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1、Part Two Reading-Centered Activities 1. In-Class Reading2. After-Class ReadingIn-Class ReadingBorn to WinPart Two: In-Class ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingPost-ReadingGlobal ReadingOrganization AnalysisPre-Reading Activity Part Two: In-Class Reading Global ReadingSummaryPre-Reading Activity St

2、atementsMy GuessThe Authors Opinion Each person has the potential to win in his own way. No. Yes.1) A winner is someone who defeats the other person by dominating and making him lose.2) Few people are winners or losers all the time.Yes.No.To be continuedRead the following statements and guess whethe

3、r the author would agree with them, then read the passage and recheck. There is one example for you. Part Two: In-Class Reading Global Reading StatementsMy GuessThe Authors Opinion3) Achievement is the most important thing for a winner.4) Independence is one of the most important characteristics of

4、a winner. 5) A loser is afraid to try new things.6) A loser will receive more love from others.Yes.Yes.No.No.Part Two: In-Class Reading Global Reading Organization AnalysisCharacteristics of losers.Part I(Para.1) IntroductionEach person has the potential to win in his own way.Part II(Para.2-10)Compa

5、rison between winners and losers. More MorePara.2:The meanings of “winner” and “loser”.Para.3:Few people are winners or losers all the time.Para.4-7:Characteristics of winners.Para.8:Possible causes of losers.Para.9-10: More More MoreTo be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Global ReadingPara.2: Th

6、e meanings of “winner” and “loser”.A winner is one who responds genuinely by being trustworthy and responsive.A loser is one who fails to respond genuinely.Para.3: Few people are winners and losers all the time.When a person has the capacity to be a winner, he will become successful more frequently.

7、To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Global ReadingPara.4-7:Characteristics of winners.A. A winner is genuine. (Para.4)B. A winner is not afraid to do his own things and to use his own knowledge. (Para.5)C. A winner is flexible. (Para.6)D. A winner has love for life. (Para.6)E. A winner cares a

8、bout the world and its people. (Para.7)To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Global ReadingPara.8: Possible causes of losers.Possible causes: poor nutrition, cruelty, unhappy relationships, disease, continuing disappointment and inadequate physical care.Para.9-10: Characteristics of losers.A. A

9、loser lacks an ability to appropriately express himself through a full range of possible behaviors. (Para.9)B. A loser has difficulty giving and receiving love. (Para.10)Part Two: In-Class Reading Global ReadingSummary Each human being has his own potential to win in his own way. When we refer to a

10、person as a winner or a loser, we mainly mean whether he can respond genuinely or not. However, few people are winners or losers all the time. Winners have the following characteristics: being genuine, being not afraid to do his own thinking and being able to use his knowledge, being flexible and ca

11、ring about the world and its people. In contrast, a loser lacks capacity to appropriately express himself through a full range of possible behavior, and has difficulty giving and receiving love. That may be caused by poor nutrition, cruelty, unhappy relationships, disease, continuing disappointments

12、 and inadequate physical care.Part Two: In-Class Reading Global ReadingDetailed ReadingPassage Reading Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Pair WorkGroup DiscussionWord StudyUnderstanding SentencesYou cannot teach a man anything.You can only help him discover it within himself. GalileoBorn t

13、o WinPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Each human being is born as something unique, something that never existed before. 1 Each person is born with what he needs to win at life. A normal person can see, hear, touch, taste, and think for himself. Each has his own unique potentialshis capab

14、ilities and limitations. 2 Each can be an important, thinking, aware, and creatively productive person in his own righta winner. The words “winner” and “loser” have many meanings. When we refer to a person as a winner, we do not mean one who defeats the other person by dominating and making him lose

15、. Instead a winner is one who responds genuinely by being trustworthy and responsive, both as an individual and as a member of a society. A loser is one who fails to respond genuinely.Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Few people are winners or losers all the time. Its a matter of degree. 3

