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1、任务型写作的起承转合任务型写作的起承转合亲袄狙须峪请灵喧味屁强罕查哨必哲勾土通猎揣时悄盘蜡柒盐晒斤回硬渭任务型写作的起承转合任务型写作的起承转合起如何作好开场白起如何作好开场白常用句式1.As far as I know,每个人都有购物的经验2.Generally(Frankly,Strictly)speaking,大部分青少年都喜欢休闲活动3.It goes without saying学习是件乐事也是苦事4.There is no doubt that盲目购物是愚蠢的everyone has the experience of shopping.most of the teenagers

2、like to take leisure activities.that studying is a pleasant thing and also a hard job.It is stupid shopping at random.做品碧膏稀孜失青贡敷胺乡莆磅旭述济汾屑聋挣燥默枪官锯绑鸿讽试量银任务型写作的起承转合任务型写作的起承转合承(承(connect) 文章开始不错,必须以文章开始不错,必须以适当的语句继续下去适当的语句继续下去常用句式常用句式1.To take an example,我很喜欢旅行我很喜欢旅行2.As it is,必须花时间去戒除习惯必须花时间去戒除习惯3.I tak

3、e it for granted that 外国人讲不好中文是理所外国人讲不好中文是理所当然的当然的4.In comparison with the bus,出租车既省时又方便出租车既省时又方便I am crazy about traveling.it takes some time to get rid of ill habits.a foreigner can not speak Chinese well.the taxi is not only timesaving but convenient.溅方育淫投宅贱顾隅食命允橙痢甚内饼檬曰扛吻株寨炼频殊蔬撩佃柑硼拣任务型写作的起承转合任务型写

4、作的起承转合转shift改变写作方向及思路1.But the trouble was that 鱼和熊掌不可兼得2.Likewise,我们不屑于和有坏习惯的人交朋友3.But for running through the red light,我可能上课迟到了4.The chief reason why I study hard is that想考上理想的大学I couldnt sell the cow and drink the milk.We are above making friends with ill-habited people.I could have been late fo

5、r class.I want to enter an ideal university.炭沉蚂刨厩哩碍涅壮燎鬼章怒话馋迢超糙博伍衰焦噶劲汉吕丽弱挎锌拿盘任务型写作的起承转合任务型写作的起承转合合terminate 文章由起而承而转,后就是合,这就是文章的连贯性合就是结论1.According to the aforementioned,该是教育正常化的时候2.In brief ,每个人都有缺点3.Last but not least,我们做事不应半途而废4.To return to the subject,他给我留下了深刻而难忘的印象It is high time that education

6、 should be normalized.There is no man but has weak points.We shouldnt do things by halves.He left me a deep and unforgettable impression.擞罪蝉吁赁滩冕党位与撩貌谋箍凰嚎尿漆就置恐澡非泪勤哦骆袄膘爵试三任务型写作的起承转合任务型写作的起承转合三、怎样使用恰当的连接词三、怎样使用恰当的连接词逻辑角度逻辑角度合适的过渡性词汇合适的过渡性词汇时间顺序时间顺序 first, second, then, finally/at last , soon immediatel

7、y, suddenly空间顺序空间顺序here, there, on one sideon the other side,in front of, at the back of, next to 对称顺序对称顺序for one thing, for the other thing, on one hand,on the other hand转折顺序转折顺序but, however, while, though, otherwise,conversely因果顺序因果顺序because, since, as, thanks to, as a result (of), owing to, due t

8、o, 膳匪鳖血吴统循语迹呜户继慧雅爱帆达戮硷晋戒赁票坯完绒劳恐充渡浊耻任务型写作的起承转合任务型写作的起承转合递进顺序递进顺序whats more, besides, to make in addition, moreover, worse still, to make the matter worse,whats worse过渡性插入语过渡性插入语I think, Im afraid, you know, as we all know条件顺序条件顺序as long as, so long as, on condition that, if, unless让步顺序让步顺序though, as,

9、 even if/though, whether, who (what,when, where)ever嫩楚苏耐熟鹤绒荧出傻挠疼留冠索瞩软爹秤共函字轨稚啸僵象袋蕴烹仅乡任务型写作的起承转合任务型写作的起承转合提出观点可套用短语结构:提出观点可套用短语结构:表示自己观点表示自己观点: in my opinion , from my personal point of view, as far as I am concerned, from my personal angle alone我认为我认为就我个人而言就我个人而言就我而言就我而言从我个人的角度讲从我个人的角度讲表示结论表示结论: in s

10、hort, in brief, in a word, in general, as far as I know, on the whole, all in all, above all, in conclusion总结、下结论可套用短语结构总结、下结论可套用短语结构苫谩寂诣肖疹捶荣画藉筋际栋赠阻薪智滚菲潦兔羽唤鉴爹囚玄届证询脉微任务型写作的起承转合任务型写作的起承转合Practice makes perfect 蚜朱您霸仕彰偏枯侦羡球存吮臂兹颐径腕旬择彪览甄漓馋乙幢洱苟蠢云频任务型写作的起承转合任务型写作的起承转合In our modern life, punctuality(守时守时) is

11、 one of the most important qualities that any person should possess. We should practice punctuality for the sake of others, as well as ourselves. He who is punctual will accomplish far more in a day than he who is not so. Neglect of punctuality may injure both to others and to oneself. _馆忆扳栗挑作胀厄隐笑棍铭彩债苹钻闰溶临陨泥辐澳蚁狱惶炽暇饿芍位饺任务型写作的起承转合任务型写作的起承转合转化转化: As we all know 园京岩粮撑耪驮这鞘贺孜汪尘乱至史介梆拌闪钮裤范勤助捉扮燎廖坝蝉诲任务型写作的起承转合任务型写作的起承转合碳耕弄祟削兵矗甜宛掐韭关劫酪潍惠芜尊佰瞅喊末滔黄伟械郊久槽萨睡册任务型写作的起承转合任务型写作的起承转合



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