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1、英语书面表达英语书面表达English Composition WritingWhat makes a good essay?TheessayA good essay is usually made up ofa topic paragraph, some supporting paragraphs and a concluding paragraph.Topic paragraph Supporting Paragraph 1 Supporting Paragraph 2 Supporting Paragraph 3Concluding paragraphTo many students,

2、school life is boring and tiring. However, I find my school life meaningful and colourful.generalstatementgeneralstatementtopictopicstatementstatementTopicparagraph(Introductionparagraph)GeneralstatementTopicstatement SupportingParagraphs(Body)ParagraphsTSSSSSSSSSFirstly, .Firstly, .Secondly, Second

3、ly, .Moreover, .Moreover, .Finally, Finally, .However, .However, .In addition, In addition, Furthermore, .Furthermore, .ConclusionPersonally,inconclusion,inbrief,Fromwhathasbeendiscussedabove,wemaydrawtheconclusionthat.Insummary,itiswiser.TheparagraphWhatmakesagoodparagraph?Agoodparagraphisonethatco





8、venthough,inspiteofthefactthat递进关系:递进关系:whatsmore,inaddition,furthermoreontheonehandontheotherhand,条件关系:条件关系:if,unless,aslongas,onconditionthat表表列列举:举:forexample/instance,takeforexample,thatstosay,inotherwords,asfollows表表总总结:结: inshort,inbrief,inconclusion,inaword,onthewhole,ashasbeenstatedAgoodpara

9、graphisonewithvariedsentencepatterns.丰富的句式:丰富的句式:( (常用到的句型结构)常用到的句型结构)利用不同的句型来表达同一个意思,能增加文章的文采。e.g.Whatakindboyheis!Howdisappointedhewas!感叹句感叹句强调句强调句e.g.Itwasthisyoungboythathelpedtheoldgranny.Idohopeyoucancomeifpossible.e.g.Onlyinthiswaycanyousolvethisproblem.There comesthepolicecar.Hardlyhadtheygo

10、ttothestationwhen theymettheyoungman.e.g.Theyreadwhilewalkingorridingonabus.Cometomeifnecessary.e.g.Isawayoungladywalkingslowlyinthestreetwithahandbaginherhand.倒装句倒装句省略句省略句with短语短语e.g.Inmyopinion,cybercafesshouldbeaplacewherewecanfindmuchusefulinformation.Letscometothemainteachingbuilding,atthebacko


12、rlknowssomanythings.(使用名词性从句)2.ThoughImweak,Illmaketheeffort.(使用倒装句)3.Hedidnotknowwhathadhappeneduntilhehadreadthenewsinthenewspaper.(使用强调句型)4.Ipassedthephysicsexambecauseofyourhelp.(用虚拟语气)What surprises him is thatthe little girl knows so many things.Practice怎样使用较丰富的句式和高级词汇怎样使用较丰富的句式和高级词汇Weak as I

13、am, Ill make the effort. It was not until he had read the news in the newspaper that he knew what had happened.I couldnt have passed the physics exam but for your help.5.Shewalkedoutofthelabandmanystudentsfollowedher.(使用过去分词)6.Theysangandlaughedastheywentbacktoschool.(使用V-ing形式)7.Iwontbelievewhathes

14、ays.(nomatterwhat状语从句)8.Ifyoustudyhard,youwillmakerapidprogress.(祈使句+and)Followed by many students, she walked out of the lab.Singing and laughing, they went back to school.No matter what he says, I wont believe.Study hard and youll make rapid progress.9HehadnosoonercomebackfromBeijingthanhewassenta

15、broad.(使用倒装句使用倒装句)10.Weallthinkheisagreatman.(thinkhighlyof)11.Asaresulttheplanwasafailure.(turnout)12.Whenhespoke,hefeltmoreandmoreexcited.(themorethemore)No sooner had he come back from Beijing than he was sent abroad.Weallthink highly of him .The plan turned out to be a failure.The more he spoke,

16、 the more excited he felt.Summary:A good essay is usually made up of a topic paragraph, some supporting paragraphs and a concluding paragraph.Agoodparagraphisonethatconsistsofatopicsentenceandsupportingsentences.Agoodparagraphisonethatcontainsproperlinkingwords.Agoodparagraphisonewithadvancedvocabul




20、lowsB.firstlyC.lastbutnotleastD.whatsmore E. asfarasIamconcernedF.SecondlyABCDEF苏州市苏州市2009届高三教学调研测试届高三教学调研测试最近,国家教育部要求中小学生参加冬季长跑活动:最近,国家教育部要求中小学生参加冬季长跑活动:建议小学生每天跑建议小学生每天跑1000米,初中生米,初中生1500米,高中米,高中生生2000米。对此,有些人表示支持,有些人表示米。对此,有些人表示支持,有些人表示反对。请你根据以下材料,写一篇以反对。请你根据以下材料,写一篇以“Shouldwegivemoreattentiontost

21、udentshealthorgrades?”为题的短文,谈谈你的看法。为题的短文,谈谈你的看法。支持方的理由 反对方的理由 你的看法及理由 1可以促进对体育的重视;2可以增强学生的体魄;3更有利于提高学习效率。 1学生以学习为主,考试成绩决定个人前途;2过高的要求学生难以达到;3长跑可能引起感冒或伤害。(考生自行发挥23点) 注意:注意:1词数词数150左右。短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;左右。短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;2对所给要点,逐一陈述,设当发挥,不要简单翻译。对所给要点,逐一陈述,设当发挥,不要简单翻译。1.Agoodbeginningmakesagoodending.

22、2.Yourcompositionshouldbedividedintoparagraphs.3.Youdbetterusesomelinkingwords.4.Handwritingisofgreatimportance.Suggestions:第一段:第一段:1.Some people agree to NO. One, because they usually think that .In the meantime , . In addition.2.Some people think that A is right because .3.Some people suggest / sa

23、y that . At the same time they point out the fact that.Whats more.4.Some people prefer NO. One. In their opinion A . In addition .第二段:第二段:1.On the other hand, some people hold that B is right. They think .2.But many more people dont agree with them. They prefer B. They say that.The reason is that.3.

24、On the contrary, some people hold that .4.Some people think that B is better. It is clear that. Whats more, .Also. 在在第第一一段段和和第第二二段段中中一一定定要要用用原原因因或或列列举举等等方方式式展开段落。展开段落。第三段:提出自己的见解并且加以论证第三段:提出自己的见解并且加以论证1.In my opinion B is better than A. There is no doubt that .2.I support A. The reason goes as follo

25、ws.3.As far as I am concerned, I agree to the latter. First.Second. Finally.4.It is likely that people will go on arguing over these questions. I think that everything has both its positive and negative sides. We should keep an open mind. 5.People will continue to argue over the questions, I think w

26、ed better keep an open mind because everything has two sides. It all relies on.6.Of these two ways of .I prefer.First of all,. Second,.Should we give more attention to students health or grades? The Ministry of Education of China has urged all the students to participate in the winter long-distance

27、running activity. It is suggested that primary school students should run 1,000 meters a day, junior school students, 1,500 and senior school students, 2,000.Different people always offer various views. Some people say yes to this activity. They think, for one thing, it can make people pay more atte

28、ntion to physical education; for another, running can improve students health and help them study efficiently so they can have good grades. However, others hold opposite opinions about the activity. They believe that learning is the most important task for students and their future depends on their

29、grades in their subjects. Meanwhile, many cant meet the high requirements. Whats worse, some will suffer cold and injuries. In my opinion, its all right for schools to care about students health and carry out the activity step by step. Remember a good body helps make high efficiency.Whatdoyouthinkab




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