16、 However, once a person has the capacity to be a winner, his chances are greater for becoming even more so. Achievement is not the most important thing for winners; genuineness is. The genuine person realizes his own uniqueness and appreciates the uniqueness of others. A winner is not afraid to do h

17、is own thinking and to use his own knowledge. He can separate facts from opinion and doesnt pretend to have all the answers. 4 He listens to others, evaluates what they say, but comes to his own conclusions.Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading A winner is flexible. He does not have to respond

18、 in known, rigid ways. He can change his plans when the situation calls for it. A winner has a love for life. He enjoys work, play, food, other people, and the world of nature. Without guilt he enjoys his own accomplishments. Without envy he enjoys the accomplishments of others. A winner cares about

19、 the world and its people. He is not separated from the general problems of society. He tries to improve the quality of life. Even in the face of national and international difficulty, he does not see himself as helpless. He does what he can to make the world a better place.Part Two: In-Class Readin

20、g Detailed Reading 5 Although people are born to win, they are also born totally dependent on their environment. Winners successfully make the change from dependence to independence. Losers do not. Somewhere along the line losers begin to avoid becoming independent. This usually begins in childhood.

21、 6 Poor nutrition, cruelty, unhappy relationships, disease, continuing disappointments, and inadequate physical care are among the many experiences that contribute to making people losers. 7A loser is held back by his low capacity to appropriately express himself through a full range of possible beh

22、avior. 8 He may be unaware of other choices for his life if the path he chooses goes nowhere. Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading He is afraid to try new things. He repeats not only his own mistakes and often repeats those of his family and culture. 9A loser has difficulty giving and receivi

23、ng love. He does not enter into close, honest, direct relationships with others. Instead, he tries to manipulate them into living up to his expectations and channels his energies into living up to their expectations.Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Understanding Sentences 1. Each person i

24、s born with what he needs to win at life.TranslationComments每个人天生具有要在生活中赢得成功的能力。每个人天生具有要在生活中赢得成功的能力。In “at life”, “at” means “in the activity or field of”, such as in “skilled at playing chess” or “good at math”, etc. We also say one is skilled at tennis, golf, etc. By extension we then say that the

25、 person wins at chess, tennis, etc. Thus, in the sentence “Each person is born with what he needs to win at life”, life is being compared to a game. The whole sentence means that we all are born with skills needed to win at the game of life.To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading

26、Understanding Sentences Examples1. Barbaras getting on really well at her new job.2. Im not good at mathematics.Back to the TextPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Understanding Sentences 2. Each can be an important, thinking, aware, and creatively productive person in his own righta winner.

27、Translation每个人都能凭自己的本事成为举足轻重、会思考、每个人都能凭自己的本事成为举足轻重、会思考、 明事理、创造性成果颇多的人明事理、创造性成果颇多的人一个成功的人。一个成功的人。 CommentsThe phrase “in ones own right” is used to say that a person has something or achieves something on his own without depending on other people (凭本身的权利或能力、实力、资格等)凭本身的权利或能力、实力、资格等).To be continuedPar

28、t Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Examples1. Although he was the son of a famous football coach, he soon became famous in his own right.Back to the Text2. Bill Gates is a very wealthy man in his own right.Understanding Sentences Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Understanding Senten

29、ces 3. However, once a person has the capacity to be a winner, his chances are greater for becoming even more so.ParaphraseHowever, once a person has developed both the skills and the attitude to become a winner (i.e. the capacity to be a winner), he will very likely become even a more frequent winn

30、er.Translation然而,当一个人一旦具备了成为成功者的能力时,然而,当一个人一旦具备了成为成功者的能力时,(他)经常获得成功的可能性就会更大。(他)经常获得成功的可能性就会更大。To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading CommentsHere, the word “chance” means “possibility”. The adverb “so” is used to refer back to an idea, action, quality, situation etc. that has jus

31、t mentioned. Here, “so” refers to “a winner”. Therefore, “becoming even more so” in this sentence means “becoming even a more frequent winner”.1. The band is popular and likely to become more so.2. Jerry is very honest, perhaps too much so.ExamplesTo be continuedUnderstanding Sentences Part Two: In-

