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1、过去进行时过去进行时含义含义: 表示表示过过去去某某个时个时刻刻 正在正在进进行行的的动动作作。结构结构: was/were + doing例句例句:I was having an English class at this time yesterday. 现在现在进行时进行时含义含义: 表示表示现现在在 正在正在进进行行的的动动作作。结构结构: is/am/are + doing例句例句:I am having an English class. 过去进行时的疑问式过去进行时的疑问式 I wasnt having an English class at this time 过去进行时的否定式

2、过去进行时的否定式 Were you having an English class at this time.?Whats he doing now?What was he doing at three oclock yesterday afternoon?He football.was playingn n.He is playing football.n n What was she doing at seven oclock yesterday morning? SheWhats she doing ?Sheis running.was running. What are they d

3、oing now? TheyWhat were they doing at ten last night ?Theyare dancing.were dancing.shoutclimbWhat were they doing when you saw them?jumpfollowpracticeWhen I He was doingWhen I called him up, it was sleeping.While I He was doingWhile I was sleeping, he was eating.When it He was doingWhen it walked on

4、 the street he was eating.When they I didWhile they were fighting with each other I slept.比较比较 “when” and “while”1.when “当当.时候时候” 后面跟的动作后面跟的动作不延续不延续, 常跟一般过去时常跟一般过去时When the UFO took off, the boy was taking photos1.while “当当.时候时候” 后面跟的动作延续后面跟的动作延续, 常跟过去进行时常跟过去进行时While the boy was taking photos, the U

5、FO took off, Target Language:比较比较 “when” and “while”2. When the UFO landed, the boy was walking down the street. While the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed 1. When the alien got out, the girl was shopping. While the girl was shopping, the alien got out. Target Language:=ExercisesFill

6、with “While” or “When”1._ May was talking on the phone, her sister walked in. 2._ Rita bought her new dog, it was wearing a little coat.3._ I saw Carlos, he was wearing a green shirt.4._ I was dancing, he was singing loudly.5. _ Linda finally saw Davy , he was jumping with a dog .6. I was cleaning m

7、y room _ the fire broke out .WhenWhileWhileWhenWhenwhenFill in the blanks with “while” and “when”.1. Tom was eating supper, it began to rain outside.2. What were you doing, Mr. Zhou came in?3. Peter was sleeping, a thief broke into his house.4. She left her hometown she was five.whenwhenWhileWhile1

8、pick up 接电话接电话“Why dont you pick up my phone “, he asked angrily.2 strange adj. 奇怪的奇怪的 stranger n.陌陌生人生人The stranger said something strange and then left.3 With no light outside , it felt like midnight.外面没有光亮,感觉就象半夜一样。外面没有光亮,感觉就象半夜一样。Icantworkwithallthatnoisegoingon.由于由于4 Bens dadwhile his mom was m

9、aking sure the flashlights and radio were working.本的爸爸。同时他妈妈在确认手电和收音本的爸爸。同时他妈妈在确认手电和收音机能正常使用。机能正常使用。Tomisoutgoingwhilehissisterisshy.然而MakesureyouturnofftheTVbeforeyouleavethehouse.确认确保Mybrainisntworkingwellnow.运作运转5 beat v. beat 敲打敲打 打败打败Therewasdeadsilencebutforaflybeatingagainsttheglass.He beat h

10、er at chess.6 fall asleep 睡着睡着He was too tired ,as soon as he lay down he fall asleep.7 die down 逐渐变弱逐渐变弱Theshoutingoutsidesuddenlybegantodiedown.8 rise v. 升起升起The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.9 fallen adj. 落下的落下的 fall fellHe fell down from the tree. The fallen leaves are everywhere.10

11、 apart adv.分开分开Afterarguingseveraltimes,theymovedapart.Were blowingwas putting pieces of wood over the windowswas helping his mother make dinnerfell asleepwas dying down1 . While John was playing the piano, Mary left the house.John was playing the piano when Mary left the house.2. While John was cle

12、aning the room, Mary turned on the radio.John was cleaning the room when Mary turned on the radio.3. While John was shopping, Mary took the car to the car wash.John was shopping when Mary took the car to the car wash. WhilewaswasWhileWhenwaswaswereWhat was he doing when they swam in the water ?He wa

13、s doing homework.He was talking on the phone while they were swimming. happened an accident P: What were you doing when the accident happened? A: I was riding my bike when the accident happened.B:C:1 completely adv.完全地完全地complete adj.“He completely believe my words.2 in silence 沉默沉默After arguing wit

14、h each other , both of them are in silence.3 recently adv. 最近最近 recent adj.What have you done recently?4 most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was taken by terrorists.绝大多数美国人都记得纽约世贸中心被恐绝大多数美国人都记得纽约世贸中心被恐怖分子摧毁时他们在做什么。怖分子摧毁时他们在做什么。take down 摧毁摧毁“They are

15、talking about how to take that wall down.n5 terrorist n.n恐怖分子恐怖分子nThe man is a terrorist.6 She remembers working in her office near the two towers.她记得当时自己正在距两座塔楼不远的办她记得当时自己正在距两座塔楼不远的办公室工作。公室工作。remember (sb) doing sth 记得(某人)曾经做过某事记得(某人)曾经做过某事I dont remember seeing him anywhere.I remember my father br

