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1、Chapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research当代 医学英语综合教程 English Course of Contemporary Medicine当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell ResearchChapter 7Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell ResearchB. Listen to a passage “ A Discovery in the Creation of H

2、uman Stem Cells” twice, and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Section I. Asking, listening and watching当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research1. Scientists used to believe that stem cells could be used treat many diseases.2. Stem cells can derive from h

3、uman embryos.3. Two groups of scientists reported similar findings with different experiments.4. Four kinds of retroviruses injected into skin cells help control embryo development._F_T_F_F_当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research5. It has not been confirmed whether the reprogrammed hum

4、an skin cells really are the same as stem cells from human embryos.6. Much remains to be learned about the reprogrammed stem cells.7. One concern is that the cells might lead to cancer. _T_T_T_当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell ResearchC. Listen to a passage “ Stem Cells and Regenerative M

5、edicine” three times, and fill in each blank with the word or sentence from the audio clip.当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research The road from basic science to clinical (1)_ can be a rocky one. A perfect case in point is our current (2)_on both sides of the Atlantic to realize the be

6、nefits of (3)_ regenerative medicine as a treatment for damaged hearts.When Dr. Piero Anversa from New York Medical College and his (4) _ Dr. Donald Orlic from the National Institutes of Health (5) _ in April 2001 that stem cells from bone marrow (6) _ into the damaged hearts of mice had morphed int

7、o cardiac cells, practice struggle utilizing colleague announcedinjected 当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Researchimplanted in the damaged (7) _, and laid the seeds for regenerative healing, the news was met with great (8) _. For many years, the commonly held belief was that heart cells

8、did not divide. That has now been proven false. As Dr. Anversa has said, “For years (9) _ _. But how could anyone believe that the heart could contract so many years using the same cells?” tissue enthusiasm there has been a general belief that the numbers of cells in the heart was established at bir

9、th当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research All understood this was a starting point. But (10) _ _that they might work before we fully understand why; that if you put them in the right place, they will do the rest; and that if they worked in a damaged heart, they would work in other dama

10、ged organs as well. Now, four years later, Now, four years later, the scientific community is in full gear trying to answer basic questions and simultaneously save lives. (11) _ _ _. the finding supported early beliefs about the promise and challenge of using stem cellsAnd both the issues and emotio

11、ns involved are complex and deeply personal当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell ResearchD. Watch a video clip “ A Breakthrough in Stem Cells Research ” three times and complete the following statements.当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research1. Embryonic stem cell research is on

12、e of the hotly debated issues in the U.S. because it involves _.2. The hot debate might be altered because no human embryonic cells _ _.3. The researchers have turned _ into a kind of stem cells.4. Stem cells have the potential of _ _.the destruction of human embryos are destroyed in the research pr

13、ocessskin cells developing into other types of cells当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research5. The significant breakthrough may have potential applications in the study of _ _.6. It remains to be researched whether the stem cells created by the new method have the same potential and sam

14、e safety as_ _.7. As the stem cells created by the new method have the potential to become cancerous, it is not safe to _ _. diseases, drug development or therapy human embryonic stem cells. put these stem cells directly into the patients 当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research Section

15、 II Theme Reading Read and Discuss “ Stem Cells: the Hope and the Hype”, focusing on the following questions.当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research1. What may act as a drug when theres nothing to prescribe to treat disease?2. What did doctors say about stem-cell science when stem cell

16、s have offered some prospects of cure?3. What is the argument of the opponents of embryonic stem cell research?4. What is the argument of the supporters of embryonic stem cell research?当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research5. Why is there no disagreement among medical scientists over

17、the need to aggressively pursue both adult stem cell and embryonic stem cell researches?6. What power do embryonic cells possess?7. What are scientists doing to get around political roadblocks?8. What would happen to Parkinsons patients and diabetics if scientists learned about how to turn ideal hea

18、lthy cell lines into the desire kind of tissue?当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research 9. What risks will the FDA be concerned with?10. What do scientists need to do in order to determine precisely whether the transplanted stem cells are functioning correctly? 11. What does the author

19、think of the best role for legislators in the stem cell research?当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell ResearchReading Comprehension Complete the following unfinished statements or give a short answer to the question in no more than six words.当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Resea