32、Class Reading Detailed Reading 3. She has a good chance of a successful recovery.4. There is little chance of her being found alive.5. The day will be cloudy with a slight chance of rain later tonight.6. He gave the show a fifty-fifty chance of survival.7. It was a million to one chance, but it had

33、happened.8. The operation is performed under local anesthetic, which lessens the chances of infection.9. How can we improve our chances of career development?ExamplesBack to the TextPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading 4. He listens to others, evaluates what they say, but comes to his own con

34、clusions.他倾听他人、评价他们说的话,却能得出自己的他倾听他人、评价他们说的话,却能得出自己的结论。结论。TranslationNotice the parallel structure in which a series of verbs are used. Besides, pay attention to the collocation “come to a conclusion”.CommentsTo be continuedUnderstanding Sentences Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading 1. It is

35、still too early to reach a conclusion on this point.2. There are perhaps two main conclusions to be drawn from the above discussion.3. All the evidence pointed to / led to / supported the conclusion that he was guilty.4. Its important not to jump to conclusions. (decide something too quickly, withou

36、t knowing all the facts)5. The police came to the inescapable conclusion that the children had been murdered. (the conclusion that you must come to)ExamplesBack to the TextPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading 5. Although people are born to win, they are also born totally dependent on their en

37、vironment.即使人们生来注定会成功,但也是生来就要完全依赖即使人们生来注定会成功,但也是生来就要完全依赖于周围环境的。于周围环境的。 Here “totally dependent” is a subject complement (主语补足语主语补足语).1. The window was paint blue.2. The truck was found abandoned on Highway 63.ExamplesTranslationCommentsBack to the TextUnderstanding Sentences Part Two: In-Class Readi

38、ng Detailed Reading 6. Poor nutrition, cruelty, unhappy relationships, disease, continuing disappointments, and inadequate physical care are among the many experiences that contribute to making people losers.营养不良、非人道待遇、不愉快的人际关系、疾病、营养不良、非人道待遇、不愉快的人际关系、疾病、 长期的失望、以及身体护理不足等经历都会促使人们长期的失望、以及身体护理不足等经历都会促使人

39、们成为失败者。成为失败者。 The attributive clause “that contribute to making” modifies the noun “experiences”. The word “to” in the phrase “contribute to” is a preposition, so it should be followed by either a noun or a gerund.TranslationCommentsTo be continuedUnderstanding Sentences Part Two: In-Class Reading D

40、etailed Reading 1. Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the US.2. Her work has contributed enormously/ greatly/significantly/substantially to our understanding of this difficult subject.3. Everyone on the team contributed to winning the game.ExamplesBack to the TextPart Two: In-Class Read

41、ing Detailed Reading 7. A loser is held back by his low capacity to appropriately express himself through a full range of possible behavior.A loser is prevented from succeeding by his inability to let people know his thoughts and feelings in different situations.失败者不善于通过一系列可能采取的作为来恰当地展失败者不善于通过一系列可能采

42、取的作为来恰当地展现自己,这阻碍了他获得成功。现自己,这阻碍了他获得成功。The phrase “hold back” means “prevent someone from improving or developing (阻碍,阻碍, 抑制抑制)”. The phrase “a range of” means “a variety of things of a particular type”.TranslationCommentsParaphraseTo be continuedUnderstanding Sentences Part Two: In-Class Reading Deta

43、iled Reading 1. They felt the economy was being held back by excessive government controls.2. Do you think that mixed-ability classes hold back the better students?3. The hotel offers a wide range of facilities and services.4. There is a full range of activities for children. ExamplesBack to the Tex

44、tPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading 8. He may be unaware of other choices for his life if the path he chooses goes nowhere.如果他所选择的生活道路毫无前途的话,他可能不知如果他所选择的生活道路毫无前途的话,他可能不知道对自己的生活还可以有其他的选择。道对自己的生活还可以有其他的选择。 The expression “go/get nowhere” means “make no progress or have no success”. Another si

