ n.视力;望见;风景视力;望见;风景20_ n.观光观光21_ n.符号,标识符号,标识 vt.签字签字22_ v./n.设计设计shootshotsightsightseeingsigndesignII. II. 写出单词的正确含义写出单

19、词的正确含义1sacred adj. _2sacrifice n./v. _3scene n_4scenery n_5conscience n_6seagull n_7seal n_8seaweed n_9secondary adj. _10secure adj./vt. _11security n_12servant n_13shade n_14shadow n_15shameful adj. _16ashamed adj. _ 神圣的神圣的 牺牲牺牲风景;场景风景;场景 自然风光,风景自然风光,风景 良心良心 海鸥海鸥 海豹海豹 海草,海藻海草,海藻 次要的;中等的次要的;中等的 安全的稳

20、固安全的稳固 (公众公众)安全安全 仆人仆人阴凉处,树荫阴凉处,树荫 影子,阴影影子,阴影 羞耻的羞耻的 感到羞耻的感到羞耻的II. II. 写出单词的正确含义写出单词的正确含义17sharpen vt. _18shave vt. _19shine v_20shorts n_21sideway n_22sideways adv. _23signal n_24signature n_ 磨尖,磨磨尖,磨(锋利锋利) 剃剃 照耀照耀 短裤短裤 小路,人行道小路,人行道 向一旁,向侧面地向一旁,向侧面地 信号,暗号信号,暗号 签字,签名签字,签名III. III. 单词活用单词活用1Her fathe

21、r dislikes her staying away from home,for her _(安全安全)of course.2How much salt did you put into the dish?It is so _(咸的咸的)that I cant swallow it.3At the meeting,she expressed her _(满意满意),representing her university.4Topics like food safety and childrens _(安全安全)have bee a major concern of the public.5I

22、m writing to express my dissatisfaction with the _(服务服务)that your travel agency has provided for us.safetysaltysatisfactionsecurityserviceIV. IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空1If I am lucky enough to be elected,I will make every effort _(serve)for the benefits of students and our club.2They used the _(sh

23、arpen)stone tools to cut up animals and remove their skin.3She _(shave)off the top branches of that bush.4The fountain _(shoot) upward suddenly brought people around a surprise.to servesharpenedshavedshootingV. V. 介词填空介词填空170% of the students surveyed are satisfied _ the homework.2I was very sensiti

24、ve _ music.Just dipping into the music books briefly,I could sing or play well.3He felt ashamed _ cheating in the exam,determined never to do such things again.4I caught sight _ her chatting with her friend in the street on my way to shopping.withtoofofVI. VI. 单句写作单句写作1把重要决定留给没有经验的人是没有道理的。把重要决定留给没有经

25、验的人是没有道理的。(There is no sense in) 2真遗憾,我们在竞赛中失利。真遗憾,我们在竞赛中失利。(It is a great shame that)3当与他人合作时,我们应该学会容忍他人的缺点,发现他人的优点。当与他人合作时,我们应该学会容忍他人的缺点,发现他人的优点。(shorting)There is no sense in leaving important decisions to inexperienced people.It is a great shame that we failed in the contest.When cooperating with others,we should learn to put up with their shortings and try to discover their strengths.



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