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1、Eight Regional Cuisines in ChinaEight Regional Cuisines in China 中中国(zhn(zhn u)u)八大菜系八大菜系 第一页,共11页。China covers a large China covers a large territory and has many territory and has many nationalities, hence a nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food variety of Chinese food with different but

2、with different but fantastic and fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. mouthwatering flavor. Since Chinas local Since Chinas local dishes have their own dishes have their own typical characteristics, typical characteristics, generally, Chinese generally, Chinese food can be roughly food can be roughly

3、 divided into eight divided into eight regional cuisines, regional cuisines, which has been widely which has been widely accepted around.accepted around.第二页,共11页。SoupofTyphalatifolia(奶汤蒲菜)Braisedporkwithpreservedvegetableinsoyasauce(梅菜扣肉)Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cui

4、sine, clear, pure and not greasy(油腻(yun)的), is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness(香鲜酥软). Shallot(葱) and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features cle

5、ar and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong. 1.ShandongCuisine第三页,共11页。2024/7/25SichuanCuisineisoneofthemostfamousChinesecuisinesintheworld.Characterizedbyitsspicyandpungent(辛辣的)(辛辣的)flavor,Sichuancuisine,prolificoftastes,emphasizesontheuseofchili(红红辣椒)辣椒).Pepper(胡椒粉)(胡椒粉)andprickly



8、eing(煸)(煸),deep-frying(深炸)(深炸),braising,stewing(炖)(炖)andsteaming(蒸)(蒸).3.GuangdongCuisineBakedChickeninSalt(盐焗鸡)roastsucklingpig (烤乳猪)第五页,共11页。2024/7/25Consisting of Fuzhou Cuisine, Quanzhou Cuisine and Xiamen Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine is distinguished for its choice seafood, beautiful color and magic

9、 taste of sweet, sour, salty and savory. The most distinct features are their “pickled taste“(卤卤味味(lwi)). 4.FujianCuisineFotiaoqiang(佛跳墙) Facethreadpaste(面线糊) 第六页,共11页。2024/7/25JiangsuCuisine,alsocalledHuaiyangCuisine,ispopularinthelowerreachoftheYangtzeRiver.Aquaticsasthemainingredients,itstressest


11、豆腐)豆腐)Deep-FriedPhoenix-TailedPrawns(炸(炸凤凤尾尾(fnwi)虾虾)第七页,共11页。2024/7/25Winter melon (冬瓜(dnggu)盅)Comprising local cuisines Comprising local cuisines of Hangzhou, Ningbo and of Hangzhou, Ningbo and Shaoxing, Zhejiang Shaoxing, Zhejiang Cuisine, not greasy, wins Cuisine, not greasy, wins its reputation

12、 for its reputation for freshness, freshness, tenderness, softness, tenderness, softness, smoothness smoothness (鲜柔滑柔滑(ru (ru hu)hu)香)香)of its dishes with of its dishes with mellow mellow fragrance. Hangzhou fragrance. Hangzhou Cuisine is the most Cuisine is the most famous one among the famous one

13、among the three. three. 6.ZhejiangCuisineBraised Ham in Honey Sauce (蜜汁(m zh)火方)第八页,共11页。2024/7/25HunancuisineconsistsoflocalCuisinesofXiangjiangRegion,DongtingLakeandXiangxicoteau.Itcharacterizesitselfbythickandpungentflavor.Chili,pepperandshallotareusuallynecessariesinthisdivision. 7.HunancuisineC

14、hop bell pepper fish head (剁椒鱼头(y tu))FriedStewedBitterGourdwithPork(苦瓜(苦瓜(kgu)酿酿肉)肉)第九页,共11页。2024/7/25Huizhou Cuisine chefs focus much more Huizhou Cuisine chefs focus much more attention on the temperature in cooking and are attention on the temperature in cooking and are good at braising and stewing. Often hams and good at braising and stewing. Often hams and sugar candy will be added to improve taste.sugar candy will be added to improve taste.8.HuizhouCuisineTigerfurwithbeancurd(虎皮毛虎皮毛(pmo)豆腐)豆腐)Huizhoudumpling(徽州圆子徽州圆子(yunzi))第十页,共11页。ThanksForYourListening!第十一页,共11页。



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