45、milar expression “get sb. nowhere” means “make sb. fail to achieve success or to make progress”.1. We discussed it all morning but got nowhere.2. The proposal went nowhere in the Senate.3. Talking to him will get you nowhere.4. I soon realized that being tough was getting me nowhere.TranslationComme

46、ntsExamplesBack to the TextUnderstanding Sentences Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading 9. A loser has difficulty giving and receiving love.一个失败者很难去爱别人,也很难得到别人的爱。一个失败者很难去爱别人,也很难得到别人的爱。 Notice the phrase “have/experience difficulty (in) doing something”. Other similar expressions are as follow

47、s: have a good (hard/great/lovely etc.) time doing something There is no point in doing something. Its no use doing something. Its no fun doing something. Its no good doing something.TranslationCommentsTo be continuedUnderstanding Sentences Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading 1.They had grea

48、t difficulty in finding a replacement.2. Its no use crying over spilt milk.3. Its no fun eating on your own.4. Its no good telling himhe wont listen. 5. There is no point in getting angry.ExamplesBack to the TextPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Word Studyborn v.be born of/into/to sth.be b

49、orn in a particular situation, type of family etc. 出生于出生于He was born of German parents. 他出生在德国血统家庭。他出生在德国血统家庭。One-third of all children are born into single-parent families.be born with sth.have a particular disease, type of character since birth 天生具有天生具有 To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading De

50、tailed Reading Jenny was born with a small hole in her heart.Each person is born with what he needs to win at life. 每个人天生具有在生活中成功的能力。每个人天生具有在生活中成功的能力。adj. having a specific natural quality or ability 天生的天生的a born leader/athlete 天生的领导者天生的领导者/运动员运动员Back to the Textbe born with a silver spoon in ones m

51、outh (=be born into a rich family) 生在富贵人家生在富贵人家Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Word Studycapability n. Cthe natural ability, skill, or power that makes a machine, person, or organization able to do something, especially something difficult 能力,才能,性能能力,才能,性能Does the company have the capabi

52、lity to change to meet market needs?Animals in the zoo have lost the capability of catching food for themselves.I can speak French, but simultaneous translation is beyond my capabilities.Back to the TextPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading limitation n.Word Study1. shortcoming or defect 局限,缺陷

53、,弱点局限,缺陷,弱点He knows his capabilities and limitations. Despite the limitations of the survey, it did suggest some general trends.To be continued2. the condition, fact or circumstance that limits 限制因素限制因素There are also technical limitations. The government imposed limitations on exports.Part Two: In-C

54、lass Reading Detailed Reading To be continued3. act of limiting or the state of being limited 限制,限度限制,限度Both sides have agreed to sign the nuclear limitation treaty.People are calling for the limitation on the free speech for Nazis.人们呼吁对支持纳粹的言论自由加人们呼吁对支持纳粹的言论自由加以限制。以限制。Part Two: In-Class Reading Det

55、ailed Reading limitcf.1. point, line beyond which something cant proceed 界界限,限度限,限度The public is not allowed within a 2-mile limit of the missile site.He had not been outside the limits of the prison walls for 20 years.2. amount, number or speed that is allowed 限额限额His blood alcohol level was 50% ab

56、ove the legal limit.There is no age limit for applicants.Back to the TextPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading refer to sb./sth. (as sth.) Word Studyto mention or speak about sb./sth. 提到提到、说到或涉及到某说到或涉及到某人某事物人某事物 I promised not to refer to the matter again.Although she didnt mention any names,

57、everyone knew who she was referring to.The hospital now refers to patients by name, not case number.She always referred to Ben as “that nice man”.To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading refer to sb./sth.cf.to look at sth. or ask a person for information 向向查询信息查询信息You may refer to

58、your notes if you want.You should refer to an expert.refer sb./sth. to sb./sth. to send sb./sth. to sb./sth. for help, advice or a decision 将将送交送交以求帮助以求帮助、指点指点、行动支持等行动支持等My doctor referred me to a specialist.My complaint was referred to the manufacturers.Back to the TextPart Two: In-Class Reading De