20、rch1. Researchers have been successful in using stem cells to cure_.2. For patients with Parkinsons disease, _ _ may be still distant. 3. Opponents of ESC argue that you cant destroy life in order to save it and that _ _ has been oversold.paralysis in rats the prospect of cure the promise of embryo

21、research 当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research4. Supporters argue that an eight-cell embryo doesnt count as a human life and that we need to know more about how stem cells operate to _.5. Embryonic cells possess the power to _ _ and grow into any of more than 200 types of tissue.6. S

22、cientists are searching for another source of cells that involves _. fully realize their potentialreplicate indefinitely no embryo destruction at all当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research7. Even if scientists discover an ideal source of healthy cell lines, there is still much to learn

23、 about how to turn them into _ _. 8. When scientists come closer to human trials, the government regulators are more concerned with _.9. Scientists are seeking to _ _ that help determine whether the transplanted stem cells are functioning correctly. the desired kind of tissueensuring patient safety

24、develop marking systems 当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research10. When it comes to such a complicated matter as stem cells, the key is to have the broadest cross section of scientists possible _ _. working across the field当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell ResearchExtension

25、ReadingA Leap Forward for Stem Cells当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell ResearchA. Hope for Success with Human CellsB. Adverse Factors to OvercomeC. A Breakthrough in TreatmentD. Significance of the FindingsE. Controversies Over the EthicsF. A Stirring Advance in ResearchG. An Obstacle to T

26、esting in HumansH. Basic Functions of Stem Cells_F_ Para.1_A_ Para.2_G_ Para.3_B_ Para.4_D_ Para.5当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell ResearchExtension Reading The Source of Stem Cells 当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research When a sperm cell fertilizes an egg, the process cre

27、ates a stem cell. The unspecialized stem cell can make all other cells, from additional stem cells to bone cells, blood cells, muscle cells, skin cells, and all the specialized cells that _1_ body tissues. As a human develops and matures, a stockpile(贮存存) of stem cells remains in every organ of the1

28、. A. take up B. make up C. turn into D. consist in当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Researchbody. _2_ all cells can divide to make copies of themselves, only stem cells can create other cell types. To _3_ potential medical uses of these cells, scientists need stem cell lines. These lines

29、are colonies of stem cells that grow and replicate themselves in culture that is, in a special nutrient _4_ in a laboratory dish. A stem cell line provides a2. A. Since B. If C. Although D. When3. A. explore B. explain B. explain D. exclude4. A. stuff B. material C. matter D. substance当代医学ECCMIChapt

30、er 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Researchscientist with a virtually endless supply of material to explore and test. Stem cells, _5_, seem to lose some of their ability to make a wide range of cells as they age. In other words, an older stem cell may not be as versatile (万万能的能的) as a younger one. The e

31、xception seems to be adult stem cells _6_ from bone marrow, which retain their ability to transform into any cell5. A. therefore B. moreover C. however D. otherwise6. A. come B. occurred C. resulted D. derived当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Researchability to transform into any cell typ

32、e. As a result, adult stem cells from bone marrow and the earliest stem cellsthose found in an embryomay provide the most powerful tools for use in medical _7_. Stem cells, which create a human from its beginning, also participate in repairing later damage to the body. Our bodies _8_ to use stored s

33、tem cells to repair tissues throughout our7. A. treatment B. finding C. experiment D. discovery8. A. happen B. appear C. remain D. begin当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Researchlives. Eventually, these stem cells falter or encounter more damage than they can repair, and a persons health

34、_9_. Because of their ability to repair tissue damage, stem cells could serve as starting points in therapy for a wide variety of medical _10_, including Alzheimers disease, which damages brain cells, especially those related to 9. A. develops B. falls C. improves D. fails10. A. situations B. condit

35、ions C. circumstances D. illnesses当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Researchmemory, and Parkinson disease, which damages nerves that control the muscles. Scientists are investigating two primary approaches _11_ using stem cells in medicine. The first approach involves developing stem cell

36、s that could be transplanted to _12_ a specific disease. For instance, someone with a liver11. A. to B. by C. for D. in12. A. overcome B. fight C. combat D. struggle 当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Researchdisease might receive a dose of stem cells. Some day, a _13_ medical regimen migh