16、inging home a large Christmas tree.FFTNGT4aUsethesepicturestowriteastory. One day a girl was going to the park at 11:00 in the morning. She put her bike near the sea. She saw two boys swimming in the sea. At 11:15, while she was sitting, a thief took her bike away. A moment later, she found her bike

17、 was lost. Then she called the police.While He Yan was at the doctors, I was going to the class. While she was having English class, I was having a test. While she was having lunch with her mother, I was playing in the park. While she was visiting her aunt in hospital, I was studying in the classroo

18、m. While she was going shopping, I was going home.9:009:30at the doctors10:0011:00had English class12:001:00had lunch with her mother2:003: 30visited aunt in hospital4:005:00went shopping2.Look at what He Yan did yesterday. Write what you were doing at these times.WhileWhenWhenWhileWhilejoinedpracti

19、cedcamehelparrivedwascalledwentstartedwas playingsatwaitedheardbeatwonwas1.此时你正在干什么?此时你正在干什么?What are you doing now / at the moment?Im talking with my best friend on the phone.He is helping his mom sweep the floor.Its raining heavily.2.我正和最好的朋友在聊电话呢。我正和最好的朋友在聊电话呢。3.他正帮妈妈扫地呢。他正帮妈妈扫地呢。4.天正下着大雨。天正下着大雨。

20、ExercisesFill with “While” or “When”1._ May was talking on the phone, her sister walked in. 2._ Rita bought her new dog, it was wearing a little coat.3._ I saw Carlos, he was wearing a green shirt.4._ I was dancing, he was singing loudly.5. _ Linda finally saw Davy , he was jumping with a dog .6. I

21、was cleaning my room _ the fire broke out .WhenWhileWhileWhenWhenwhen HomeworkFill with “While” or “When”1._ May was talking on the phone, her sister walked in. 2._ Rita bought her new dog, it was wearing a little coat.3._ I saw Carlos, he was wearing a green shirt.WhenWhileWhenn4._Iwasdancing,hewas

22、singingloudly.n5._LindafinallysawDavy,hewasjumpingwithadog.n6.Iwascleaningmyroom_thefirebrokeout.WhileWhenwhen3. 根据所给中文,完成句子翻译。根据所给中文,完成句子翻译。 (2009辽宁朝阳辽宁朝阳)当我到家的时候,妈妈正在厨房做饭。当我到家的时候,妈妈正在厨房做饭。_4. What were you doing when I called you at 8 oclock yesterday? I _ the violin at that time. (2010年江苏淮安年江苏淮安)

23、 A. play B. is playing C. played D. was playingWhen I got / arrived home, my mother was cooking in the kitchen.5. It _ heavily when I left the cinema. (2010年北京年北京) A. rains B. will rain C. is raining D. was raining6. I _ my clothes, and the phone rang. (2010年河北年河北) A. wash B. washed C. am washing D.

24、 was washing7. My brother came back home while I _ homework. (2010年四川内江年四川内江) A. am doing B. were doing C. was doing8. Did you watch the football match yesterday? Yes, I did. You know, my brother _ in the match. (2010年四川自贡年四川自贡) A. is playing B. was playing C. will play9. I _ the charity show on TV

25、when the telephone rang. (2010年江苏宿迁年江苏宿迁) A. watch B. watched C. am watching D. was watching 10. Peter likes reading a newspaper _ he is having breakfast. (2010年河北年河北) A. until B. while C. because D. though 11. Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4206 _ at 18:20. (2010年四川乐山年四川乐山) A. takes off B.

26、 took off C. will be taken off12. Listening is just as _ as speaking in language learning. (2010年上海年上海) A. important B. more important C. most important D. the most important4. A great meeting about weather change _ in Copenhagen (哥本哈根哥本哈根) in December, 2009. (2010年山东临沂年山东临沂) A. took place B. took p

27、ride C. took care D. took after1. The station was crowded and Linda couldnt see Davy anywhere.【选词填空选词填空】选用选用somewhere, anywhere填空。填空。I dont go _ in this big city yet.【用法透析用法透析】anywhere作副词,表示作副词,表示“在(或往)任何在(或往)任何地方地方”,常用于否定句和疑问句。在肯定,常用于否定句和疑问句。在肯定句中一般用句中一般用somewhere,表示,表示“某个地方某个地方”。I know somewhere y

28、ou can eat Japanesefood.anywhere2. She didnt think about looking outside the station.【词形变换词形变换】They are thinking about _ (move)to another city this year.【用法透析用法透析】think about表示表示“思考、考虑思考、考虑”。后面可。后面可接接名词、动词名词、动词-ing形式。形式。如:如:Im thinking about the math problemnow.moving1.What_you_whenshecamein?A.did,d

29、oB.are,doingC.do,doD.were,doing2.Thegirlisill.Shes_.A.inhospitalB.inthehospitalC.athospitalD.atthehospital3.Thepatients(病人)arewaiting_.A.atthedoctorB.atthedoctorsC.inthedoctorD.indoctorsChoose the best answer.4.WherewasDavy_Lindawaslookingforhim?A.thatB.whileC.atD.where5.Theyarethinkingabout_thepoor




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