59、tailed Reading dominate v.Word Study1. have or exercise control or power over 统治,控制,统治,控制,支配支配He thinks that his country wants to dominate Europe. Shes very nice, but she does tend to dominate the conversation.2. have the most important place in 在在中占首要地位中占首要地位The discussion was dominated by the issu

60、e of unemployment. Education issues dominated the election campaign.Back to the TextPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading capacity n. 1. C,U the ability to understand or to do something 能力,能力,才能才能 His capacity for learning languages astonished me.Limited resources are restricting our capacity

61、for developing new products.He has the capacity to think in an original way.Word StudyTo be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading 2. the amount that something can hold or contain 容量,容容量,容积积;容纳力容纳力The room has the seating capacity for about 80.All the hotels were filled to capacity (=c

62、ompletely full).3. the amount of something that a factory, company, machine, etc. can produce or deal with 产量,生产力产量,生产力 All factories are working at full capacity.The company has the capacity to build 1,500 trucks a year.To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading I attended the meeti

63、ng in my capacity as chairman of the safety committee. 4. singular someones job, position or duty 职位,身份职位,身份Back to the TextRollins will be working in an advisory capacity on this project.Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading appreciate v. Word Study1. (not used in the progressive tenses) to r

64、ecognize the good qualities of sb./sth. 欣赏,赏识欣赏,赏识His talents are not fully appreciated in that company.Im not an expert, but I appreciate fine works of art.2. to thank someone or be grateful for something they have done 感激,感谢感激,感谢I would appreciate it if you would accept my request.We would appreci

65、ate you letting us know of any problems.To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading 3. (not used in the progressive tenses) to understand or realize how serious a situation or problem is or what someones feelings are 意识到,懂得意识到,懂得I dont think you appreciate how expensive it will be.We

66、didnt fully appreciate that he was seriously ill.Back to the TextHe didnt fully appreciate the significance of signing the contract.Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading in a way Word StudyThe word “way” means the manner or style in which someone does something or in which something happens. O

67、ther phrases with the same meaning are as follows: in a manner, in a fashion (以以方式方式).Maria got up and took a shower in a leisurely way.I had hoped you would behave in a more responsive manner.Please leave the building in an orderly fashion.Back to the TextPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading

68、 Word Studycall for1. to need or deserve a particular type of behavior or treatment 需要需要The situation calls for prompt action. Dealing with the children who are damaged calls for immense tact and sensitivity.2. if a group of people calls for something, they ask publicly for something to be done 要求要求

69、Human Rights groups are calling for the release of political prisoners.The opposition have called for him to resign.To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading 1. call off cancel 取消或放弃取消或放弃cf. call off a deal/picnic/engagement 2. call on + sb. & call at + a place visit 拜访;去某人家拜访;去某人家

70、Lets call on John. = Lets call at Johns house. 3. call on/upon sb. to do sth. appeal or urge sb. to do sth. 恳求或促使某人(做某恳求或促使某人(做某事)事)The UN has called on both sides to observe the ceasefire.Back to the TextPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading care about Word StudyThe only thing he seems to car

71、e about is money.Dont you care about your future?to feel that sth. is important and worth worrying about 感兴趣或关心感兴趣或关心care for cf.1. take care of 照顾照顾The nurses had cared for him while he was sick. 2. like/love(用于否定句或疑问句)对某人某事物爱好或喜爱用于否定句或疑问句)对某人某事物爱好或喜爱Im fond of her, but I dont care for her husband.