37、t even include an occasional dose of stem cells, much like a booster shot, to _14_ the body tuned up to fight off diseases and tissue damage. The second approach involves learning to use the bodys own supply 13. A. rare B. unusual C. effective D. regular 14. A. maintain B. keep C. retain D. preserve

38、 当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Researchstem cells. Perhaps these _15_ of cells could be turned on or off as needed to help the body defend itself against health problems. 15. A. stores B. shops C. remains D. leftovers 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. B11. A 12. C 13. D

39、 14. B 15. A当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell ResearchFurther Topics for Discussion and Oral Presentation当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research1. What are the properties of stem cells?2. What are the primary similarities and differences between embryonic cells and adult ste

40、m cells?3. Why do the cells in human bodies naturally lose regenerative capabilities as a person ages?4. What is a widespread controversy surrounding human embryonic stem cell research?5. What is the recent advance in stem cells research? 当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell ResearchLanguage

41、 Practice当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell ResearchA. Match each word in the grid with its definition, meaning description or synonym.当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research1. The flexible cord that attaches an embryo or fetus to the placenta2. An outline or model of an expe

42、cted or supposed sequence of events3. Loss or impairment of voluntary movement or sensation in a part of the body, usually as a result of neurologic injury or disease.A. quadriplegicB. umbilical cordC. regenerateD. roadblockE. paralysisF. marrowG. neuronH. embryoI. opponentJ. pancreasK. fertilityL.

43、scenarioM. infancy N. insulin O. tremor_B_L_E_当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research4. A cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses5. Completely paralyzed in both arms and both legs6. A hormone produced in the pancreas that regulates the amount of sugar in the blood by stimula

44、ting cells to absorb and metabolize glucoseA. quadriplegicB. umbilical cordC. regenerateD. roadblockE. paralysisF. marrowG. neuronH. embryoI. opponentJ. pancreasK. fertilityL. scenarioM. infancy N. insulin O. tremor_G_A_N_当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research7. The state of being fer

45、tile; capable of producing offspring8. One that opposes another or others in a battle, contest, controversy, or debate9. The fatty network of connective tissue that fills the cavities of bonesA. quadriplegicB. umbilical cordC. regenerateD. roadblockE. paralysisF. marrowG. neuronH. embryoI. opponentJ

46、. pancreasK. fertilityL. scenarioM. infancy N. insulin O. tremor_K_I_F_当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research10. Something, such as a situation or condition, that prevents further progress toward an accomplishment11. To give new life or energy to; revitalize; to replace (a lost or dam

47、aged organ or part) by formation of new tissue12. The early stage of growth or developmentA. quadriplegicB. umbilical cordC. regenerateD. roadblockE. paralysisF. marrowG. neuronH. embryoI. opponentJ. pancreasK. fertilityL. scenarioM. infancy N. insulin O. tremor_D_C_M_当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells

48、and Stem Cell Research13. Shaking or trembling (usually resulting from weakness or stress or disease)14. A large gland located behind the stomach that secretes pancreatic juice and insulin15. An organism in its early stages of development, especially before it has reached a distinctively recognizabl

49、e form A. quadriplegicB. umbilical cordC. regenerateD. roadblockE. paralysisF. marrowG. neuronH. embryoI. opponentJ. pancreasK. fertilityL. scenarioM. infancy N. insulin O. tremor_O_J_H_当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell ResearchB. Fill in the blank of the following sentences with a suitab

50、le word in the grid, changing its form if necessary. 当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research1. Experiments suggest that the sensory cells in the ears balance organs may be able to _ themselves if conditions are right.2. Their unfavorable reaction to his research proposal _ him.3. The c

51、ommunity _ over the governments fund for stem cell research.stallsplitdismay regenerate coax disdain aggressively tangled wrestle retort overselloverpromise regeneratedismayedsplit当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research4. She had spent the whole weekend _ with the problem.5. Fears are

52、growing that a tax increase may _ economic recovery.6. The negotiations became hopelessly _ and confused.stallsplitdismay regenerate coax disdain aggressively tangled wrestle retort overselloverpromise wrestlingstalltangled当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research7. Those transnational c

53、ompanies are _ pursuing new business opportunities in developing countries.8. A mother _ a reluctant child into taking medicine.stallsplitdismay regenerate coax disdain aggressively tangled wrestle retort overselloverpromise aggressivelywas coaxing当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Researc