72、 Back to the TextPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading see as Word Studyconsider someone or something in a particular way, or as having particular qualities 把把看作看作I see the job as a challenge.He saw himself as a failure.The peace talks are seen as a sign of hope.Back to the TextOther phrases s

73、imilar to this one are as follows: view as, think of as, consider as, regard as Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading inadequate adj.Word StudyThe parking facilities are inadequate for a busy shopping center.The food supplies are inadequate to meet the needs of the hungry.1. not good enough, b

74、ig enough, skilled enough etc. for a particular purpose 不充分的;不足的;不够好的不充分的;不足的;不够好的To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading 2. someone who feels inadequate thinks other people are better, more skillful, more intelligent etc. than they are 不足胜任的不足胜任的She is so excellent that she made

75、us feel inadequate.I feel totally inadequate as a parent.Back to the TextPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading manipulate v. Word Study1. (derog) to control or influence cleverly, unfairly for ones own purpose 操纵,控制,影响操纵,控制,影响She uses her charm to manipulate people.Some parents manipulate thei

76、r child into seeking fame.2. handle, operate with skill (熟练地)操作,使用熟练地)操作,使用 The workmen manipulated some knobs and levers.This software is designed to store and manipulate data.Back to the TextPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading live up to Word Studydo as well as or be as good as others expe

77、ct you to 符合符合(标准);不负(盛名);履行(诺言)(标准);不负(盛名);履行(诺言) The bank is insolvent and will be unable to live up to its obligations. 这家银行破产了,将不能履行它的义务。这家银行破产了,将不能履行它的义务。Back to the TextThey never fail to live up to their parents expectations.她们从未辜负她们父母的期望。她们从未辜负她们父母的期望。Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Read

78、ing Word Studychannel into/to control and direct something such as money or energy towards a particular purpose 把(精力等)贯注于把(精力等)贯注于Most of her energy was channeled into her career.Profits are channeled to conservation groups. He channels his aggression into sport. Back to the TextPart Two: In-Class R

79、eading Detailed Reading Do you consider yourself a winner? What do you need to become a winner?Directions: Work in groups to discuss the following questions.Group DiscussionWhat characteristics do winners or losers have?Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Sample Winners: Winners are independ

80、ent. They seldom imitate others. Though they learn from others, they make their own decisions. Winners are confident. Only when people believe they could do something well will they have a chance to succeed.Winners are always energetic. They have great passion for people around them and are interest

81、ed in everything they do. To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Losers:Losers are very dependent. They always expect others to help them. Losers have low self-esteem and always think they are inadequate. Losers are passive. They always follow others. They seldom try to form thei

82、r own opinions. Losers are always afraid of being laughed at by others, so they almost never take any risk.To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading SampleNo. I dont think I am a winner. I am too shy and dont have enough confidence. For example, I dont dare to speak in front of othe

83、rs. I need some encouragement to gain more confidence and have to try my best to become a winner. I dont consider myself a winner, but I never think I am or will be a loser. I have my personal goals and will work hard to reach them. Some day when I have a lot of money, a brilliant wife and some heal

84、thy children, I will become a winner.To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading I think I am a winner. I was born and brought up in a small village. I am the first person in our village to enter a university. Ive been a good student and have many good friends. Though I am not the bes

85、t in my class, I am always confident and know what I should do and what I shouldnt do. So far I consider myself a winner.Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Directions: You have been studying in university for more than a half year. Work in pairs and discuss with your partner the following q

86、uestion:Pair Work What personal qualities are likely to make a successful university student?Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Sample Qualities of a successful studentA. being flexible and being able to adjust to the college life quickly,B. being able to set a reasonable goal,C. being self

87、-disciplined and strong-willed,D. being inquisitive, active and aggressive,E. being confident and having a positive outlook on life,F. having the capacity for independent thought,G. being good at dealing with personal problems. To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Qualities of

88、an unsuccessful studentA. being rigid and unable to adapt to the college life,B. lacking self discipline and being weak-willed,C. lacking inquisitiveness,D. being passive,E. being pessimistic and lacking self-confidence,F. lacking creativity and avoiding taking risks frequently,G. being poor in deal

89、ing with interpersonal relationships.Back to the Back to the TopicTopicPart Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Post-Reading Translation Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading Word Formation Useful Phrases Word Meaning Paragraph Development Contrast is often used to show the differences between

90、two or more items. The typical structure used in contrasts, is “parallelism”, and it is usually supported by “signposts”:Parallelism Two items are contrasted systematically, either: feature by feature, or by describing one item first, listing the different features, then describing the other item an

91、d listing the different features in the same order as they were listed in the description of the first item.To be continued1. Paragraph DevelopmentContrastPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading These are words or phrases which mark the contrast. Often they are conjunctions such as: “while”, “howeve

92、r”, “but”, “instead”, “whereas”, “nonetheless”, “although”, “though”. But often they are phrases, such as: “on one hand, on the other hand”, “on the contrary”, “by contrast (to/with)”, “in contrast (to/with)”, “instead of ”SignpostsPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-ReadingTask 1Scan the whole passage

93、and identify the signposts which mark the contrast.Instead a winner is one who responds genuinely by trustworthy and responsive, both as an individual and as a member of a society. (Para.2)However, once a person has the capacity to be a winner, his chances are greater for becoming even more so. (Par

94、a.3)He listens to others, evaluates what they say, but comes to his own conclusion. (Para.5)Instead, he tries to manipulate them into living up to his expectations and channels his energies into living up to their expectations. (Para.10)Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-ReadingTask 2Read the following

95、 paragraphs and underline the signposts which mark the contrast. The common cold and the flu are both caused by viruses. More than 200 viruses can cause cold symptoms, while the flu is caused by three virusesflu A, B and C. There is no cure for either illness, but the flu can be prevented by the flu

96、 vaccine, which is, for most people, the best way to fight the flu, according to the American Lung Association. But if the flu does strike, quick action can help. Although the flu and common cold have many similarities, there are some obvious signs to look for._To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Read

97、ing Post-Reading_ Cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose and scratchy throat typically develop gradually, and adults and teens often do not get a fever. On the other hand, fever is_one of the characteristic features of the flu for all ages. And in general, flu symptoms including fever and chi

98、lls, sore throat and body aches come on suddenly and are more severe than cold symptoms.Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading2. Word MeaningDirections: Read the following pairs of sentences carefully and discuss with your partner how the same word is used with different meanings in each pair.1) ap

99、preciateA. We really appreciate all the help you gave us last weekend.B. Her abilities are not fully appreciated by her employer.A. be thankful or grateful for 感激感激B. recognize and enjoy the good qualities or worth of 欣赏,赏识欣赏,赏识To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading2) capacityA. This

100、 bottle has a capacity of 5 gallons.B. Her capacity to remember facts is surprising.A. the amount that something can hold or contain 容容 量,容积,容纳力量,容积,容纳力B. ability or power 能力,才能,力量能力,才能,力量To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading3) channelA. Turn to a different channelI dont like this p

101、rogram.B. A lot of money has been channeled into research in that particular field.A. n. a particular television station 频道频道B. v. direct something towards a particular purpose 把把导向,引导,集中导向,引导,集中To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading4) contributeA. He felt he wanted to contribute som

102、ething to the city that has given so much to him.B. Hard work and honesty contributed to his success.A. join with others in giving 捐献,捐赠,贡献出捐献,捐赠,贡献出B. help in causing a situation, event, or condition 有助于,促成有助于,促成To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading5) flexibleA. Dancers need to be

103、very flexible.B. Weve decided to go to the cinema today, but we can be flexible and go another day.A. that can bend or be bent easily 有弹性的,柔韧的有弹性的,柔韧的B. that can change or be changed to be suitable for new needs 灵活的,可变通的灵活的,可变通的To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading6) guiltA. The man

104、 admitted his guilt to the police.B. She was filled with feelings of guilt and shame over what she had done.A. the fact of having broken a moral rule or official law 罪,罪行罪,罪行B. the feelings produced by knowledge or belief that one has done wrong 内疚,自责,悔恨内疚,自责,悔恨To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Read

105、ing Post-Reading7) potentialA. A number of potential buyers have shown interest in the company.B. I dont feel Im achieving my full potential in my present job.A. adj. likely to develop into a particular type of person or thing in the future 潜在的,可能的潜在的,可能的B. n. the inherent ability for growth and dev