54、h 9. Youre too old, she said. Youre not so young yourself, he _.10. Some economists tend to _ their colleagues in other social disciplines.stallsplitdismay regenerate coax disdain aggressively tangled wrestle retort overselloverpromise retorteddisdain当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Rese

55、archC. Complete each of the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English, using the words and phrases in the grid.当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research1. _ _ (护士士们在在伤员中来回中来回走走动), bringing food and medicine.2. They are determined to _ _ (奋力推力推进他他们的研究的研究项目目) despite oppo

56、sition from some medical ethicists.press aheadapprove ofbenefit fromget aroundcall for hang onpoint tomop upin its infancyin the first placebe concerned aboutback and forthNurses went back and forth among the wounded press ahead with their research project当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell

57、 Research3. Im sure that most doctors will _ _ (赞成使用干成使用干细胞胞) for medical research.4. The Football Association is likely to _ _ (要求禁酒要求禁酒) at football games.press aheadapprove ofbenefit fromget aroundcall for hang onpoint tomop upin its infancyin the first placebe concerned aboutback and forth appro

58、ve of using stem cells call for a ban on alcohol当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research5. Those rockets were built at a time when _ _ (空空间技技术还处于初期于初期).6. The evidence before us _ _ (清楚地表明副作用清楚地表明副作用) of the new painkilling drug.press aheadapprove ofbenefit fromget aroundcall for hang o

59、npoint tomop upin its infancyin the first placebe concerned aboutback and forth space technology was still in its infancy points clearly to the side-effects当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research7. Recent findings suggest that crime victims _ (受益于受益于谈论他他们的的经历).8. The town was surrounde

60、d by the enemy and the citizens did not know _ _(他他们能否能否坚持直持直到援助到来到援助到来). press aheadapprove ofbenefit fromget aroundcall for hang onpoint tomop upin its infancyin the first placebe concerned aboutback and forthbenefit from talking about their experiences if they could hang on until help arrived当代医学

61、ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research 9. There are a few things _ (需要完成需要完成) before I can leave. 10. If we can _ (避开避开这些困些困难), well be able to discuss the really important points. press aheadapprove ofbenefit fromget aroundcall for hang onpoint tomop upin its infancyin the first placebe

62、concerned aboutback and forththat need mopping upget around these difficulties 当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell ResearchD. Translate the following passage into English.当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research 干细胞是所有身体组织的来源,能够自身复制,或成为构建一个生物所必需的任何类型的细胞。我们的成长和发展从单一细胞到成熟的成人起源于并由

63、干细胞来维持。 Stem cells, source of all body tissues, can replicate themselves or make any type of cell required to build an organism. Our growth and developmentfrom single cell to mature adultarises from and is maintained by stem cells. 当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research此外,干细胞能为生物学研究和医

64、疗提供强大的工具。 科学家们正在研究在医学中利用干细胞的两种主要方式。 Moreover, stem cells may provide powerful tools for biological research and medical treatment. Scientists are investigating two primary approaches to using stem cells in medicine. 当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research第1种方式涉及到培育可移植来同特定疾病作斗争的干细胞。第2种涉

65、及了解利用身体自身提供干细胞, 用作治疗各种疾病的出发点。The first approach involves developing stem cells that could be transplanted to combat a specific disease. The second approach involves learning to use the bodys own supply of stem cells, which could serve as starting points in therapy for a wide variety of medical condi

66、tions.当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research 干细胞研究引起了很多争议。很大部分争议是围绕着研究中使用的干细胞的来源。一些反对使用胚胎干细胞的人指出科研人员可以依靠其他来源。 Stem cells research has stirred considerable controversy. In large part, the controversy revolves around the source of stem cells used in research. Some people who oppose the

67、use of embryonic stem cells point out that scientific investigators could rely on other sources.当代医学ECCMIChapter 7- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research种种身体组织,包括骨髓和脐带血,也能提供干细胞。然而,这些组织产生的干细胞是否在其多用性和治疗人类疾病的潜能方面比得上胚胎细胞,还无人知晓。 A variety of body tissuesincluding bone marrow and blood from an umbilical cordcan also provide stem cells. However, no one knows if these tissues produce stem cells that equal embryonic cells in their versatility and thus in their potential for treating human disease.当代医学ECCMI



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