106、elopment 潜力,潜能潜力,潜能To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading8) rigidA. Rubber can be very rigid when frozen.B. The government has rigid laws about paying taxes.A. stiff, not easy to bend 硬的,不易弯曲的硬的,不易弯曲的B. firm or fixed, difficult to change or unwilling to change 严格的,刻板的严格的,刻板的Part Two:

107、 In-Class Reading Post-Reading3. Word Formationachieve expectdepend limitcruel uniquegenuine respondaware disappointcapable behaveDirections: Change the following words into nouns. Then choose appropriate nouns to complete the sentences below.achievementexpectationdisappointmentawarenessdependenceli

108、mitation/limitcrueltyuniquenessgenuinenessresponsecapabilitybehaviorPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading1) They had great for their daughter, but she didnt really live up to them.2) The problem with Luis is that he doesnt know his he just assumes he can do everything.3) No one doubts her for the

109、job.4) She was so proud of her of learning Russian that she rewarded herself with a trip to Moscow.5) The meeting was called in to a request from India.expectationslimitationscapabilityachievementresponseTo be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading6) From the newspaper article we gained a(

110、n) _ of other peoples problems.7) He was well-known for his violent and threatening .8) To his great he failed to get the job.9) His to his dog by beating and not feeding it is sad.10) Janes on Mike for a ride to work was a problem when Mike took a vacation.awarenessbehaviordisappointmentcrueltydepe

111、ndencePart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading4. Useful Phrasesrefer to as separate from call for see as unaware of contribute to hold back enter into live up to channel into Directions: Complete the following sentences with an appropriate phrase in the box. Change the form if necessary.1) He politic

112、s as a hobby.2) She all her energies taking care of her children.3) Our bosss attitude workers who want a promotion (晋级晋级).entered intochanneledintoheld back / holds backTo be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading4) I cannot believe that you were quite my growing affection (感情感情) for you.

113、5) The capacity to think humans animals.6) Marcia has him a dear friend. 7) The film has certainly my expectations.unaware ofseparatesfromreferred toasrefer to as separate from call for see as unaware of contribute to hold back enter into live up tolived up toTo be continuedPart Two: In-Class Readin

114、g Post-Reading8) This situation immediate action.9) Alcohol 100,000 deaths a year in the U.S.10) He himself a failure. called forcontributes tosees/sawasrefer to as separate from call for see as unaware of contribute to hold back enter into live up toPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading5. Transla

115、tionDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using expressions in brackets. 1) 缺乏信心导致了他的失败。缺乏信心导致了他的失败。(contribute to)Lack of confidence contributed to his failure.2) 面面对对严严重重的的疾疾病病,她她表表现现出出了了巨巨大大的的勇勇气气。(in the face of)She has shown great courage in the face of her serious illness

116、.3) 我们得出结论,她讲的是真话。我们得出结论,她讲的是真话。(come to)We came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth.To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading4) 他的秘书没有告诉他那次会议的情况。他的秘书没有告诉他那次会议的情况。(fail to)His secretary failed to tell him about the meeting.5) 学习语言不仅仅是记单词的问题。学习语言不仅仅是记单词的问题。(a matter of)Learn

117、ing languages isnt just a matter of memorizing words.6) 她一旦决定了什么事,没有人能阻止她。她一旦决定了什么事,没有人能阻止她。(hold back)Once she has made her decision, no one can hold her back.To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-ReadingThe scientist referred to the discovery as the most exciting new development in this field.8) 这位科学家称这一发现为这个领域中最令人兴奋的新发展。这位科学家称这一发现为这个领域中最令人兴奋的新发展。(refer to as)Itll be difficult to live up to the standards set by our captain.7) 要符合我们船长定的标准将会很困难。要符合我们船长定的标准将会很困难。(live up to)Go to After-Class ReadingEnd of In-Class ReadingPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading



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